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NOMBRE: ______________________________ Pretrito o imperfecto For each blank, give the correct form of the the preterite or the

imperfect of the verb in infinitive. Put only one answer in each blank. Story 1 Pues, ____________________ (ser) martes, y yo _______________________(caminar) por el parque. El sol _________________ (brillar) y yo __________________ (estar) contento. Mientras _______________________ (seguir) una senda por los arboles, de repente _____________ (ver) a un hombre corriendo a la izquierda. l _______________ (tener) algo en la mano. Yo ______________________ (tratar) de ver de dnde __________________ (venir) y por qu ___________________________ (correr) tan rpidamente. En el bosque yo ___________________ (ver) a una mujer; ___________________ (ir) hacia ella. Ella ____________________ (estar) gritando, l me ___________________ (robar) la bolsa! Yo _____________________(seguir) al hombre por un rato, pero yo no . _____________________ (poder) capturarlo. Yo _____________________ (llamar) a la polica, y ____________________ (esperar) quince minutos hasta que ellos ____________________ (llegar). English version Well, it was Tuesday, and I was walking through the park. The sun was shining and I was happy. As I was following a path through the trees, I suddenly saw man running to my left. He had something in his hand. I tried to see where he was coming from and why he was running so fast. Back in the forest, I saw a woman; I went towards her. She was shouting, "He stole my purse while I was reading." I followed the man for a while, but I couldn't capture him. I called the police, and waited fifteen minutes until they arrived. Story 2 Cuando yo _____________________ (graduarse) de universidad, un amigo y yo __________________________ (montar) bicicleta a travs de varios estados los EEUU. Nosotros ________________________ (empezar) en Chicago y (seguir) por el resto de esa rea. Al principio nosotros _______________________(ir) por las montaas, pero despus slo _______________________________ (tomar) las calles planas porque nosotros no __________________________ (querer) trabajar y sudar tanto. Yo ________________________ (ver) muchas cosas impresionantes, y las personas que ______________________________ (conocer) en el camino ____________________________ (ser) muy generosas con nosotros. Un hombre nos ___________________________ (tomar) en su coche y nos _____________________________ (permitir) dormir en su casa. Tambin nos ____________________(dar) comida! Al fin y al cabo ___________________(andar) en bicicleta por dos meses y yo ___________________ (realizar) uno de mis ms grandes sueos de mi vida. English Version When I graduated from the university, a friend and I rode our bikes across various states in the US. We started in Chicago and followed through the rest of this area. At first we went to the mountains, but later we only took straight roads because we did not want to work and sweat so much. I saw a lot of interesting things, and the people I met on the road were very generous with us. One man took us in his car and let us sleep in his house. He also gave us food! In the end we wandered on our bikes for 2 months and I fulfilled one of the biggest dreams of my life.

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