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Professional Growth Portfolio (PGP) Tables: Goal 1: Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and constructive

learning opportunities
Related Program Goal: Recognize Learning as Valuing and Constructing By this we mean: The program strives to prepare educators who appreciate learning as processes of valuing (that is, recognizing that the knowledge we think worthwhile reflects what we value as a society) and constructing (that is, learning involves unique and active knowledge construction processes by learners, supported by teachers.)

Goal 1 Outcomes: The

Teacher Candidate

Evidence / Artifacts 29/11/12 (1.5) students are given the opportunity for an oral show what you know as well as a written and drawn summative assessment.

Analysis/ Interpretation

1.1 Ensures the participation and success of all students. 1.2 Uses a variety of ways to identify and build on student academic, physical, spiritual and social strengths. 1.3 Uses constructivist principles to guide student learning. Constructivist
Principles 1) self-directed learning 2) multiple perspectives 3) authentic/relevant 4) student ownership and input in learning 5) social experience 6) multiple modes of representation 7) selfawareness of constructing knowledge.

1.4 Analyzes the classroom environment and makes adjustments to enhance social relationships and student motivation/ engagement. 1.5 Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their understandings in multiple ways.

29/11/12 (1.5) In this way we are given summative assessment but also assessment for learning because we can see what area or style of learning the student in most successful in, and what needs a different approach. 26/11/12 (1.2) Continuing to be strict 26/11/12 (1.2) This helps prepare to routines, especially involving them for future grades and also how student behavior. to act in the rest of the world as well. 20/11/12 When doing writing about a 20/11/12 some students cannot get topic, we brainstormed together started, when the goal is to practice different topicsso all students could writing we make sure all are begin immediately successful by giving those students a topic. 15/11/12 (1.4) I gave an individual 15/11/12 (1.4) With a topic she poem about horses to a student who enjoyed the student was motivated was not engaged in her assignment. again and more engaged in her work 26/10/12 (1.5) Good questioning. 26/10/12 ( communicates Used lots of How Do You Know and to and engages all students in WHY questions. learning using thoughtful questioning 26/10/12 ( refocused TB by and discussion. Provides having him come up to the opportunities for collaboration smartboard. Engaged RB by making among students and encourages him demonstrator and telling him to be development of personal discipline ready to answer the next question. and responsibility. Gives students Students were in partners and were feedback to allow them to show their stretched by doing predictions. understanding. 20/10/12 (1.1) Found and taped to 20/10/12 (1.1) These students need desks a sound tool for students some extra help to be successful. having troubles learning to create This will benefit them and other words. students as teacher time will not be as concentrated always to them. 20/10/12 (1.1, 1.4) Create a seating 20/10/12 (1.1, 1.4) I know the plan for students, carefully positioning students well enough to know what students so they will not be distracted arrangements will be successful but can learn from someone near them. and as always things may need to change.

18/10/12 (1.2) Students are conducting experiments with a partner and need to communicate with partners which helps social skills. 16/10/12 (1.1) CT talking to students about certain students having light bulb moments and celebrating them. Later I celebrated moments with other students as they shared with me. 03/10/12 (1.1/1.3) SR worked in a corner of the room and was MUCH more productive. We will supply her with a clipboard tomorrow for her to write on.

18/10/12 (1.2) Partner and collaborative work helps students learn social skills so important at Gr. 1, 2 level. 16/10/12 (1.1) It is important to celebrate when a student makes a connection (ex. Sounds/letters connections when reading) so they will be motivated to keep learning. 03/10/12 (1.1/1.3) SR in the past has been chatty, not productive. I have invited students to move to the table to work before. I let her move to reading corner where she could still see the board (SR initiated). 02/10/12 (1.2/ 1.3/ 1.5) Kindergarten 02/10/12 (1.2/1.3/1.5) Students learn story-telling and story acting. (Teacher about the details of print and words. scribes students stories and students They learn social skills while playing retell through acting later). and acting with peers. Their learning is self-directed, they have input, it is a social experience. Awesome!! 27/09/12 (1.3) Great job explaining 27/09/12 (1.3) Students have a part rubric for self-assessment. Explaining in thinking about how theyve done. that to get a 5 need something extra. Some students did it accurately. We will work on it. 27/09/12 (1.1) Students were all 27/09/12 (1.1) All the students had engaged in project at some point. the opportunity to be successful. 20/09/12 (1.3) Engages all students in 20/09/12 (1.3) For all students to be learning and engages students in learning they need to be engaged. It thoughtful use of questioning and is important to have them be a part of discussion to enhance student learning. their learning and have different opportunities to show what they know as prompted by the teacher. 8/9/12 (1.3) I allowed Gr. 2 to share 18/9/12 by taking suggestions for our ideas about how to present our read performance I let the students be in aloud play. control of their learning, they were also excited to do the activity 17/9/12 (1.4) When student said I 17/09/12 I was adjusting the lesson dont want to do this I responded to enhance motivation/engagement. this is what we are doing, but I gave an option to create a pattern with a different manipulative. 17/9/12 (1.3) CT feedback about 17/09/12 (1.3) This is important for including an introduction as part of my students to make the topic relevant lessons or mini-lessons. for them and motivated learning. 17/9/12 (1.1) Students were working 17/09/12 (1.1) It is important that independently on the same idea, each student could be learning at patterns, I had each do own thing their pace. It meant all students had while I circulated and used scaffolding success.

their learning. 14/9/12 (1.1) Smart board work. CT explained different levels of students learning and to give them all success with the activity. 13/9/12 (1.2) Encouraging K/1/2 to do things for themselves if they can (tie shoes; put on coat; put things in their desk etc.) 11/9/12 (1.3) Art gave students two ways to work with chalk, introduced water; they came up with the rest! 4/9/12 (1.3) Observed CT leading students in constructing their own rules for the classroom. 30/8/12 (1.3) PD Session on Vivian Paley storytelling curriculum in Kindergarten. 29/8/12 (1.5) Attended PD event focusing on ways of incorporating different art forms as a way for students to show understanding.

14/9/12 (1.1) Students who could construct words themselves were instructed to do so while others were given words or even sounds to construct. 13/9/12 (1.2) builds on physical/ academic independence. Also helps them realize they have learned to do something they couldnt earlier. 11/9/12 (1.3) The students directed their own experiments with the chalk and were very into it. 4/9/12 (1.3) This is a great example of students making the classroom their own. 30/8/12 (1.3) Refreshed my memory on this program and plan to incorporate it during internship; selfawareness constructing knowledge. 29/8/12 (1.5) I gathered ideas to use, especially for getting middle years students involved and motivated in any subject.

Goal 2: Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families, colleagues)
Related Program Goal: Affirm Dignity and Respect for Individuals By this we mean: The program strives to prepare educators who promote dignity and respect for all.

Goal 2 Outcomes: The

Teacher Candidate

Evidence / Artifacts 27/11/12 (2.3) Talking about Christmastime, also talking about Hanukkah 08/11/12 (2.3) Read a book about Remembrance day. Paused after each page for students to share what they were thinking/feeling/remembering from their experiences. 1/11/12 ( Allowing RB and LC to settle own arguments by mediating and not solving the problem for them. 26/10/12 (2.2) Allowed students to use imaginations and share all ideas about a topic.

Analysis/ Interpretation 08/11/12 (2.3) I took ideas, worries, and stories from all children who wanted to speak up. Children learned to confirm each others fears/thoughts about war etc. Made certain that children learned about respecting veterans on Remembrance day. 1/11/12 ( I believe it is important for children to learn to solve their own problems and not run to an adult every time something goes wrong 26/10/12 (2.2) Provided selfworth/dignity to students.

2.1 Creates and maintains a learning environment that encourages and supports the growth and potential of the whole student. 2.2 Provides learning opportunities that recognizes and fosters each pupils sense of self-worth and dignity while demonstrating caring, compassion, trust and empathy. 2.3 Develops knowledge

and understanding of students distinct cultural, ethnic and language background and applies it to anti-oppressive teaching practices.

23/10/12 (All of 2) Chat with students about recess issues. Reinforcing students to deal with own issues before telling a teacher; also, dont need to tell teachers if it was dealt with and solved, especially teachers that are not on supervision.

23/10/12 it is not helping anyone for kids to tattle on their friends. Classroom teachers do not need to know about every little argument between classmates. Students are learning to take care of their own problems. They learn they are big enough to do it themselves. 23/10/12 (2.2) Before starting lesson 23/10/12 (2.2) Students need to learn had a talk with students about respect that they do not accomplish anything on the playground and also about by tattling on what happened at recess, trying to solve their problems with especially if the issue had previously peers on their own first. been solved. 21/10/12 (2.1, 2.2) Discouraging 21/10/12 (1.1, 1.2) If these students potty talk among K, 1, 2. We talk are going to be productive in society, about how this is inappropriate for they need to learn that some things are school. Trying to have children appropriate and not appropriate to say. recognize that some words are offensive to others. 20/10/12 I attended and helped with 20/10/12 I enjoy and value dishes/clean up at community participating in community events. It harvest wind up supper and show. also helps to improve the view of teachers in general and helps me get to know the community and the people in it, including students and their families. 12/10/12 (2.2) conversation with DO 12/10/12 (2.2) It is important to speak about needs of other students in the in a positive way about all students. I classroom when she asked about the will try to foster this in my students as additional piece on some desks to well. help some students create words. 05/10/12 (2.2) I mediated a 05/10/12 (2.2) I know this is very conversation with two students about much a part of being an early an accident that happened at recess. elementary teacher. It was important Listened to both students stories and that I checked with each party to make we found out we were all okay. sure everyone was happy with the result of the conversation. 03/10/12 (2.2/2.3) Good not to shut 03/10/12 (2.2/2.3) In our down a student who responds conversations we talked about students incorrectly to a question. Classroom needing time to think about their is a safe place to learn. answers, and also ones who answer wrong to acknowledge their try and keep it positive, so they are not afraid to respond in class. 01/10/12 (2.2 & 2.1) When making 01/10/12 (2.2) This way students are art student had the wrong idea I learning rather than losing self-esteem, said: keep this, it is good, start especially with things students create another one but this time try as it can appear personal to them. 20/09/12 (2.3) conversation with CT 20/09/12 (2.3) These conversations

about the families backgrounds, specifically pointing out families with split/one parent. 18/9/12 (2.2) During play reading I compromised with a student when picking parts. I took the small part and we split a larger part into two parts. 18/9/12 (2.2) LC doesnt bring snack from home so we save some. When asked about the stash I explained that LC keeps snacks here because otherwise he forgets. 14/9/12 (2.3) I listened to discussion about meeting CMs father. Staff try to make him feel comfortable and on board with CMs programing. 5/9/12 (2.3) I spent my noon supervision getting to know the students in other grades. I also take note to talk to/acknowledge each child in the classroom every day.

help me to know my students, therefore helps me teach sensitively. 18/9/12 (2.2) This was a) important to the learning and my assessing as each student had more reading to do and b) each student felt they had a significant role. 18/9/12 (2.2) This is important to LCs dignity and his familys. The other students dont need always need to know we supply his snack. 14/9/12 (2.3) This is important to know where CM is coming from and how to help her learn which is impossible if one doesnt understand her background. 5/9/12 (2.3) This is important for developing relationships and knowledge of the students in order to apply it to sensitive and antioppressive education.

Goal 3: Strive to support social justice and ecological responsibility

Related Program Goal: Support Emancipatory Action for Social and Ecological Justice By this we mean: The program will strive to prepare educators to address systemic forms of race, gender, ethnic, sexual, ability, environmental, socio-economic (i.e., colonial), and other forms of oppression to achieve social and ecological justice through emancipatory educational theories and practices.

Goal 2 Outcomes: The

Teacher Candidate

Evidence / Artifacts

Analysis/ Interpretation

3.1 Promotes and engages in the improvement of social and environmental conditions.

28/11/12 (3.4) After telling them to let me know how they think we could make it better, Gr 9/10s in play asked if they could add certain props to our play, so that they have 3.2 Identifies and ameliorates something to do while waiting for (enhances/betters) ways in their 2 lines. which socio-economic status 31/10/12 (3.2) snacks for LC; affects children, learning and encouragement of using breakfast community. program in the morning. 30/10/12 (3.1) a student became 3.3 Demonstrates, shares, and upset after learning it would be a assists students in developing spooky class where he would hae critical insights into current to touch and taste things for issues. science. After calming him down, I gave him the job of recorder for his 3.4 Empowers students by partner, while his partner would do assisting in development of the tasting and feeling. understandings of democratic 26/10/12 (3.5) Preparing adapted action. spelling words list and ELA instruction for TB. Also 3.5 Develops in self and communicating with TB parents via others understanding of day planner about his successes exceptionality and inclusive after beginning his adapted education. program. 24/10/12 (3.2) Students are asked to 3.6 Develops in self and bring cheap everyday items to others understanding of anti- school for arts and crafts (ex. cereal racist and anti-oppressive boxes/ Kleenex boxes, used plastic approaches to education. yogurt containers, old Christmas cards) 22/10/12 (3.3) Mid lesson I started talking about remembrance day and two min. of silence, although that wasnt specifically our lesson. 18/10/12 (3.5, 3.6) Met re: TB and put in a referral for EA assistance. Focusing on independence and social skills for him. 12/10/12 (3.1, 3.5) decided to plan lessons what revolve around positive talk to other students and about other students.

28/11/12 (3.4) By giving them control over things in our play they learn to speak up about ideas and contribute positively in whatever they are working in.

31/10/12 (3.2) Anyone is allowed to use the breakfast program so kids dont feel judged. 30/10/12 (3.1) This allowed the student to participate and feel safe at the same time. I also took him out of the classroom when we had our chat so other students wouldnt need to ask why he was crying.

27/09/12 (3.3) Demonstrated well how to waste less when cutting paper to save trees.

24/10/12 (3.2) Anytime we use things like these students realize they can do those things at home, they dont need extra special things. They also feel included when contributing to the class resources. 22/10/12 (3.3) This was an important issue to talk about and it will be coming up soon so the conversation was timely. 18/10/12 (3.5, 3.6) With exceptionalities in the classroom it is important to be thinking of the student and not what will be easier. 12/10/12 (3.1, 3.5) I will be continuing the Bucket fillers/dippers talk more often because I am noticing a lot of gossip and negative talk going on in the classroom. 27/09/12 (3.3) This will be ongoing to help the students understand the importance of recycling and conserving our planet.

18/09/12 (3.5) observed CT instructing students to read with exceptional students during DEAR 14/9/12 (3.1) Observed EA working with several girls on why their feelings were hurt after recess. 6/9/12 (3.5) Observing TC and other staff work with CM to understand her exceptionality. Week of 4/9/12 (3.2) Attended and participated in mtgs. specific to helping a child with behavioral exceptionalities.

18/9/12 (3.5) CT give each student a chance/challenge to work with exceptional students and start to understand inclusivity in our class. 14/9/12 (3.1) This was important because the girls were not ready to learn if they were worried about these other events. 6/9/12 (3.5) This is different for the staff and for me; however it is great to see the process for including exceptional students. 4/9/12 (3.2) Meetings involved the childs home life and how it affects the ways she behaves. This will help us be sensitive, understanding, and also to adjust programing for her successfully.

Goal 4: Develop as a critical reflective practitioner who connects practical and theoretical knowledge
Related Program Goal: Philosophize Educational Possibilities By this we mean: The program will strive to prepare educators to imagine and propose educational theory and practice within visions of the highest aspirations for humankind and the world.

Goal 4 Outcomes: The Teacher


Evidence / Artifacts 26/11/12 (4.5) A former deal with a student to be in a play fell short because he said he had hockey practice. I said well work together to figure it out, and asked him to talk to his coach, I also called home to double check the situation. 16/11/12 (4.2) Takes into some consideration student comments about the learning task (i.e. I ususally dont like school, but right now its great or overheard to a friend at recess Math was too hard today.)

Analysis/ Interpretation 26/11/12 (4.5) By talking to all those involved the problem was resolved and no relationships were sacrificed.

4.1 Identifies and understands how education is affected by present day and historical global, local, political and cultural issues (i.e. war, peace, poverty, racism). 4.2 Is a reflective practitioner who continually assesses the effects of instructional choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.

16/11/12 (4.2) By hearing what students are thinking about my lessons, or teaching I can adapt or change things for next time or as I go/ or remember to do things that worked again.

4.3 Combines practical and theoretical knowledge with broader life learning to refine a philosophy of education. 4.4 Is sensitive to and engages the unique strengths and learning styles of all students. 4.5 Identifies, defines, and attempts to conduct all dealings and to resolve problems cooperatively with those involved.

6/11/12 (4.4)many of the students 6/11/12 (4.4) If I want students learn actively therefore I made to learn the outcomes I need to our science lessons very interactive. consider what the best way for them to learn is. 2/11/12 (4.4) working with TB 19/10/12 Teachers image in the modifying/scaffolding assignments. publics eye has a large Also creating and scaffolding influence on students coming assignments for the huge range of into the classroom. abilities in Gr. 1) 1/11/12 (4.2) makes self-reflections 11/10/12 (4.2) I received always; makes notes to parents in feedback from my coop about a day planners at the end of the day. gym class that could have gone 19/10/12 (4.1) conversations about better. how teachers are viewed in the community and Saskatchewan. 11/10/12 (4.2) recognized that method of lining students up for gym was not useful at that time, Students were too excited. 03/10/12 (4.4/4.2) When 03/10/12 (4.4/4.2) In our questioning: good asking why conversations we talked about questions (I should do more often), students needing time to think wait time for CW to think about about their answers, and also response. ones who answer wrong to acknowledge their try and keep it positive, so they are not afraid to respond in class. 24/09/12 (4.2) Took part in Non24/09/12 (4.2) This was an Violent Crisis Intervention training. opportunity to grow in my professionalism and review how I will work with defensive or acting out students. 18/9/12 (4.5) During a play reading 18/9/12 (4.5) I worked we had discrepancies while cooperatively with the Gr. 2s. choosing parts. We ended up This an important skill for splitting a part in two because one students and everyone leaves only had 1 line of text I took the with a Win-Win attitude/feeling. small part. 17/9/12 (4.4) During math 17/09/12 (4.4) I was sensitive to patterning with manipulatives: I how each student learned went to each student to build on patterns. I used what they gave what they knew. Some worked me and in return gave them each better at a separate table, some a new challenge that suited their needed more assistance while style. others work independently.

Goal 5: Create a positive community in the classroom and school

Related Program Goal: Build Communities By this we mean: The program will strive to prepare educator-leaders who engage in relationships that build learning communities and community through learning

Goal 5 Outcomes: The Teacher


Evidence / Artifacts

Analysis/ Interpretation 29/11/12 (5.1) students enjoyed the experience, people in the town were able to support the 26/11/12 (5.3) We were able to work together for the students and to make deals with other teachers for taking the classtime.

5.1 Builds classroom connections 29/11/12 (5.1) students went to with local, national, and global the community seniors centre to communities make crafts together. 26/11/12 (5.3) worked with other 5.2. Builds inclusive staff directing plays to make communities across lines of time for students to practice difference (e.g., ethnicity, ability, 2/11/12 (5.2) Reinforcing how class, race, gender and family we are the same and how we are structure) and promotes open different and that is OKAY. communication. 30/10/12 (5.3) part of planning meeting for TBs PPP. Working 5.3 Works with colleagues in with high school teachers to mutually supportive ways and direct Gr. 9-10 play. develops effective professional 20/10/12 I attended and helped relationships with members of with dishes/clean up at the educational community. community harvest wind up supper and show.

19/10/12 (5.1) Students are brainstorming ways they could present a poster to the nation and globally. This is getting me excited because it was their idea not mine to use email/phones, internet etc. Ongoing (5.3) Executive Council of Education Students Society in the role of post intern representative.

20/10/12 I enjoy and value participating in community events. It also helps to improve the view of teachers in general and helps me get to know the community and the people in it, including students and their families. 19/10/12 (5.1) We are going to start by putting posters into the town of Kenaston. I will work on some opportunities to connect nationally and globally.

18/10/12 (5.1) Open House. I met some of the parents, students, although fewer than ideal. 12/10/12 (5.3) keeps all information confidential disclosing only to those who need to know. Ongoing (5.3 ) working with

Ongoing (5.3) Through opportunities that come with being involved in the ESS I can work on making professional relationships. I recognize this is something I need to be working on personally and professionally and participating in societies and other groups helps. 18/10/12 (5.1) It is important to involve the community in the schools projects, goals, and achievements. 12/10/12 (5.3) I recognize that some information needs to be held from people if it is not necessary for the students benefit. Ongoing (5.3) Has had the

the behaviour analysis team to make a plan to support CM

opportunity to work with the SST, Special ed. Consultant, ed. Psych consultant, administrators and coop teacher to support CM.

Goal 6: Build instructional competence and strong teacher identity

Related Program Goal: Engage in Education as Transformative Praxis By this we mean: The program will strive to prepare educational leaders who recognize their practice as transformative praxis.

Goal 6 Outcomes: The Teacher


Evidence / Artifacts 26/11/12 (6.3) When making a class book focusing on pictures matching the words, I chose a FN story to read and for the class to retell.

Analysis/ Interpretation 26/11/12 (6.3) Everytime FNMI content is incorporated it continues the conversations about these perspectives. I believe the conversations are the best way to teach this content. 09/11/12 (6.2) Students really enjoyed reading stories on their own that we had read as a class. It helps their learning to review books again and again, they are able to dig deeper into the subject.

6.1 Demonstrates knowledge and confidence in subject matter and knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum documents and applies these understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using the Broad Areas of Learning and Cross-curricular Competencies.

09/11/12 (6.2) used the local library for books for author study. These books were put on display in our classroom for use by the 6.2 Plans instruction using the students anytime they use books Adaptive Dimension and the duration of the study. resource-based learning to address 2/11/12 (6.9) Never a question to individual student needs and professionalism; strong selfcultural diversity using a wide reflector after day is done. Keeps repertoire of instructional school stuff confidential. strategies and methods. 29/10/12 (6.8) science lesson on touch and taste centres. 6.3 Incorporates First Nations, Halloween style. Inuit and Mtis content and 1/11/12 (6.7) assisting to enter perspectives across all teaching marking into grade book for areas. report cards. Science: giving students a chance to change 6.4 Plans and develops engaging sorting after giving more and authentic lessons that information. Allowing all to have demonstrate knowledge and success. confidence in subject matter. Ongoing (6.7) filling marks and anecdotes in assessment binder. 6.5 Incorporates available 26/10/12 (6.3) Incorporated First technology in pedagogically Nations oral storytelling into Kappropriate ways. storytelling and Gr. 1/2 science listening (FN children used their 6.6 Establishes a classroom sense of hearing to learn environment that supports everything they could from

29/10/12 (6.8) one child was scared of the Halloween touch centres. I told him he could do the recording for his partner. I also said he could peek in and look to see if he wanted to try touching.

learning and develops responsible learners. 6.7 Carries out professional responsibilities for student assessment and evaluation. 6.8 Demonstrates capacity to take risks and make mistakes as part of professional growth and accepts constructive criticism in cooperative manner. 6.9 Reflects upon the goals and experience of professional practice, adapts teaching accordingly and demonstrates professionalism at all times.

Elders) I will also do an activity with each grade so this is remembered. 26/10/12 (6.6) Creates a respectful environment in the classroom. Manages classroom, student behavior and physical space while demonstrating knowledge of students and keeping a professional appearance and presentation. 26/10/12 ( Lesson well written and prepared to fit with SK curriculum and engage all learners in the classroom. 23/10/12 (6.2) I am working on finding TBs level in reading/spelling etc. He is able to now work with the class on most morning work, but we are waiting to get EA time to help him in reading. 09/10/12 (6.8) Tried word detectives with gr. 1. They are not able to do this successfully yet. Tried with Gr. 2 and it with gr. 2; worked beautifully. 01/10/12 (6.7) prepared and used assessment binder. Conversation w/ RF about filling in Power School in prep for report cards.

23/10/12 (6.2) by adapting what TB is doing, sometimes content, mostly amount, he is able to be successful in the classroom.

09/10/12 (6.8) I am trying new things and finding out what works well and what would be better done differently. 01/10/12 (6.7) These professional responsibilities are especially important to handle as we go as a time saver later, and if parents ever inquire about their student we are prepared. 01/10/12 (6.1, .2, .3, .4) This is important to do first so that these goals are in ones mind while planning for lessons.

01/10/12 (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4) Planning FNMI content into second unit plan: gathered resources for this from library before planning individual lessons. I am developing my unit plan using BAL and CCC guides. Also, I have chosen an exciting hook/intro for my unit and lessons! (6.4) 20/09/12 (6.6) Encourages students to develop personal responsibility & self-discipline. 2

20/09/12 (6.6) Students are building strengths in personal social areas throughout their school career. This is just as important as curriculum for students to become successful adults in our world.

(BALs) 0/09/12 (6.2) Activities are 20/09/12 (6.2) Especially with the diversified to meet the needs of all young age of my students this I learners. need to use a diverse range of activities to keep them engaged and learning. 20/09/12 (6.1) Instructional goals 20/09/12 (6.1) demonstrates that I & objectives are chosen to support am teaching curriculum objectives, SK curricula & students needs. / important to teaching practice. Demonstrates knowledge of content, curriculum, and policy by Sask. Ministry of Education. 20/09/12 (6.4) Well written 20/09/12 (6.4) Having a well authentic plan. thought out lesson makes teaching the lesson easier; confidence 26/09/12 (6.2) Handed in Co26/09/12 (6.2) This was a helpful generated unit. It includes exercise. It helps me to recognize adaptive dimension, resourceall the things I will need to be based learning, and a several thinking about as a teacher. different teaching strategies. 20/9/12 (6.2) Lessons that I teach 20/09/12 (6.2) This is an example I prepare the individual lesson for planning for adaptive dimension CM and discuss with EA if need. for CM for her individual needs. 19/09/12 (6.3) discussion at 19/9/12 (6.3) This is important teacher/intern workshop about because it is mandated to teach, but infusing FNMI content. many teachers feel unsure about this topic. I collected knowledge about kits in the library to use; looked at them Fri. 18/09/12 (6.5) Planning Unit plan 18/09/12 (6.5) I will ensure I gain using smart board technology that experience with the technology if I is pre-created for unit. plan it into my lessons/units 12/9/12 (6.1) cross checking gr. 1 12/9/12 (6.1) confidence that what and 2 curriculum while prepping I am teaching will meet the for a unit for multi-grade curriculum standards for both classroom. grades. 11/9/12 (6.5) Observing, then 11/9/12 (6.5) The Smart Board is trying teaching techniques using very useful for teaching, and is the Smart Board. Students helping easier to use than I thought. share what they know about using Students find technology engaging. this technology. 7/9/12 (6.1) Planning short art 7/9/12 (6.1) I want to be sure that activities while consulting all activities can be justified by the curriculum to make sure what I curriculum. I will need to do more teach fits. extensive backwards planning to be ready for the rest of the semester.

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