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NCM 100 LECTURE FINAL EXAMINATION ======================================================

NAME: _____________________ Year and Sec: ______________ Test I. Multiple choice: READ EACH QUESTIONS CAREFULLY AND ENCIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1. Nurse Cathy was new in the unit. Her supervisor nurse asks her about when should be the appropriate time to assess the clients vital sign. She will be correct if she states which of the following? A. Before and after any nursing procedures that could affect the vital signs B. When the clients reports symptoms such as chest pain and feeling hot C. Before and after the administration of a medication D. All of these 2. All but which of the condition is a condition which can results to hypothermia? 1. Exposure to a cold environment 2. Lack of adequate clothing, shelter, or heat 3. Immersion in cold water 4. Decreased ,metabolic rate A. All of these B. 1,2 only C. None of these D. 3 only D. Extreme in environmental temperature can affect a persons temperature 5. Yuuji was about to demonstrate the taking of temperature. His clinical instructor ask him about the different route if temperature taking. He will be incorrect if he states which of these? A. Oral temperature route is the most accessible and convenient B. Rectal is the most reliable measurement C. Axillary is the most invasive route D. Tympanic is readily available and measures the core temperature 6. Which of the following is a correct technique in doing surgical hand washing? A. Wet the hands and forearm under the running water, letting it run from the fingertips to elbow B. After washing and rinsing use towel to dry one hand thoroughly in rotating from elbow t fingertips C. Use firm, rubbing and circular movement from fingertip to elbow keeping the hands lower than elbow D. Apply the soap and wash but hold the hands lower than elbow 7. Gloves are worn to decrease the risk of exposure to potentially infective materials. All but which of the following is not incorrect? A. They protect the hand s when the nurse is likely to handle any body substance B. Gloves reduce the likelihood of nurses transmitting their own endogenous microorganism C. Gloves reduce the chance that the nurses hand will transmit microorganism from client or a fomite to another client D. None of these 8. Which of the following action of the nurse when removing the mask is appropriate? DATE: _________________

3. The clients temperature at 8:00 AM using an oral electronic thermometer is 36.1 . If the respiration is normal, pulse, and blood pressure are within normal range, what would the nurse do next?

A. Wait 15 minutes and retake it B. Check the clients temperature was the
last time

C. Retake using another thermometer D. Chart the temperature; it is normal

4. The nurse notes that the following factors may affect the bodys temperature. Which of the following is incorrect? A. As the basal metabolic rate increase the bodys heat production increases B. Muscle activity including shivering increase the metabolic rate C. Hard work or strenuous activity ma decrease the bodys temperature

A. If using a mask with strings, first untie the lower strings of the mask B. If using a mask with strings, first untie the upper strings of the mask C. Do not touch the inside of the mask D. Nurse may touch the front of the mask 9. Donning gloves may be done by the open method. This is the most frequent used. Chelsea is about don gloves, which is of the following is inappropriate? A. Place the gloves on a clean dry surface B. Put the gloves on the dominant hand C. When inserting the hand into the gloves always keep your thumb as far as possible against the hand. D. When inserting the hands into he gloves always keep your thumb against the palm of the hands 10. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the infectious process? 1. Etiologic Agent 2. Reservoir 3. Portal of Entry 4. Portal of Exit 5. Host 6. Methods of Transmission A. 1,2,3,4,5,6 C. 1,2,4,6,3,5 B. 3,2,14,5,6 D. 1,2,6,5,3,4 11. The following intervention will break the chain of infection. Which is the most important method of breaking the chain and preventing transmission of microorganism? A. Gloving C. vaccination B. Gowning D. Hand washing 12. How will the nurse break the chain of infection from the reservoir to prevent exiting from the source? 1. Dispose of feces and urine in appropriate receptacle 2. Empty suction and drainage bottle at the end of each shift or before becoming full 3. Assist the client to carry out appropriate skin and oral hygiene 4. Wear PPE in all nurse patient contact A. All of these B. 1,2 only C. None of these D. 3 only

B. Nosocomial infection can either develop during a clients stay in a facility or manifest after discharge C. Nosocomial infection can also develop if he client stays at home during the course of illness D. Nosocomial microorganism may also be acquired by health care personnel 14. Clients who are severely compromises include those who; A. Have disease, such as leukemia that depress the clients resistance B. Have been injected with vaccine C. Have an intact and sooth skin D. Have been taking enough vitamin supplement 15. Which of the following measure cannot reduce the persons susceptibility? A. Good oral hygiene including flossing reduce the like hood of an oral infection B. Fluid intake permits fluid output that flushes out the bladder C. Taking over the counter antibiotic preparation D. Adequate sleep 16. Diurnal variation affects the bodys temperature. It is describe as; A. The highest temperature is usually reached between 4:00PM and 6:00PM. And the lowest point is reached during asleep B. Women experience more hormones fluctuation than men C. Extreme in environmental temperature affects a person temperature regulation D. The higher the BMR the higher the temperature 17. Which of the following is not a clinical manifestation of fever? A. Pale, cool, waxy skin B. Increased heart rate C. Skin that feels warm D. Malaise, weakness and aching muscle 18. The following are appropriate nursing intervention for client with hypothermia includes except; A. Provide warm environment B. TSB C. Apply warm pads D. Cover the clients head with cap or turban 19. Cristina is about to take the pulse of a 3 year old child. Where should she take the pulse? A. Carotid C. Apical B. Femoral D. Brachial

13. The clinical instructor asks a student about what is nosocomial infection. You will correct the student if he will state the following; A. Nosocomial infection are classified as infections that are associated with the delivery of health acre services in health care facility

20. An apical-radial pulse may need to be assessed for clients with certain cardiovascular disorders. Normally the apical radial pulse is; A. Identical B. Greater than radial pulse C. Lesser than the radial pulse D. Slightly elevated than radial 21. Any discrepancy in apical-radial pulse is described as; A. Pulse pressure B. Pulse deficit C. Pulse difference D. Pulsations 22. An apical-radial pulse can be taken by; A. A nurse alone B. Two nurse technique C. Nurse and dialectician D. Nurse and the pulse oximeter 23. Which of the following is considered during the assessment of pulse? A. Use the apical pulse for the heart rate of a newborn, infants and children 2 to 3 years B. Elders have decreased peripheral circulation C. When taking the pulse rate nurse need to note the rate rhythm and the force D. All of these 24. Respiration is the act of breathing. When checking the respiration nurse need to considered which of the following? A. An infant or child who is crying may need to be lay flat and counts the abdominal breathing B. Nurse can take the respiration for 30 seconds and multiply it by two C. Infants and young children use their diaphragm for inhalation and exhalation D. Observe the rise and fall of chest for newly admitted pedia patients 25. When taking a blood pressure using a stethoscope the nurse identifies phase in the series of sounds called; A. Lub Dub sound B. Korotkoff sounds C. Auscultatory gap D. Burburigmic sound 26. What is the rationale why nurses need to determine the palpatory prior to taking of the blood pressure? A. The initial estimate tells the nurse the maximal pressure to which the manometer needs to be elevated B. So that nurse will be confident in reading the pressure

C. To determine the Korotkoff sounds D. So that nurse will be able to estimate the diastolic pressure 27. All but which the following vital signs should not alarm the nurse? A. 140/100 mmhg B. 35 cycles per minute RR C. 145 bpm from little Jimboy D. 39.6 28. An 85 year old client had a stroke resulting in right-sided facial drooping, difficulty swallowing, and is unstable to move self. The nurse determines that which of the following sites is appropriate for taking the temperature? 1. Oral 5. Rectal 2. Axillary 4. Tympanic 3. Temporal A. Oral and Axilla B. Rectal and Oral C. Temporal, Axilla and tympanic D. Axilla only 29. Karen reports that his patient is having Dyspnea. The nurse is most likely to assessed which of the following? A. Coughing of blood B. Wheezing C. Deep labored breathing D. Breathing in an upright position 30. Nurse Karen placed the cuff just above the antecubital space. Shes about to take the BP of Mr. Luna which of the following is an inappropriate action of nurse Karen? A. Place the stethoscope just under the cuff to hold it B. Place the bell of the stethoscope to over the brachial pulse C. Wrap the cuff snugly and smoothly around the clients arm D. The elbow should be slightly flexed with the palm of the hand facing up and supported. 31. An objective way to gain information about a patient's physiological condition; include body temperature, heart rate, respirations, and blood pressure is known as; A. Tachycardia B. Tachypnea C. Vital Signs D. Pain 32. Nurse Eduard was about to obtain the body temperature of his patient, upon assessment he found out that his patient has just finished drinking her hot milk. What should he do then? A. Wait for thirty minutes before obtaining her body temperature

B. Obtain the patients temperature through the axilla if it is not contraindicated and not against the hospital policy C. Obtain her oral temperature at once D. Ask the client to drink cold liquids before placing the thermometer under her tongue 33. Upon donning the sterile gloves on both hands, the nurse must keep her hands: A. Parallel to the elbow B. Above the level of the elbow C. Below the waist level D. In any position 34. Which of the following aseptic technique best protects a nurse from contaminated blood and bodily fluids? A. Hand washing B. Gloving C. Wearing of mask D. Gowning 35. When doing open method of gloving, which hand should be gloved first? A. Dominant hand B. Left hand C. Non dominant hand D. Left or right 36. What part of the brain regulates the respiration? A. Hypothalamus B. Medulla oblongata C. Cerebellum D. Hind brain 37. It is the heat regulating center of the body. A. Hypothalamus B. Medulla oblongata C. Pons of the brain D. Cerebellum 38. In assessing the respiration rate for a client who is aware of it, the nurse must: A. Observe for the rise and fall of the chest B. Place a hand against the clients chest to feel for the clients chest movements C. Place the clients arm across the chest and observe the chest movement while supposedly taking the radial pulse D. b and c 39. The normal breathing rate of an adult ranges from: A. 16 20 breaths per minute B. 12 20 breaths per minute C. 20 to 40 breaths per minute D. 30 to 40 breaths per minute 40. When palpating for the apical pulse the nurse will: A. Place her index and middle finger on the chest of the client B. Use stethoscope and place the diaphragm on the 4th or 5th intercostals space

Use stethoscope and place it on the left side of the chest D. Use stethoscope and place its diaphragm on the 5th intercoastal space of the left chest C. 41. A sudden redness of the skin is known as a. Eyrthema b. Cyanosis c. Jaundice d. Pallor 42. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is a basic physiologic need after oxygen? a. Activity b. Safety c. Love d. Self esteem 43. A patient states that he has difficulty sleeping in the hospital because of noise. Which of the following would be an appropriate nursing action? a. Administer a sedative at bedtime, as ordered by the physician b. Ambulate the patient for 5 minutes before he retires c. Give the patient a glass of warm milk before bedtime d. Close the patient's door from 9pm to 7am 44. Constipation is a common problem for immobilized patients because of: a. Decreased peristalsis and positional discomfort b. An increased defacation reflex c. Decreased tightening of the anal sphincter d. Increased colon motility 45. Constipation is a common problem for immobilized patient because; a. Decreased peristalsis and position discomfort b. An increased defecation reflex c. Decrease tightening of the anal sphincter d. Increased colon motility 46. Constipation can be prevented by intake of food conductive to having a bowel movement. Which of the following foods leave little residue? a. Eggs b. Vegetables c. Bran cereals d. Fruits 47. Which of the following best explains WHO definition of health? a. It reflects concerns for individuals as a total person and places health in the context of environment b. It focuses on striving towards optimal functioning c. It is the complete, physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

d. It maintain balance or homeostasis 45. Which of the following individuals appears to have taken on the sick role? a. An obese clients states, I deserve to have a heart attack b. A mother is ill and says, I wont be able to make your lunch today c. A man with low back pain misses several physical appointments d. An elder states My horoscope says I will be well again 46. At what stage does a person comes to believe that something is wrong, and either someone significant mentions that the person looks unwell, or the person experience some discomforts such as pain, rash, cough, fever or bleeding. a. medical care contact b. dependent client role c. assumption of sick role d. symptoms experience 48. When the individual accepts the sick role and seeks confirmation from family and friends, what stage is it? A. Symptoms experience B. Assumption of sick role C. Dependent client role D. Medical care contact 49. Which of the following factors affects growth and development? a. Heredity c. Nutrition b. Environmental d. All of these 50. The following are the sequence of human development; a. Infancy, pre-school, schooler, toddlerhood, adolescent b. Infancy, toddlerhood, schooler, preschooler, adulthood c. Infancy, Toddlerhood, preschooler, Schooler, Adolescent d. Adolescent, Schooler, Preschool, Toddlerhood, Infancy 51. Which of the following action by a preschooler would suggest that his thinking is INCONSISTENT with normal preschooler growth and development? a. Refusal to play with real kids b. Talking and making sounds while playing c. Acting roles like superheroes d. Going to bee with favorite pillows 52. In personality development, the most important relationship is; a. Parent-Child c. Peers b. Siblings-Sibling d. Heterosexual 53. All but which of the following statement regarding growth and development is true? a. Growth is continuous process b. The tempo of growth and development is even to all individuals c. It occurs from cephalocaudal d. It occurs from proximodistal

Test II. Identify the following equipments.

Test III. Matching Type: Math the following examples into their correct level of prevention. Write only the letter. A- Primary B- Secondary C- Tertiary 1. Teaching self examination fro breast and testicular cancer

2. Referring a client who has had a colostomy to support group 3. Assessing the growth and development of children 4. Nursing assessments and care provided in home, hospital or other agency 5. Referring a client with a spinal cord injury to a rehabilitation center 6. Teaching a client who has diabetes to identify and prevent complications 7. Family planning services 8. Immunizations 9. Screening surveys and procedures of any type 10. Environmental sanitation 11. Health education about injury 12. Risk assessment for specific disease 13. Encourage regular medical and dental checkup 14. Exercise 15. Daily flossing and brushing 16. Taking iron for Anemia 17. Eating fruits and vegetable 18. Yearly mammogram 19. Vitamin C to increase protection from illness 20. Attending mothers class for pregnant mothers Test IV. Complete the Leavells Model and Briefly Explain.

Youve got to think about the big things while youre doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.

Prepared by: Mr. Jhessie L. Abella,RN,RM,MAN Instructor

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