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Zambia The Invasion of Kuwait Historical Security Council


The invasion of Kuwait began because of the accusations that Kuwait was slant drilling. Slant drilling refers to the use of directional drilling of non-vertical wells to steal oil from other pipelines. Iraq felt it was necessary to invade the territory as retaliation. On August 2nd, 1990 Iraq secretly invades a non-prepared Kuwait. With the enemy attacking through multiple entrances along with an army said to be over 1 million men strong, Kuwait was easily overthrown. There were also rumors that hd an army of over 65,000 heading straight for Saudi Arabia. This caused the US to cooperate with the United Nations to launch operation Desert Shield to protect their holdings in Saudi Arabia. The refugees were able to escape into countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia. An estimated 700,000 guest workers were flown out of Kuwait and 800,000 citizens were able to flee into the countries stated above. Some citizens were also able to fly to Egypt where they had a small village located there.

UN Involvement There were a total of 12 resolutions presented to the United Nations. Those ranged from August 2nd to November 29th. They include Resolution number 660,661,662,664,665,666,667,669,670,674,677,678. These resolutions were created to

force Iraq out of Kuwait. The United States as well sent troops to Saudi Arabia just in case Iraq decided to invade another country. The US also launched operation Desert Shield in which they attempted to gain 4 goals. They were the liberation of Kuwait, the restoration of Kuwaits government, the security and stability of Saudi Arabia and the gulf region, and lastly the protection of the United States citizens in those regions. Through the United States putting this issue on their shoulder, a compromise would be imminent. Iraq soon failed to meet with the requirements that the UN set for them and resulted in a 28-state military coalition to take out Iraqi troops. Resolution 687 required Hussein to then remove all weapons of mass destruction that was in his position and pay reparations to Kuwait. Country Policy Zambia, being a small African nation, cannot do anything directly to fix this issue along with assist on the refugee problem. Zambia though has had issues with border disputes in the past as well and understands the need for a safe and reasonable treaty that will favor Kuwait. Though we have not been severely attacked as Kuwait has today, Zambia has had our own share of attacks from neighboring countries, which has endangered our own citizens. We have been the country to be bullied and see ourselves as a Kuwait in our own personal eyes. Solutions The very first step necessary for this issue is definitely to deal with the refugees. The ordinary civilians need medical care, recourses, and transportation. In relation to those Kuwaiti citizens that are already residing in a different country, they must be cared for until Kuwait has been secured by the United Nations and allowed to travel back to

their homeland. In the end, large reparations in the form of money and equipment to be able to restore their economy is necessary as well as overseeing the Iraqi government and military in order to be fully confident that Iraq leaves Kuwait alone

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