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Bacterial Metabolism Metabolism sum total of life processes in a cell 2 types of chemical transformations in metabolism 1.

. Anabolism requires energy, turns smaller cmpds into larger more cmplx compds 2. Catabolism- generates energy, turns larger cmpds into smaller cmpds. NAD- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide FAD- Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Reducing Power NADG and FADH Breakdown of glucose to pyruvate 3 common routes 1. Parnas Pathway (EMP) 2. Pentose Phosphate pathway 3. Entner- Duodoroff Pathway Glycolysis 1. 2 pyruvate 2. 2 NET ATP 3. 2 NADH 4. 6 different precursos metabolites Substrate level phosphorylation (SLP) ATP synthesis from high Electron PO4 group from intermediate PEP +ADP - ATP Major pathways in breakdown of pyruvate Respiration -complete oxidation of compounds Pyruvate -> acetyl CoA Generates: 2 NADH, 1 precursor metabolite Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle ( Krebs Cycle ; Citric Acid Cycle) Generates: 2 ATP by SLP 6 NADH, 2 FADH, 3 precursos metabolites Types of Respiration 1. Aerobic- Uses O2 as final electron acceptor, pyruvic acid is completely oxidized

2. Anaerobic- uses compounds other than O2 as final acceptor Oxidative Phosphorylation ATP production via Chemiosomosis PMF (proton motive force) -an energized state of a membrane created by expulsion of protons through ETC Fermentation Partial oxidation Does not require electron acceptor ATP yield from SLP Bacterial genetics Asexual reproduction Most common and important in bacterial growth cycle (FISSION) No genetic recombination Genetic recombination ( exchange of genes) Changes arises through mutations Sexual mode Bacteria are not differentiated to somatic or gametic cells A. donor (male w/ pilus) B. recipient (female) Natural methods of genetic transfer A. conjugation transfer of DNA through Cell to cell contact Plasmids- small circular Ds DNA that can exist independently of host chromosome Episome- plasmid that can exist w/ or w/o being integrated into host chromosome Conjugative plasmids have genes for F factor (sex pili) F factor- fertility factor Genes for cell attachment

F+ x F- mating F+= contains F factor (donor) F- = no factor (recipient) Hfr X F- mating Hfr- High frequency of recombination -F factor integrated into host chromosome - donor B. Transduction- transfer of bacterial genes by viruses 2 Kinds of Transduction 1. Generalized - Host DNA derived from any portion of the host genome and becomes part of the DNA of the virion in place of the virus genome 2. Specialized of restricted -occurs only in temperate viruses - transfer of SPECIFIC region of host chromosome into virus REPLACING some of the viral genes C. Transformation The uptake by a cell of naked DNA from the medium Protoplast fusion Used by microorganisms with NO known conjugation system Enzymes are used to digest cell wall to produce protoplasts

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