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When I wrote about the Mark of the Beast I hadn't really thought about it and it wasn't like an epiphany

or anything like that, it was just a fact. I think that since prostitution is boasted by the willing participants as "the oldest profession" on earth, then it stands to reason that willing participation in prostitution is how we receive the Mark of the Beast because it seems to be the only evil that everyone has been exposed to throughout time. Late Night around 11:00 P.M. March 11, 2013 A Black guy with a beard, street theatre, began dropping change on the ground and exclaiming to me that I won't talk to him because he doesn't have enough money. 1 - It couldn't be that "I don't know him." Everyone isn't a prostitue actively soliciting strange males with fake smiles. 2- It couldn't be that he wasted his youth and substance on prostitutes and that he is not fit for normal women like me. Used by the same whores who males like him helped to have me kidnapped, raped, force bred and beaten. 3- It couldn't be that he is not willing or able to protect and provide for me like men are supposed to do for their women.

4- It couldn't be that he is too lazy and stupid to go to another country and learn another language to get himself another whore with the same mindset like the ones that he was used and abused by here. 5- It couldn't be that he now sees the truth about himself, but refuses to speak those words to me as loudly and obnoxiously as he did the accusations about me being materialistic or a gold digger. The whores are the gold diggers; it's their profession. 6- It couldn't be that I am not trying to be unequally yoked with a trick like him who refuses to acknowledge his ways are/were wrong. We have nothing in common for the simple fact that he and his type have no truth in them. 7- It couldn't be that he is gassed up thinking I'd be content with him just because I was once engaged to a Black man. I proved the Black female whores who chase White males wrong because there are good Black men and I found one who I had a lot in common with, once I decided to marry (for my children and my Sons didn't think he was good enough for me so I didn't marry him since they didn't want him as a stepfather). 8- It couldn't be that my Mother's advice to "pick my people" and not let them choose me was/is right.

I didn't choose any of those losers and I wouldn't have chosen a Black male, specifically because I am biracial. 9- It couldn't be that he doesn't have my best interests at heart and is only trying to use me and could never love or appreciate me. Someone Valli and the others can laugh about because they are so manly they refer to their discarded exes as "sloppy seconds" He is probrably one of the stupid male, sex beggars who she degrades and laughs at because she makes them tell her they'll "eat her vomit" (she's sadistic) just so they can have sex with the evil, ugly Black beast. 10- It couldn't be that he is trying to settle for me because his options are few. His or anyone elses options wouldn't have been limited to seeking foreign whores had they not tried to limit my options. 11- I couldn't be that he or any of the others hadn't established a meaninngful relationship with me and that he can't be introduced to me like normal people can. 12- It couldn't be that he is too socially inept to introduce himself to me. 13- It couldn't be that he is too used to prostitutes to have normal interactions with any normal women.

14- It couldn't be that I'm not interested in their race war because I don't hate anyone I guess he'll have to devolve like the others and seek out children as sex partners. There was a wild, unkempt, foreign, underage female whore in the supermarket gang stalking me yesterday. He should be able to get with her because she's third world wild and all he deserves. He'd better get with that future cow now before she blows up into the ball of fat or the sickly looking figure she'll wind up having. He'd better go and kiss their asses because he will never be anything except a loser simp. My Mother was right when she tried to get me to think like Lena Horne, who the stupid Black males worship even though she said a Black man can't do anything for her. *saw Lena Horne and she said hello to me, Harlem while en route to an interview, after leaving Uncle George's store. I don't think it was a coincidence I only gave the Black males consideration because Morris saved my life and that was all. I don't owe them anything because no one told him to try and make a housewife out of a whore!

Of they weren't so stupid, trying to make me the whipping girl, they could have benefited from my free will and good will towards them because of Morris. Unlike them, I am capable of gratitude, but they wanted what they wanted and are only now, thinking about what they really need as opposed to what they want. They got what they wanted and now they can see the folly in it. God's wrath is terrible and he loves to judge and judges everyday. Those retarded, spoiled Libras are not good judges or they wouldn't be slae to projecting their unresolved inner conflicts onto me. Which is comical to me because if they weren't so stupid and anti-social they would have benefited from me in ways they need now, but couldn't forsee beause tey were too busy getting drunk off of the blood of the martyrs and saints. Those ungrateful apes can just suffer and continue to beg whores because they will never and cn necer be anything to me because I have no communion with whores, pimps or tricks. *JoAnn Williams speaking about how easy she though it was to penetrate me (rape)

I think she loaned me the book Pimp by Iceburg Slim to warn me of what they ahd planned. They knew I didn't have the physical strength to fight those men off of me and they knew they had the police departments in league woth them and I'm supposed to feel bad about "their" bad choices and sexual perversions? I csn't feel bad about me and I don't have to feel anything for them at all. Losers and hacks at life. Congenital dependents who think they can deceive their way through their miserable esxitenaces. They only know degenerate behavior and can only guess at normal behavior and superior thinking. *my stolen intellectual property worth trillions of dollars and they can never repay me, but they'll pay, all of them will pay for an eternity which seems fair to me I would have invited my biological Father upstairs if that Black guy hadn't tried to clean it up for Vikki and Valli by saying "they are so cute at that age." There is/was nothing cute about those beasts and I won't play second fiddle to them for the affections of "MY" biological Father just because they wish he was theirs!

I doubt if they'd want the Thalassemia Minor I inherited from him! They hate gays and blackmail them, but they are so cute at that age? They can't stand him and he feels guilty, but I don't. He'll be in Hell because he refused to provide and protect me, not because he didn't make up to them what was already damaged anyway (Dot and Morris' marriage). Morris wasn't going to be in their lives and had moved on ( he had a child the same age as me with Louise). I owe nothing to because their lives were enhanced because "I" was born. They'd have no desire to be the whores they are if it weren't for their jealousy for me. Too weak to apologise or speak the truth, but I think I'll have them speak the truth 24/7 in Hell since they couldn't here and now. It will be a lovely part of their punishment and what they hate the most: The Truth about Me! He is most likely a throw away of my parents because they have sex with everyone, which may be why they all move away after their massive whoring around in NYC.

As if I trained for years to work in my professions; I worked so hard with my Thalassemia Minor just to have the retards take all of the credit AND money from me for MY talent they clearly don't have. Just because they are lack luster and try and mimic me and my outgoing personality. Losers with no personalities. The ungrateful apes really thought I was going to marry a Black man so they can murder him? Perhaps they should not have been so stupid to depend on people who don't know me just because they pretend to have access to me. I am glad at their apparent idiocy. I think they really thought they could pull it off only for the world to see right through the BS. Slanderers burdened with the lousy, unbelievable performence. I never cared that people were revolving around me like I'm the sun, since I pay for everything they ought to give me the honor of a Mother snce I nurture them more thsn their biological Mothers. Too bad for them because they just were shown, yet again that they are inferior and will stay inferior to me.

Jesters who I make amusing for me because they can't brainwash me with their insisting on trying to make me into a masochist or a lesbian or anything wlse I am not and never will nbe. They spoiled the loser apes who perform like the conditioned parasites they are. They are too funny. The apes are not competition for me and will never be because they are not my equals and ver will be. They are beneath me and always will be. I earned my high self esteem and I know my being born ricked their fake world with the reality of perfection that is me! 1974 While working at Salvation Army day camp as a camp counsellor a boy A little boy about 6 years old, Joshua, blond, curly hair, blue eyed boy that a Black female hated, but had to try and make me hate. I liked him and thought he put me in mind of me because of his quick wit. He resembled my biological Father and could be my half brother they wanted to keep me away from and wanted me to hate.

I suppose the guy in wood shop was related and the sanitation worker because they resemble Daddy Dearest. I would figure the Whites with their obsession with blond hair and blue eyes the Whote females would breed with him because he is gorgeous looking. O, am superior because I m gorgeous inside and outside. I was more concerned with my inside because of the Thalassemia Minor and double hernia operation aftercare. I was concerned with not being a malcontent like them, but discovered early that their lies and deception were a result of their self hatred and bad decisions due to their fantasies. The Black female counsellor who worked with his group really hated him, but I bet she serviced him sexually once he was older. 2000 fat, white girl cashier, super stop and shop in Meriden goes on and on about how pretty lil kim is and how she wished she looked like her. I knew she was a gang stalker and I thought lil kim looked ridiculous, but to that girl I guess she looked good. Clearly she was/is part of the redistribution of my assets.

I could care less about black females and whote girls whoring around are of the same ilk. Ugly females who are in on this thing with ugly males. The fat ugly white girls with bleached curly permed hair on the bus slandering a beautiful brunette in the same catholic schooll (unuforms) they called her (like the voodoo withcehes they are) ugly and a slut because they were jealous of her and letting me know they were still jealous of me even though they were so tupid to force breed me because I have Maternal inticncts and they dn't. Just something else for them to be jealous of. Superior offspring like myself and theirs are inferuior like them. Black market crack babies is all they deserve and add and adhd. It doesn't matter that they wanted and felt they needed to steal from me because they've never encountered truly generous people before. Their parents who never provided for them in the past were now able to off of the backs of the idiots who have withheld their admiration from me and desperately tried to replace me which they could not and will never be able to. I t just goes to show the world what they really are, artificial promotions.

I could have brought everyone in the world up to a standard of living that would be acceptable on first world levels, but they prefer to do things in their inferior way to express their unresolved inner conflicts like their Mothers raping them. The White males left their White frigid manipulative and retarded, inbred wives for the Black prostitutes who pretend to worship them only to be left to have sex with their sons. These Balck prostitutes learn about these perversions and are furious to discover they were only worshippeing losers who are not as good to them as the Black males they put on hold and use and abuse while chasing them and offering up destractions like raping and force breeding me. It's funny they want to make it about money when they stole from me and never tied to make amends because they are losers who are too immature to apologise. The idiots are all wrong and will never mature with their wild, retarded, inferior third world losers flopping at street theatre. Wanna be actors. I made it look easy and they have no talent whatsoever. *billie holiday's biography
great grand daughter of Irish slave master

cousin raped her she mistakenly killed her grandmother they, her irish relatives allowed her to be preyed upon by a gay looking exploitative mixed looking man. he was most likely the gay boyfriend of ther white male relatives. some scheme sing bred to be wild and brutal blacks as enforcers and henchmen/women to hide behond and appear as superior because (like in "Beneath The Planet of The Apes") they think they are highly evolved because they "make them kill/murder eachother I am not protected because I'm not a slave I was not protected by these wannabe gods and masters who've not mastered the art of weilding power to wow those they want to impress. weak and cowardly expression of power.

Vikki's Deep Magic Moisturizer 1970

no real power they use force and their

Sonia Russell with a daycare? the dental tecnician looked like her and had her spazzy sadistic energy they pretended to try this one on me. with that Black pedophile cop, Euclid St W Hartford, Ct Alice Swilley, new britain, ct

Feb. 21 2013 street theatre gang stalkers drone on about looking out for "theirs" and that evening they

blame everything on alice Jealous, cowardly losers who aren't proud of their actual accomplishments

feb 22, 2013 6:48 a.m. pancho villa wants me to die because he's like his disgruntled black bitches "die" he says while waiting for the elevator he's such leftover, throw away of vik and val whores make homos and besteality practioners because no one takes males who frquent violent slanderous whores seriously later the same day he smiles at me and says "hi" after deliberately trying to run into me in the lobby to pretend in front of his non whote servants who he wants to believe he's not a sex begging retard like the others I know he did it deliberately because he's and artificially loser like the rest of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Dearest's tricks/attack dogs surfeiting

2-24-13 witch next door offered some dummy a pork meal, as if Muslims and Jewish people don't eat pork most likey voodoo contaminated, they may be smart enough to throw it away *Dot Aunt Callie's food they'd never eat maybe she feels valued by the idiots she cooks for just saying late PM short, black guy "hey slim", "I love you", etc.

gays bestiality sadism why they've ruined for themselves with whoredom
he came into the store saying this stuff crack whores admit that their customers are

sexual deviants angry because they can't really believe the fantasies

must have been one of Daddy Dearests boyfriends love, real love can't be hidden it's designed to be expressed by more than words

The Obesity Epidemic Prophecy? On June 2001, I was led by The Lord to read The Book of Isaiah so I did. This was after miracles that were dorectly related led manefestated by The Lord At the time I had no idea that The Book of Isaiah was considered, by some, to be a condensed version of the entire Bible. I have to figure that if i can't find certain texts that I was certain I read in The Bible, I have to consider prophetic. Prophecies are usually spoken by me and it's been given to me like a news story and I believe in my heart I'm just speaking of current eb=vents, just to discover that the events I spoke about had not yet iccurred. People must have thought I was bonkers and I guess I can understand why. Although, I think I would have caught on and not have been freaked out because the New Testament clearly states that we all will prophecy.

We mosr likely do and are not perceiving it as rophetic because we really experienced it as having taken place already. Time and space. I have been certain that i read scriptures, only to not be able tofind them later. I think the obesity epidemic is one of those. i was sure I had read about God saying that evil people were only going to go to their deaths with overbloated corpses. I was taken aback when I read it and knew it hadn't occurred yet to my knowledge and I took it as biblical prophecy that I hadn't heard of. In less than a year, the announcement of and obesity epidemic, that, I was acutely aware of, was made official. *noticed kids were getting fat across the board. nrmal growth rates were contamnated and interfered with. Thenatural order of human interactions without the looter midde man. Freedom can never be properly appreciated by retards because they think it means that can say and do whatever they want to.

Those abnormal idiots have no maternal or paternal instincts.

Men must keep their standards high if they ever desire to have a relationship with a good woman. If a woman discovers he has a track record of associating with gross females and he doesn't vehemently declare it as a major mistake she'll never take him seriously and considers him a loser trying to date out of his league because he is:) They make all kinds of clothes now for these conceited, obese idiots and they think they look good. Fat girls are the sluttiest, too. The angry losers always play the pity card and it's played out like them. It's nice to know there are men who actually have standards. Real men know that chronic diseases are NOT HOT!

what the wine sellers buy he iceman cometh 1960 full movie the sadist beneath the planet of the apes Black Females: Their men and children are nothing more than possessions for them to destroy and discard like the delusional, ungrateful beasts they are!
The 21st century without live streaming cameras in the schools, daycare centers and playgrounds is deliberate. They would've been a standard decades ago, but for the blatant and rampant corruption of this world.

These females are so desperate they help the male pedophiles rape their own children.

They're nuts! I've never desired bad or difficult in anything especially in a relationship. They're spoiled AND nuts, plain and simple.
3-1-13 3:45 pm pancho villa tells me that i can say hello it won't hurt I responded with "hi"

pseudologia fantastica Valerie M. Quick Mamaroneck, NY Brandy M. Quick, Bronx, NY Mary Palmer, NJ Dennis Quick, Staten Island, NY Dorothy Quick Lorraine James

Why reverse psychology doesn't work on me : Reverse psychology doesn't work on "compliant" people like me because we only respond to honesty. I think it's amusing when people try this approach with me because it never works.

They do the same thing, the same way expecting, even insisting on a different results. I can change it up, but they are stuck on fantasies and specific outcomes, like the paraphilias they are.

Lorraine's daughter, sonia russell has a daycare center now, so our criminal pedophile relaives can have easy access to children Jerry Ht PD wanted me to open a Daycare Center his pedophilia/stephanie in cohoots with the Hartford police Dept. who refused to help me when I reported being raped and kidnapoed and force bred his so called lesbian girlfiriend bea and his disappointment that I didn't have those tendencies because I had two half older sisters claiming bea was attracted to me their obcession in everyone turning gay to suit them and their not feling good about their gayness when I don't care because they all rejected me and failed to establish meaningful relationships with me clumsily grasping at trying to understand me while not having honest communication with me Too stupid to be for real Parkhill Daycare I threew out the application to immediately after seeing the criminal sadistic look on the male(s) (males and no females) thugs wo worked there One in particular was fat and I know fat people are demented and sadistic Perhaps they ought to come up with some theories as to why they are thw way they are and accept the fact the overreached with their one size fits all approach to dealing with me If they were intelligent they would have known that compliant people like myself don't respond to manipulation or deceit It's no needed and highly suspicious It's not like they eer played it any other way with me and they expect different results

They feel powerless because their violence towards me and mine is met with normal responses like recoiling in disgust and not fear like they hoped Perfected love casts out fear they have no love and can't acept the trith about their inferiority Hilda's soster supposedly didn't speak to her after she ave her a kidney. Carrie's Mother supposedly needed a kidney from her, but she refused to give her one bwcause she has kids to raise. I immediately thought and told Warren that my Dad probably needed a kidney because there's no othwr reason for him to want to have any contact with me since he didn't have any direct contact with me to benefit me like a Father does a Daughter. I think I was right because he was so easperated and I would have been glad to comply, but not because of their deceit. I think this is a scheme that he and others like him have been puling I don't know if Vikki was truly angry with Daddy Dearest or if she was discovered to be no help to him with me because she doesn't know me and can't know what Idesire at any given time because she doesn't know me. They didn't think they needed to know a person and they run on the "if I were her" illogical approach which amkes them look powerless and retarded. I am certain they are retardeda and inferior to not have the self confidence to deal with me honestly and not with their guilt/hostility which their artificially promoted losers can't help them with because they lack the knowledge. Even if they had knowleged they would use it to try and satisfy their sadisitic fantasies fueled by jealousy. They know right from wrong and Warren certainly knew the right things to say in order to attempt to understand my point of view. I didn't make their bad decisions and they could only make up for their horrible past by doing right by me and mine. They just pile allow me to pile coals on thir heads (Bible). Losers using innocents because they are inferior and wanting me to take care of them even though they abused me more after I was doing more for them financially.

Petty, evil Mr. De francisco yugoslavia, orangutan, short dress, incomplete homework, hatred, congrats on retard baby ingrte glasses habit of saw at ferry while going on an interview 1971 Dot and Vikki's orgy sleepovers with Tijie (BEast NY, Brooklyn, Vanderbilt Ave,. Brooklyn Vikki needed Dot to help her keep her so-called boyfriend, Tijoe, the Haitian Tijoe dumped Vikki and when Val refused him Vikki's rage turned onto Val full force like she had with me She can't stand being less appealing than most females are tomen and she usually can only get gay guys because she acts and looks like a man All of the whore Black females were lured into prostitution by old White omos because the are the only people who can be atracted to them. I'm right, as usual, the White adult males are Gay. Their wives are frigid and the stupid Black females were so flattered to sneak around in the ghetto with them. Only to be degraded and perhaps still too stupid to realize they aided the Homosexual revolution to their own detriment because they were already at the bottom of the female desirability pole. The older ones help lure the younger ones into it and atr so hateful they want them to be hateful and full of rage against men like the lesbian and gays planned. Instant graification for sacrificed for true happines. Imay not have a man, but neither do they. Vikki got stuck with our Mother because I was always there for her and "she" took off when I asked her again about my biological Father. She knew I knew about him, but she was so freaked out by her actual dumb decisions she countered my questions with more slander about me.

They have been pushing me to reject Whites and never really expressing why, but I could see what is was because of the White male staff at ps 44 and their openly gay behavior. I knew what they were so ashamed of, chasing White men and trying to steal them from their wives instead of loving their Black men. The preferred thugs and criminals because of their filthy hearts. These females rejected the Black men because they were so stupid they couldn't see that they were being conquered by this division. No one can appreciate them like their men, but they are greedy and proud to stop because they want to be seen as desirable even if it's an illusion no one believes, but them. They chose the flattery of the White homo males and lesbians over self respect and family. They are idiot mimics who hate themselves so much they think they can convince the world that they are mixed and that I'm Puerto Rican. Lies, slander. Congenital liars! Beastly losers as women, barely female and who is at fault? They are because they always discover the truth when it's too late because they allowed their ememoes to trick them out of having genuine leaders who actually care about them. Now their men don't even want anything to do with them as it's natural to steer clear of ones mortal enemy. Flattery from Whites and slandering those they are jealous of to Whites is all the Black Female and Male Beast is capable of.. The joke's on them because I am not or have ever been trying to be unequally yoked to anyone, ever! They could never influence my equal to believe their lies. They can credit themselves with helping to destroy their selves and anyone else who's worthwhile for their enemies who know they are weak minded apes.

OPerhaps in Hell theor flatterers can tell them what they've told others about what they really think about them and their stupidity. In movies and documentaries the third world people always offer up their females to the Whites who arrive on their lands, so maybe the third world is responsible also for the artificial promotions of those uncivilized creatures who refuse to go home and apply all of the so called knowledge the acquired here while being favotred over qualified Americans. It stands to reason they only learned to connect with criminals here because no one with any self esteem would have anything to do with those voodoo practicing witches who have to lie cheat and steal to gt an American husband. The movie The Exorcist came out in 1973 and I did not see ot until 1978 Meanwhile in 1976, the freak relatives of mine had tried to get me demon posessed like them by having virginia quick (cousin by marriage) have her lesbian girlfriend introduce us and show us how to use a oougii board. They must have known what happened in the movie and knew I didn't because they kept me isolated and only allowed the degenerate slanderers like themselves around me. I could never have any honest communications with those schemer, zero, parasites. I think they commited the unpardonable sin because they knew God was manifesting himself through me and refused to stop their evil against me in 1969. They would have never shared anything they thought was beneficial to me with me. It had been apparent to me at an early age that they were deeply involved with evil works against others. It was clear they were trying to contaminate me because they NEEDED to. They NEEDED me yet again to support them financially and their ingratitude was obvious. Like the theives they are they are also congenital liars. I knew they couldn't help themselves, but withut any apology from them, I would forgive them, bu resigned myself not to trust them. I felt sorry for them and continued to help them in many ways, but they were still ungrateful.

Like God, I gave them plenty of time to apologise to me and they dodn't, they just continued to slander me. Once I had begun to expose them, they were not so full of themselves anymore. I think Dot, Vikki and Valli were further entrenched into evil by this and I think I was protected by God from it because I had already invited Jesus into my life 7 years earlier. Vikki and Dot began their incestuaous orgies together not long after that. I recall Dot telling me that Gid wouldn't pay attention to me becaus I was always good and that he would always give people who made mistakes more attention. I didn't believe her because it was clear to me even before having read any of The Bible that it was evil that promoted itself and devalued the righteous for filthy lucre and sadistic pleasure. I knew she didn't want me to read The Bible because she was evil and it identified her behavior as such. She would literally search her Bible for ways of twisting God's word, as if it woud justify their abusing me or rationalize it. They routinely seemed to think i ought to react the way they would instead of responding the way i would. They refused to accept me as i am and refuse not to accept me as i am. I love me and I agree with God's word. I think they would have done well to give credit where credit is due instead o tryin to credit eachother with my accomplishments as if they were a positive support system or reliable. I could rely on them to do evil against anyone they are jealous. I recall in the 80's when sheila lee was trying to get me to feel bad about their hatred towards me whne I was used to it and could have cared less about the slanderers. *sheila tries to instigate a fight between lillian and me because she began modeling and they were jealous of her because of it *sheila and g *Val and G *G's pretty girlfriend

*sheola's baby possibly from that one night stand wuth a white guy and her sudden relationship with the black man she blames the baby on *sheila gets gyped trying to smuggle drugs *Val tells me that Sheila is a crackhead *fat black female crackheads in parkhill It's not my fault they are sadists who can't control their tendencies to spoil me into being degenerates like them. I am protected from that self absorbed overindulgence they are afforded. They want to be me upset by this when I expect it and I know it only reveals to me that they are Satan's children. "Marvel not that the world hates you, they hated me first" Jesus

Why Trauma Bonding doesn't work on me: I don't have any unresolved inner conflicts because I am innocent and the force the criminals use to try and artificially demote me is just that, articficial. Confirming that I am right and that they, everyone according to my Mother, (including my biological sadisitic, homosexual, pedophile White Father) are ALL jealous of ME! How am I not supposed to know that I am superior to ALL of them. I am right and righteous. It's not my fault they were so desperate to try and degrade me due to their self loathing they admit that they are inferior and jealous. "With jealousy comes every evil. I win because I m the most persecuted for being practically perfect. They were too stupid to allow me the freedom to make mistakes. They were too afraid that I wouldn't.

They don't know anything about human behavior, only their degenerate, rebellious behavior of sadistic, homosexual, pedophile, rapists. If they had been good to me, I wouldn't care what they did. I only care about therir inferiority because they attack me and mine because if it. Losers who can't be choosers. Ellie the fake psychic said "thy loved you, they just had a "piss poor" way of showing it. Well, I diagree. I think they expressed exactly what they had intended and always had expressed, hatred and jealousy. Unlike them, I'm thrilled at every expression of it because it confirms, yet again that they are still jealous of me. They really think their long established pattern of behavior towards me can be viewed by me as anything exceot what we all know it is. They've admitted this to me too many times even though I already knew. Them not being proud of their actual accomplishments. crime confirms their onabiloty to stop obsessing on me and mine. They can and never woll be us no matter how much they want us to be inferior to them. They still can't be happy and this proves "What is it for a man ti gain the whole world and lose his soul"? It's funny because I always knew why they were so ubhappy, but they just dig themselves deeper into their misery with more and more orchestrations designed to make them feel powerful. Having to use witchcraft and all sorts of voodoo to pretend and play act at avoiding the truth about themselves they can never escape. Lorraine told me that some psychic told her she had to make up for aborting her first child, a son by helping someones with sons.

She of course, chose to help her White friend, Gayle, who didn't invite her to her wedding (she supposedly copied Lorraine's idea of a beach wedding). This woman was marrying a Dupont, who is paid by his family to stay away from them because he's an embarrassment and a Satanist. Those Black bitches I'm related to have been whoring since their preteens and some even younger, just to not be able t snag a man because the have to face the fact they helped to create the gay Black males who are competing with them for the gay White tricks. That's where their husbands went. Lorraine claims that they were all killed in the Vietnam war. If the stupid Black females had not abandoned their men to join up and ultimately enslave themselves to White women, both would be better off. I guess the American Black and White females have become like their White trick/husbands and are now the tricks of the third world. Apparently the whorish females really helped the homos to the point they are obsolete. They were too stupid to realize that their only appeal was hat they resembled men in the first place. They would rather die than admot this to themselves, but the truth I always knew is clear for all to see now. Love is truth and they are hateful beasts who run from the truth about themselves and the misery the made for themselves by being liars with blind spots. Professional beggars who can't be choosers. The money hungry hogs hadn't noticed the Catholics are the only group allowed to officially hold raffles or fundraisers? These are the reasons they wanted them to take the isolation approach and not converse with me and just probe for information about me they could never understand anyway.

How the schools dig around and try and find or creat weaknesses they try and use against people thy have targeted to parasitically feed off of to artificialy the apes they are not jealous of or intimidated by because they think they are inferior to them. They are because they can't see through the BS enough to know they have joined themselves with the miscreants and can't detatch themselves from the very people they really hate. Jokes and clowns going extinct with no science to help them because like with John Galt, there's nothing to be done, but to allow it all to be destroyed because it is all too far gone to save. I think the idiots are so used to people like me saving them from their dumb decisions they, like the untamable less than animal creatures they are can only take advantage and not express gratitude because they can't think abstracly in order to be grateful. The idiots think we can save them. They think that we have more ideas for them to steal when they've reached critical mass and don't even know it. Now their artificially promoted hand picked losers are left speaking another stupid mantra "nobody could have known" When it's not true because only the artificially promoted zeros are the only ones who couldn't know. That's why they are clearly artificially promoted losers who are so inferior ther other inferiors wanted to believe it was possible for anything good to come from a theiving zero like themselves. *more on and about the Duponts *orchestrating problems between heirs and their parents to STEAL-redistribute their wealth

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