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While I was attending Kindergarten (P. S.

119 , New York, New York), at 4 years old (the Zionists refused to skip me after I attended Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten twice) I liked a black boy named Jerry because I thought he was cute. I asked my mother to invite him over to visit us. Afterwards, she insisted that I prefer a boy named Carlos Rodriguez. He was a fat, Puerto Rican boy who opened the door for me and pulled out my chair. This sudden interest in me only came after I had asked my Mother to invite Jerry over for a visit. She said I should overlook Carlos' appearance because he was nice to me. I understood and tried to prefer him. Carlos and his Mother never came over to visit either. I already began disliking Jerry because of his personality. I could not bring myself to like Carlos because a dark skinned, black girl in our class, named Maxine began to hit me and pick on me (not unlike Vikki's constant barage of physical hostility) because of the attention he gave to me. Despite Carlos's Mothers telling my Mother and I how much Carlos loved me it didn't feel like love to me because he did nothing to stop Maxine's assaults upon me. This was my first experience with this kind of jealousy and I was determined to make it my last. I decided that if my Mother was going to control who I liked then I was not going to date anyone either (my second decision after having already decided never to marry). Unbeknownst to these people who did not bother to get to know me, I was not interested in any kind of a relationship that would result in my receiving more physical brutality.

It was clear to me that stupid males expect the females to fight with jealous females just to be associated with them and I didn't think it was worth it. I still don't. While attending P.S. 44 (Mariners Harbor, New York) the gym teacher, Mrs. Scott, used to harass me routinely. She'd ask, with an evil smirk on her face "Why are you not allowed to take gym? I answered what my Mother had told me "I had a double hernia operation when I was 3 months old and now I get dizzy when I dance". She would mockingly say "That's not why". Sometimes I'd be called into the office and asked about my Father and when I would say "My Father is deceased", she and the others (others were in the office with her) would laugh and Mrs. Scott or one of the other staff would always say "Your Father is not who you think he is" I told my mother about this, but she seemed uninterested. I was 6 years old, standing on line in gym one day we were taking hearing tests and holding our health folders (brown). Mrs. Scott saw me looking at mine and came over to me and barked at me "Stop reading your folder!" Thalassemia Minor was written on it and I vowed to look it up when I was able to. I guess I was supposed to take a gross tasting iron supplement, Hemotemic, that cost $12.00/ bottle, but not discover why. If these losers had not force bred me, my sons hematologist would not have told me that their (our) Thalassemia Minor is "Strictly Italian". These nuts really think they can condition children to think that snow is black like this woman in the video says. They revealed that my Father was not who I thought he was was incorrect because I already knew there was some issue (another story) prior to our moving to Staten Island. My mother had already told me not to pay attention to any rumors about who my real Father was.

I could not contend with all of these adults who seemed to be working together against me! They falsely believe that I need them to confirm what I already knew about myself. They think that I could care about those who do not care about me. They are just like Carlos, expecting me to like them to my own detriment. They are jealous because "My" biological Father and "their" biological Father, was/is more interested in me than them, his black children. Morris was so stupid he actually married that horrible mother of ours, TWICE! He was ruined because he was a bad judge of character. They were "tricked" and I was FORCED! They are all jealous, Zionist Slaves! I am amused at just how much I annoy them because I will not conform to what they can't even bring themselves to speak. Blacks have such inferiority complexes that they will automatically spout off the Willie Lynch Slave negating tactics their masters taught them. I love how they express their inferiority complexes in relation to my ethnicity. It drives them out of their minds. The Truth is the Truth, no matter how much you "wish" it weren't! They admit that they think of themselves as inferior to Whites because of their negating "my ethnic mixture!" I would have thought the Blacks would have kept laughing about it, like they did in the 70's when they would laugh at me and say "You are White." Blacks are born to be slaves because they admit they are inferior by their words and deeds!

I realize that my not being inbred is maddening to them. Even though Thalassemia Minor is from inbreeding on my Fathers side. The Murderous Monsters forced bred me with this condition PREGNANCY Persons with thalassemia should be referred for preconception genetic counseling Bart's, which increases the risk of toxemia and postpartum bleeding. I almost hemrraged to death after my first son, which is what they want me dead. *more on the physical strain and retrictions with this disorder *they can't to deny they were attempting to murder me with their retarded cruelty and want to pretend they didn't know they were deliberately physically brutalizing me Well, it's what I'd expect from murderers and criminals who sadistically rape and slander children, force breed them and hold them captive as sex slaves for sadistic, homosexual, pedophile rapists!

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