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CHAPTER 4 GoingtoSundaySchool CRITICAL LISTENING 1.Complete the text with the words you hear That is a good boy.

You are a fine, manly little fellow. Two thousand verses is a very, very great many. And you never can be sorry that you learned them. Learning makes great men and good men. You will be a great man and a good man someday, Thomas. Then you will remember this day. Then you will be glad that you went to Sunday school. Now, Thomas, tell me and this lady some of what you have learned in your Bible verses. We are proud of little boys who learn. Now, you know the names of the twelve great followers of Jesus Christ. Tell us the names of the first two. Toms face became red and he looked down at his feet. The teacher knew that Tom could not answer. But he felt that he must speak. He said: Answer the gentleman, Thomas. Do not be afraid. Tom said nothing. Surely you will tell me, said the lady. The names of the first two followers of Jesus Christ wereTom remembered two names from the Bible. He did not remember who the people were, or what they had done. But the two names were always together. He shouted them now: DAVID AND GOLIATH! But David and Goliath had not been among the twelve great fol-lowers of Jesus Christ. Their story was in a different part of the Bible. David was a boy and Goliath was a man of very great size and strength. They were enemies. And David had killed Goliath. Let us be kind enough to look away from the rest of this scene of Tom Sawyer in Sunday school.

SOUND DEALER Choose the correct phoneme for the underline word: a. b. c. His mind was busy with other things. bisi bzi bic

Tom offered enough, and received the ticket.

a. tkt b. tkt c. tkt

Then for the whole country.

a. hol b. hol c. hol

Then he went into the church.

a. tr b. trt c. trt

For the other churches of the village.

a. vld b. vli c. vili

Analytical reader
In accordance with the chapter answer the questions.
1. How the family began the day?

R/ Praying 2. How many verses was tom learning?

R/ Five 3. What did Tom buy?

R/ Tickets 4. What was the value of a red ticket? R/ A red ticket was equal to a 10 blue tickets 5. Who was the great Judge Thatcher? R/ The brother of Mr Thatcher 6. What were the names that gave tom? R/ David and Goliath

VOCABULARY *rose *lead *gather *upon *waves *pray *town *busy *proud *anger *gentlemen *forward *glad


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n w o g d r o w a s l h a w r o f

w h g l a v d e b u s o r p y d

e n t l e

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p m r e h t a g

a n g e r y

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