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RISK ANALYSIS ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OF MULTI-PURPOSED PORT IN TELUK LAMONG SURABAYA FROM CONTRACTOR PERCEPTION Created by SISWANTO Subject Subject Alt Keyword : : Proyek, Manajemen : Risk assessmen : risiko; level risiko; probability impact grid; respon risiko

Description :
Proyek pembangunan Dermaga Multipurpose Teluk Lamong Surabaya yang saat ini dalam tahap masa konstruksi, direncanakan menjadi fasilitas pelabuhan internasional di Surabaya. Dengan kedalaman desain -14 mLWS, data tanah yang sangat bervariasi, dan lokasi proyek yang berdekatan dengan alur pelayaran yang sangat padat lalu lintasnya maka proyek ini berpotensi mempunyai risiko tinggi dalam masa konstruksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan level risiko dan respon terhadap risiko yang berpotensi mempunyai risiko tinggi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi identifikasi risiko dengan cara dokumen review, survey pendahuluan dan focus group discussion (FGD), sedangkan data penilaian probabilitas dan dampak risiko di peroleh dengan cara kuisioner. Penentuan level risiko dilakukan dengan metode probabiliy impact grid. Responden kuisioner adalah tim inti proyek dari kontraktor pelaksana proyek Dermaga Multipurpose Teluk Lamong. Respon terhadap risiko yang mempunyai level risiko tinggi dilakukan melalui forum FGD. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 10 risiko yang mempunyai level risiko tinggi yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah (1) cuaca ekstrim (hujan lebat, arus kuat, angin kencang, petir), (2) penyelesaian pekerjaan (sub kontraktor) tidak tepat waktu, (3) iklim ekstrim menggangu produktifitas, (4) data penyelidikan tanah tidak lengkap / tidak sesuai lapangan, (5) permasalahan yang tidak terlihat /unforseen (batuan di dalam tanah, ranjau, jaringan utilitas), (6) kapal pihak lain menabrak konstruksi, (7) ponton barge dan tug boat tabrakan dengan kapal lain saat operasi, (8) denda akibat keterlambatan (9) kondisi kerja berbeda dengan kontrak, (10) perubahan skope kontrak (pek. kurang). Usulan respon risiko yang terbanyak adalah dengan cara mengurangi risiko (mitigation) dan sebagian memindahkan risiko ( transference) kepada pihak lain.

Description Alt:
Construction project of Multi-purposed Port in Teluk Lamong Surabaya which is still progressing has been planned to be an international port facility in Surabaya. The fact that the project is designed 14 mLWS in depth, extremelly diverse soil data and located close to crowded shipping route has made it potential to have high risk during its construction. The purpose of this research is to determine the risk level and the response the high risk. Research methodology that was applied to identify the risk were documentation review, initial survey and focus group discussion (FGD), while probability assessment and risk impact data were obtained with a questionnaire. Risk level was determined by using probability impact grid. The respondens of the questionnaire were the main project team from the contractor of Multi-purposed Port project in Teluk Lamong. The response toward the risk which has high risk level was done through FGD forum. The final result of the research showed that there were 10 high level risks such as (1) extreme weather (heavy rain, strong water current, powerful wind, lightening), (2) delay work accomplishment by sub-contractor,(3) productivity disturbance by extreme climate, (4) different and incomplete soil investigation data, (5) unforseen site conditions (under ground rocks, mine, utility network), (6) ship crashing on to the construction, (7) the collision of the tug boats ponton barge with other ships on the operational basis, (8) penalty due to delay,(9) different working condition to the contract and (10) the changes of the contract scope (work quantity). Most of the respondents used risk

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mitigation and risk transfer in order to response project risk.

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: Ir. I PUTU ARTAMA WIGUNA, MT, PhD : 09/01/2012 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Master-3100012045839 : 3100012045839 : RTMT 658.155 Sis a : Master Thesis of Megister Management Technology, RTMT 658.155 Sis a, 2011 : ITS Community : Copyright @2012 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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