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Importance of Ethics for human being in society

As children, we were taught by our parents that it is wrong to lie, cheat, and steal. As we grow up and enter into the real world with some knowledge of right and wrong, we see, first hand, the importance of ethics as well as its complexity. The role of ethics in our society is very necessary because it has a large influence on today, as well as the future. We need to learn about good ethics because they guide our decisions, make us who we are, and determine our future. Ethics are learned throughout our lives as we associate with others. During years of schooling, we learn ethics as we interact with teachers and classmates and learn respect and other skills. In the work place, we learn responsibility, teamwork, punctuality, and communication skills. When we understand why these ethical values are necessary, we realize the importance they have in our success as well as our everyday lives. We use these skills, along with our knowledge of right from wrong as we go about various activities such as driving, buying milk at the supermarket, filing out an application, etc. We know that it is unlawful to run a red light, shop-lift, and lie under oath. Because good ethics make us honest, law-abiding citizens, we contribute to the good of society. Today's society is full of crime, irresponsibility, and dishonesty but imagine if the entire population had no sense of ethics. The role of ethics in our society is very important because it is the basic beliefs and standards that make everything run smoothly. Ethics are involved in all organizations and institutions around us whether it is political, medical, lawful, religious, or social. Ethics are what give us comfort knowing that we live in a country where we are able to choose. Because we believe our doctors are ethical, we feel certain we can trust their diagnoses. If ethics did not apply to medicine, some doctors may knowingly misdiagnose their patients just for the sake of money rather than for the

persons' health and well-being. Ethics give us comfort that the business deal will not fall through. In today's society, laws and contracts are enforced to make sure that the business deals are fair and that the both people will hold up their end of the deal. Without any application of ethics, our society would be one of dishonesty and uncertainty. Although we do not have a perfect society, the ethics in our country is what makes the United States such a great country. Ayn Rand explains, "Ethics is a code of values which guides our choices and actions and determines the purpose and course of our lives." It is simply a principle that helps promote, enhance, and maintain our lives. Ethics play a role in the lives of individuals and each individual has an influence on society considering that all people and things around them are affected by their choices whether they are good or bad (running a stop sign or slowing down when the light is yellow). Many people decide early in life if they are going to live their lives in truth or dishonesty. Ethics influence the choices that individuals make and will eventually determine their lives and who they become. Our beliefs, standards, and personalities are formed by the way we interpret what is wrong and right and how we act upon these interpretations. Valdemar W. Setzer said, "Ethics is not definable, is not implemental, because it is not conscious; it involves not only our thinking, but also our feeling. Not only do we need to know what ethics are, but we also need to want to act upon them. People can have the knowledge of right from wrong, but still have no desire to live and act in an ethical manner. Alfred Adler expresses this idea by saying, "It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." In many auto shops, they guarantee honest and superior workmanship, but in reality, their work is substandard. Actions speak louder than words because they are just those...words. So many people criticize our country and its leaders, but do not live in a way that can improve our society. In order to want to better society, one must have high ethical standards.

We know that ethics are more than abstaining from lying, cheating, and stealing, but that it is the knowledge of right from wrong which influences one's conduct and decisions. The way people choose (wrong or right) effects all those around them whether they like it or not. Without ethics, our society would become even more corrupt and fall from the great nation which it is today. Ethics help keep things in order and in peace. Because our decisions have such a great influence, it is our responsibility to our society and those around us to live a life of good ethics. Presented to: - Ms.Nasreen Abidi Presented by: - M.Arslan Course: - Business ethics Roll no.:- BB-35088 Biztek

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