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http://naturalso m/magnesium-is-a-po werful-natural-anti-inflammato ry-mineral/

Magnesium is a Powerful Natural Anti-Inflammatory Mineral

Elizabeth Renter

A study involving more than 3,700 postmenopausal women looked at the ef f ects of dietary magnesium and f ound something quite promising: that the mineral can have a dramatic impact on inf lammation throughout the body. As the trigger to many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, inf lammation is of ten only directly combated when people f eel its ef f ects. But, with this new research, we learn that we can reduce inf lammation throughout the body without drugs and without waiting f or the ef f ects to send us to a medical doctor. T he study f ound inf lammatory indicators in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), T NF (tumor necrosis f actor alpha), and IL6 (interleukin 6) were all reduced when magnesium intake was increased.Inf lammation in the arterial walls was also reduced with magnesium intake. Inf lammation in the walls of the arteries can lead to cardiovascular disease. Inf lammation throughout the body can lead to a host of additional diseases including the obvious inf lammatory ones like arthritis, but could also be the cause of things like Alzheimers. Many natural health experts subscribe to the belief that inf lammation is actually at the heart of all disease. While the study provides good news in the f ight against inf lammation, we cannot reap the benef its of magnesium without consuming the mineral. And the modern diet is replete of it. When you consume a steady diet of processed f oods, you arent getting much of anything in the way of nutritional value; and this includes magnesium. But, rather than running out to get a magnesium supplement to take with your value meal tonight, try including some magnesiumrich f oods in your diet. T hese f oods include: Dried herbs including coriander, mint, dill, chives, sage, and basil Dark chocolate Pumpkin seeds Flax seeds Brazil nuts Sunf lower seeds Almonds Cashews Molasses T hese magnesium-rich f oods would make a great homemade trail mix and can help you f ight chronic disease while you nosh. Additional Sources: WellnessResources WellnessLetter

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http://naturalso m/o il-o f-o regano -uses-fight-bacteria-cancer/

Oil of Oregano Uses: Fight Super Bacteria, Prevent Cancer

Lisa Garber

We already know that there are numerous amazing oregano oil benef its to be experienced with the consumption of this amazing f ood, but that doesnt stop researchers f rom f inding more. Researchers f rom the University of Arizona have published new f indings that carvacrol, a phenol of oregano oil, inactivates dangerous microbes and contaminants at levels that may positively impact large-scale f ood preparation and saf ety. Not only is oregano oil a potent antibacterial agent, UA f ood microbiologist Sadhana Ravishankar discovered, it also exhibits antioxidant and antimicrobial properties when applied to f ood. T his paves way f or countless oil of oregano uses so that anyone can experience the benef its it has to of f er.

Oregano Oil Could Replace Bleach in Food Preparation

When Ravishankar and her team applied oregano oil to ground beef , they f ound that carvacrol prevented the f ormation of 78 percent of heterocyclic aminescancer-causing molecules that result when animal f at is cooked at high temperatures. In another study, it was f ound that oregano oil f ights both Salmonella and E. coli. Combined, the studies show that the applications of oregano oil are innumerable, and Ravishankar believes industrial-scale f ood preparation could be among them. Oil of oregano could, in time, replace irradiation, bleaching, and other chemical and unnatural methods to clean animal products and f ood.

More Oil of Oregano Uses: Oregano Oil as an Anti-Inf lammatory, AntiMicrobial

Further adding to oil of oregano uses, Georgetown University Medical Center scientists have even claimed that oregano oil may be ef f ective enough of a microbial agent to replace many pharmaceuticals that treat the colon, liver, and digestive system. T his is good news f or people suf f ering f rom Candida albicans, a yeast that plagues the guts of millions worldwide and can result in everything f rom weariness and cravings to, in extreme cases, morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. In one study, patients who were hosts to parasites took oregano oil f or six consecutive weeks; an impressive 77 percent of them came out of the study parasite-f ree.

Ot her Oregano Oil Uses

Carvacrol is also responsible f or oregano oils ability to reduce obesity and weight gain. It reduces inf lammationa major cause of obesity due to adipose tissuewhich makes it another helpf ul tool to help treat arthritis. Oil of oregano uses arent limited to applying to steak bef ore grilling or starving pesky Candida. You can put several drops under your tongue and swish with colloidal silver and warm salt water if you have a toothache or an inf ection in your mouth. It can also be used in home remedies f or sinus inf ection. Additional Sources: Natural News

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http://naturalso m/beating-cancer-with-nutritio n-turmeric-slo ws-spread-breast-cancer/

Beating Cancer with Nutrition Turmeric Slows Spread of Breast Cancer

Mike Barrett

Are you interested in beating cancer with nutrition ? Mainstream medical practices f or cancer treatment have been shown to be both dangerous and inef f ective, lending f urther merit to the phrase an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. While medical prof essionals are being educated in the f ield of medicinal treatment revolving around pharmaceuticals, many f oods are repeatedly being recognized as powerf ul cancerf ighters and overall health-enhancers. Who would have thought that nutrition and eating habits could help to maintain your health?

Beating Cancer with Nutrition Turmeric Slows Spread of Breast Cancer

Showcasing just one of the countless ways you can begin beating cancer with nutrition, research has shown that turmeric can slow down the spread of breast cancer. Studies out of the University of Calif ornia, San Diego, published in the British Journal, NATURE, have previously discovered a molecule known as RANKL. T his molecule is f ound in aggressive breast cancer cells, which predict more lif e threatening disease. Aggressive cancer cells predict that the breast cancer will spread throughout the body, putting the body in a state of metatasis. Breast cancer patients of ten pass af ter cancer has metastasized to other body parts, ruining the f unctioning of vital organs such as the liver, lungs or brain. Interestingly enough, cancer drugs have been shown to metasize tumors in some research. T he f indings suggest that if RANKL molecules were blocked, then early stages of breast cancer could be prevented, while advanced progression of the disease and metastasis could be halted. Curcumin has been f ound to possess properties that reduce the expression of these deadly molecules within cancer cells, and can potentially slow the spread of breast cancer. Of course this isnt the only time turmeric and curcumin have been shown to battle and prevent cancer. Researchers at UCLA f ound that curcumin a natural phenol and primary compound of turmeric exhibits cancer-blocking properties powerf ul enough to block cancer growth. In addition, curcumin has previously been f ound to reduce tumors by 81% in more than 9 studies, which also gives credence to the natural anti-cancer health benef its of turmeric and curcumin intake. While many f oods are powerf ul health enhancers, curcumin alone is known to positively impact over 560 diseases according to peer-reviewed research. Beating cancer with nutrition means to acquire the knowledge of how the f oods people eat every day can be utilized to treat or prevent illness and disease. While the advancements humanity has made throughout history are great, mainstream medicine has been going down a dark road. It is time to shif t f rom a pharmaceutical-dependent state to nutrition-based prevention and treatment. Interested in more, or not convinced that cancer can be beaten with natural f oods? Take a look at these 4 cancer-f ighting f oods that have been shown to be powerf ul enemies of both deadly cancer and the prof iting cancer industry. Additional Sources: GreenMedInf o

About Mike Barrett: Google Plus Prof ile | Mike is the co-f ounder, editor, and primary researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports f or top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

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http://naturalso m/5-ways-strengthen-immune-system/

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Elizabeth Renter

Its f lu season, and even if you dont f all ill like Piers Morgan af ter publicly receiving a f lu shot f rom Dr. Oz, you still run the risk of getting sick. Particularly in the colder months, when we are sitting inside more of ten, our houses are closed up, and we stay in close quartersits the perf ect time f or illness to thrive. But, when you take precautions to keep your immune system running on high, you can skip the tissues and even natural cold remedies, and coast through winter without a second thought. Here are 5 ways to supercharge and strengthen your immune system.

1. Strengthen Your Immune System - Eliminate Sugar

T here are many ways to boost your immune system, but eliminating sugar is one of the f irst steps. Sugar puts a serious damper on your immune system, in addition to increasing your risk of disease. When the recommended daily sugar intake is 25 grams and a single bottle of Coke contains as much as 60 grams, we know the modern diet is way too immersed in the sweet stuf f . If you want to seriously boost your health and reduce your risk of numerous health issues like obesity and diabetes, seriously consider reducing sugar intake. Opt f or a bit of honey or a natural sweetener like Stevia instead.

2. Herbal Teas
Many people get out herbal tea when they are already f eeling ill. But many herbs can do wonders f or boosting immune f unction before youre hit with sickness. Try Echinacea, elderberry, peppermint tea, green tea, and even ginger throughout the day and bef ore going to bed.

3. Green Smoothies and Juicing

Have a produce-packed smoothie once daily to up your overall intake of plant f oods and provide a healthy dose of nutrients f or your immune system. Include at least one leaf y green vegetable (spinach, kale) and one good source of vitamin C (a little orange juice, pineapple, or lime). T hese arent only good f or you, they are f un to make.

4. Expose Yourself
When your body is exposed to germs, it learns how to better f ight them of and protect itself , ultimately boosting immunity. T his is part of the problem with the overabundance of antibacterial soaps, gels, and lotions. Use plain soap and f orgo antibacterial gels unless absolutely necessary. Breathe the same air as other people and dont be af raid to touch a doorknob once in a while. Or, play in the dirt! Related Read: How to Prevent a Cold

5. Eat Garlic
Garlic is an amazingly wonderf ul immune-boosting f ood that no one should ignore. T he f ood has anticancer properties, f ights inf lammation, is great f or detoxing, and possesses anti-inf ection, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-f ungal properties. Dont just cook with garlic thougheat it raw if you can. Coating

it in raw honey can help make the pungent root more palatable. Do you know about all of these solutions to strengthen your immune system, but never actually partake in them?! In order to stay healthy, you have healthy habits. Tis the season f or colds and f lu, but you dont have to be a statistic this year. Eat right, get active, and keep your immune system f unctioning as it should. If you do get sick, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and consume some immune-boosting f oods. Lastly, here are 5 f oods NOT to eat while sick or battling a cold. Additional Sources:

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http://naturalso m/o ver-40-plant-based-co mpo unds-halt-spread-o f-cancer/

Over 40 Plant-Based Compounds Halt the Spread of Cancer

Elizabeth Renter

Cancer wouldnt be as f atal or as tragic if it didnt spread. If cancer was a cluster of diseased cells, it would be more easily treatable. But, its the spread of cancer, also known as metastasis, that makes it so volatile, so dif f icult to stop. A study recently published in Cancer and Metastasis Reviews looks at how a plant-based diet can stop this spread, working to halt cancer in its tracks.

Most research focuses on the prevention of cancer or the treatment of the original cancer tumor, but its usually the cancers spread to nearby organs that kills you. So rather than attack the tumor, Meadows said, according to ScienceDaily, lets control its spread, or metastasis.

Gary Meadows, a Washington State University researcher and associate dean f or graduate education and scholarship in the College of Pharmacy, says his f indings are encouraging, that more than 40 plantbased compounds can turn on genes that suppress metastasis. Meadows and his colleagues poured over countless studies on metastasis, and the work was tedious. People f or the most part did not set out in their research goals to study metastasis suppressor genes, he said. Traditional cancer researchers didnt look at how f oods, or the compounds in f oods, could trigger genes to stop cancer f rom spreading. So, it was up to Meadows and his colleagues to f ind these connections themselves. What they f ound was that things like amino acids, ginseng extract, vitamin D, curcumin (f ound in turmeric), and pomegranate juice all af f ected metastasis suppressor genes in one way or another. Meadows said their f indings only represent a review of studies already out there and that a closer look at these compounds and their role in turning of f the spread of cancer is needed. T his is a statement I think we can all agree with. Weve kind of f ocused on the cancer f or a long time, he said. More recently weve started to f ocus on the cancer in its environment. And the environment, your whole body as an environment, is really important in whether or not that cancer will spread. As with every living thing, cancer cells need an environment conducive to growth in order to spread and even survive. When you take away the things that f eed cancer and replace them with things that f eed whole-body health, you create an environment where such a disease cannot thrive. Just a f ew examples of how f oods can beat cancer, weve seen: Turmeric can halt the spread of cancer in breast cancer patients. A mushroom known as the turkey tail mushroom has been researched and used in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Dr. Sean McAllister conducted a study and f ound that a compound f ound in marijuana, cannabidiol, inhibited breast cancer cell prolif eration, metastasis, and tumor growth. Whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by 56% in mice.

A Chinese plant known as the thunder god vine contains cancer-f ighting compounds, helps wipe out cancer in 40 days. Additional Sources: ScienceDaily

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http://naturalso m/curcumin-naturally-slo ws-tumo r-gro wth/

Curcumin Naturally Slows Tumor Growth Says New Study

Antho ny Gucciardi

Yet another study has demonstrated the powerf ul anti-cancer benef its of curcumin, a substance that has been f ound to positively af f ect over 530 other diseases. Derived f rom the spice turmeric, which is also gaining widespread attention f or its many benef its, curcumin is traditionally used by many cultures as a f lavor-enhancer. A similar study actually f ound curcumin was capable of reducing reducing tumor size by an astounding 81% naturally. Published in Cancer Research, scientists f ound that curcumin helps to slow the growth of tumors in prostate cancer patients by jamming receptors that enable the tumor to grow and spread. Conducted by Dr. Karen Knudsen and colleagues f rom T homas Jef f erson University, the study was published in the journal Cancer Research. Perhaps the most telling part of the study is that it used physiologically attainable doses. T his means that the doses were within reason, and even these doses that are within reason are highly ef f ective against cancer. Turmeric and curcumin alike are shaping up to be the next super anti-cancer substance, right up alongside vitamin D. In f act, the benef its go way beyond just prostate cancer and tumor reduction. Study leader Dr. Karen Knudsen explains how the real benef its of curcumin are just beginning to be f ully understood:

This study sets the stage for further development of curcumin as a novel agent to target androgen receptor signaling. It also has implications beyond prostate cancer since p300 and CBP are important in other malignancies, like breast cancer. In tumours where these play an important function, curcumin may prove to be a promising therapeutic agent, she said.

T he benef its of curcumin and turmeric have not yet hit many mainstream individuals, or even many health conscious readers. As the spices continue to be heavily researched, more and more benef its will be acknowledged as they become increasingly recognized f or their countless medicinal properties. Using curcumin and turmeric in your f ood, or picking up a quality liquid turmeric supplement can ultimately be an essential part in your natural health transf ormation. About Anthony Gucciardi: Google Plus Prof ile Anthony is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. Anthony's articles have been f eatured on top health & political websites such as Reuters, Yahoo News, MSNBC, and Bloomberg. Anthony is also a f ounding member of Natural Attitude, a leading developer of super high quality spagyric f ormulations.

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http://naturalso m/mushro o m-co mpo und-suppresses-pro state-tumo rs/

Mushroom Compound Suppresses Prostate Tumors

Antho ny Gucciardi

ScienceDaily May 25, 2011 A mushroom used in Asia f or its medicinal benef its has been f ound to be 100 per cent ef f ective in suppressing prostate tumour development in mice during early trials, new Queensland University of Technology (QUT ) research shows. T he compound, polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which is extracted f rom the turkey tail mushroom, was f ound to target prostate cancer stem cells and suppress tumour f ormation in mice, according to an article written by senior research f ellow Dr Patrick Ling in the online journal PLoS ONE, published by the Public Library of Science. Dr Ling, f rom the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre-Queensland and Institute f or Biomedical Health & Innovation (IHBI) at QUT, said the results could be an important step towards f ighting a disease that kills 3,000 Australian men a year. T he f indings are quite signif icant, Dr Ling said. What we wanted to demonstrate was whether that compound could stop the development of prostate tumours in the f irst place. In the past, other inhibitors tested in research trials have been shown to be up to 70 per cent ef f ective, but were seeing 100 per cent of this tumour prevented f rom developing with PSP. Importantly, we did not see any side ef f ects f rom the treatment. Dr Ling said conventional therapies were only ef f ective in targeting certain cancer cells, not cancer stem cells, which initiated cancer and caused the disease to progress. During the research trial, which was done in collaboration with T he University of Hong Kong and Provital Pty Ltd, transgenic mice that developed prostate tumours were f ed PSP f or 20 weeks. Dr Ling said no tumours were f ound in any of the mice f ed PSP, whereas mice not given the treatment developed prostate tumours. He said the research suggested that PSP treatment could completely inhibit prostate tumour f ormation. Our f indings support that PSP may be a potent preventative agent against prostate cancer, possibly through targeting of the prostate cancer stem cell population, he said. He said PSP had been previously shown to possess anti-cancer properties, and turkey tail mushrooms (known as Coriolus versicolor or Yun-zhi) had been widely used in Asia f or medicinal benef its. However, Dr Ling said it was the f irst time it had been demonstrated that PSP had anti-cancer stem cell ef f ects. Although turkey tail mushrooms had valuable health properties, Dr Ling said it would not be possible to get the same benef it his research showed f rom simply eating them. A f undraiser has been organised in September to support f urther tests f or the therapeutic potential of PSP against prostate tumours either alone or in combination with other anti-cancer compounds.

About Anthony Gucciardi: Google Plus Prof ile Anthony is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. Anthony's articles have been f eatured on top health & political websites such as Reuters, Yahoo News, MSNBC, and Bloomberg. Anthony is also a f ounding member of Natural Attitude, a leading developer of super high quality spagyric f ormulations.

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http://naturalso m/leafy-greens-preventio n-o f-pro state-cancer/

Leafy Greens Like Broccoli Essential in the Prevention of Prostate Cancer

Elizabeth Renter

Brassicas are a f amily of vegetables, including broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and others, that have been shown to possess an array of incredible health benef its. While their health benef its are widely known, now scientists have f ound that the active component within them that works to prevent heart disease may also help in the prevention of prostate cancer.

Leaf y Greens Essential in the Prevention of Prostate Cancer

Sulf oraphane is said to interact with genes involved with cancer development. T his component is widely available in Brassicas and has numerous health benef its. According to T he Telegraph:

The chemical called sulforaphane seems to counteract a fault with the gene called PTEN which is involved in prostate cancer. The gene normally stops cancer from developing but in certain cells it is missing and this is when the disease can begin. However sulforaphane seems to dampen the effect of these cells that are missing PTEN and prevent them from triggering cancer growth. The study was conducted by a team at the Institute of Food Research at the Norwich Research Park, using prostate tissue from men and cancerous cells from mice.

Leaf y green like broccoli have also been shown to be great additions to a healthy heart diet plan. T hese veggies also come with numerous health benef its in addition to helping in the prevention of prostate cancer. T hese leaf y greens are rich in antioxidants, known f or protecting the cells f rom f ree radical damage. and are also rich in enzymes known to reduce the risks of breast and uterine cancer. Sulf oraphane works by turning on a protein in the arteries that works to protect them against clogging. Certain areas of the heart are more prone to blockage. In these areas, a protective protein known as Nrf 2 is inactive. Sulf oraphane activates it. So how can you get more sulf oraphane in your diet? By including green veggies as part of your daily regimen, of course. Eat more salads and dont just use iceberg lettuce (the nutritional equivalent of an ice cube) instead, use spinach. Additionally, if you like shredded lettuce on your Mexican f ood, try cabbage instead. Use nutritionally-potent kale in your smoothies and throw greens in any and all soups and stews.

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http://naturalso m/turkey-tail-mushro o m-used-suppress-cancer-tumo rs/

The Mushroom Being Used to Suppress Cancer Tumors

Mike Barrett

Have you heard of the mushroom being used to boost the immune system and f ight cancer? While there are countless f oods and compounds out there being researched f or their cancer-f ighting abilities, the turkey tail mushroom is one f ood that has gained some spotlight as of recent. Specif ically, the mushroom has been shown to be highly ef f ective at suppressing prostate tumor development. T he research, coming f rom the Queensland University of Technology (QUT ), f ocuses on a compound known as polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which is f ound in the turkey Imag e fro m Waking Time s .c o m tail mushroom. For the study, two groups of mice were used, one of which was f ed PSP f or 20 weeks. What Dr. ling f ound was that mice f ed the PSP over the 20 weeks did not develop any prostate tumors, whereas the group of mice not f ed PSP did develop tumors. Dr Ling, f rom the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre-Queensland and Institute f or Biomedical Health & Innovation at QUT had this to say:

The findings are quite significant. What we wanted to demonstrate was whether that compound could stop the development of prostate tumours in the first place. In the past, other inhibitors tested in research trials have been shown to be up to 70 per cent effective, but were seeing 100 per cent of this tumour prevented from developing with PSP. Importantly, we did not see any side effects from the treatment.

While Lings research shows the potential f or polysaccharopeptide to completely inhibit prostate tumor f ormation, he does note that his research doesnt suggest that simply eating the mushrooms would have the same benef it.

Turkey Tail Mushroom and Breast Cancer

Of course the research doesnt end there with the turkey tail mushroom. More recently, the mushroom was used by a cancer patient f rom Bastyr University. T he breast cancer patient, Lisa Clinton, is just one of many individuals around the world who wholeheartedly believe that natural f oods played a large role in her survival. Af ter going through surgery, the ice skating competitor ref used the extremely questionable cancer-treatment chemotherapy and turned to turkey tail instead to target her cancer.

We consider cancer a failure of the immune systemWhen they [turkey tail] are ingested into the body, they stimulate immune cells that line the intestines, and then those stimulate other immune cells all over the body, says Dr. Leanna Standish at Bastyr University.

If youre looking to buy the turkey tail mushroom, take these tips into consideration: Buy certif ied organic. Look f or turkey tail coming f rom skilled growers with skills in cultivation.

Look f or turkey tail coming f rom skilled growers with skills in cultivation. Be sure to check out some other cancer-f ighting f oods to broaden your cancer-prevention horizon. About Mike Barrett: Google Plus Prof ile | Mike is the co-f ounder, editor, and primary researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports f or top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

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http://naturalso m/citrus-fruit-green-tea-co mbinatio n-amplifies-cancer-pro tectio n/

Citrus Fruit and Green Tea Combination Amplifies Cancer Protection, Study Finds
Co ntributo r

By: Aunindita Bhatia A study carried out in Japan has once again shown the cancerf ighting properties of citrus f ruit. T he study f ound that those who were eating the f ruit had signif icantly lower risk of getting a number of cancers, but this was also true of green tea consumers. Interestingly and more importantly, daily citrus consumption provided significant protection when combined with green tea.

The Ohsaki Cohort Study

T his is the recently released study that gave the insights into citrus f ruit plus green tea cancer protection benef its. T he f ollowing is the researchs methodology: Study sample: Over 42,000 (both genders) Study characteristics: Age 40-79 years Study period: 1994-2003 f ollow up period of at least 7.6 years.

Among tea drinkers, consuming citrus f ruits everyday resulted in a 17% reduced cancer risk f or men, and an 18% reduced risk f or women. Consuming the citrus f ruit alone at least 3-4 times a week led to an observed 11% cancer risk decrease. T he Ohsaki Cohort study showed that those who had citrus f ruit in their diet each day and were green tea drinkers got signif icantly greater protection even above that of drinking the tea alone. T he signif icance of this is that previous studies have shown that drinking green tea can lower the risk of contacting multiple cancers such as prostate, ovarian, liver, endometrial, oral and lung cancers. T he green tea and cancer relationship is indeed a strong one, and exemplif ies only a portion of the health benef its of green tea.

The Citrus and Green Tea Combination Signif icantly Lowers Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
T he data f rom the Ohsaki Cohort study was f urther analyzed, and even more stunning results emerged. For pancreatic cancer, the daily intake of citrus and green tea resulted 38% reduced cancer-risk f or both women and men. In the case of prostate cancer f ound in men the reduction was at 37%. T hese two results are statistically signif icant. T he risk reduction in other cancers such as renal, bladder, breast, esophageal and colorectal was observed, but the f igures were on the lower side, hence had no statistical signif icance.

What Made the Combination Work?

T he researchers set out to study why citrus f ruit and green tea made such an ef f ective mix that could

f ight of f cancer. T hey f ound that citrus consumption stabilized the polyphenols of the green tea in ones gut. T he Japanese main citrus is the mandarin orange, which is thought not to possess a synergizing compound (has 8mg hesperetin, 10mg naringenin, little quercetin). T he anticancer ef f ect of green tea is raised by increasing the absorption of polyphenols in the gut. T he Ohsaki Cohort study seems to be supported by Purdue Universitys study showing that the polyphenols f ound in green tea were quite unstable when they reached the gut. T hat only 20% or less of these active polyphenols could be easily absorbed post-digestion. T he f indings showed that green tea, mixed with other suitable additives, dramatically increases the absorption. T he biggest stabilizer then of the polyphenols is citrus juice, which would result in a recovery or absorption rate of even 76%. So combine citrus juice and green tea today and reduce your cancer risk. Additional Sources: Pubmed/17688297 Pubmed/20104526

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http://naturalso m/cancer-cell-gro wth-reversed-green-tea/

Cancer Cell Growth Stopped and Reversed by Green Tea

Elizabeth Renter

Scientists have f ound that the active ingredient in green tea can lead to a regression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)a type of cancer that causes the bone marrow to make too many lymphocytes (white blood cells). Although the research showing how green tea can fight cancer cell growth was published a f ew years ago, it seems to have been swept under the rug.

Green Tea Fights Cancer Cell Growth

According to T he Telegraph, Dr. Tait Shanaf elt f rom the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota f ound that test subjects tolerated high doses of the green tea extract very well, while also stopping cancer cell growth and leading to a regression in their cancer. To be precise, the treatment reduced the number of lymphocytes in one-third of the test subjects. Another symptom of this type of cancer is swollen lymph nodes, where white blood cells collect. Most subjects in the study saw their enlarged nodes reduced by 50% or more. Each patient received between 400 and 2,000 milligrams twice daily. T his would roughly be the equivalent of drinking f our to 20 cups of tea, twice dailynot manageable f or most people. However, green tea extract is relatively inexpensive and many people opt to take it in supplement f orm. According to T he Telegraph:

Many cases of CLL progress slowly, and often treatment involves an early stage of watchful waiting before patients are given strong treatments. Researchers hope that EGCG could stabilize the disease for many patients in the early stage or improve the success rates of other therapies like chemotherapy.

Green Tea has numerous benef its and has been a go-to beverage choice in certain parts of the world f or centuries. In addition to reversing cancer cell growth, some of the other benef its of green tea include: Accelerates fat loss Among many f oods to boost metabolism and accelerate f at loss, green tea is f ull of antioxidants and plenty of nutrients leading to increased metabolism when taken on a daily basis. Prevents Sunburn - According to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology , you can prevent sunburn simply by drinking green tea. T he polyphenols contained in green tea are powerf ul antioxidants, protecting the body f rom damage by f ree radicals. But they also protect the cells against DNA damage f rom UV radiation. Drinking two cups of green tea each day is enough to reap the benef its. Prevents the Flu Some research shows that drinking between 1-5 cups per day slashed f lu rates, though the benef its stopped af ter 5 cups. Promotes Graceful Aging Green tea is pact f ull of antioxidants, preventing f ree radical damage that leads to aging. Research also shows that those who drink green tea are more agile and medically independent as they age.

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http://naturalso m/amazing-health-benefits-o f-green-tea/

Health Benefits of Green Tea Weight Loss, Anti-aging, and More

Kelsey Co y

Tea, a mainstay f or thousands of years in countless cultures, has garnered attention in the west f or its health promoting potential throughout the past several decades. To qualif y as tea, a drink must be made f rom the leaves of this evergreen Camellia sinensis. Among true teas, there are green, black and oolong, dif f erentiated by the way in which the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant are processed with green being the least processed. Being the least processed type of tea, green tea is the richest in antioxidant polyphenols. Its wide array of health benef its of green tea are generally attributed to these health promoting f lavonoids, and in particular to a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

Some of the Many Health Benef its of Green Tea

Some of the green tea health benef its are as f ollows:

Weight Loss: Promot ing Met abolism and Fat Oxidat ion
Given the obesity crisis, this may be among the most desired of health benef its of green tea. Scientists f rom Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland investigated whether a green tea extract would increase energy expenditure and thus f at oxidation in humans within 24 hours of supplementation. 10 men were given either green tea extract (50 mg caf f eine + 90 mg epigallocatechin gallate), caf f eine (50 mg) or a placebo at breakf ast, lunch and dinner and were subsequently evaluated in a respiratory chamber. Based on measures of respiratory quotient and urinary excretion of nitrogen and catecholamines, green tea showed signif icant thermogenic properties and promoted f at oxidation more ef f ectively than either the placebo or caf f eine, suggesting that EGCG has unique f at-burning properties. Having a place among many f oods to boost metabolism, green tea is also great f or losing a deadly f at known as visceral f at - at inside the abdomen.

Prot ect ing and Rest oring Brain Cells

According to an article published in the journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, tea f lavonoids (catechins) have been reported to possess antioxidant, and anti-inf lammatory activities, to penetrate the brain barrier and to protect neuronal death in a wide array of cellular and animal models of neurological diseases. More specif ically, Korean scientists have demonstrated that green tea extract consumed prior to brain injury exerts a neuroprotective ef f ect and promotes better recovery f rom neuronal damage.

Ant i-Cancer
While the cancer f ighting potential of green tea has been debated over the past several decades, a 2005 study f rom UCLA published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research was the f irst to prove that green tea extract was able to target cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone, a f eat that current cancer treatments have yet to match. Another study showcasing the relationship between green tea and cancer f ound that f ive cups of green tea each day could reduce the risk of lymph cancers by up to 48%, and blood cancers by 42%.

Other f indings also show how green tea can f ight cancer cell growth by signif icantly reducing the number of lymphocytes, while yet more research says that green tea could aid in the prevention of lung cancer. More research is necessary, but the potential of green tea in this regard is intriguing, to say the least.

Lowering Cholest erol

While there is a major cholesterol myth and hoax lurking about, some people still feel better knowing cholesterol levels are in normal range. Japanese scientists evaluated blood samples of 1371 men over the age of 40 and f ound that increased consumption of green tea was associated with decreased serum concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides and an increased proportion of high density lipoprotein, along with a decreased proportion of very low density lipoprotein. High consumption of green tea- 10 or more cups a day- was also associated with decreased concentrations of hepatological markers in serum, suggesting that green tea may protect against both cardiovascular and liver diseases. In another study, rats f ed a very high cholesterol diet were supplemented with catechins extracted f rom green tea powder. Rats on the high cholesterol diet f or 28 days showed increased liver weight, liver total lipids and cholesterol concentrations, but tea supplementation diminished these ef f ects. Tea catechins decreased plasma total cholesterol, cholesterol ester, total cholesterol and artherogenic index, a measure of the ratio of high density and low density lipoproteins.

Other Health Benef its of Green Tea

T he health benef its of green tea also include: Protecting against sun damage - According to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, the polyphenols contained in green tea are powerf ul antioxidants which not only protect the body f rom damage by f ree radicals, but can also protect the cells against DNA damage f rom UV radiation. Graceful aging Antioxidants f ound in green tea provide anti-aging benef its and pave the way f or gracef ul aging. Research shows that those who drink green tea are more agile and medically independent as they age. Whats more, the study f ound that these same antioxidant chemicals can help to protect your body against general health-impairing ef f ects by f ighting cell damage. Boosting the immune system, protecting against the flu - Researchers examining over 2,000 elementary school students, giving them a questionnaire about their green tea consumption and illness during inf luenza season. T hey f ound was those who consumed green tea daily were sick less of ten - drinking between 1-5 cups per day slashed f lu rates, though the benef its stopped af ter 5 cups. Clearing nasal congestion - Green tea blocks histamine production and helps boost the immune system. Reducing stress One Japanese study involving 42,093 individuals, 2,774 of which suf f ered f rom psychological stress and said green tea helped to lessen that stress, f ound that drinking f ive cups of the tea each day could reduce stress by 20%. An enormous body of contemporary research withstanding, we are also wise to consider green teas history. Tea, and green tea especially, has a long been honored as a near sacred beverage in eastern culture. In T he Book of Tea, Kakuzo Okakura introduces westerners to teaism, wherein tea is drunk in a ceremonious way understood to promote and f oster harmony with ones self , ones environment, ones mind, ones heart and ones nature. T he health benef its of green tea and all teas within the practice are considered self -evident. My background considered, I readily admit that I might be biased, but I cant help but make an observation:

divorced f rom one another as they may seem, perhaps the richest understanding of green tea and its potential health benef its, and maybe even health in general, lies somewhere at the overlap of ancient eastern philosophy and contemporary western analysis. Perhaps, we may all even have something to learn f rom one another.

Green Tea Benef it Summary Green Tea is Great f or:

Protection against cancer Gracef ul aging Protecting against sunburn Weight loss Protecting and restoring brain cells Clearing nasal congestion Destressing Boosting the immune system, protecting against the f lu Additional Sources: T he Telegraph T he Cochrane Library

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http://naturalso m/green-tea-aid-preventio n-o f-lung-cancer/

Can Green Tea Aid in the Prevention of Lung Cancer?

Elizabeth Renter

Could green tea aid in the prevention of lung cancer? Over the last several years, weve heard more and more about the cancerpreventative aspects of green tea, and the studies just keep coming. Researchers f rom Taiwan f ound that both smokers and non-smokers who drink at least one cup of green tea each day see a signif icantly lower risk of lung cancer.

Green Tea and the Prevention of Lung Cancer

According to the BBC, the study f ound that those who didnt drink green tea were at a f ive times greater risk of developing lung cancer than those who had just one cup a day. Among smokers, the rate was even higher, with the non-drinkers seeing a risk increase of 12 times that of the tea drinkers. Also related to green tea consumption, scientists f ound that a gene may play a role in the prevention of lung cancer. T he greatest lung cancer prevention was seen in those people who not only drank green tea, but had a gene called IGF1. Active components in green tea, called polyphenols, are credited with stopping cancer in its tracks. T hough some conf licting studies have arisen over the years, the majority point to green tea as an amazing health elixir. Scientists began researching the ef f ects of the tea when noticing the dramatically lower cancer rates in Asia, where consumption of green tea is highest. Of course this isnt the f irst time a link has been made between green tea and cancer prevention. One Japanese study involving 40,000 Japanese individuals f ound that consuming f ive cups of green tea each day could work to prevent the development of cancer, particularly lymph cancers and blood cancers. Other scientists also f ound that green tea f ights cancer cell growth. T hey noticed that the active ingredient in green tea can lead to a regression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)a type of cancer that causes the bone marrow to make too many lymphocytes (white blood cells). Fortunately f or us, green tea is easy to f ind. In order to get the most f rom your tea, look f or organic varieties. Drink at least one cup each day and limit sweeteners and additives. Green tea has a light taste that isnt overpowering and is easy to drink. Additional Sources: T he Telegraph

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http://naturalso m/12-health-benefits-o f-sesame-seeds-sesame-o il/

Over 12 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds and Sesame Oil

Mike Barrett

An amazingly healthf ul f ood utilized f or over 5,000 years, sesame may be one of the most potent, nutrient-dense medicinal f oods still used today. Sesame seeds are not only praised f or their nutritional content in seed f orm, but are also highly valued f or their rancid-resistant oil. In f act, once you learn of the health benef its of sesame seeds, you may just f ind yourself stocking up on this ancient condiment.

Sesame Seeds Nutritional Prof ile

As mentioned, sesame seeds have a f abulous nutritional prof ile, granting their capabilities in f ighting, preventing, and reversing illness and disease. T he seeds are especially high in copper, manganese, calcium, and magnesium. But the value doesnt end there. Here are some notable vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you can expect to f ind in a 1 ounce (28g) serving of sesame seeds. Manganese 0.7 mg. 35% RDA. Copper 0.7 mg. 35% RDA. Calcium 277 mg. 28% RDA. Iron 4.1 mg. 23% RDA. Magnesium 99.7 mg. 25% RDA. Tryptophan 93 mg. Z inc 2 mg. 13% RDA. Fiber 3.9 g. 16% RDA. T hiamin 0.2 mg. 15% RDA. Vitamin B6 0.2 mg. 11% RDA. Phosphorous 179 mg. 18% RDA. Protein 4.7 g. Needless to say, the above nutrients, and others, help to make up the numerous health benef its of sesame seeds that have been experienced f or thousands of years. Its time to discover what exactly the Egyptians and other cultures around the world saw in these tiny seeds. Here are over 12 sesame seeds health benef its.

The Health Benef its of Sesame Seeds

Promote Healthy, Beautiful Skin Sesame seeds are f ull of zinc, an essential mineral f or producing collagen and giving skin more elasticity. Z inc also helps damaged tissues in the body to repair. Sesame oil is also known to sooth burns and prevent skin related disorders. Great for High-Protein Vegetarian Diet Sesame seeds of f er 4.7 grams of protein per ounce, giving them a perf ect place in a high-protein vegetarian diet. Sesame Seed Oil for Oral Health One of the most prominent benef its of sesame seeds and

sesame oil revolves around removing dental plaque and boosting oral health. By engaging in an activity known as oil pulling, which involves swishing oil around in your mouth, you can boost oral health and even whiten your teeth. One study showcases the oil pulling benef its on the oral level, where oil pulling with sesame oil was shown to reduce the amount of streptococcus mutants in both teeth plaque and mouth saliva, and boost overall health. (Click the next link to f ind out what oil pulling is and learn of oil pulling benef its). Helps Prevent Diabetes T hanks to magnesium and other nutrients, sesame seeds, and especially sesame oil, has been shown to combat diabetes. One study, published in 2011 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, f ound that sesame oil improved the ef f ectiveness of the oral antidiabetic drug glibenclamide in type 2 diabetic patients. Another study concluded that substitution of sesame oil as the sole edible oil has an additive ef f ect in f urther lowering BP and plasma glucose in hypertensive diabetics. Reduces Blood Pressure As the above study concludes, sesame oil has been shown to lower blood pressure in hypertensive diabetics. Additionally, magnesium has been shown to help lower blood pressure and sesame seeds are loaded with magnesium. Promotes Heart Health - Further adding to the health benef its of sesame seeds, sesame seed oil can boost heart health by preventing atherosclerotic lesions. An antioxidant and antiinf lammatory compound known as sesamol, which also harnesses anti-atherogenic properties, is thought to be one reason f or the benef icial ef f ects. According to GreenMedInf o, sesamol has been shown to possess over two dozen benef icial pharmacologically active properties, many of which may contribute to improving cardiovascular health. Protects Against DNA Damage from Radiation - Sesamol, a compound f ound in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has been shown in some studies to protect against DNA damaged caused by radiation. Further, sesamol has been shown to extend lif e in mice treated with radiation, partly by preventing damage to the intestines and the spleen. Prevents Cancer Not only do sesame seeds contain an anti-cancer compound called phytate, but the magnesium in sesame seeds also harness anti-cancer properties. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition f ound that the risk of colorectal tumors decreased by 13% and the risk of colorectal cancer decreased by 12% f or every 100 mg of magnesium taken in. Boosts Bone Health - In addition to promoting healthy skin, zinc has also been shown to boost bone mineral density and bone health as a whole. One study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, f ound a correlation between zinc def iciency and osteoporosis in the hip and spine area. Whats more, sesame seeds are a great source of calcium a known trace mineral that is essential f or bone health and preventing related conditions. Boosting Digestive Health, Relieving Constipation Sesame seeds are rich in f iber, which is known to pave way f or a healthy digestive system and a healthy colon. Provides Relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis A mineral that is important f or anti-inf lammatory and antioxidant enzyme systems, copper is known f or reducing pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Additionally, this mineral helps provide strength to blood vessels, bones, and joints. Promotes Respiratory Health, Prevents Asthma T hanks to the magnesium, sesame seeds are able to prevent asthma by and other respiratory disorders by preventing airway spasms.

Sesame Seeds Benef its Overview: Sesame Seeds are Great f or:
Promoting bone health Lowering blood pressure Preventing cancer Iron def iciency anemia

Promoting healthy skin Helps prevent headaches and migraines Reducing stress Preventing constipation Preventing diabetes Lowering cholesterol Promoting heart health Protecting against radiation-induced DNA damage Boosting oral health: preventing cavities, removing dental plaque Inclusion in a high-protein vegetarian diet Detoxif ying the body Reduces PMS symptoms Intestinal parasites Lactation disorders Additional Sources: ScienceDaily Pubmed/20460401 NutritionData.Self About Mike Barrett: Google Plus Prof ile | Mike is the co-f ounder, editor, and primary researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports f or top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

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http://naturalso m/turkey-tail-mushro o m-immune-system-fight-cancer/

Turkey Tail Mushroom Used to Help Immune System Fight Cancer

Mike Barrett

Can you prevent and help treat cancer simply by utilizing natures gif ts? Absolutely at least thats what researchers at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington say. Using a naturally occurring mushroom known as turkey tail, which has been used f or centuries to boost the immune system, the researchers have shown once again how natural f oods can be used in the f ight against cancer. Knowing f ull well that cancer prevention has much to do with turbo-charging the bodys natural def ense system, the researchers set out to test the ef f ectiveness of a naturally occurring mushroom in terms of boosting immunity. But instead of lab experiments using mice, the Bastyr researchers tested the turkey tail on real cancer patients af ter receiving permission f rom the Food and Drug Administration.

Turke y Tail g ro wing o n a lo g . Imag e fro m Huffing to n Po s t.

One of Bastyrs cancer patients and an ice skating competitor, Lisa Clinton, is just one of many individuals around the world who wholeheartedly believe that natural f oods played a large role in her survival. Af ter going through surgery, the ice skating competitor ref used the extremely questionable cancer-treatment chemotherapy and turned to turkey tail instead to target her cancer.

We consider cancer a failure of the immune systemWhen they [turkey tail] are ingested into the body, they stimulate immune cells that line the intestines, and then those stimulate other immune cells all over the body, says Dr. Leanna Standish at Bastyr University.

Luckily, big pharma is unlikely to sell turkey tail as a patented treatment due to the mushrooms extremely long history in medicinal use. Turkey tail mushrooms have been used by various cultures in Asia, Europe, and by indigenous people in North America to treat various health conditions f or hundreds of years including cancer. While the mushroom has been brewed as a tea since the early 15th century, the medicinal properties of turkey tail have almost without a doubt been f elt even bef ore written history. It is no surprise that the mushroom is being explored today. One scientif ic f inding concerning turkey tail revolves around the increased number of natural killer cells af ter ingestion of the mushroom. Natural killer cells protect against viruses and tumors. Whats more, turkey tail mycelium excretes strong antiviral compounds, specif ically active against Human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, and hepatitis C virus (HEP-C), which causes liver cancer, reports Huf f ingtonPost.

What to Look For

If youre interested in checking out turkey tail, there are a f ew things to consider f irst. Whether buying the mushroom itself or buying a product using turkey tail, be sure to purchase only certified organic. Secondly, f ind out where the mushrooms are grown and who grew them. While it may require a bit of digging, try to look f or turkey tail coming f rom skilled growers with skills in cultivation . Companies are merely worried about the bottom dollar and generally care little f or the consumer f or various reasons

f rom constantly switching suppliers to ignoring the real quality of their product f or reasons of prof ict. Doing your own research in this area can help tremendously.

The Turkey Tail Mushroom is Not Alone

Of course turkey tail is not alone; countless natural f oods have been shown to heal the body in numerous ways and prevent cancer. T he spice turmeric has repeatedly been shown to be an ef f ective cancer-f ighter and even block cancer growth, being shown to reduce tumors by an astounding 81% in one study. One f ather didnt ignore the marijuana and cancer relationship, and used marijuana oil to save his sons lif e. Lastly, but certainly not least, a little-known plant known as the thunder god vine has made headlines as a cancer killer f or vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Additional Sources: About Mike Barrett: Google Plus Prof ile | Mike is the co-f ounder, editor, and primary researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports f or top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

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http://naturalso m/health-benefits-o f-pistachio s-heart-eyes-cancer/

The Health Benefits of Pistachios: Heart Health, Eye Health, Cancer Prevention
Elizabeth Renter

Although f rom Western Asia originally, pistachios have been eaten f or thousands of years throughout the Mediterranean. Nuts in general are a great source of protein and healthy f ats, but did you know that pistachios have numerous additional benef its? Scientists have f ound these little tough nuts to be usef ul in preventing cancer, lowering lipids in the prevention of heart disease, and preventing diabetes, all while delivering a good source of antioxidants. And these arent the only health benef its of pistachios.

Outlining the Health Benef its of Pistachios

A study published by the American Association f or Cancer Research indicates that people who ate about 2 ounces of pistachios a day f or f our weeks saw higher blood levels of gamma-tocopherol, a type of vitamin E. Gamma-tocopherol is known to protect against various cancers, including lung cancer. A powerf ul f at-soluble antioxidant, the vitamin E in pistachios is also essential f or beautif ul skin, protection f rom UV radiation damage, and strengthening cell membranes. Another study f ound that eating pistachios lowered lipids and lipoproteins, a risk f actor f or heart disease. T he researchers report that Inclusion of pistachios in a healthy diet benef icially af f ects cardiovascular disease risk f actors in a dose-dependent manner, which may ref lect ef f ects on Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Penny Kris-Etherton, prof essor of nutrition and primary investigator of the study also says: our study has shown that pistachios, eaten with a heart healthy diet, may decrease a persons CVD risk profile . According to research published in the Journal of Nutrition, a diet rich in pistachios (1.5 to 3 ounces per day) was linked to increased beta-carotene and gamma-tocopherol in the blood. T here is evidence that pistachios, rich in phosphorus, may have positive ef f ects on the prevention of Type 2 diabetes, aiding in glucose tolerance. Vitamin B6 in pistachios can increase blood health by boosting the amount of oxygen carried in the blood stream, boost the immune system, and help support a healthy nervous system. T he antioxidants f ound in pistachios can also prevent a harmf ul process called glycation, which makes proteins unusable. T his process ultimately helps diabetes to damages tissues, as sugars end up bonding inappropriately. Other research shows that a diet rich in pistachios (1.5 to 3 ounces per day) was linked to increased beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and gamma-tocopherol in the blood. T he carotenoids f ound in pistachios of f er overall protection from free radicals, and also help to decrease the risk of agerelated macular degeneration a primary cause of vision problems and developed blindness. Alpha carotene-rich f oods have also been shown to prevent cancer and heart disease.

How to Increase Pistachio Consumption

So, how can you increase your pistachio consumption and reap the health benef its of pistachios? Easily. T hese little nuts make a great snack. Here are some ideas: T hrow pistachios on a salad

Serve them with f ruit Munch on them during a movie Chop and cook them with brown rice and herbs Add them to a natural, homemade trail mix Use them in place of pine nuts in a pesto Crush them, make a paste with garlic and olive oil, and serve on top of baked salmon as a pistachio butter Its not dif f icult to get a f ew ounces of pistachios into your daily diet; the nuts are versatile and so tasty. And with the multiple health benef its of pistachios, they should be at the top of your go-to health f ood list!

Benef it Summary Pist achios are great f or:

Heart health Eye health Skin health Diabetes control Cancer prevention Immune system Slowing aging process Additional Sources: HealthDiaries Health.USnews

nat uralso cie t m

http://naturalso m/alpha-caro tene-carro ts-prevent-cancer-heart-disease/

Alpha-Carotene Rich Foods Like Carrots Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease
Elizabeth Renter

Its common knowledge that carrots are good f or your eyesight, but scientists with the Centers f or Disease Control have f ound that they have a wealth of other benef itsincluding protecting against cancer and reducing the risk of heart disease. As reported in T he Telegraph, researchers evaluated 15,318 study participants. T hey f ound those with higher levels of alphacarotene in the blood had lower risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer. As a matter of f act, participants with the most high levels of alpha-carotene were at a reduced risk of dying over a 14-year period. Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and other similarly orange vegetables are known to pack a serious antioxidant punchrich in beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and other carotenoids that are said to combat disease. T hese antioxidants protect the body at a cellular level f rom damage. T here has even been genetic evidence showing how antioxidants kill cancer, with one lead researcher saying:

Antioxidants have been associated with cancer reducing effectsbeta carotene, for example but the mechanisms, the genetic evidence, has been lacking. Now we have genetic proof that mitochondrial oxidative stress is important for driving tumor growth, says lead researcher Michael P. Lisanti, M.D., Ph.D.

T hough alpha-carotene is similar to beta-carotene, it may be more ef f ective at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the brain, liver, and skin, according to the study. In addition to the common orange vegetables, alpha-carotene can also be f ound in dark green veggies like broccoli, green beans, peas, spinach, collard greens, and turnip greens. T hese orange and green vegetables are more strongly associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer, than all other vegetables. We all know vegetables can improve our health and even increase our lif e span. T hese f indings merely substantiate those belief s and give them scientif ic credence. Occasionally, with studies like this comes a rush to the supplement store to f ind the nutrient in a conveniently packaged pill f orm. In this case, scientists are cautioning against such actions,essentially saying that beta-carotene supplements may not match up against natural f ood sources. In other words the benef its are f ound within the vegetables, and the antioxidants may lose some of their ef f ectiveness when they are not f ound and consumed naturally within the f ood.

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http://naturalso m/pumpkins-lo wer-blo o d-sugar-prevent-cancer-mo re/

Lower Blood Sugar, Prevent Cancer and More with Pumpkins!

Elizabeth Renter

Winter vegetables are known nutritional powerhouses, and though its commonly only thought of as a good pie-maker and sometimes-soup ingredient, pumpkin has numerous dif f erent health benef its that should move it to the f oref ront of your cold season menu. Some research involving rats, perf ormed by East China Normal University in 2007, f ound that damaged pancreas cells regenerated more easily when pumpkin extract was consumed. T he pumpkin extract ignited a boost in insulin levels, showing a possibility f or the f ood to be benef icial f or pre-diabetic or diabetic humans.

Why You Should Eat Pumpkins!

T his hard squash is an excellent source of zinc, Vitamin A, potassium, and Vitamin E. Along with other nutritional goodies, these help make pumpkins a super health f ood. T he vegetable is a mild anti-inf lammatory and has a low glycemic load. T he Vitamin A (or carotenoids converted to Vitamin A) is higher in pumpkin than any other vegetable. T hese nurture vision health, immune f unction, cancer prevention, and tissue repair. Good f or heart and blood health, potassium can also reduce muscle cramping in athletes (which is why endurance athletes of ten munch on bananas). A cup of pumpkin as 564 mg of potassium, making it an even better choice than that banana (which has just over 400 mg). Pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of zinc, plus, theyre delicious. Z inc is crucial to developing the immune system and keeping cells healthy. Roast your own or f ind some organic already roasted seeds (sometimes called pepitas) in your local health f ood store. Natural News reports that pumpkin seed oil is an excellent source of essential f ats, phytosterols, and vitamins E and K. It is reported to nurture healthy brain f unction and skin condition. It may even work to lower cholesterol and improve metabolism. One study published in Urology International f ound that male rats with enlarged prostates experienced signif icant improvement through the supplementation of pumpkin seed oil. T he oil essentially shrunk their enlarged prostates. Pumpkins are an under-appreciated health f ood that deserve a much better treatment than the annual holiday pie. Try making a winter-time soup of pureed pumpkin or a pumpkin curry with plenty of ginger and garlic. Munch on pumpkin seeks f or a snack or use them as a salad topping. Not only will these options taste greattheyll help keep you healthy and ward of f inf ections during this time of year. Additional Sources: Pubmed/17033217

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http://naturalso m/exercise-reduce-cancer-resurgence-risk/

Exercise Shown to Protect the Body Against Future Cancer

Elizabeth Renter

Even af ter someone has successf ully battled cancer, they are of ten scared of the possibility that it will return. However they chose to conquer itusing questionable chemotherapy or alternative treatmentskeeping the cancer at bay is a primary concern while recovering. T here are many ways to prevent cancer, with one small study presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise VI meeting indicating that exercising regularly could help reduce cancer risk by boosting immune function. Sixteen people participated in the study, with all but one having just f inished chemo. Blood samples were taken at the beginning and end of the 12-weeks. Researchers were looking specif ically at the number of senescent and nave T-cells. Senescent T cells weak at f ighting disease while nave T cells are stronger. Following the 12-week period, in which participants did cardio, strength training, and f lexibility work, an interesting observation was made. At the beginning, there were more senescent and less nave T cells. Af ter the exercise period, the counts f lip-f lopped, with more nave (disease-f ighting) T cells and less senescent cells.

If exercise indeed strengthens the immune system and potentially improves cancer surveillance, its one more thing we should educate patients about as a reason they should schedule regular activity throughout their day and make it a priority in their lives, said researcher Laura Bilek of the study. What were suggesting is that with exercise, you might be getting rid of T cells that arent helpful and making room for T cells that might be helpful.

While cancer can wreak havoc, chemotherapy can too. So even though exercise as an immune booster is important f or all people recovering f rom cancer, it is especially important f or people who essentially have to rebuild their immune systems af ter having been subjected to chemotherapy. And this isnt the only research linking exercise with reduced caner risk. Medical researchers f rom Harvard f ound that only 3.5 hours a week can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by nearly half when compared to inactive women. Another paper stated:

The data are clear in showing that physically active men and women have about a 30-40% reduction in the risk of developing colon cancer, compared with inactive persons With regard to breast cancer, there is reasonably clear evidence that physically active women have about a 20-30% reduction in risk, compared with inactive women.

Seeing as exercise is a total health booster, it isnt surprising to see that it can also reduce cancer risk. Start exercising now to boost health, prevent cancer, and even add years to your lif e. Additional Sources:

EurekAlert MedLinePlus

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http://naturalso m/grape-seed-extract-o utperfo rms-chemo therapy-co lo rectal-cancer/

Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells

Susan Patterso n

Patients with colorectal cancer may benef it f rom the cancergrowth-inhibiting power of grape seed extract. Researchers f rom the University of Colorado Cancer Center report that the more aggressive the cancer cells are, the more ef f ective the grape extract works at targeting and stopping the growth. Grape seed extract is amazing in that it attacks the cancer cells but leaves the healthy cells untouched. T his is a departure f rom conventional cancer treatments that destroy all of the cells in an attempt to stop the spread of cancer. Actually, the power of grape seed extract seems quite remarkable in this research. Molly Derry, a doctoral candidate in the lab of Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and investigator at the CU Cancer Center and her team saw that while doses of chemotherapy only increase with more severe cancer cases, such as a stage IV instead of stage II, the amount of grape seed extract required actually decreased. Derry explained:

It required less than half the concentration of GSE to suppress cell growth and kill 50 percent of stage IV cells than it did to achieve similar results in the stage II cells. Weve known for quite a while that the bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. This study shows that many of the same mutations that allow colorectal cancer cells to metastasize and survive traditional therapies make them especially sensitive to treatment with GSE.

Amazing Grapes
One of many berry types, grapes were introduced to America over 300 years ago. T here are over 8,000 grape varieties with the main types being American and European. With only 100 calories per cup, grapes are a great source of vitamins K and C and are loaded with antioxidants. Grape seed extract is made f rom the seed of the grape and is benef icial f or a number of cardiovascular conditions such as poor circulation and high cholesterol. T he extract has also been f ound usef ul in the treatment of diabetes-related eye disease, loss of vision due to aging, and swelling associated with injury. Currently, GSE is being studied in the treatment of leukemia and Alzheimers disease. Interestingly, past research also points to berries as a solution f or colorectal cancer and many other cancers. In one study, the growth of new tumors in mice f ed black raspberry decreased by 45 percent and the total number of tumors went down 60 percent. Other research f ound that f oods rich in f lavanols (berries, grapes, apples) also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Advanced Cancer and Grape Seed Extract

T he bioactive compounds in grape seed extract selectively target many types of cancer cells. With an increase in colorectal cancer, the f indings of this study are timely. By the time most people are diagnosed

with the disease, it is in the advanced stages. But thankf ully, as mentioned, researchers f ound that it required less grape seed extract to kill advanced cancer cells than it did cells in the early stage. It is thought that the extract kills cancer cells by a process of oxidative stress. Additional Sources: MedicalNewsToday Webmd NBC News

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http://naturalso m/co nflicting-evidence-o mega-3-fats-co lo n-cancer-preventio n/

Conflicting Evidence Between Omega 3 Fats and Colon Cancer Prevention

Elizabeth Renter

Omega 3 f atty acids may reduce your risk of colon cancer. Omega 3 f atty acids may increase your risk of colon cancer. Conf used? You arent alone. Conf licting studies over the past f ive years have had dramatically dif f erent results when looking at omega 3 f atty acid consumption and colon cancer prevention or risk. But it seems, as with most things, a moderate consumption of omega 3s can have a positive ef f ect on avoiding cancer.

Can Omega 3s Help with Colon Cancer Prevention?

According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers f ound a reduced risk of colon cancer with increasing omega 3 f atty acid intake. T he study subjects who saw the greatest benef its were whites, while Af rican American participants saw the oppositetheir risk was actually increased. Scientists cautioned against interpreting this saying it was likely due to chance. However, the study f ound that those whites who were in the top f ourth of omega 3 consumption had half the risk of colon cancer when compared to those consuming in the bottom f ourth. A related study, this one published in Gut, f ound that consumption of omega 3 f atty acids aided in colon cancer prevention by reducing the size and number of rectal polypsa risk f actor f or colon cancer. Studies on mice havent shown the same results. According to My Health News Daily, mice with impaired immune systems who were given high doses of omega 3 f atty acids actually developed colon cancer. Scientists were looking to see if people in inf lammatory bowel disease (commonly associated with a compromised immune system) would benef it f rom omega 3s. T hey f ound evidence to the contrary. T he mice, all of which had been genetically altered to be more susceptible to bacterial inf ections, were then exposed to bacteria that increased their risk of developing colon cancer and colitis. T he mice that had received medium and high dosages of the omega-3 f atty acid developed late-stage colon cancer, the researchers f ound. T he other mice did not. From MyHealthNewsDaily:

Fenton said the results show a high dose of fish oil beyond what youd normally get from a healthy diet has the potential to suppress the immune response to a virus or bacteria if you already have a compromised immune system.

Researchers f rom the mice study suggest people get their omega 3 f atty acids f rom f oods rather than supplements. T his helps ensure they are getting moderate amounts that can still deliver health benef its without potentially increasing any risks. Of course, depending on your realistic dietary intake of omega 3 f atty acids, supplementation may be a good choice. Additional Sources: Reuters

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Keep Colon Cancer at Bay with Phytonutrients (Berries, Grapes, Apples)

Susan Patterso n

A collection of dietary studies, including almost 400,000 people, reviewed by Chinas National Center of Colorectal Surgery has concluded that a diet rich in phytonutrients may reduce the occurrence of colorectal cancer. Of specif ic consideration is a diet including f lavonoids and f lavanols. Eight dif f erent studies were considered, including studies with large populations and smaller, randomized studies. Evidence f rom all of these varied studies was closely reviewed. To help with quantif ication of data and conservatism, the Cochrane library and Cochrane protocol were used. Upon close examination of the research, it was determined that consumption of f oods rich in f lavanols greatly reduced the risk of colon cancer. In addition, the greater quantity of f lavanol-rich f ood that was consumed meant a greater risk reduction. A particular f lavanol, epicatechin was f ound to have a considerable impact on the risk of one developing colorectal cancer.

What is A Flavanol?
All plant f oods contain thousands of natural chemicals called phytonutrients or phytochemicals. T he word Phtyo is a Greek word that means plants. T he natural chemicals f ound within plants protect the plant f rom external threats including bugs, germs and f ungi. While they may not be essential to sustaining human lif e, they do help prevent disease and keep the body in working order. T he most well known phytonutrients are carotenoids, f lavonoids, indoles, phytoestrogens, lignans and isof lavones. Flavanols are a subclass of polyphenols. Of over the 25,000 phytonutrients f ound in plant f oods, f lavonoids, including f lavanols, are f ound in a large number of plants f oods including onions, berries, grapes and apples. Catechins, which include epicatechin, gallocatechin and epigallocatechin f rom the f lavonoid f amily, are f ound in herbal tea and cocoa.

Other Phytonutrients
T he reviewed data also indicated that consuming f oods with procyandins and phytoestrogens reduced the incidence of colorectal cancer, but to a lesser degree than the polyphenols. Two other phytonutrients, genistein, and f ormononetin reduced the risk of colorectal cancer, as well. T hese compounds are both isof lavonoids and phytoestrogens because they can bind to estrogen receptors in the body. T his is signif icant, especially f or women because, as the body ages, the decrease in estrogen can increase inf lammation. Consuming f oods rich in phytoestrogens will help of f set this inf lammation. Genistein and f ormononetin are f ound in soy, red clover beans and some whole grains.

U.S. National Cancer Institute Study

One of the studies that was considered was as review f rom the United States Cancer Institute. T he study group was comprised of 1,905 people with an average age of 61. T he consumption of 29 dif f erent f lavonoids was compared to the occurrence of adenomatous polyps (common symptom of colorectal cancer). Colonoscopies were used to detect the polyp incidence. T he study indicated that a diet high in f lavonoids and switching to a high-f iber diet both reduced the

occurrence of polyp f ormation and colorectal cancer. Cancer prevention was most notable amongst those participants that consumed f oods with the highest f lavonol content indicating that attention should be given to the type of f ruits and vegetables consumed, not just an overall increase in consumption of the f ood type. Additional Sources: WebMD GreenMedInf o

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High Fiber Diet Shown to Prevent Cancer Progression

Mike Barrett

For over a decade people have been told to incorporate a high-f iber diet into their lif estyle in order to prevent and even help reverse colon cancer, but what about other cancers? Well, research surrounding this recommendation is now f inding yet another link between increased f iber intake and the f ight against cancer, with a recent study f inding that a high fiber diet can slow the progression of prostate cancer . T he study, which was conducted by University of Colorado researchers and published in the January 2013 issue of Cancer Prevention Research, involved testing a compound known as inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). IP6 is a chemical largely present in a high-f iber diet and f ound specif ically in f oods like beans, peanuts, brown rice, sesame seeds, white rice, and other whole grains. Researchers f ed one group of mice IP6 while the other did not receive the compound, ultimately monitoring the progression of prostate cancer cells. In the end, prostate tumors in the mice f ed IP6 simply did not grow and progress at the same rate as those f ound in the other test mice. IP6 not only inhibited prostate tumors f rom making new blood vessels which are required f or energy, but the compound also slowed the progress at which the tumors metabolize glucose.

The studys results were really rather profound. We saw dramatically reduced tumor volumes, primarily due to the anti-angiogenic effects of IP6, says Komal Raina, PhD, research instructor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Researchers have long been looking for genetic variations between Asian and Western peoples that could explain the difference in prostate cancer progression rates, but now it seems as if the difference may not be genetic but dietary. Asian cultures get IP6 whereas Western cultures generally do not.

Other Methods f or Preventing Prostate Cancer

In addition to increasing f iber intake, there are of course other natural methods f or preventing and reversing prostate cancer. In one study, based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. T he anticancer properties were observed in addition to gingers role in reducing inf lammation aand being a rich source of lif e-enhancing antioxidants. Another substance used to suppress prostate tumor development is the turkey tail mushroom. T he research f ocused on a compound known as polysaccharopeptide (PSP), which is f ound in the turkey tail mushroom. What was f ound was that mice f ed the PSP over 20 weeks did not develop any prostate tumors, whereas a group of mice not f ed PSP did develop tumors. Finally, if youre looking f or a more practical approach to reduce prostate cancer risk, simply exercise more and consume more leafy green vegetables. Both walking and leaf y greens, specif ically brassicas, have been shown to help in the prevention of cancer and lower the risk of cancer development. Even brisk walks can be highly ef f ective at enhancing overall health with simultaneously f ending of f an increased risk of colon cancer. It can even help to balance out your mood, assist in earthing (the act of

experiencing nature through nature walks that can be benef icial), and much more. Taking simple preventative measures to cut your risk of developing serious conditions can be as simple as walking 10 minutes a day or altering your diet. When it comes down to it, you also can save thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) in medical bills. Additional Sources: Webmd T he Telegraph About Mike Barrett: Google Plus Prof ile | Mike is the co-f ounder, editor, and primary researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports f or top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research
Anthony Gucciardi

A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the thunder god vine or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into Chinese medicine and has been used for ages in remedying a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis. According to the new research out of the University of Minnesotas Masonic Cancer Center, the thunder god plant compound led to no signs of tumors after a 40 day period even after discontinuing the treatment. Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health, even the scientists working on the project were stunned by the anti-cancer properties of the compound. Known to contain something known as triptolide, which has been identified as a cancer fighter in previous research, it is thought to be the key component that may be responsible for the anti-tumor capabilities. Study leader and vice chairman of research at the Cancer Center explained to Bloomberg how he was blown away by the effects of the simple plant:

This drug is just unbelievably potent in killing tumor cells, he said.

And just like with numerous other powerful substances like turmeric and ginger, mainstream science is still slowly confirming what many traditional practitioners have known for their entire lives. This is, of course, due to the fact that there is simply no money for major corporations in researching the healing powers of natural herbs and compounds such as the compound found in the thunder god vine. Turmeric and ginger, for example, have been found to be amazing anti-cancer substances that are virtually free compared to expensive and dangerous cancer drugs. Nevertheless, the Big Pharma sponsored corporate scientists have managed to ignore these spices as much as possible. In fact, they have even been caught time and time again faking thousands of studies to fraudulently demonstrate the supposed value of pharmaceutical drugs pushed by major pharma juggernauts many of which are later forced to pay millions in fines which only slightly stack up against their billions in profits. Profits that are threatened by the many real studies that were performed by scientists examining the rejeuvenating power of cheap ingredients like turmeric, which has been found by peer-reviewed research available on PubMed to positively influence over 590 conditions. While it is great news that this study is bringing the beneficial effects of inexpensive and near-free plant compounds to light, the bad news is that the individuals responsible for the research are actually looking to create a pharmaceutical drug from the essential component triptolide . A drug that will seek FDA approval and ultimately be patented, nutritionally ruined, and sold for exorbitant amounts of cash . Instead, just get your hands on some thunder god vine for yourself.

About Anthony Gucciardi: Google Plus Profile Anthony is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. Anthony's articles have been featured on top health & political websites such as Reuters, Yahoo News, MSNBC, and Bloomberg. Anthony is also a founding member of Natural Attitude, a leading developer of super high quality spagyric formulations.

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by Elizabeth Renter,

Turmeric, it gives curries their smoky, pungent taste and gorgeous yellow hue. But this root is far more than just tastyits one of the most valuable plant-based medicines in existence. Research has connected turmeric to a variety of wonderful benefits, Find us on Facebook

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including and especially the promotion of liver health.

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According to a new study in the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, scientists there have

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found that the livers of diabetic rats were repaired and even regenerated with the help of this yellow

Severe diabetics often suffer liver damage and disease as they progress. But, research indicates turmeric may be able to help. Fascinatingly, liver microvasculature in curcumin treated group developed into regenerate and repair into healthy and normal characteristics. They concluded: These results optimistically demonstrated the potential use of curcumin as a novel therapeutic agent in liver pathology of diabetic rats. What is it about turmeric that makes it so great? Its the compound known as curcumin. And curcumin has long been connected to liver health. Numerous studies have linked it to effectively combating liver cancer and improving liver fibroids. Whats more, turmeric can uniquely assist the enzymes that are responsible for flushing out known dietary carcinogens. The result is enhanced protection against liver damage, and even regeneration of affected liver cells. Turmeric is also notably responsible for improving the health of the gallbladder as well. In relation to diabetes, there are countless studies, as shown in this chart from, that link curcumin and the treatment of diabetes-related problems. This includes the benefits of turmeric related to liver disease, kidney function, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, bone density, diabetes prevention, and diabetic neuropathies. The list of benefits doesnt stop thereturmeric has also been shown to be able to fight Alzheimers disease. Experts believe the lower incidence of this disease in Middle Eastern populations could be credited to the higher consumption of turmeric. Melnoma, breast cancer, lung cancer, neck cancer, and of course liver cancer, may all be helped with turmeric. It can also, reportedly, make cells more vulnerable to cancer treatments. Follow @myscience1 4,671 followers



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Its an anti-inflammatory as well. This property means curcumin can help with things like arthritis, eczema, allergies, digestive problems and skin issues. Its an antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial agent. Reaping the benefits of turmeric and curcumin is simple: start eating it! Curries are a great way to get plenty of this super-root, and curries are very versatile. But, if Caribbean or Middle-Eastern cuisine isnt your thing: add it to soups and sprinkle it on vegetables. For more on what this spice is capable of, check out some other awesome turmeric uses. Additional Sources: The Telegraph Read more: Image credit

Liver sclerosis causes Turmeric curcumin


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A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant

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9 comments Louis Jefferson Coursey III Other Worlds

<>, Date: Monday, November 12, 2012, 7:47 PM. Nuerogenesis in everyday life: live smarter and more meaningfully. by Louis J. C oursey, III "In adult centers the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be Fac ebook s oc ial plugin regenerated." -- Santiago Ramon Y C ajal, "Degeneration and Regeneration in the Nervous System," 1928. This is utter nonsense in 2012, as shown by the Nobel Prize winners that proved mature cells are omnipotent: yes, that means indisputably;even brain cells can regrow. This has been a long-held belief, proposed by Professor C ajal, held that neurons; the cells in the brain were different because they lacked the ability to regenerate. They are different, but they do not lack the ability to regenerate. Today, even in a popular Pennsylvania University hospital(as ...See M ore Reply Like March 7 at 5:37am Louis Jefferson Coursey III Other Worlds Liver, brain, nerves, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Autism, demylenation, some forms of cancer all have something in common; I will leave it at that.

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Reply Like March 7 at 5:41am Nancy Furlow Daytona State C ollege I know my liver needs some help. Reply 4 Like November 11, 2012 at 4:55pm Top C ommenter Hotel and Tourism Studies 200 subscribers

Abdel Razak Walaa

. . . . . . ". " : " ." ...See M ore Reply 1 Like January 5 at 2:53pm Top C ommenter 267 subscribers

Debby Bruck CHom

Here's a mushroom recipe with turmeric. I love to put it in stews, soups, dressings, stir fry, etc. Reply 3 Like November 3, 2012 at 12:34pm

Shawn Thompson C airo High School good info on something in nature that helps people. we humans are organic beings. we need organic solutuios as medicine. pills I notice seem to always get recalled fter a short high profit term from the parmacudical companies who only care about profit and not people. I wounder when people are going to wake up to that. Reply 2 Like October 29, 2012 at 6:30am

Dale Hagen Director of Marketing at Temecula C arriage C ompany This is great. Reply Like December 21, 2012 at 8:18pm Dee Bagent interesting... Reply Like December 17, 2012 at 11:16am Swami Shyamendra Maharaj Founder at Enlightenment Mysic University If so , then why tumeric is prohibited during jondice which is caused by malfunctioning of liver /. Reply 1 Like October 28, 2012 at 6:23pm Nguveren Asen

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Good question. Reply Like October 29, 2012 at 5:41am Dave Rasmussen Gisborne Boys' High School because they wouldnt want u getting well now would the or the truth would get out. Food is the best medicine. Reply 6 Like October 29, 2012 at 5:57am

Nguveren Asen I think he is talking about Indian, where generally more people know food is medicine. I think the reason is the yellowing factor. Reply View 2 more
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2 Like October 29, 2012 at 6:02am

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Home Articles Plant-based diet helps prevent more than 60 percent of chronic disease deaths Home Articles Plant-based diet helps prevent more than 60 percent of chronic disease deaths

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(NaturalNews) Chronic illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity account for nearly 65 percent of all

deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. Over the course of modern human history, forward thinking scientists have known that a diet largely consisting of plants, fruits, nuts and seeds promote optimal health, and when coupled with a healthy lifestyle, can prevent, and in many cases treat a wide variety of chronic diseases

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that kill millions every year. Prior studies over the past two decades have provided solid evidence to show that taking the majority of calories from plant-based foods dramatically lowers the incidence of disease. Diets high in hydrogenated fats and sugars, low in fiber, high in refined and processed grains and low in plant foods are increasingly being consumed by children and adults in western cultures. This dramatic shift toward consumption of fast and convenience foods over the past half century is a direct and indisputable cause of chronic illness. Adding to the insurmountable evidence is a research body published in the magazine, Food Technology that explains how recent discoveries in nutritional genomics explain how plant-based diets are effective at warding off disease. Senior editor, Toni Tarver explains how people living in societies that eat healthy, plant-based diets rarely fall victim to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia, the leading causes of death for the vast majority of aging adults.
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PROCESSED AND REFINED FOODS PROMOTE DISEASE WHILE A PLANTBASED DIET SUPPORTS HEALTH PROCESSED AND REFINED FOODS PROMOTE DISEASE WHILE PLANTThe author provides evidence to explain how bioactive compounds in plant foods play aA role in controlling genetic and other biological factors that lead to chronic disease. Inflammation is BASED DIET HEALTH increasingly foundSUPPORTS to be the root cause of most chronic diseases, and antioxidants from natural foods
eaten raw or minimally cooked counter free radicals that fan the flames of inflammation and damage cellular form and function while altering DNA integrity as well. Plant compounds help control a gene linked to cardiovascular disease and plaque buildup in arteries and change genetic expression while altering the function of critical cellular components responsible for forming and sustaining tumors. Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation in Cambridge, MA concludes Prevention is always better than a cure foods that may help prevent cancer and other chronic diseases include artichok es, black pepper, cinnamon, garlic, lentils, olives, pumpk in, rosemary, thyme, watercress, and more. There should be no doubt that natural compounds found in a plant-based diet provide optimal protection against specific chronic illnesses. For example, some studies have concluded that lycopene from tomatoes appears to lower the risk of prostate, lung, and bladder cancers while other



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studies have shown that foods rich in anthocyanins, such as blueberries and strawberries, significantly reduce death from cardiovascular disease. A natural diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and no more than 10 percent of calories from organic meats are the key to prevent chronic disease and early mortality. Sources for this article include: About the author: John Phillip is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan, a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to continue reading the latest health news updates, and to download your Free 48 page copy of Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan. Learn more: Credit image


Recommended for you Your Spice Rack as a Medicine Cabinet: 5 Hidden Healers in Your Kitchen by Elizabeth Renter, You dont have to be a chef to know that some herbs and spices taste good in certain dishes. Likewise Enter your email address: 5 Ways To Beat Cancer by Erin Schumacher, Today more and more individuals are diagnosed with some type of cancer. But arent we all programmed Subscribe Delivered by FeedBurner

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Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant

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7 comments Ezenwa Onwugbenu TASIS England The foods we eat are an expression of self love. May we love ourselves the more. Reply 3 Like February 14 at 1:50pm

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Bruce Kimball Jr. I am so thankful I became a vegetarian wisest decision I have ever made Reply 1 Like March 7 at 12:45pm

Staley Health Health benefits of being vegetarian are numerous.... Reply 1 Like February 14 at 2:24am

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Pamela Langley Research Moringa Oleifera to see how this plant can heal your body and protect you from chronic disease! Reply 2 Like November 19, 2012 at 6:01am Diana Morgan C hicago, Illinois I loooooove my Moringa!!! Have been drinking it twice daily mixed with water for over a month now and it's amazing - can't imagine not having it! :) Reply 2 Like January 10 at 10:27pm

Corrie Kundel if you live in Florida ,C alifornia and in the south you can grow it--or get fresh ones in Asian stores -- we call it malunggay in Tagalog or Filipino language Reply Like 3 hours ago Rob Smith PROC ESSED AND REFINED FOODS PROMOTE DISEASE WHILE A PLANT-BASED DIET SUPPORTS HEALTH. Reply 1 Like November 4, 2012 at 2:15pm Top C ommenter Boynton Beach C ommunity High School

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1 Like October 31, 2012 at 4:37pm

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by Erin Schumacher, Today more and more individuals are diagnosed with some type of cancer. But arent we all programmed to think: This could never happen to me. And yet it does. Yes, it can happen to you. And between you, your partner and you best friend, one of you may get it. So what exactly is going on in the world? Cancer is a relatively new disease and cause of death
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in the history of mankind. The cancer institute online is dedicated simply to cancer statistics and occurances. Their rates between 2007 and 2009 extrapolate that over 40% of all men and women today will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. That is almost 50%! First, what exactly is cancer? The body is made up of trillions of cells. The cells grow, divide and die in an orderly fashion. Its a tightly controlled process. Cancer, on the other hand, is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. It can happen anywhere in the body lungs, bones, breasts, etc. Follow @myscience1 4,671 followers
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Here is an interesting fact: Cancerous cells cannot survive in an oxygenated environment. Lets flip this around. It means that a low cellular oxygenation level in newly-formed cells are actually going to turn cancerous. In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements. This is the prime cause of cancer. Of course there are secondary causes of cancer but lack of oxygen seems to be the #1. He then goes on to elaborate that the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. In summary, this means that cancerous cells are anaerobes (without oxygen) and healthy cells are aerobes (with oxygen). What reduces oxygen levels in cells?



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1. Buildup of cellular toxicity which then damages the cellular oxygen respiration mechanism within cells. 2. Poor blood flow in the form of red blood cells clumping which slows down the bloodstream and restricts flow into capillaries. 3. Lack of proper building blocks for cell walls that dont allow nutrients into the cells. 4. An acidic environment in the body. Some people use chemo and radiation therapy to kill cancer. However, they also cause damage to healthy cells and overload them with toxins, which in turn leads to the result of cancer in normal cells! And you may have heard, cancer usually returns more than once to people unless they have made changes in their lives! So, What are 5 Ways You Can Decrease Yours Odds of Getting Cancer!? 1. Detoxify your body (decrease cellular toxicity and increase oxygenation to cells) Eliminating environmental toxins from your diet (by eating organically grown foods and avoiding chlorinated/fluoridated water) and your surroundings (by using non-toxic, natural cleansers, cosmetics, furniture, building materials, and clothing) will go a long way toward eliminating cancer from your life. There are a variety of ways to detox your body via water fasts, juice feasts (where you drink only fruit and vegetable juices for a set number of days), and full-on detoxification programs. 2. Exercise (increase blood flow) One cause of poor oxygenation is poor circulation. If cells are oxygen starved they are more likely to become cancerous. So, when one exercises and increases circulation, oxygenation improves and more nutrients will be carried into the cells. 3. Proper eating habits (to create proper building blocks for cell walls) Enter your email address: Diet is a crucial weapon in your cancer-fighting arsenal. You should eat organic whole foods whenever possible to reduce toxins. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids from organic cold-pressed flax oil or fish oil. Cancer thrives on sugar and refined grains. Cut them out as much as possible, and dont use artificial sweeteners as they are not healthy. Recently, new healthy sweeteners such as stevia, xylitol, and Laknato have become widely available. Subscribe Delivered by FeedBurner
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4. Eat mainly alkaline foods Foods that are acidic to the body consist of: meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, junk food, soda, alcohol, coffee, grains, and cereals. These foods you want to minimize in your diet. Alkaline foods, on the other hand, consist mainly of fruits and vegetables. A good percentage to aim for is 75% alkaline foods and 25% acidic foods. This may be challenging in the beginning because many peoples diets are the exact opposite. Once this becomes a bit more natural, a general guideline to shoot for is: 45% cooked fruits and vegetables, 30% RAW fruits and vegetables and 25% grains, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, or poultry. There have, in addition, been research that shows the benefits of a 100% raw food diet in the treatment of cancer. The Gerson institute in San Diego, California provides an alternative to treating cancer. The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the bodys extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements. Over the past 60 years thousands of people have been cured of incurable diseases including: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and auto-immune disorders. Talk about food as medicine!
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5. Support your bodys ability to use oxygen to make energy A nutrient vital in the production of energy in a cell is CoEnzymeQ10. If a cell doesnt have CoQ10, it cant produce energy. Also, research shows that (high-quality) Omega-6 oils increase oxygen transfer into cells. Remember, the more ways you attack cancer, the better your chances are of beating it. The best alternative cancer clinics in the world use multiple supplements and holistic treatments. They dont do just one thing. If possible, do the same yourself. Cancer can be beaten. Never doubt that. People succeed all the time. The best way to beat cancer, though? PREVENT it! Sources: Erin Schumacher is a Certified Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (CNHP; CHNP) She

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specializes in detoxification programs, internal cleanses, and helping clients build strong immune systems. She also travels internationally to do raw food work shops, yoga retreats, and personal coaching. In addition, Erin is a Certified Power Yoga Instructor and a Certified Raw Food Chef from the SunKitchen. She currently lives in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. For more information, Source: Prevent Disease Image credit

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12 comments Engel David GefallenvomHimmel Top C ommenter Works at Guerrilla Games - Official

if you live in united states , it will be very difficult that you beat the cancer because all food is artificial there , the true guilty of this , is MONSANTO........... Reply 15 Like February 3 at 5:22am Ryan Prince Top C ommenter Excelsior Springs, Missouri

EXAC TLY! I WANT OUT OF THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLAC E. They upcharge so hard for organic or healthy foods. Then control the means through which any and all of us make money. So it's just a losing game over here. Reply 7 Like February 3 at 5:47am

Jennifer TwinMommy Cordy Very true Reply 2 Like February 3 at 5:49am

John Freudenberg United States C ongress THIS ARTIC LE IS C OMPLETE GARBAGE! There are so many things wrong with it would require another article to correct. Reply 2 Like 3 hours ago Elijah The-Blind Top C ommenter Engineering Psychology & Genetics

what an interesting opinion. Tell us more. Reply Like about an hour ago Mahan Jalali Top C ommenter Lancaster, C alifornia

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Very informative article. Thank you. Reply 3 Like February 3 at 5:24am

Ken Martin Zionsville, Indiana I'm not too confident in this 5 Ways to Beat C ancer Article. Please provide more peer review journal evidence or your claims. There is a lot of misinformation out there about cancer, please don't add to it. From: Hypoxia-Induced Angiogenesis: Good and Evil. Genes & C ancer 2(12) 11171133 articles/PMC 3411127/pdf/10.1177_1947601911423654.pdf. Hypoxia All eukaryotic organisms rely on oxygen (O2) to support oxidative phosphorylation for efficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. Therefore, a constant O2 supply, maintained by the vascular system in mammals, is critical for proper tissue development, homeostasis, and function. (1) Tissue oxygenation is governed by a balance between O2 supply, delivered by the vasculature, and demand generated by metabolic outputs of tissues.2 Hypoxia emerg Reply 1 Like 3 hours ago

Louis Jefferson Coursey III Other Worlds Wait, don't low oxygen and respiratory acidosis go hand in hand? (Good luck smokers.) Ginger, turmeric, Astragalus, are nice to make teas from. (snicker) Speaking of teas, there was a particular tea from a tree in a certain part of India where no one ever head documented having cancer. Korean scientist isolated the factors and synthesized them into a drug called Taxol approved bythe FDA then banned by the FDA. Why? Oh yeah, the cytotoxicty. What about the formula to counteract that cytotoxicity? Oh, that's right not taught to doctors. Just a reminder: I have developed a new drug formula to alleviate the damage cause by many strokes and head injuries that can eliminate the affliction placed on over 2 million people in America alone. The formula and it's protocol have not been very warmly received. Why? Reply 1 Like March 7 at 5:28am Top C ommenter

Maje Scott

A sugar is a sugar - (natural or otherwise) C ancer cells thrives on sugar. Fruits are fructose (sugar), vegetables contain some sugar. Grains, starches (rice, potatoes) are sugar. Plant based diets does not make you immune to C ancer or any other disease. Reply 1 Like February 18 at 3:42am

Scott MacKenzie It's ridiculous when articles like this suggest: "avoiding chlorinated/fluoridated water." Not many people would say, "Gee, I need some more C hlorine and Fluoride." It might be sensible to include from where or how to obtain proper water filters to eliminate those sorts of things. Bottled water contains molecules from the plastic which are still hot when the water in injected into the bottles for shaping, so THAT'S out...Why didn't this article didn't include helpful hints like "Try to avoid going to the surface of the sun?" Reply Like 3 hours ago View 2 more
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