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______________________________________ Complete enough of the menu to earn at least 8 points this week. Teacher must ini^al boxes that have been completed. All websites are available through 6th grade

Menu: Pythagorean Theorem

Solving for the Hypotenuse
(MUST DO) Mini-Lesson with Mrs. Turner Complete WS D-73 and D-74

Solving for a missing Side

(MUST DO) mini-lesson with Mrs. Turner complete WS D-75, D-76

Lessons 2 pt.
Kahn Academy Brain Pop (ll out Key Points in Video Worksheet)

Proofs of the theorem 1 pt.

Gareld's Proof Bhaskara's Proof (ll out Key Points in Video Worksheet)

Illustrated Problem 1 pt.

Choose a word problem from your worksheets Write the problem, explana^on, work, and answer with a picture on a poster.

Games 1 pt.
(CHOOSE 2) Math Playground Asset Pythagorean Quia Jeopardy Superhero vs villain

Real World ConnecBon 2 pt.

(BOTH VIDEOS) Science of NFL Football Pythagorean Theorem Explore video Real world Pythagorean Theorem (ll out Key Points in Video Worksheet)

Board Game 2 pt.

Pythagorean Theorem Game Must play in groups of 3 or 4

Story Writer 3 pt.

Create your own illustrated children's story showing how the Pythagorean Theorem works

ArBst Corner 3 pt.

Complete "Developing Pythaorean Theorem Ac^vity" Worksheet and watch videos visual proof puzzle Pythagoras tree

Math occupaBons 3pt.

Research a profession that uses the Pythagorean theorem On a poster display an example of how the chosen profession uses the Pythagorean Theorem with realis^c example problems included

Pythagoras InteracBve 3 pt.

Explore math interac^ve Complete the ac^vity worksheet with the website

Pythagoras tree

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