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La distribucin para la realizacin del caso de la pgina C-60 del libro del curso de Tcticas es la siguiente.

1. Componentes relevantes del macroambiente y las fuerzas impulsoras de cambio. Karla. 2. Evaluacin de la competencia con base en el modelo de Porter de las cinco fuerzas. Johanna. 3. Identificar los Factores claves de xito. Andrea. 4. Para el caso de Costa Rica identifique los principales competidores y plantee una propuesta de posicionamiento estratgico. Alejandra.

Recuerden que la idea es que sea un reporte de 4 a 5 pginas. Por favor me indican si estn de acuerdo con la distribucin y por favor enven su parte lo ms tarde el domingo temprano, para que nos de tiempo de revisar el hilo conductor y la lgica de todo el reporte.

Buenas Tardes Jovnes, estas son las instrucciones para el caso que deben presentar el da 29 de Octubre. Para el 22 la lectura es del captulo 4.

PepsiCo esta considerando darle la posicin de gerente de marca Junior para una

bebida. Le han solicitado un anlisis del mercado Global y de EU para bebidas energizantes como parte de su proceso de seleccin. Prepare un reporte de 4 a 5 pginas que incluya una descripcin de los componentes relevantes del macroambiente, las fuerzas impulsoras de cambio, la evaluacin de la competencia con base en el modelo de Porter de las cinco fuerzas e identificar los Factores claves de xito. Para el caso de Costa Rica identifique los principales competidores y plantee una propuesta de posicionamiento estratgico. Saludos

Evaluacin de la competencia con base en el modelo de Porter de las cinco fuerzas.

Buyer Power: Moderate Strong brands tend to weaken buyer power since retailers need to stock brands that are most popular with their own customers. Since bottled water is a sub-segment of the soft drinks market, its importance to retailers is not very great, especially for the more powerful supermarket chains, which sell a wide variety of food and drink products. Supplier Bargaining Power: High

If companies do not own land that has an aquifer suitable for exploitation then the landowners can create a bidding war between competing companies.

With the importance of waters raw material quality and the fact that there is no substitute input, it is not possible to use utility-supplied water as a substitute for underground sources, making the product lose its unique selling point.

Entry Barriers: Low to Moderate Since brand names are highly important in this industry it would be difficult to convince major retailers for shelf space. New entrants may find it difficult to compete with prominent, multinational brands that already exist. The strong growth in the U.S. market within the last five years should encourage new entrants. Substitute Products: Low The only substitute for bottled water is tap water.

Forces that Affect Demand & Factors that Affect Cost Forces that affect demand Geographic locations Availability/convenience Consumer preferences

Factors that affect costs Raw material quality affects costs since it must be free of various criteria, like contamination, and must have specified mineral content. Water source purchases or yearly accessibility fees Bottling and manufacturing equipment or suppliers The price of oil, which is used in plastic bottle production and transportation fuels High use of resources and energy can also be costly (Bottled Water in the United States: Industry Profile)

Profitability The bottled water industry has a relatively stable environment, with industry impacting changes few and far between. The main basis for competitive advantage is governance. The bottled water industry has excellent distribution chain operations with equipment specific to the industry. Industry competitors compete through market presence, with an oligopoly controlling the majority of the market through persistent acquisitions. This type of operational context is called ordinary economizing and includes well established competitors and customers (Porter, 1980). Key Factors for Survival & Key Success Factors There are a host of key factors for survival. Among them include inputs, distribution and name recognition. Bottled water industry inputs include the natural or public sources from which the water is bottled, treatment equipment and bottling and packaging suppliers (Types and Treatment of Bottled Water). Firms purchase or pay yearly amounts to access springs or municipal water systems. Firms must also decide what processing steps to apply to the water in order to meet FDA guidelines. While firms process their own water, bottling and packaging suppliers are readily available and more cost effective than bottling and packaging in house. Distribution channels are a major factor in the survival of the bottled water industry. In 2006, supermarkets comprised of the largest sales volume at 71.60%. Supermarkets are highly aware of their shelf spaces value and must believe that stocking a specific firm is worth bumping another firm to a less desirable location. In the end, the retailer will likely stock the firm whose water is most preferred by its customers at the prime shelf location. Another distribution channel is convenience stores. Although convenience stores make up a small percentage of sales volume, they allow customers to quickly view several different chilled brands of bottled water. Lastly, name recognition is important for survival because of the large oligopoly in the industry. Although a large industry growth rate is encouraging to new entrants, they must be able to battle with more prominent brand names

that supermarkets are more likely to support (Bottled Water in the United States). Key success factors include product offering, low costs, strong network of distributors, and utilization of assets. Since the bottled water industry is composed of sparkling and still flavored and unflavored water, there is much room for product differentiation within each category. Within the four categories, there are numerous types of bottled water, such as spring, mineral, and purified. It is important for bottled water firms to differentiate their categories as much as possible to satisfy customers. Although still unflavored water has the highest volume sales in the U.S., new category types and flavors are frequent and firms must keep up with their competitors or they will fall behind. The bottled water industry must also strive to maintain low costs, which is relatively easy since water sources and processing equipment are cheaply obtained and bottling and packaging suppliers are readily available and willing to do business. The industrys network of distributors can have a large affect of the success of the firm. Since supermarkets have the highest bottled water sales volume, it is imperative to gain good relations with them. Furthermore, competitive contracts with schools and arenas have the ability to bring in hundreds of thousands in bottled water profits if successful. The last key success factor is the utilization of assets. When assets are used effectively, the firm will be able to produce more bottled water and distribute it at a higher rate (United States - Bottled Water). There are pressing internal and external environmental factors that present significant challenges in the gaining and maintaining of market share with in the industry. The obstacles faced by these organizations include global economic slow downs, dynamic distribution channels, negative press and fickle customer tastes. These companies, however, must remain focused and vigilant to attract customers to their brands. The case study presented by John E. Gamble, Competition in Energy drinks, Sport Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages, outlines the boons and challenges faced by the four leading distributers of alternative beverages around the world. The industry leaders (PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Red Bull and Hansen Natural Company) in the alternative beverage market are what is know as a strategic group. A strategic group is a cluster of industry rivals that employ similar competitive approaches, have product offerings that appeal to similar types of buyers, and thus occupy similar market positions. (Thomas,

2012) The four industry leaders all have various strategies to remain competitive in the alternative beverage industry. These strategies span the spectrum of the five competitive strategies. Each has a different vantage point of the industry and has developed their competitive strategy to...

Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages

1. 2. 3.

What are the key success factors (KSF) in this industry? Apply the Five Forces Model of Competition tool to analyze the Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages. Apply the Strategic Group Mapping tool to determine the place of the leading beverage producers in relation to each other.

Para Michael Porter, profesor de la escuela de negocios Harvard Business School slo hay dos estrategias genricas posibles:

Obtener los productos o servicios a menor precio que la competencia y ser el lder en costes. Las fuentes de ventaja pueden incluir acceso Que el producto o servicio sea percibido por los clientes como exclusivo, siendo el lder en diferenciacin. El producto o servicio debe ser

preferencial a materias primas, tecnologa superior, curva de la experiencia, economas de escala y otras similares. percibido como nico para justificar un precio superior. En lo que se refiere a diferenciacin es posible plantear varias estrategias si hay varios atributos que son ampliamente valorados por los compradores.

Matriz que muestra las estrategias genricas de Porter.

Por otro lado, tambin influye el enfoque de mercado, ya que un producto o servicio puede dirigirse hacia un sector o hacia un segmento. Algunos autores hablan del "enfoque" como si fuera otra estrategia en s misma. Del cruce de estas variables surgen los distintos cuadrantes de la matriz, que se explican por s mismos. Para Porter es difcil ser simultneamente lder en costes y en exclusividad, corrindose el peligro de quedarse a medias en ambos objetivos. Existen algunas excepciones como Apple, capaz de luchar por diferenciacin y a la vez disponer de un considerable volumen en algunos segmentos.

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