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The lives of Xers have been shaped by globalization, MTV, AIDS, and computers. Your Answer: True


Instrumental values are preferable modes of behavior, or means of achieving one's terminal values. Answer: True


The loyalty of Boomers is to their careers. True

Organizations in a society low in uncertainty avoidance are likely to have more formal rules. Answer: False

Job involvement refers to an individual's general attitude toward his or her job. Correct Answer: False

Attitudes and values are synonymous terms. Your Answer: False

Research has concluded that people seek consistency among their attitudes but not between their attitudes and behavior. Answer: False

The theory of cognitive dissonance seeks to

explain the linkage between values and attitudes. Correct Answer: False

At the individual level, satisfaction generally leads to productivity. Correct Answer: False

Neglect is an active and destructive response to dissatisfaction in which an employee waits for conditions to improve. Correct Answer: False :

If personality characteristics were completely dictated by heredity, they would be fixed at birth and no amount of experience could alter them. Answer: True

A substantial body of research supports the MBTI as a valid measure of personality. Your Answer: False

Individuals with an internal

locus of control believe that they are masters of their own fate. Your Answer: True

Individuals with Holland's investigative personality are well suited for careers as small business managers. Correct Answer: False

Moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Your Answer: False

Displayed emotions are innate. Correct Answer: False

Jamie Dimon is the name of the CEO who turned around the situation at Bank One. Correct Answer: True

Evidence confirms there is no real difference, between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions and ability

to read others. Correct Answer: False

There tends to be high agreement on what emotions mean within cultures, but not between. Your Answer: True

People who are good at reading others' emotions may be more effective in their jobs. Your Answer: True

The reality of a situation is what is behaviorally important. Answer: False

Expectations can distort your perceptions in that you will see what you expect to see. Your Answer: True

Projection is the idea that people selectively interpret what they see based on their interests, background, experience, and attitudes. Your Answer: False

Interviewers can make perceptual judgments that are often inaccurate during an employment interview. Your Answer: True

If you expect to see that older workers can't learn a new job skill, you will probably perceive that, whether it is accurate or not. Correct Answer: True

The rational decision-making model assumes that the alternative that yields the lowest perceived value will be chosen. Your Answer: False

The bounded rationality model assumes that the decision maker will simplify the problem. Correct Answer: True

Intuitive decision making is a conscious process created out of experience. Your Answer: False


We tend to be prone to overestimating unlikely events like an airplane crash. This is an example of the representative heuristic. Correct Answer: False

Utilitarianism dominates business decision making. Correct Answer: True

In MBO, goals are unilaterally set by the employee and communicated to the boss.

Correct Answer: False

Employee involvement is a participative process that uses the entire capacity of employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization's success. Your Answer: True

Quality circles have the authority to find problems, assess alternative actions, and implement a solution. Your Answer: False

Motivation is a personality trait. Your Answer: False

According to Maslow, a need that is essentially satisfied no longer motivates. Your Answer: True

Theory X assumptions hold a basically negative view of human beings. Your Answer: True

According to Herzberg, the opposite of "satisfaction" is "dissatisfaction". Your Answer: False

Hygiene factors usually lead to job satisfaction when present in a job. Correct Answer: False

The achievement need can be stimulated through training. Your Answer: True

According to goal-setting theory, a generalized goal will produce a higher level of output than a specific goal. Correct Answer: False

Underpayment and overpayment, according to equity theory, tend to produce similar reactions to correct the inequities. Correct Answer: False

The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships is Need for Affiliation. Correct Answer: True

In expectancy theory, the strength of a person's motivation to perform depends in part on how strongly he believes he can achieve what he attempts. Your Answer: False

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