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March 2013

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The following information is to explain some of the basic details about Directed Energy abuse on people in the UK. Directed Energy weapons are categorised as a form of Electronic Warfare. The Ministry of Defence classifies the hardware used and payments made to facilitate the ongoing use of such devices as 'Warlike Stores'.(1)

The following quotes are from the MOD document JWP 3-80 Information Operations and they indicate that Electronic Warfare is central to such activities Page 2-6 states:
'. Influence Activity. Actions to influence will traditionally make use of tools such as Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), Deception, Electronic Warfare (EW).....' 'Info Ops staff will make use of tools to Influence Will and will affect those capabilities that allow will to be translated into action. These are discussed in more detail at Annex 2A. Info Ops must not be limited to these means but is constrained only by imagination and the availability of resources.'

Annex 2A 'Emerging Technology' states:

'Emerging Technology includes the use of directed energy weapons such as Radio Frequency, Laser, and acoustic and other non lethal weapons.'

Furthermore, page 3-4 refers to the two 'key methods for achieving objectives' (for a campaign) as being:
'1 Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) 2 Electronic Warfare(EW).' (2)

On the same page MOD indicates that it creates it's own lists of people to target:
'Info Ops staff will be responsible for providing the following elements as part of the Campaign Plan............... C. Details on processes such as: co-ordination measures, Info Ops target nomination procedures, nominations for inclusion in the Restricted Target List (RTL) and Joint Restricted Frequency List (JRFL), clearance and authorization requirements for themes and messages and measurements of effectiveness will be included .......'

Later on page 4-1 in Chapter 4 Execution, it states that the Joint Task Force Commander: 'gives targeting guidance, approves the draft Joint Integrated Prioritised Target List (JIPTL) and authorizes the Target Nomination List (TNL) and Joint Restricted Frequency List (JRFL). ' The number of Information Operations taking place in the UK is unknown but MOD has cited common

exemptions of FOIA legislation in an attempt to refuse the information.(3)


The subsection of the MOD called Targeting and Information Operations (TIO/DTIO) which is largely populated by the RAF (4) is the most key player here. Many of it's employees have had training and experience of Electronic Warfare systems. Also RAF AWC Electronic Warfare Operational Support (Waddington) and it's 11 other branches dotted around the UK are instrumental to targeting people. (5) Testing is conducted in Information Operations and fed back, with full support and expertise coming from the MOD Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) as mentioned below. Within the Cyber and Influence division of DSTL one of the focuses of their continued research is how the electromagnetic spectrum can be used to 'influence' people using Directed Energy Weapons. (6) There are various other parties connected with such operations. And it is highly likely such abuses are widespread since Information Operations are widely used by NATO. (7) Key companies instrumental in the activity include MASS (Cohort PLC) Selex Galileo (Finnmeccanica), Thales, Logica, and SRC. (8),(9) Looking at the MOD money paid to Electronic Warfare specialists MASS for the year 2011/12, more than 7 (of 44 million total to Cohort PLC) million of it was categorised as: 'Provision of in-service support to performance and effectiveness and Targeting Support. ' (10)

Radars such as SAR are used to provide very high resolution, precise and up to date information about the person(s) to be targeted. This positional data is then used to accurately target the directed energy at people using waves propagated and focused by the relevant payload. This is utilized in many different ways which suit the objectives the operation has set out. Page 56 of the American Air Force Research Laboratory Technology Milestones Volume 14 states: 'Emerging Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) offer virtually instant fly-out time, stealth, precise targeting, agile re-targeting capability, operation unaffected by gravity, and lethal/less-lethal options. ' (11) The beam range on powerful modern satellites is known to extend from their normal operational orbit to anywhere on earth that can be seen by it, so to speak, as energy is directed in line of sight.

The indications are that the MOD has it's own military agenda and Targeting and Information Operations are used as the means to apply this. They work with various different organisations on a national and international level. Other likely motives for such activity include: -A technology test bed -Genetic cleansing of dissidents/activists and their families, -Targeting of 'influential individuals' who espouse views the MOD doesn't like, or 'resist the

message' -Targeting to influence people to act in a way which suits operational objectives -Targeting of members of military/security services/police/government parties who think for themselves or question immorality & illegality. As a note on the experimentation angle, the aforementioned AWC at RAF Waddington states that it's motto is: '"ARMA JUDICARE CONSILIUM DARE" (To test the weaponry and give advice). (12) Previously, the head of MOD's DSTL, Jonathan Lyle stated in an interview: we execute a research programme which is, in large part, exploited through MODs equipment programme. We trial the ideas in theatre and if, as has happened so many times, they have merit, they are turned into operational requirements which we hand over in a managed way to our colleagues in DE&S. annual turnover is about 550m (13)


I could provide a large amount of text here about the hell that is wrought upon targets. But it is my intention to lean on the side of citing MOD documentation rather than subjective content. But at the extreme end these items are entirely lethal. Mentions of organ failure and cell mutation (leading to cancer) recur in discourses on usage. It is important to bear in mind that targeting of people through Information Operations tends to have an end goal. If they are using such operations domestically, long term, and with stated types of warfare then the end goal is likely going to be neutralization of targets. Of course the most sinister thing about Directed Energy Weapons is that the users tend to exploit the invisible part of the spectrum. So it is fair to say that the majority of people affected by such technology are unlikely to have any idea that it is being used on them simply because it is not something they would consider. Most who do become aware do not have the technology or expertise to prove such abuse. Because the many varying effects of directed energy radiation are largely unpublished by the various military organisations, widespread abuse can be perpetrated without account. In a Freedom of Information request to the MOD by an individual called Paul Lewis, The MOD indicated that 'it is the physical, physiological and psychological effects that characterise such weapons.' (14) In November 2009, the Team Leader for the Influence section of Cyber and Influence at DSTL Porton Down, psychologist George Brander produced a presentation titled 'Understanding and Influencing in Cyberspace'. On page 9 he indicated how technology can have direct 'Physical' and 'Psychological' effects. On page 10 he outlined some of the human impact caused by such activities which I believe pertain more to targeting than real war zones:
Physical-Destruction, Denial, Disruption Psychological- Shock & Surprise, Fear and Panic, Stress and Trauma, Feelings of Hopelessness, Feelings of Helplessness.....Alienation, Denial, Loss of Face, effects on Social Interactions, Habituation, Group Participation.

Perception-I'm not safe, I'm being watched, Self Doubt/Realisation, I'm not in control, They mean business, Loss of Normality, Difficulties in Achieving Goals (impediments), I'm being victimized, something has/has not happened. (15)


Having had private conversations with domestic weapons historians, it has been indicated that this technology has been with us for some decades, albeit in appropriately less sophisticated forms. The companies mentioned above were preceded by ones such as Marconi and General Electric who had wide ranging expertise and worked closely with the RAF as well as other countries who possess and utilize similar capabilities. The network behind Information Operations (aside from NATO) includes The Association of Old Crows (AOC). It's indicated that the organization originated as early as 1964 in the USA. (16) The inherent difficulty in quantifying such abuses has meant that all misuse has gone unpunished. If you look at parties involved like DSTL, there is a track record of disregard for human rights with activities like gassing there own soldiers over periods of decades. (17,18,19,20) So ultimately what this could be either in the future or to some extent already, is an invisible system for murder and societal control. The use of Electronic Warfare in the UK is rapidly expanding. MASS have recently opened a new centre for electronic warfare expertise. (21) The massive UK NOVASAR satellite development is to be launched in the near future (22) and Europe is moving fast to set up it's own Galileo satellite GPS system (23) which may aid further activity. Further information available on Information Operations as a whole in the following document prepared for FOI Internal Review requests:

References: 1 ( 012%20135307%20009%20Mackenzie%20Cohort%20final%20response%20U.doc.html) 2 ( 3 ( %20135454%20final%20response.doc.html) 4 ( 5 ( 6 (Page 4, 7 (Page 2 %20Q%20155824.doc.html)

8 (Cohort PLC Annual Report 2012, page 12. a=v& %2520and%2520Accounts %25202012.pdf+&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjiIRjk20hceOiowaCGSGmGlcmOFqaLA7a4x4r3bvDdQFV1KTabGunBjVIinTURkGZYEFV_ff4FzEYIEG7VouMbbLHEfRqptS4GDnsbOmkh5sbM_Y8B2iQcCpPQf8hpjBbC85&sig=AHIEtbTa2foqxhP7_-3RI2knRUNlhuIe9g) 9 ( 10 (Part 8 nzie%20II%20Final%20Response%20U.pdf.html) 11 ( 12 ( 13 ( 14 ( %20DEW%20ACP%20IHL%20U%202%202.doc.html) 15 ( 16 ( 17 ( 18 ( s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362268143&sr=1-1) 19 ( 20 ( 21 ( 22 ( 23 (

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