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Dispatcher: Enabling Active Botnet Inltration using Automatic Protocol Reverse-Engineering

Juan Caballero
CMU and UC Berkeley

Pongsin Poosankam
CMU and UC Berkeley

Christian Kreibich

ICSI Dawn Song

Automatic protocol reverse-engineering is important for many security applications, including the analysis and defense against botnets. Understanding the command-and-control (C&C) protocol used by a botnet is crucial for anticipating its repertoire of nefarious activity and to enable active botnet inltration. Frequently, security analysts need to rewrite messages sent and received by a bot in order to contain malicious activity and to provide the botmaster with an illusion of successful and unhampered operation. To enable such rewriting, we need detailed information about the intent and structure of the messages in both directions of the communication despite the fact that we generally only have access to the implementation of one endpoint, namely the bot binary. Current techniques cannot enable such rewriting. In this paper, we propose techniques to extract the format of protocol messages sent by an application that implements a protocol specication, and to infer the eld semantics for messages both sent and received by the application. Our techniques enable applications such as rewriting the C&C messages for active botnet inltration. We implement our techniques into Dispatcher, a tool to extract the message format and eld semantics of both received and sent messages. We use Dispatcher to analyze MegaD, a prevalent spam botnet employing a hitherto undocumented C&C protocol, and show that the protocol information extracted by Dispatcher can be used to rewrite the C&C messages. This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 0311808, No. 0448452, No. 0627511, and CCF-0424422, by the Air Force Ofce of Scientic Research under MURI Grant No. 22178970-4170, by the Army Research Ofce under the Cyber-TA Research Grant No. W911NF-06-1-0316, and by CyLab at Carnegie Mellon under grant DAAD19-02-1-0389 from the Army Research Ofce. Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views of the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Ofce of Scientic Research, or the Army Research Ofce.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

C.2.2 [Computer Systems Organization]: Network Protocols; D.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection

General Terms

protocol reverse engineering, botnet inltration, binary analysis

Automatic protocol reverse-engineering techniques enable extracting the protocol specication of unknown or undocumented application-level protocols [18, 22, 25, 26, 35, 36, 38, 49]. A detailed protocol specication can enhance many security applications such as fuzzing [22], application ngerprinting [17], deep packet inspection [29], or signature-based ltering [27]. One important application for automatic protocol reverse engineering is the analysis and inltration of botnets. Botnets, large networks of infected computers under control of an attacker, are one of the dominant threats in the Internet today. They enable a wide variety of abusive or fraudulent activities, such as spamming, phishing, click-fraud, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks [10, 28, 32]. At the heart of a botnet is its command-andcontrol (C&C) protocol, which enables a bot to locate rendezvous points in the network and provides the botmaster with a means to coordinate malicious activity in the bot population. Automatic protocol reverse-engineering can be used for understanding the C&C protocol used by a botnet, revealing a wealth of information about the capabilities of its bots and the overall intent of the botnet. In addition to understanding its C&C protocol, an analyst may also be interested in interacting actively with the botnet. Previous work analyzed the economics of the Storm botnet by rewriting the commands sent to the bots [33]. Other times, an analyst may want to rewrite messages sent upstream by the bots, such as when a sites containment policy requires the analyst to make bots lie about their capabilities and achievements. For example, the analyst may want to rewrite a capability report sent by the bot to make the botmaster believe that the bot can send email even if all the outgoing SMTP connections by the bot are actually blocked, or that the bot is connected to the Internet using a high-speed LAN when in reality it is funneling trafc through a low-throughput connection. To successfully rewrite a C&C message, an analyst rst needs to understand the goal of the message, its eld structure, and the location of elds carrying relevant information to rewrite. While

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. CCS09, November 913, 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-352-5/09/11 ...$10.00.

older botnets build their C&C protocol on top of IRC, many newer botnets use customized or proprietary protocols [20, 31, 43]. Analyzing such C&C protocols is challenging. Manual protocol reverse-engineering of such protocols is time-consuming and errorprone. Furthermore, previous automatic protocol reverse engineering techniques have limitations that prevent them from enabling rewriting of such protocols. Techniques that use network trafc as input [25,26,35,36] are easily hampered by obfuscation or encryption. Techniques that rely on observing how a communication end point (client or server) processes a received input [18, 22, 38, 49] present two major limitations. First, given a program they can only extract information about one side of the dialog, i.e., the received messages. To obtain complete understanding of the protocol, they require access to the implementation of both sides of the dialog. Unfortunately, when studying a botnet analysts often have access only to the bot side of the communication. This is true also for other (benign) applications such as instant-messaging solutions where the clients are freely available but the servers are not. Second, current binary-based techniques do not address extracting the semantic information from the protocol messages. Semantic information is fundamental for understanding the intent of a message, and therefore to identify what parts of a dialog to rewrite. Semantic information is needed for both text-based and binary-based protocols. Although for text-based protocols an analyst can sometimes infer such information from the content, this is often not so. For example, an ASCII-encoded integer in a text-based protocol can represent among others a length, a port number, a sleep timer, or a checksum value. In this paper we present novel techniques to extract the message format for messages sent by an application, which enable extracting the protocol message format from just one side of the communication. New techniques are needed because current techniques for extracting the message format of received messages rely on tainting the network input and monitoring how the tainted data is used by the program. However, most data in sent messages does not come from tainted network input. Instead, we use the following intuition: programs store elds in memory buffers and construct the messages to be sent by combining those buffers together. Thus, the structure of the buffer holding the message to be sent represents the inverse of the structure of that message. We also present novel techniques to infer the eld semantics in messages sent and received by an application. Our type-inference-based techniques leverage the rich semantic information that is already available in the program by monitoring how data in the received messages is used at places where the semantics are known, and how the sent messages are built from data with known semantics. In addition, we propose extensions to a recently proposed technique to identify the buffers holding the unencrypted received message [48]. Our extensions generalize the technique to support applications where there is no single boundary between decryption and protocol processing, and to identify the buffers holding the unencrypted sent message. We implement our techniques into Dispatcher, a tool to extract the message format and eld semantics of both received and sent messages. We use Dispatcher to analyze the C&C protocol used by MegaD, one of the most prevalent spam botnets in use today [7,32]. To the best of our knowledge, MegaDs proprietary, encrypted, binary C&C protocol has not been previously documented and thus presents an ideal test case for our system. We show that the C&C information extracted by Dispatcher can be used to rewrite the MegaD C&C messages. In addition, we use four open protocols (HTTP, FTP, ICQ, and DNS) to compare the message format automatically extracted by Dispatcher with the one extracted by Wireshark [12], a

state-of-the-art protocol parser that contains manually written protocol grammars. In summary, our contributions are the following: We propose novel techniques to extract the format of the protocol messages sent by an application. Previous work could only extract the format of received messages. Our techniques enable extracting the complete protocol format even when only one endpoints implementation of the protocol is available. We present techniques to infer the eld semantics for messages sent and received by an application. Our type-inferencebased techniques leverage the wealth of semantic information available in the program. We design and develop Dispatcher, a tool that implements our techniques and automatically extracts from one endpoints implementation the message format and associated semantics for both sides of a protocol. We use Dispatcher to analyze MegaD, a prevalent spam botnet that uses an encrypted binary C&C protocol previously not publicly documented. We show that the protocol information that Dispatcher extracts can be used to rewrite MegaD C&C messages, thereby enabling active botnet inltration.


In this section we dene the problems addressed in the paper and give an overview of our approach. Scope. The goal of automatic protocol reverse-engineering is to extract the protocol format, which captures the structure of all messages that comprise the protocol [18,25,26,35,38,49], and the protocol state machine, which captures the sequences of messages that represent valid sessions of the protocol [22,36]. Extracting the protocol format usually comprises two steps. First, given a set of input protocol messages, extract the message format of each message. Second, given the set of message formats, identify optional, repetitive and alternative elds, and infer the protocol format, which encompasses the multiple message types that comprise the protocol. Different representations for the protocol format are possible, e.g., as a regular expression [49] or a BNF grammar [27]. This paper deals only with the rst step of the protocol format extraction, extracting the message format for a given message, which is a pre-requisite for extracting both the protocol format and the protocol state-machine. Message format. The message format is captured in the message eld tree, a tree in which each node represents a eld in the message1 . A child node represents a subeld of its parent, and thus corresponds to a subrange of the parent eld in the message. The root node represents the complete message, the internal nodes represent hierarchical elds2 and the leaf nodes represent the smallest semantic units in the message3 . Each node contains an attribute list, where each attribute captures properties about the eld such as the eld range (start and end positions in the given message), the eld length (xed or variable), as well as inter-eld dependencies (such as length elds or checksums). Figure 1 shows the message eld tree for a C&C message used by MegaD to communicate back to the C&C server information about the bots host. The root node
1 2

Called protocol eld tree in [38]. Called complex elds in [49]. 3 Called nest-grained elds in [38].

Figure 1: Message eld tree for the MegaD Host-Information message.

represents the message, which is 58 bytes long. There are two hierarchical elds: the payload, which is the encrypted part of the message, and the host information, which contains leaf elds representing host data such as the CPU identier and the IP address. The attributes capture that the Msg_length eld is the length of the payload and the Length eld is the length of the Host info eld. Field semantics. One important property of a eld is its semantics, i.e, the type of data that the eld contains. Typical eld semantics are lengths, timestamps, checksums, hostnames, and lenames. Inferring the eld semantics is fundamental to understand what a message does and to identify interesting parts of a dialog to rewrite. Field semantics are captured in the message eld tree as an attribute for each eld and can be used to label the elds. For example, in Figure 1 the semantics inference states that range [48:51] contains an IP address and range [6:13] contains some data previously received over the network. We use this information to label the corresponding elds BotID and IP addr. Problem denition. In this paper we address two problems: 1) extracting the message eld tree for the messages sent by the application, and 2) inferring eld semantics, that is, annotating the nodes in the message eld tree, for both received and sent messages, with a eld semantics attribute. Approach. The output buffer contains the message about to be sent at the time that the function that sends data over the network is invoked. As a special case, for encrypted protocols the output buffer contains the unencrypted data at the time the encryption routine is invoked. To extract the format of sent messages we use the following intuition: programs store elds in memory buffers and construct the messages to be sent by combining those buffers together. Thus, the structure of the output buffer represents the inverse of the structure of the sent message. We propose buffer deconstruction, a technique to build the message eld tree of a sent message by analyzing how the output buffer is constructed from other memory buffers in the program. We present our message format extraction techniques for sent messages in Section 4 and our handling of encrypted protocols in Section 5. To infer the eld semantics, we use type-inference-based techniques that leverage the observation that many functions and instructions used by programs contain known semantic information that can be leveraged for eld semantics inference. When a eld in the received message is used to derive the arguments of those functions or instructions (i.e., semantic sinks), we can infer its semantics. When the output of those functions or instructions (i.e., semantic sources) are used to derive some eld in the output buffer, we can infer its semantics. We have developed Dispatcher, a tool that enables analyzing both sides of the communication of an unknown protocol, even when an

analyst has access only to the application implementing one side of the dialog. Dispatcher integrates previously proposed techniques to extract the message format of received messages [18, 38, 49], as well as our novel techniques to extract the message format of sent messages, and to infer eld semantics in both received and sent messages. We show that the information extracted by Dispatcher enables rewriting MegaDs C&C messages. Obtaining an execution trace. The input to our message format extraction and eld semantics inference techniques is execution traces taken by monitoring the program while it is involved in a network dialog using the unknown protocol. To monitor the program we use a custom analysis environment that implements dynamic taint tracking [21, 23, 40, 46] and produces instruction-level execution traces containing all instructions executed, the content of the operands, and the associated taint information. To analyze the protocol used by malware samples (e.g., the C&C protocol of a botnet) safely, we need to execute them in a specialized analysis network with custom containment policies [13, 47]. An execution trace contains the processing of multiple messages sent and received by the program during the network dialog. We split the execution trace into per-message traces by monitoring the programs use of networking functions that read or write data from sockets. We split the execution trace into two traces every time that the program makes a successful call to write data to a socket (e.g., send) and every time that the program makes a successful call to read data from a socket (e.g., recv), except when the argument dening the maximum number of bytes to read is tainted. In this case, the read data is considered part of the previous message and the trace is not split. This handles the case of a program reading a eld conveying the length of the message payload and using this value to read the payload itself. Handling obfuscation. Our dynamic analysis approach is resilient to obfuscation techniques designed to thwart static analysis such as binary packing and inlining unnecessary instructions. However, a premise of our approach is that we can observe a samples processing of the received data in our analysis environment (based on a system emulator). Thus, similar to all dynamic approaches, our approach can be evaded using techniques that detect virtualized or emulated environments [19]. Also, while our techniques work well on MegaD, we expect malware to adapt. Thus, we have designed our techniques to target fundamental properties so that they are as resilient as possible to obfuscation. Nevertheless, the techniques proposed in this paper are not specic to malware analysis and can be used to analyze any unknown or undocumented protocols.


In this section we present our technique to identify the eld semantics of both received and sent messages4 . The intuition behind our type-inference-based techniques is that many functions and instructions used by programs contain rich semantic information. We can leverage this information to infer eld semantics by monitoring if received network data is used at a point where the semantics are known, or if data to be sent to the network has been derived from data with known semantics. Such inference is very general and can be used to identify a broad spectrum of eld semantics including timestamps, lenames, hostnames, ports, IP addresses, and many others. The semantic information of those
4 Our semantics inference techniques were rst published on October, 2007 as a technical report [16]. They are more general than simultaneous work that identies cookies and lenames from execution traces [49], and predate other work that also identies such elds [27].

functions and instructions is publicly available in their prototypes, which describe their goal as well as the semantics of its inputs and outputs. Function prototypes can be found, for example, at the Microsoft Developer Network [8] or the standard C library documentation [5]. For instructions, one can refer to the system manufacturers manuals [1, 4]. Techniques. For received messages, Dispatcher uses taint propagation to monitor if a sequence of bytes from the received message is used in the arguments of some selected function calls and instructions, for which the system has been provided with the functions prototype. The sequence of bytes in the received message can then be associated with the semantics of the arguments as dened in the prototype. For example, when a program calls the connect function Dispatcher uses the functions prototype to check if any of the arguments on the stack is tainted. The functions prototype tells us that the rst argument is the socket descriptor, the second one is an address structure that contains the IP address and port of the host to connect to, and the third one is the length of the address structure. If the memory locations that correspond to the IP address to connect to in the address structure are tainted from four bytes in the input, then Dispatcher can infer that those four bytes in the input message (identied by the offset in the taint information) form a eld that contains an IP address to connect to. Similarly, if the memory locations that correspond to the port to connect to have been derived from two bytes in the input message, it can identify the position of the port eld in the input message. For sent messages, Dispatcher taints the output of selected functions and instructions using a unique source identier and offset pair. For each tainted sequence of bytes in the output buffer, Dispatcher identies from which taint source the sequence of bytes was derived. The semantics of the taint source (return values) are given by the functions or instructions prototype, and can be associated to the sequence of bytes. For example, if a program uses the rdtsc x86 instruction, we can leverage the knowledge that it takes no input and returns a 64-bit output representing the current value of the processors time-stamp counter, which is placed in registers EDX:EAX [4]. Thus, at the time of execution when the program uses rdtsc, Dispatcher taints the EDX and EAX registers with a unique source identier and offset pair. This pair uniquely labels the taint source to be from rdtsc, and the offsets identify each byte in the rdtsc stream (offsets 0 through 7 for the rst use). A special case of this technique is cookie inference. A cookie represents data from a received message that propagates unchanged to the output buffer (e.g., session identiers). Thus, a cookie is simultaneously identied in the received and sent messages. Implementation. To identify eld semantics Dispatcher uses an input set of function and instruction prototypes. By default, Dispatcher includes over one hundred functions and a few instructions for which we have already added the prototypes by searching online repositories. To identify new eld semantics and their corresponding functions, we examine the external functions called by the program in the execution trace. Table 1 shows the eld semantics that Dispatcher can infer from received and sent messages using the predened functions. We refer the reader to Appendix B for examples of functions and instructions used to identify each of the eld semantics in Table 1.

Field Semantics Cookies IP addresses Error codes File data File information Filenames Hash / Checksum Hostnames Host information Keyboard input Keywords Length Padding Ports Registry data Sleep timers Stored data Timestamps

Received yes yes no no no yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes no yes yes no

Sent yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no yes

Table 1: Field semantics identied by Dispatcher for both received and sent messages. Stored data represents data received over the network and written to the lesystem or the Windows registry, as opposed to data read from those sources.



The message eld tree captures the hierarchical eld structure of the message as well as the eld properties encoded in attributes. To extract the message eld tree of a sent message we rst reverse-

engineer the structure of the output message and output a message eld tree with no eld attributes. Then, we use specic techniques to identify the eld attributes, such as how to identify the eld boundary (xed-length, delimiter, length eld) and the keywords present in each eld. A eld is a sequence of consecutive bytes in a message with some meaning. A memory buffer is a sequence of consecutive bytes in memory that stores data with some meaning. To reverseengineer the structure of the output message we cannot use current techniques to extract the message format of received messages because they rely on tainting the network input and monitoring how the tainted data is used by the program. Most data in sent messages does not come from the tainted network input. Instead, we use the following intuition: programs store elds in memory buffers and construct the messages to be sent by combining those buffers together. Thus, the structure of the output buffer represents the inverse of the message eld tree of the sent message. We propose buffer deconstruction, a technique to build the message eld tree of a sent message by analyzing how the output buffer is constructed from other memory buffers in the program. Figure 2 shows the deconstruction of the output buffer holding the message in Figure 1. Note the similarity between Figure 1 and the upside-down version of Figure 2. Extracting the message format of sent messages is a three-step process. In the preparation step, Dispatcher makes a forward pass over the execution trace to extract information about the loops that were executed, the liveness of buffers in the stack, and the callstack information at each point in the execution trace. It also builds an index of the execution trace to enable random access to any instruction. We present the preparation in Section 4.1. The core of the message format extraction is the buffer deconstruction step, which is a recursive process in which one memory buffer is deconstructed at a time by extracting the sequence of memory buffers that comprise it. The process is started with the output buffer and recurses until there are no more buffers to deconstruct. Dispatcher implements buffer deconstruction as a backward pass over an execution trace. Since the structure of the output buffer is the inverse of the message eld tree for the sent message, every memory buffer that forms the output buffer (and, recursively, the memory buffers that

each heap deallocation, it species the instruction number in the trace, and the start address of the buffer being freed. During the forward pass, Dispatcher monitors the stack pointer at the function entry and return points, extracting information about which memory locations in the stack are freed when the function returns. This information is used by Dispatcher to determine whether two different writes to the same memory address correspond to the same memory buffer, since memory locations in the stack (and occasionally in the heap) may be reused for different buffers. Figure 2: Buffer deconstruction for the MegaD message in Figure 1. Each box is a memory buffer starting at address Bx with the byte length in brackets. Note the similarity with the upsidedown version of Figure 1.

4.2 Buffer Deconstruction

Buffer deconstruction is a recursive process. In each iteration it deconstructs a given memory buffer into the sequence of other memory buffers that comprise it. The process starts with the output buffer and recurses until there are no more buffers to deconstruct. It has two parts. First, for each byte in the given buffer we build a dependency chain. Then, using the dependency chains and the information collected in the preparation step, we extract the structure of the given buffer. The input to each buffer deconstruction iteration is a buffer dened by its start address in memory, its length, and the instruction number in the trace where the buffer was last written. The start address and length of the output buffer are obtained from the arguments of the function that sends the data over the network (or the encryption function). The instruction number to start the analysis is the instruction number for the rst instruction in the send (or encrypt) function. In the remainder of this section we introduce what locations and dependency chains are and present how they are used to deconstruct the output buffer. Program locations. We dene a program location to be a onebyte-long storage unit in the programs state. We consider four types of locations: memory locations, register locations, immediate locations, and constant locations, and focus on the address of those locations, rather than on its content. Each memory byte is a memory location indexed by its address. Each byte in a register is a register location, for example, there are 4 locations in EAX: EAX(0) or AL, EAX(1) or AH, EAX(2), and EAX(3). An immediate location corresponds to a byte from an immediate in the code section of some module, indexed by the offset of the byte with respect to the beginning of the module. Constant locations represent the output of some instructions that have constant output. For example, one common instruction is to XOR one register against itself (e.g., xor %eax, %eax), which clears the register. Dispatcher recognizes a number of such instructions and makes each byte of its output a constant location. Dependency chains. A dependency chain for a program location is the sequence of write operations that produced the value of the location at a certain point in the program. A write operation comprises the instruction number at which the write occurred, the destination location (i..e, the location that was written), the source location (i.e., the location that was read), and the offset of the written location with respect to the beginning of the output buffer. Figure 3 shows the dependency chains for the B2 buffer (the one that holds the encrypted payload) in Figure 2. In the gure, each box represents a write operation, and each sequence of vertical boxes represents the dependency chain for one location in the buffer. The dependency chain is computed in a backward pass starting at the given instruction number. We stop building the dependency chain at the rst write operation for which the source location is: 1) an immediate location, 2) a constant location, 3) a memory location, or 4) an unknown location. If the source location is part of an immediate or part of the output from some constant output instruction, then there are no more dependencies and the chain is complete. This is the case for the

form them) corresponds to a eld in the message eld tree. For example, deconstructing the output buffer in Figure 2 returns a sequence of two buffers, a 2-byte buffer starting at offset zero in the output buffer (B1 ) and a 56-byte buffer starting at offset 2 in the output buffer (B2 ). Correspondingly a eld with range [0:1] and another one with range [2:57] are added to the no-attribute message eld tree. Thus, buffer deconstruction builds the no-attribute message eld tree as it recurses into the output buffer structure. We present buffer deconstruction in Section 4.2. Finally, eld attribute inference identies length elds, delimiters, keywords, arrays and variable-length elds and adds the information into attributes for the corresponding elds in the message eld tree. We present eld attribute inference in Section 4.3.

4.1 Preparation
During preparation, Dispatcher makes a forward pass over the execution trace collecting information needed by the buffer deconstruction as well as the attribute inference. Loop analysis. During the forward pass, Dispatcher extracts information about each loop present in the execution trace. To identify the loops in the execution trace, Dispatcher supports two different detection methods: static and dynamic. The static method extracts the addresses of the loop head and exit conditions statically from the binary before the forward pass starts, and uses that information during the forward pass to identify the points where any of those loops appears in the trace. The dynamic method does not require any static processing and extracts the loops directly during the forward pass by monitoring instructions that appear multiple times in the same function. Both methods are complementary. While using static information is more precise at identifying the loop exit conditions, it also requires analyzing all the modules (executable plus dynamically link libraries) used by the application, may miss loops that contain indirection, and cannot be applied if the unpacked binary is not available, such as in the case of MegaD. On the other hand, the dynamic method is less accurate at identifying the loop exit conditions, but requires no setup and can be used on any of our samples including MegaD. Callstack Analysis. During the forward pass, Dispatcher replicates the function stack of the program by monitoring the function calls and returns. Given an instruction number in the execution trace, the callstack analysis returns the innermost function that contained that instruction at that point of the execution. Buffer Liveness Analysis. During the execution trace capture, Dispatcher monitors the heap allocation and free functions used by the program. For each heap allocation it provides the instruction number in the trace, the buffer start and the size of the buffer. For

Figure 3: Dependency chain for B2 in Figure 2. The start address of B2 is A. rst four bytes of B2 in Figure 3. The reason to stop at a source memory location is that we want to understand how a memory buffer has been constructed from other memory buffers. After extracting the structure of the given buffer, Dispatcher recurses on the buffers that form it. For example, in Figure 3 the dependency chains for locations Mem(A+4) through Mem(A+11) contains only one write operation because the source location is another memory location. Dispatcher will then create a new dependency chain for buffer Mem(B) through Mem(B+7). When building the dependency chains, Dispatcher only handles a small subset of x86 instructions which simply move data around, without modifying it. This subset includes move instructions (mov,movs), move with zero-extend instructions (movz), push and pop instructions, string stores (stos), and instructions that are used to convert data from network to host order and vice versa such as exchange instructions (xchg), swap instructions (bswap), or right shifts that shift entire bytes (e.g., shr $0x8,%eax). When a write operation is performed by any other instruction, the source is considered unknown and the dependency chain stops. Often, it is enough to stop the dependency chain at such instructions, because the program is at that point performing some operation on the eld (e.g., an arithmetic operation) as opposed to just moving the content around. Since programs operate on leaf elds, not on hierarchical elds, then at that point of the chain we have already recursed up to the corresponding leaf eld in the message eld tree. For example, in Figure 3 the dependency chains for the last two bytes stop at the same add instruction. Thus, both source locations are unknown. Note that those locations correspond to the length eld in Figure 1. The fact that the program is increasing the length value indicates that the dependency chain has already reached a leaf eld. Extracting the buffer structure. We call the source location of the last element in the dependency chain of a buffer location its source. We say that two source locations belong to the same source buffer if they are contiguous memory locations (in either ascending or descending order) and the liveness information states that none of those locations has been freed between their corresponding write operations. If the source locations are not in memory (e.g., register, immediate, constant or unknown location), they belong to the same buffer if they were written by the same instruction (i.e, same instruction number). To extract the structure for the given buffer Dispatcher iterates on the buffer locations from the buffer start to the buffer end. For each buffer location, Dispatcher checks whether the source of the current buffer location belongs to the same source buffer as the source of Attribute Field Range Field Boundary Field Semantics Field Keywords Value Start offset and length in message Fixed, Length, Delimiter A value from Table 1 List of keywords in eld

Table 2: Field attributes used in the message eld tree.

the previous buffer location. If they do not, then it has found a boundary in the structure of the buffer. The structure of the given buffer is output as a sequence of ranges that form it, where each range states whether it corresponds to a source memory buffer. For example, in Figure 3 the source locations for Mem(A+4) and Mem(A+5) are contiguous locations Mem(B) and Mem(B+1) but the source locations for Mem(A+11) and Mem(A+12) are not contiguous. Thus, Dispatcher marks location Mem(A+12) as the beginning of a new range. Dispatcher nds 6 ranges in B2 . The rst four are shown in Figure 3 and marked with arrows at the top of the gure. Since only the third range originates from another memory buffer, that is the only buffer that Dispatcher will recurse on to reconstruct. The last two ranges correspond to the Host Info eld and the padding in Figure 1 and are not shown in Figure 3. Once the buffer structure has been extracted, Dispatcher uses the correspondence between buffers and elds in the analyzed message to add one eld to the message eld tree per range in the buffer structure using the offsets relative to the output buffer. In Figure 3 it adds four new elds that correspond to the Version, Type, Bot ID, and Length in Figure 1.

4.3 Field Attributes Inference

The message eld tree built during the buffer deconstruction step represents the hierarchical structure of the output message, but does not contain information about inter-eld relationships such as if a eld represents the length of another target eld. Such additional information is captured by the eld attributes in the message eld tree. Table 2 presents the eld attributes that we identify in this paper. The eld range captures the position of the eld in the message. The eld boundary captures how an application determines where the eld ends. Fields can be xed-length (Fixed), variable-length using a length eld (Length), or variable-length using a delimiter

(Delimiter)5 . The eld semantics are the values in Table 1. The eld keywords attribute contains a list of all the protocol constants that appear in the eld and their position. The eld attributes in Table 2 are similar to the ones that previous work extracts for received messages [18, 49]. However, these techniques do not work on sent messages because they rely on monitoring how the data received over the network is processed, when for sent messages we can only observe how the sent messages are built. Our techniques share common intuitions with previous techniques: both try to capture the fundamental properties of the different protocol elements. In fact, some attribute values are more difcult to extract for sent messages than for received messages. For example, many elds that a protocol specication would dene as variablelength may encode some xed-length data in a specic implementation. For example the Server header is variable-length based on the HTTP specication. However, a given HTTP server implementation may have hard-coded the Server string in the binary, making the eld xed-length for this implementation. Leveraging the availability of multiple implementations of the same protocol could help in such cases. We plan to study this in future work. Keywords. Keywords are constants that appear in network messages. To identify constants in the output buffer, Dispatcher taints the memory region that contains the module (and DLLs shipped with the main binary) with a specic taint source, effectively tainting both immediates in the code section as well as data stored in the data section. Locations in the output buffer tainted from this source are considered keywords. Length elds. Dispatcher uses three different techniques to identify length elds in sent messages. The intuition behind the techniques is that length elds can be computed either by incrementing a counter as the program iterates on the eld, or by subtracting pointers to the beginning and the end of the buffer. The intuition behind the rst two techniques is that those arithmetic operations translate into an unknown source at the end of the dependency chains for the buffer locations corresponding to the length eld. When a dependency chain ends in an unknown source, Dispatcher checks whether the instruction that performs the write is inside a known function that computes the length of a string (e.g., strlen) or is a subtraction of pointers to the beginning and end of the buffer. The third technique tries to identify counter increments that do not correspond to well-known string length functions. For each buffer it uses the loop information to identify if most writes to the buffer6 belong to the same loop. If they do, then it uses the techniques in [45] to extract the loop induction variables. For each induction variable it computes the dependency chain and checks whether it intersects the dependency chains from any output buffer locations that precede the locations written in the loop (since a length eld always has to precede its target eld). Any intersecting location is part of the length eld for the eld processed in the loop. Delimiters. Delimiters are constants used by protocols to mark the boundary of variable-length elds. Thus, it is difcult to differentiate a delimiter from any another constant in the output message. To identify delimiters, Dispatcher looks for constants that appear multiple times in the same message or appear at the end of multiple messages in the same session (three appearances are required). Constants can be identied by checking the offsets of the taint information for keyword identication. If the delimiters come from the data section, they can also be identied by checking whether Also called separator in [18]. Many memory move functions are optimized to move 4 bytes at a time in one loop and use separate instructions or loops to move the remaining bytes.
6 5

the source address of all instances of the constant comes from the same buffer. Variable-length elds. Dispatcher marks elds that precede a delimiter, and target elds for previously identied length elds as variable-length elds. It also marks as variable-length elds derived from semantic sources that are known to have variable length such as le data. All others are marked as xed-length. Arrays. The intuition behind identifying arrays of records is that they are written in loops, one record at a time. Dispatcher uses the loop information extracted during preparation to identify loops that write multiple consecutive elds. Then, it adds to the message eld tree one Array eld with the range being the combined range of all the consecutive elds written in the loop, and one Record eld per range of bytes written in each iteration of the loop.


Similar to previous work, our protocol reverse engineering techniques work on unencrypted data. Thus, when reverse-engineering encrypted protocols we need to address two problems. First, for received messages, we need to identify the buffers holding the unencrypted data at the point that the decryption has nished since buffers may only hold the decrypted data for a brief period of time. Second, for sent messages, we need to identify the buffers holding the unencrypted data at the point that the encryption is about to begin. Once the buffers holding the unencrypted data have been identied, protocol reverse engineering techniques can be applied on them, rather than on the messages received or about to be sent on the wire. Recent work has looked at the problem of reverse-engineering the format of received encrypted messages [39, 48]. Since the application needs to decrypt the data before using it, those approaches monitor the applications processing of the encrypted message and attempt to locate the buffers that contain the decrypted data at the point that the decryption has nished. Those approaches do not address the problem of nding the buffers holding the unencrypted data before it is encrypted, which is also required in our case. In this work we present two extensions to the technique presented in ReFormat [48]. First, ReFormat can only handle applications where there exists a single boundary between decryption and normal protocol processing. However, multiple such boundaries may exist. As shown in Figure 1 MegaD messages comprise two bytes with the message length, followed by the encrypted payload. After checking the message length, a MegaD bot will decrypt 8 bytes from the encrypted payload and process them, then move to the next 8 bytes and process them, and so on. In addition, some messages in MegaD also use compression and the decryption and decompression operations are interleaved. Thus, there is no single program point where all data in a message is available unencrypted and uncompressed. Consequently, we extend the technique to identify every instance of encryption, hashing, compression, and obfuscation, which we generally term encoding functions. Second, ReFormat was not designed to identify the buffers holding the unencoded (unencrypted) data before encoding (encryption). Thus, we extend the technique to also cover this case. We present the generalized technique next. Identifying encoding functions. To identify every instance of an encoding function we have simplied the process in ReFormat by removing the cumulative metric, the use of tainted data, and the concept of leaf functions. The extended technique applies the intuition in ReFormat that the decryption process contains an inordinate number of arithmetic and bitwise operations to encoding functions. It works as follows. Dispatcher makes a forward pass over the in-

put execution trace replicating the callstack of the application by monitoring the call and return instructions. For each function it computes the ratio between the number of arithmetic and bitwise operations over the total number of instructions in the function. The ratio includes only the functions own instructions. It does not include instructions belonging to any invoked subfunctions. The ratio is computed for each appearance of the function in the trace. Any function that executes a minimum number of instructions and has a ratio larger than a pre-dened threshold is agged by Dispatcher as an instance of a encoding function. In our experiments, the threshold is set to 0.55 and the minimum number of instructions is 20. Our evaluation results in Section 6.3 show that the generalized technique identies all instances of the decryption and encryption functions in our MegaD traces and that the false positive rate of the technique is 0.002%. Identifying the buffers. To identify the buffers holding the unencrypted data before encryption we compute the read set for the encryption routine, the set of locations read inside the encryption routine before being written. The read set for the encryption routine includes the buffers holding the unencrypted data, the encryption key, and any hard-coded tables used by the routine. We can differentiate the buffers holding the unencrypted data because their content varies between multiple instances of the same function. To identify the buffers holding the unencrypted data after decryption we compute the write set for the decryption routine, the set of locations written inside the decryption routine and read later in the trace.



In this section we evaluate our techniques on the MegaD C&C protocol, as well as a number of open protocols.

6.1 Evaluation on MegaD

MegaD uses a proprietary, encrypted, binary protocol previously not understood. Our MegaD evaluation has two parts. We rst describe the information obtained by Dispatcher on the C&C protocol used by MegaD, and then show how the information extracted by Dispatcher can be used to rewrite a C&C dialog. MegaD C&C Protocol. The MegaD C&C protocol uses port 443 over TCP for transport, employing a proprietary encryption algorithm instead of the SSL routines for HTTPS commonly used on that port. Our network traces show our MegaD bot communicating with three entities: the C&C server that the bot periodically probes for new commands; the SMTP test server, an SMTP server whose hostname is provided by the C&C server and to which the bot connects to test for spam sending capabilities; and the spam server, whose IP address and listening port are sent by the C&C server to the bot so that the bot can download all spam-related information such as the spam template or the email addresses to spam. Communication with the C&C and spam servers uses the encrypted C&C protocol, while communication with the SMTP test server uses unencrypted SMTP. The communication model is pull-based. The bot periodically probes the botmaster by sending a request message. The botmaster replies with two messages: one with authentication information, and the other one with a command. The bot performs the requested action and sends a response with its results. Message format. Our MegaD C&C traces contain 15 different messages (7 received and 8 sent by the bot). Using Dispatcher, we have extracted the message eld tree for messages on both directions, as well as the associated eld semantics. All 15 messages follow the structure shown in Figure 1 with a 2-byte message length followed by an encrypted payload. The payload, once decrypted,

contains a 2-byte eld that we term version as it is always a keyword of value 0x100 or 0x1, followed by a 2-byte message type eld. The structure of the remaining payload depends on the message type. To summarize the protocol format we have used the output of Dispatcher to write a BinPac grammar [41] that comprises all 15 messages. Field semantics are added as comments to the grammar. Appendix A presents an abridged version of the grammar. To the best of our knowledge, we are the rst to document the C&C protocol employed by MegaD. Thus, we lack ground truth to evaluate our grammar. To verify the grammars accuracy, we use another execution trace that contains a different instance of one of the analyzed dialogs. We dump the content of all unencrypted messages and try to parse the messages using our grammar. For this, we employed a stand-alone version of the BinPac parser included in Bro [42]. Using our grammar, the parser successfully parses all MegaD C&C messages in the new dialog. In addition, the parser throws an error when given messages that do not follow the MegaD grammar. Attribute detection. The 15 MegaD messages contain no delimiters or arrays. They contain two variable-length elds that use length elds to mark their boundaries: the compressed spam-related information (i.e., template and addresses) received from the spam server, and the host information eld in Figure 1. Both the length elds and variable-length elds are correctly detected by Dispatcher. The only attributes that Dispatcher misses are the message length elds on sent messages because they are computed using complex pointer arithmetic that Dispatcher cannot reason about. Field semantics. Dispatcher identies 11 different eld semantics over the 15 messages: IP addresses, ports, hostnames, length, sleep timers, error codes, keywords, cookies, stored data, padding and host information. There are only two elds in the MegaD grammar for which Dispatcher does not identify their semantics. Both of them happen in received messages: one of them is the message type, which we identify by looking for elds that are compared against multiple constants in the execution and for which the message format varies depending on its value. The other corresponds to an integer whose value is checked by the program but apparently not used further. Note that we identify some elds in sent messages as keywords because they come from immediates and constants in the data section. We cannot identify exactly what they represent because we do not see how they are used by the C&C server. Rewriting a MegaD dialog. To show how our grammar enables live rewriting, we run a live MegaD bot inside our analysis environment, which is located in a network that lters all outgoing SMTP connections for containment purposes. In a rst dialog, the C&C server sends the command to the bot ordering to test for spam capability using a given Spam test server. The analysis network blocks the SMTP connection causing the bot to send an error message back to the C&C server, to communicate that it cannot send spam. No more spam-related messages are received by the bot. Then, we start a new dialog where at the time the bot calls the encrypt function to encrypt the error message, we stop the execution, rewrite the encryption buffer with the message that indicates success, and let the execution continue7 . After the rewriting the bot keeps receiving the spam-related messages, including the spam template and the addresses to spam, despite the fact that it cannot send any spam messages. Note that simply replaying the message that indicates success from a previous dialog into the new dialog does not work because the success message includes a cookie value that the C&C selects and may change between dialogs.
7 The size of both messages is the same once padding is accounted for, thus we can reuse the buffer allocated by the bot.



Message Type GET reply POST reply A reply Welcome0 Welcome1 Welcome2 USER reply PASS reply SYST reply New connection AIM Sign-on AIM Logon


Wireshark |LW | |HW | 11 1 11 1 27 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 5 0 11 3 46 15 123 30

Dispatcher |LD | |HD | 22 0 22 0 28 0 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 0 2 0 5 0 15 3 46 15 154 22

|E (LW )| 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 0 34

Errors |E (LD )| |E (HW )| 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0

|E (HD )| 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8

Table 3: Comparison of the message eld tree for sent messages extracted by Dispatcher and Wireshark

6.2 Evaluation on Open Protocols

In this section we evaluate our techniques on four open protocols: HTTP , DNS, FTP, and ICQ. To this end, we compare the output of Dispatcher with that of Wireshark 1.0.5 [12] when processing 12 messages belonging to those protocols. For each protocol we select a representative application that implements the protocol: Apache-2.2.1 for HTTP, Bind-9.6.0 for DNS, Filezilla-0.9.31 for FTP, and Pidgin-2.5.5 for ICQ. Note that regardless of the application being a client (Pidgin) or a server (Bind, Apache, Filezilla), for this part of the evaluation we focus on sent messages. Message format. Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer containing manually written grammars (called dissectors) for a large variety of network protocols. Although Wireshark is a mature and widely-used tool, its dissectors have been manually generated and therefore are not completely error-free. To compare the accuracy of the message format automatically extracted by Dispatcher to the manually written ones included in Wireshark, we analyze the message eld tree output by both tools and manually compare them to the protocol specication. Thus, we can classify any differences between the output of both tools to be due to errors in Dispatcher, Wireshark, or both. We denote the set of leaf elds and the set of hierarchical elds in the message eld tree output by Wireshark as LW and HW , respectively. LD and HD are the corresponding sets for Dispatcher. Table 3 shows the evaluation results. For each protocol and message it shows the number of leaf elds and hierarchical elds in the message eld tree output by both tools as well as the result of the manual classication of its errors. Here, |E (LW )| and |E (LD )| represent the number of errors on leaf elds in the message eld tree output by Wireshark and Dispatcher respectively. Similarly, |E (HW )| and |E (HD )| represent the number of errors on hierarchical elds. The results show that Dispatcher outperforms Wireshark when identifying leaf elds. This surprising result is due to the inconsistencies between the different dissectors in Wireshark when identifying delimiters. Some dissectors do not add delimiter elds to the message eld tree, some concatenate them to the variable-length eld for which they mark the boundary, while others treat them as separate elds. After checking the protocol specications, we believe that delimiters should be treated as their own elds in all dissectors. The results also show that Wireshark outperforms Dispatcher when identifying hierarchical elds. This is due to the program not using loops to write the arrays because the number of elements in the array is known or is small enough that the compiler has unrolled the loop.

Overall, Dispatcher outperformed Wireshark for the given messages. Note that we do not claim that Dispatcher is generally more accurate than Wireshark since we are only evaluating a limited number of protocols and messages. However, the results show that the accuracy of the message format automatically extracted by Dispatcher can rival that of Wireshark, without requiring a manually generated grammar. Errors on leaf elds. Here we detail the errors on leaf elds that we have assigned to Dispatcher. The error in the HTTP GET reply message is in the Status-Line. The HTTP/1.1 specication [30] states that its format is: Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP StatusCode SP Reason-Phrase CRLF, but both Dispatcher and Wireshark consider the Status-Code, the delimiter, and the Reason-Phrase to belong to the same eld. The FTP specication [44] states that a reply message comprises a completion code followed by a text string. The error in the FTP USER reply message is due to the fact that the server echoes back the username to the client and Dispatcher identies the username being echoed back as an additional cookie eld. The other FTP replies have the same type of error: the response code is merged with the text string because the program keeps the whole message (except the delimiter) in a single buffer in the data section. As mentioned earlier the errors on hierarchical elds are due to the program being analyzed not using loops to write the arrays. For example, the four errors in the DNS reply correspond to the Queries, Answers, Authoritative, and Additional sections in the message, which Bind processes separately and therefore Dispatcher cannot identify as an array. These errors highlight the fact that the message eld tree extracted by Dispatcher is limited to the quality of the protocol implementation in the binary, and may differ from the specication. Attribute detection. The 12 messages contain 14 length elds, 43 delimiters, 57 variable-length elds, and 3 arrays. Dispatcher misses 8 length elds because their value is hard-coded in the program. Thus, their target variable-length elds are considered xedlength. Out of the 43 delimiters Dispatcher only misses one, which corresponds to a null byte marking the end of a cookie string that was considered part of the string. Dispatcher correctly identies all other variable-length elds. Out of 3 arrays, Dispatcher misses one formed by the Queries, Answers, Authoritative, and Additional sections in the DNS reply, which Bind processes separately and therefore cannot be identied by Dispatcher. Field semantics. Dispatcher correctly identies all semantic information in the sent messages, except the 3 pointers in the DNS reply, used by the DNS compression method, which are computed using pointer arithmetic that Dispatcher cannot reason about.

Number of traces 20

Number of functions 3,569,773 (22,379)

True Positives 4,874 (21)

False Positives 87 (9)

False Positive Rate 0.002%

Table 4: Evaluation of the detection of encoding functions. Values in parentheses represent the numbers of unique instances. False positives are computed based on manual verication.

6.3 Detecting Encoding Functions

To evaluate the detection of encoding functions presented in Section 5 we perform the following experiment. We obtain 20 execution traces from multiple programs that handle network data. Five of these traces process encrypted and compressed functions, four of them are from MegaD sessions and the other one is from Apache while handling an HTTPS session. MegaD uses its own encryption algorithm and the zlib library for compression and Apache uses SSL with AES and SHA-18 . The remaining 15 execution traces are from a variety of programs including browsers (Internet Explorer 7, Safari 3.1, and Google Chrome 1.0), network servers (Bind, Atphttpd), and services embedded in Windows (RPC, MSSQL). Dispatcher ags any function instances in the execution traces with at least 20 instructions and a ratio of arithmetic and bitwise instructions greater than 0.55 as encoding functions. The results are shown in Table 4. The 20 execution traces contain over 3.5 million functions calls from 22,379 unique functions. Dispatcher ags 0.14% of the function instances as encoding functions. We manually classify the unique functions agged by Dispatcher as true positives or false positives, using the function names and associated debugging information. We conservatively classify all instances of functions agged by Dispatcher, for which we dont have any information as false positives. Dispatcher correctly identies all encoding functions in the execution traces of MegaD and Apache-SSL. In the MegaD traces, all instances of three unique encoding functions are identied: the decryption routine, the encryption routine, and a key generation routine that generates the encryption and decryption keys from a seed value in the binary before calling the encryption or decryption routines. In addition, in the traces that process messages with compressed data, Dispatcher ags a fourth function that corresponds to the inate function in the zlib library, which is statically linked into the MegaD binary. There is a total of 87 false positives from nine unique functions. Of those, we have been able to identify two: memchr and comctl32.dll::TrueSaturateBits. All instances of the other seven are conservatively classied as false positives. Based on these results, our technique correctly identies all known encoding functions and has a false positive rate of 0.002%.

which capture how a program processes a received message [18, 22, 27, 38, 49]. Techniques that take as input network data [14, 25, 36] face the issue of limited semantic information in network traces, and cannot address encrypted or obfuscated protocols. Techniques to extract the message eld tree are a prerequisite for techniques that extract the protocol format [27, 49] and the protocol state-machine [22] from execution traces. Current approaches that extract the message eld tree of a given message have focused on extracting the format of messages received by an application. To obtain a complete understanding of the protocol they require access to both sides of the dialog. Our techniques allow to extract the message eld tree for sent messages, thus enabling the study of both sides of a communication from a single binary. Lim et al [37] use inter-procedural static analysis to extract the format from les and application data output by a program. Their approach requires the user to input the prototype of the functions that write data to the output buffer. This information is often not available, e.g., when the functions used to write data are not exported by the program. Their approach also requires sophisticated analysis to deal with indirection, cannot handle packed binaries such as MegaD, and does not address semantics inference. Our approach differs in that we do not require any a priori knowledge about the program, and we use a dynamic binary analysis approach that can effectively deal with indirection and packed binaries. State-machine inference. Protocol reverse-engineering also includes inferring the protocols state-machine. ScriptGen [36] infers the protocol state-machine from network data. Due to the lack of semantics in network data it is difcult for ScriptGen to determine whether two network messages are two instances of the same message type. Prospex [22] addresses this issue by leveraging information extracted during program execution such as the message eld tree and the functions called by the program upon message reception. Replaying network sessions. Previous work has addressed the problem of replaying previously captured network sessions [26,35, 36]. Such systems perform limited protocol reverse-engineering on network traces only to the extent necessary for replay. Their focus is to identify the dynamic elds, i.e., elds that change value between sessions, such as cookies, length elds or IP addresses. Identifying application sessions. There has been additional work that can be used in the protocol reverse-engineering problem. Kannan et al [34] studied how to extract the application-level structure in application data. Their work can be used to nd multiple connections that belong to the same protocol session. Encoding the protocol information. Previous work has proposed languages to describe protocol specications [15,24,41]. Such languages are useful to store the results from protocol reverse-engineering, enabling the construction of generic protocol parsers.



Protocol reverse-engineering projects have existed for a long time to enable interoperability of open solutions with proprietary protocols. Those projects relied on manual techniques, which are slow and costly [2, 3, 6, 9, 11]. Automatic protocol reverse engineering techniques can be used, among other applications, to reduce the cost and time associated with these projects. Automatic protocol reverse-engineering. Automatic protocol reverse engineering techniques can be divided into those that extract the eld structure of a single message [18, 25, 38], those that analyze multiple messages to extract the protocol format [14, 27, 49], and those that infer the protocol state-machine [22, 36]. They can also be classied into techniques that use as input network trafc [14, 25, 36] and techniques that use as input execution traces,

Automatic protocol reverse-engineering is important for many security applications, including the analysis and inltration of botnets. Prior techniques cannot enable rewriting of C&C messages needed for inltration because they cannot analyze encrypted pro-


tocols used by newer botnets, they do not extract information about the semantics of the protocol, or they require access to both peers in a protocol dialog for a complete view of the protocol. In this paper we have addressed those limitations. We have proposed techniques to extract the message format of sent messages. Our techniques leverage the intuition that the structure of the output buffer represents the inverse of the structure of the sent message. Thus, we introduce buffer deconstruction, a technique that extracts the structure of a message being sent by reconstructing how the output buffer has been built from other memory buffers in the program. In addition, we have proposed techniques for inferring eld semantics, a prerequisite for rewriting C&C messages for botnet inltration. Our type-inference-based techniques leverage the rich semantic information that is already available in the program by monitoring how data in the received messages is used at places where the semantics are known, and how the sent messages are built from data with known semantics. We have implemented our techniques as well as previous approaches into Dispatcher, a tool that enables the analysis of protocol dialogs even when only one of the peers involved in the dialog is available. We have used Dispatcher to analyze the previously undocumented C&C protocol of MegaD, a prevalent spam botnet. We have shown that the information output by Dispatcher enables botnet inltration by rewriting the C&C messages.








We thank Robin Sommer for providing us with a stand-alone version of BinPac. We are grateful to Stephen McCamant and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments to improve this manuscript.

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[42] [43]


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type MegaD_Message(is_inbound: bool) = record { msg_len : uint16; encrypted_payload(is_inbound): bytestring &length = 8 * msg_len; } &byteorder = bigendian; type encrypted_payload(is_inbound: bool) = record { version : uint16; # Constant (0x0100 or 0x0001) mtype : uint16; data : MegaD_data(is_inbound, mtype); }; # Message types seen in our traces type MegaD_data(is_inbound: bool,msg_type: uint16) = case msg_type of { 0x00 -> m00 : msg_0x0; 0x01 -> m01 : msg_0x1; 0x0e -> m0e : empty_msg; 0x15 -> m15 : empty_msg; 0x16 -> m16 : msg_0x16; 0x18 -> m18 : empty_msg; 0x1c -> m1c : msg_0x1c(is_inbound); 0x1d -> m1d : msg_0x1d; 0x21 -> m21 : msg_0x21; 0x22 -> m22 : msg_0x22; 0x23 -> m23 : msg_0x23; 0x24 -> m24 : msg_0x24; 0x25 -> m25 : msg_0x25; default -> unknown : bytestring &restofdata; }; # Direction: outbound (To: CC server) # MegaD supports two submessages for type zero type msg_0x0 = record { fld_00 : uint8; # <unknown> fld_01 : MegaD_msg0(fld_00); }; type MegaD_msg0(msg0_type: uint8) = case msg0_type of { 0x00 -> m00 : msg_0x0_init; 0x01 -> m01 : msg_0x0_idle; default -> unknown : bytestring &restofdata; };

type msg_0x0_init = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=16; # Constant(0) fld_01 : uint32; # Constant (0xd) fld_02 : uint32; # Constant (0x26) fld_03 : uint32; # IP address pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; type msg_0x0_idle = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID fld_01 : uint32; # Constant(0) pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: inbound (From: CC server) type empty_msg = record { pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: inbound (From: CC server) type msg_0x1 = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=16; # Cookie fld_01 : uint32; # Sleep Timer fld_02 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID }; type host_info = record { fld_00 : uint32; # Cpu identifier fld_01 : uint32; # Tick difference fld_02 : uint32; # Tick counter fld_03 : uint16; # OS major version fld_04 : uint16; # OS minor version fld_05 : uint16; # OS build number fld_06 : uint16; # Service pack major fld_07 : uint16; # Service pack minor fld_08 : uint32; # Physical memory(KB) fld_09 : uint32; # Available memory(KB) fld_10 : uint16; # Internet conn. type fld_11 : uint32; # IP address }; # Direction: outbound (To: CC server) type msg_0x16 = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID fld_01 : uint16; # Length(fld_02) fld_02 : host_info; # Host information pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: inbound or outbound (Spam server) type msg_0x1c(is_inbound: bool) = case is_inbound of { true -> m1c_inbound : msg_0x1c_inbound; false -> m1c_outbound : msg_0x1c_outbound; }; # Direction: inbound (From: Spam server) type msg_0x1c_inbound = record { fld_00 : uint32; # Stored data fld_01 : uint32; # Length fld_02 : uint32; # Length(fld_03) fld_03 : bytestring &length = fld_02; # Compressed pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: outbound (To: Spam server) type msg_0x1c_outbound = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length = 16; # Cookie fld_01 : uint32; # Constant(0) };

# Direction: outbound (To: Spam server) type msg_0x1d = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length = 16; # Cookie fld_01 : uint32; # Constant(0) }; # Direction: inbound (From: CC server) type msg_0x21 = record { fld_00 : uint32; # <unknown> fld_01 : uint16; # Port fld_02 : uint8[] &until($element == 0); # Hostname pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: outbound (To: CC server) type msg_0x22 = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: outbound (To: CC server) type msg_0x23 = record { fld_00 : uint32; # Error code fld_01 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID }; # Direction: inbound (From: CC server) type msg_0x24 = record { fld_00 : uint32; # IP address fld_01 : uint16; # Port pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding }; # Direction: outbound (To: CC server) type msg_0x25 = record { fld_00 : bytestring &length=8; # Bot ID pad : bytestring &restofdata; # Padding };



This appendix provides some examples of functions used to identify the eld semantics described in Table 1. Cookies. Cookies represent data from a received network message that propagates to a sent message (e.g., session identiers). Thus, a cookie is simultaneously identied in the received and sent messages. Note that once a cookie has been identied we can check if it appears in later messages (both received and sent) in the dialog. IP addresses. Dispatcher identies IP addresses in received messages by monitoring if the arguments of some functions used to establish network connections (e.g., connect) or perform DNS reverse lookups (e.g., getnameinfo) have been derived from the received messages. Dispatcher identies IP addresses in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that return local information (e.g., gethostbyname), remote information (e.g., getpeername), or functions that check the name of connected sockets (e.g., getsockname). Error codes. Some programs report back unexpected errors using error codes. Dispatcher identies error codes in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that report error conditions (e.g., RtlGetLastWin32Error). File data. File data is data read from the le system. Dispatcher can identify le data in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that read from a le (e.g., read) or functions that map les directly into memory (e.g., MapViewOfFile). A special case of le data is user-specied conguration data such as the number of times to retry a connection. Dispatcher can mark le data as conguration data when provided with the list of les that contain the conguration information for the program.

File information. File information is le metadata such as the size of a le or the last modication date. Dispatcher identies le information in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that query for le properties (e.g., NtQueryInformationFile). Filenames. Filenames are a special case of le information. Dispatcher can identify lenames in received messages by analyzing if the arguments of functions used to open les (e.g., open) or used to get le properties (e.g., NtQueryInformationFile) have been derived from data previously received over the network. It can identify lenames in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that list the les in a directory (e.g., NtQueryDirectoryFile). Hash / Checksum. We call both hash and checksum elds verication elds because they are often used to check if the data has been modied during transmission. Dispatcher identies verication functions using the technique to identify encoding functions presented in Section 5. If the output of a encoding function is compared against a range of bytes received over the network, then that range is marked as a verication eld in the received message. If the output of a encoding function appears on a sent message, then it is either a verication eld or an encrypted/obfuscated eld. Dispatcher can use the scope (the range of bytes in the sent message) to distinguish between a verication eld and an encrypted/obfuscated eld, since verication elds are usually shorter. Hostnames. Hostnames can identify remote hosts as well as the local host. Dispatcher can identify hostnames in received messages by checking if the arguments of functions that start network connections (e.g., connect) are derived from received messages and in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that return local host information (e.g., gethostname). Host information. We subsume any hardware or software properties of the host under host information. For example, when MegaD builds the message in Figure 1, it queries the operating system for information about the processor type, the operating system version, the memory status of the host or the type of connection to the Internet, all of which are examples of host information elds. Dispatcher identies host information elds in sent messages by tainting the output of a variety of functions such as GetVersionExA and GlobalMemoryStatus. Keyboard input. Protocol messages often include data provided by the user via the keyboard, such as the lename in a FTP download, the domain name in a DNS query or the user name and password in an ICQ login session. Dispatcher identies keyboard input in sent messages by tainting any data input by the user using the keyboard.

Keywords. Dispatcher identies keywords in received messages using the techniques proposed in Polyglot [18] and in sent messages by tainting the memory region that contains a given module, as explained in Section 4.3. Length. Dispatcher identies length elds in received messages using previously proposed techniques [18,49] and in sent messages using the techniques described in Section 4.3. Message length is a special type of length, which represents the length of a message on the wire. Dispatcher can identify message length elds in received messages by monitoring if some bytes in the received message are compared against the output of the function calls to read data from the socket (e.g, read, recv). Padding. Dispatcher identies padding in received messages by looking for tainted bytes that are not used by the program (only moved around) and that are present at the end of variable-length elds or at the end of the message. Dispatcher considers a padding eld to be at most 7 bytes (64-bit alignment). Ports. Ports are usually used altogether with IP addresses or hostnames to dene an end point for a connection. Dispatcher identies ports in received messages by analyzing how the arguments of functions used by the program to start new connections (e.g., connect) and bind new listening ports (e.g., bind) have been derived from a previously received message. Dispatcher identies ports in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that check the name of connected sockets (e.g., getsockname). Registry data. Registry data is any data stored in the Windows registry. Dispatcher identies registry data in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that read data from the Windows registry (e.g., NtQueryValueKey). Sleep timers. Sleep timers are timers used to indicate to a host that it should delay execution for a certain amount of time. Dispatcher identies sleep timers in received messages by monitoring if the arguments to functions that delay execution (e.g., sleep) have been derived from data received over the network. Stored data. Stored data refers to data received over the network that the program saves into permanent storage. It includes data written to disk, as well as data stored in the Windows registry. Dispatcher can identify stored data by monitoring if data received over the network is used to derive the data argument for functions that write data to le (e.g., write) or the Windows registry (e.g., NtSetValueKey). Timestamps. Timestamps are elds that contain time data. Dispatcher identies timestamps in sent messages by tainting the output of functions that request the local or system time (e.g., GetLocalTime, GetSystemTime).

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