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Billing Boats Aps. Gejsingvej, 6600 Vejen. DK.

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

The Andrea Gail, an un-inspected commercial shing vessel departed Gloucester Harbour, Massachusetts, September 20, 1991 with six crewmembers on board. The crew intended to make a shing trip for swordsh in the area of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada. The vessel began its return voyage to Gloucester, MA. on October 26-27, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue by the owner, Mr. Robert Brown. An extensive air and sea search was conducted utilizing U.S. and Canadian Cape Cod MA. However, the search did not locate the vessel or any of the crewmembers. The vessel and six crewmembers remain missing and are presumed lost at sea in a major storm, referred to as the Perfect Storm by a meteorologist and made famous by in a bestselling book (the book was later turned into a Hollywood movie). The sword shermen were Captain William Billy Tyne, Robert Bobby Shatford of Gloucester, Dale Murphy and Michael Bugsy Moran of Bradenton Beach FL., David Sully Sullivan and Alfred Pierre of New York City.

Andrea Gail, en uinspiceret kommerciel sketrawler sejlede ud fra Gloucester Harbour, Massachusetts i USA, den 20. september 1991, med 6 bestningsmedlemmer ombord. Bestningen havde besluttet sig for en sketur i omrdet omkring Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada. Skibet begyndte sin hjemtur til Gloucester, MA. den 26-27 oktober 1991. Den 30. oktober 1991 blev skibet rapporteret savnet af dets ejer Hr. Robert Brown. En massiv luft og s redningsaktion blev ivrksat med understttelse af bde amerikanske og canadiske Coast Guards fra Cape Cod. Desvrre fandt man hverken skib eller bestning. Skibet og dets bestning forbliver forsvundet og formodet get ned i en kmpe storm, omtalt som Perfect Storm (den perfekte storm) af en metrolog og gjort bermt i en bestseller bog (bogen blev senere lmatiseret i Hollywood). De seks svrdskermnd var Kaptajn William Billy Tyne, Robert Bobby Shatford fra Gloucester, Dale Murphy og Michael Bugsy Moran fra Bradenton Beach FL., David Sully Sullivan og Alfred Pierre fra New York City.

Die Andrea Gail, ein kommerzielles Fischfangboot, verlie den Hafen von Gloucester, Massachusetts, am 20. September 1991 mit sechs Seeleuten an Board. Die Crew plante im Gebiet der Grand Banks vor Neufundland (Kanada) Schwertsche zu fangen. Die Rckkehr von Ihrem Fangreise in Gloucester war fr den 26. oder 27. Oktober vorgesehen. Am 30. Oktober wurde sie durch den Eigner, Robert Brown, berfllig gemeldet. Eine sofortige, grochige Suche zu Wasser und in der Luft durch die U.S.-amerikanische und kanadische Kstenwache wurde eingeleitet. Allerdings fhrte diese Suche nicht zum Aufnden der Andrea Gail. Das Schiff und die sechs Seeleute blieben verschwunden. Es wurde vermutet, dass das Fischfangboot in einem gewaltigem Sturm, von Meteorologen als Perfect Storm, bezeichnet, untergegangen war. Dies war die Vorlage fr den gleichnamigen Bestseller, der spter auch in Hollywood verlmt wurde. Die Schwertscher waren Captain William Billy Tyne, Robert Bobby Shatford aus Gloucester, Dale Murphy and Michael Bugsy Moran aus Bradenton Beach FL., David Sully Sullivan and Alfred Pierre aus New York City.

Le chalutier-usine Andrea Gail quitta le port de Gloucester dans ltat du Massachusetts le 20 septembre 1991 avec six hommes dquipage bord. Lquipage avait prvu de pcher lespadon dans le secteur des Grands Bancs au large de Terre-Neuve (Canada). Son retour Gloucester aprs la campagne de pche tait prvu pour le 26 ou le 27 octobre. Le 30 octobre, le propritaire, Robert Brown, signale la disparition du navire et de son quipage. Des recherches tendues, menes conjointement par les gardesctes amricains et canadiens en mer et dans les airs sont entreprises immdiatement. Elle ne permirent toutefois pas de reprer lAndrea Gail. Le navire et les six membres de lquipage ne furent pas retrouvs. On prsume que le chalutier a fait naufrage durant ce que les mtorologues ont nomm la tempte du sicle. Cet vnement fut relat par Sebastian Junger dans son best-seller intitul En pleine tempte (The Perfect Storm) adapt au cinma par Wolfgang Petersen en 2000. Les six hommes de lquipage de pche lespadon taient le capitaine William Billy Tyne et Robert Bobby Shatford de Gloucester, Dale Murph Murphy et Michael Bugsy Moran de Bradenton Beach en Floride, David Sully Sullivan et Alfred Pierre de New York City.

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

De Andrea Gail, onverwachts een commercieel visserschip geworden, was gelegen in Gloucester haven in Massachusses, welke vertrok op 20 september 1991 met 6 bemanningsleden aan boord om te gaan vissen op zwaardvis. De bemanning vertrok op die dag richting de regio van de Grand Banks bij New Foundland, Canada en zetten zijn terugtocht, na een goede vangst, weer in naar de thuishaven op 26 oktober 1991. Op 30 oktober 1991 werd de boot als vermist opgegeven door de eigenaar, Robert Brown. Er werd gelijk een intensieve zoektocht ingezet door de Amerikaanse en Canadese Cape Cod MA. Maar helaas, de boot n de bemanningsleden werden nooit gevonden. De vissersboot en de 6 bemanningsleden bleven vermist en er werd verondersteld dat zij terecht zijn gekomen in een norme storm welbekend als de Perfect Storm, bij de meteorlogen. En ook dankzij het boek, een bestseller n later een Hollywood produktie. De bemanningsleden van de zwaardvisboot waren kapitein Willian BillyTyne, Robert Bobby Shatford uit Gloucester, Dale Murphy and Michael Bugsy Moran uit Brandenton Beach Fl. David Sully Sullivan en Alfred Pierre uit New York.

La Andrea Gail, un imbarcazione commerciale adibita alla pesca, salp il 20 settembre 1991dal porto di Gloucester, Massachusetts. A bordo trasportava sei marinai . Lo scopo della spedizione era compiere una battuta di pesca al pesce spada nellarea della Grand Banks, nel Newfoundland , Canada. Limbarcazione salp per il viaggio di ritorno verso Gloucester in data 26 27 ottobre 1991. Il 30 ottobre dello stesso anno, tuttavia, il proprietario della nave Robert Brown ne dichiar la scomparsa. Unaccurata ed ampia ricerca condotta per mare e per aria, lungo le coste americane e canadesi, non fu in grado di rintracciare n lo scafo n tantomeno nessuno dei suo membri dequipaggio. Si suppone che limbarcazione da pesca fu vittima di una violenta tempesta, comunemente denominata dai meteorologi la tempesta perfetta (perfect storm). Loccasione pose lo spunto per la stesura di un romanzo intitolato con lo stesso nome, da cui venne successivamente tratto anche un lm. I nomi dei pescatori a bordo erano: Capitano William Billy Tyne, Robert Bobby Shatford di Gloucester, Dale Murphy e Michael Bugsy Moran di Bradenton Beach FL., David Sully Sullivan e Alfred Pierre di New York City.

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 1

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 2

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 3

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 4

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 5

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 6

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 7

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 8

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 9

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 10

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 11

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 12

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 13

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 14

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 15

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 16

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 17

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 18

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 19

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 20

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 21

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 22

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 23

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 24

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 25

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 26

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 27

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 28

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 29

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 30

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 31

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 32

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 33

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 34

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

FIG. 35

Colours as on boxtop
All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

Table contents for Andrea Gail Art. No. 526 No. P175 P17 1 2 2A 2B 2C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19A 20 21 22 22A Dimension Material PS PS 3201L 3202L 3202L 3204L 3202L 3201L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3203L 3201L 3201L 3201L 3201L 3201L 3203L 3206L 3203L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3201L Pine DK Skrog Redningsde Kl Spant Spant Skot Dr Roraksel holder Spant Hjlpestykke Spant Spant Hjlpestykke Fundament Servo kasse Servo kasse Agterdk Agterdk/Luge Rorstamme Ror Hoveddk Spil fundament Rling Rling Rling Rling Rling Fenderliste Hjlpespant GB Hull Liferaft Keel Frame Frame Bulkhead Door Rudder shaft holder Frame Auxiliary piece Frame Frame Auxiliary piece Base Servo case Servo case Rear deck Rear deck/Hatch Rudderstock Rudder Main deck Winch-base Railing Railing Railing Railing Railing Rubbing strake Auxiliary frame D Rumpf Rettungsinsel Kiel Spant Spant Scott Tr Ruder rohr stt. Spant Hilfstck Spant Spant Hilfstck Fundament Servo halter Servo halter Achterdeck Achterdeck/Luke Ruderstamm Ruder Hauptdeck Spillsockel Reling Reling Reling Reling Reling Fenderleisten Hilfspanten F Coque Radeau de sauvetage Quille Couples Couples Cloison Porte Chaise arbre gouvernail Couples Pice annexes Couples Couples Pice annexes Fondement Servo caisse Servo caisse Dunette arrire Dunette arrire/Ecoutille Arbre tambot de gouvernail Gouvernail Pont principal Fundement de treuil Bastingage Bastingage Bastingage Bastingage Bastingage Pr-ceinte Couples

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 9

5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 3x3 mm pine

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2

22B 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30A 30B 30C 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39A 39B 40 40A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

5mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 80x160mm 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 4mm x-vener

3201L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3202L 3202L Ramin 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L Acetat 3204L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3203L

Hjlpestykke Kahyt-fundament Skot Styrpanel Styrpanel Stol Stol Stol Hndhjul Hndhjul Kontrolbord Skot Skot Vinduer Dr Dr Skot Skot Tag Tag Tag Tag Tag Kasse Kasse Kasse Redningsde fod Hjlpestykke Holder Mastefod Mastefod Kasse

Auxiliary piece Cabin-base Bulkhead Wheel-panel Wheel-panel Chair Chair Chair Handwheel Handwheel Control panel Bulkhead Bulkhead Windows Door Door Bulkhead Bulkhead Roof Roof Roof Roof Roof Box Box Box Lifeboat base Auxiliary piece Support Mast-step Mast-step Box

Hilfstck Kajtesockel Scott Steuerstand Steuerstand Stuhl Stuhl Stuhl Handrat Handrat Kontroltisch Scott Scott Fenster Tr Tr Scott Scott Dach Dach Dach Dach Dach Kiste Kiste Kiste Rettungsinsel fuss Hilfstck Sttze Maststtze Maststtze Kiste

Pice annexes Cabine-fundament Cloison Cabine Cabine Chair Chair Chair Poigne Poigne Table de contrle Cloison Cloison Fentre Portes Portes Cloison Cloison Toit Toit Toit Toit Toit Caisse Caisse Caisse Radeau de sauvetage, pied Pice annexes Chaise Console pour mt Console pour mt Caisse

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

2 2 2 6 2 1 3 3 3 2 6 8 6 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 20 1 1 1 1

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63A 63B 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 10x25mm 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 50x40x20mm 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 13x20x25mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm

3203L 3203L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3201L 3203L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L Ramin 3205L 3205L 3205L 3202L 3202L 3205L Balsa 3204L 3204L Obechi ABS Pine Pine Pine

Kasse Kasse Pullert-fundament Hjlpestykke Mastefod Kran del Lanterne Lanterne Skrm Antenne fod Spil Spilrulle Spilrulle Spil Spil Ydre spilrulle Indre spilrulle Spilrulle Slbeanker Slbeanker Mastefod Fundament Fundament Tndebund Ismaskine Luge Luge Kontrolbord Rundstok Rundstok Rundstok Rundstok

Box Box Bollard base Auxiliary piece Mast-step Crane part Light Light Light screen Antenna base Winch Winch reel Winch reel Winch Winch Winch reel outer Winch reel inner Winch reel Towing anchor Towing anchor Mast-step Base Base Barrel bottom Icemachine Hatch Hatch Control panel Roundstick Roundstick Roundstick Roundstick

Kiste Kiste Pollerunterlage Hilfstck Maststtze Kranteile Laterne Laterne Schtzschirm Antenne fuss Spill Spill rolle Spill rolle Spill Spill Spill rolle ausser Spill rolle inner Spill rolle Schleep anker Schleep anker Maststtze Fundament Fundament Boden Eismaschine Luke Luke Kontroltisch Rundholz Rundholz Rundholz Rundholz

Caisse Caisse Bitte damarrage Pice annexes Console pour mt Composent la grue Lanterne Lanterne Ecran Console pour antenne Treuil Treuil poulie Treuil poulie Treuil Treuil Treuil Treuil Treuil poulie Croc de remorque Croc de remorque Console pour mt Fondement Fondement Fond Sorbtire Ecoutilles Ecoutilles Table de contrle Baguette ronde Baguette ronde Baguette ronde Baguette ronde

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 No. P175 P17 1 2 2A 2B 2C 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6mm 3x7x80mm 4mm x-vener 12x26x22mm 5x5x700mm 10x10mm 20mm 10x18x26mm 3x150mm 110x110mm

Pine Obechi 3203L Obechi Obechi Pine PVC Obechi Pine Net TR171

Rundstok Kran arm Gangbro Klods Fenderliste Klods Rr Klods Liste Net Byggevejledning Transfer Tegning Tegning Tegning NL Romp Reddingsvlot Kiel Spant Spant Schot Deur Roer m.steun Spant Hulpstukken Spant Spant Hulpstukken Fundament Servo kistje

Roundstick Crane arm Mastbrcke Block Rubbing strake Block Tube Block Strip Net Building instruction Transfer Plan Plan Plan E Casco de plstico Balsa salvavida Quilla Cuaderna Cuaderna Camarote Puerta Timn soporto Cuaderna Cuaderna de soporto Cuaderna Cuaderna Cuaderna de soporto Fondmenta Servo cajn

Rundholz Kranteile Catwalk on mast Klotz Fenderleisten Klotz Rohr Klotz Leiste Netz Bauanleitung Abziehbild Zeichnung Zeichnung Zeichnung I Chiglia Zatterea di salvataggio Chiglia Ordinata Ordinata Paratia Portelli Timone supporto Ordinata Pezzo ausiliario Ordinata Ordinata Pezzo ausiliario Fondamenta Servo cassa

Baguette ronde Grue, pice Planche, mt Poulie Pr-ceinte Poulie Tube Poulie Baguette Filet montage Decals Plan Plan Plan P Casco de plstico Bote Salva-vidas Quilha Armaao Armaao Intermediria Porta Leme suporte Armaao Frente da cabine intermediria Armaao Armaao Frente da cabine intermediria Base Servo caixa


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2

5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 5mm x-vener

Material PS PS 3201L 3202L 3202L 3204L 3202L 3201L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3202L 3203L 3201L

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 9 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19A 20 21 22 22A 22B 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30A 30B 30C 31 32 33 34 35

5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 3x3 mm pine 5mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 80x160mm 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener

3201L 3201L 3201L 3201L 3203L 3206L 3203L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3201L Pine 3201L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3202L 3202L Ramin 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L Acetat 3204L 3205L

Servo kistje Achterdek Acterdek/Luik Roerkoning Roer Hoofdeek Winch-fundament Deksel Deksel Deksel Deksel Deksel Berghouten Spanten Hulpstukken Kajuit-fundament Schot Stuurpanel Stuurpanel Stoel Stoel Stoel Handweil Handweil Kontroletafel Schot Schot Venster Deur Deur

Servo cajn Cubierta de popa Cubierta de popa/Escotilla Tronco del timn Timn Cubierta principal Chigre de soporto Barrandilla Barrandilla Barrandilla Barrandilla Barrandilla Listn de defensa Cuaderna Cuaderna de soporto Camarote-placa de fondo Camarote Garita de soporto Garita de soporto Asiento Asiento Asiento Volante Volante Mesa de controlo Camarote Camarote Ventansa Puerta Puerta

Servo cassa Ponte Ponte/Boccaporta Tronco del timone Timone Ponte principale Base del verricello Parapetto Parapetto Parapetto Parapetto Parapetto Lestelli parabordo Ordinata Pezzo ausiliario Base della cabina Paratia Posto del timoniere Posto del timoniere Sedia Sedia Sedia Ruota ad uso manuale Ruota ad uso manuale Quadro di comando Paratia Paratia Finestrini Portelli Portelli

Servo caixa Convs da popa Convs da popa/Escotilha Suporte do leme Leme Convs principal Guincho/base Amurada Amurada Amurada Amurada Amurada Defensa Armaco Frente da cabine intermediria Cabine/base Intermediria Timo/painel Timo/painel Assento Assento Assento Volante do timo Volante do timo Painel de controle Intermediria Intermediria Janela Porta Porta

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 3 3 3 2 6 8 6 1

36 37 38 39A 39B 40 40A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63A

2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 4mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener

3204L 3204L 3204L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3205L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3203L 3203L 3203L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3204L 3201L 3203L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L 3205L

Schot Schot Dak Dak Dak Dak Dak Kist Kist Kist Console, reddingsvlot Hulpstukken Steun Console, mast Console, mast Kist Kist Kist Bolder-fundament Hulpstukken Console, mast Stel de kraan Boordlichten Boordlichten Scherm Console, antenne Winch Winch katrol Winch katrol Winch

Camarote Camarote Teco Teco Teco Teco Teco Caja Caja Caja Balsa salvavida, soporto Cuaderna de soporto Soporto Palo, soporto Palo, soporto Caja Caja Caja Bitones-placa de fondo Cuaderna de soporto Palo, soporto Soporto Linterna Linterna Proteccin Soporto de antena Chigre Chigre rodillos Chigre rodillos Chigre

Paratia Paratia Tetto Tetto Tetto Tetto Tetto Cassa Cassa Cassa Zatterea di salvataggio, sup. Pezzo ausiliario Supporto Supporto dellalbero Supporto dellalbero Cassa Cassa Cassa Base del bitta Pezzo ausiliario Supporto dellalbero Supporto Lanterne Lanterne Schermo protettivo Supporto del antenna Verricello Verricello puleggia Verricello puleggia Verricello

Intermediria Intermediria Teto Teto Teto Teto Teto Ba Ba Ba Bote Salva-vidas, soporto Frente da cabine intermediria Soporto P do mastro P do mastro Ba Ba Ba Poste de amarraco/base Frente da cabine intermediria P do mastro Soporto Luz de navegaco Luz de navegaco Guarda-vento Suporte de antena Guincho Guincho cabrestante Guincho cabrestante Guincho

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 20 1 1 1 1

63B 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 10x25mm 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 5mm x-vener 1mm x-vener 50x40x20mm 2mm x-vener 2mm x-vener 13x20x25mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 3x7x80mm 4mm x-vener 12x26x22mm 5x5x700mm 10x10mm 20mm 10x18x26mm 3x150mm 110x110mm

3205L 3205L 3205L Ramin 3205L 3205L 3205L 3202L 3202L 3205L Balsa 3204L 3204L Obechi ABS Pine Pine Pine Pine Obechi 3203L Obechi Obechi Pine PVC Obechi Pine Net TR171

Winch Winch katrol Winch katrol Winch katrol Sleepanker Sleepanker Console, mast Fundament Fundament Fundament Ijsmachine Luikdeel Luikdeel Kontroletafel Rondhout Rondhout Rondhout Rondhout Rondhout Kraan Loopbrug Blok Berghouten Blok Buis Blok Strips Net Bauwbeschrijving Transfer Tekening Tekening

Chigre Chigre rodillos Chigre rodillos Chigre rodillos Ancla de remoique Ancla de remoique Palo, soporto Fondmenta Fondmenta Fondmenta Heladora Escotilla Escotilla Mesa de controlo Barre reronda Barre reronda Barre reronda Barre reronda Barre reronda Gra Pasarela Bloque Listn de defensa Bloque Tubo Bloque Listone Red Instr. de constr. Transfer Ilustracin Ilustracin

Verricello Verricello puleggia Verricello puleggia Verricello puleggia Ancore per rimorchiare Ancore per rimorchiare Supporto dellalbero Fondamenta Fondamenta Fondamenta Ghiaccio mcchina Boccaporto Boccaporto Quadro di comando Tondino (listello) Tondino (listello) Tondino (listello) Tondino (listello) Tondino (listello) Gru Passarella Supporto Lestelli parabordo Supporto Tubo Supporto Listello Rete Instruzioni di montaggio Decalcomanie Piani di costruzione Piani di costruzione

Guincho Guincho cabrestante Guincho cabrestante Guincho cabrestante ncora do guincho ncora do guincho P do mastro Base Base Base Refrigerador Escotilha Escotilha Painel de controle Cabrestante Cabrestante Cabrestante Cabrestante Cabrestante Guindaste Ponte P do suporte Defensa P do suporte Tubo P do suporte Tiras Rede Manual de montagem Decalcomania Plantas Plantas

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps




Piani di costruzione


Table contents for ttingkit Andrea Gail No. F13 F19R F19L F22A F23 F39 F39-70 F54 F63 F135 F153 F239 F264 F285 F327 F347 F387 F393R F410 F451 F476-1 F476-3 F625-1 F656 F743 Dimension 34mm 34mm 2500mm 12mm 1x250mm 1x700mm 8mm 5mm 6mm 15,5mm 6mm 10x10mm 5,5mm 2000mm 6mm 38mm 40mm 2x250mm 10mm DK Mastering Lanternekasse Lanternekasse Kobbertrd Projektr Messingtrd Messingtrd Kolnagle Kobling Pullert Wire rulle Trawllanterne Wire rulle jebolt Ankerkde Trkugler Gelndersttter Propel Messingtrd Trkugler Rorstamme Rr til rorstamme Ventilfod Skrueaksel jebolt GB Mast Hoop Board f. sidelight Board f. sidelight Cobber wire Searchlight Brass wire Brass wire Belaying pin Coupling Bollard Wire reel Trawl light Wire reel Eye bolts Anchorchain Ball Railstanchion Propeller Brass wire Ball Rudder stock Rudder stock, piece Ventfoot Propeller shaft Eye bolts D Mastring Lanternenkasten Lanternenkasten Kupferdraht Scheinwerfer Messingdraht Messingdraht Belgngel Kupplung Poller Wirerolle Schlepplaterne Wirerolle Augenbolzen Ankerketten Holzkugeln Relingssttzen Propeller Messingdraht Holzkugeln Ruderstamm Ruderstamm, stck Lfter Stevenrollen Augenbolzen F Cercle de mt Planchette/f. de position Planchette/f. de position Fils de cuivre Projecteur Fils de laiton Fils de laiton Cabillots Accouplement Bitte damarrage Poulies Feu de chalut Poulies Pitons Chaine dancre Boules Chandeliers Hlice Fils de laiton Boules Arbre tambot de gouvernail Arbre tambot de gouvernail Manche air Arbre porte hlice Pitons

2 1 1 1 3 2 3 6 8 6 3 2 1 2 1 30 24 1 1 20 1 1 2 1 4

210mm 9mm

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

2 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1

F904 F905 F906 F907 F908 F909 F910 F911 F912 F70 F71 F74 No. F13 F19R F19L F22A F23 F39 F39-70 F54 F63 F135 F153 F239 F264 F285 F327 F347 F387 F393R

6x20mm 5x30mm 5x40mm 11x20mm 8x24mm

3 meter 1 meter 0,5 meter Dimension 34mm 34mm 2500mm 12mm 1x250mm 1x700mm 8mm 5mm 6mm 15,5mm 6mm 10x10mm 5,5mm 2000mm 6mm 38mm 40mm

Ventil Skorsten Skorsten Projektr Plaststb Trkugler Radar Radar Radarfod Rigningstrd Rigningstrd Rigningstrd NL Mastdoorvoer Lichtbakken Lichtbakken Koperdraad Schijnwerper Messingdraad Messingdraad Korvijnnagel Koppeling Bolder Katrollen Toplicht Katrollen Oogbauten Ankerketting Ankerbal Railingpalen Propeller

Vent Funnel Funnel Searchlight Plaststeeb Ball Radar receiver Radar receiver Base f. radar receiver Riggingthread Riggingthread Riggingthread E Zunzho Cajas para linternas Cajas para linternas Alambre de cabre Reector Hilo de latn Hilo de latn Cabillas Acoplamiento Bitones Rodillos alambre Linterna superior Rodillos alambre Pernos de canamo Cadena de ancla Balas Soporte de pasamanos Hlice

Lfter Schorstein Schorstein Scheinwerfer Plastikbeschlag Holzkugeln Radar Radar Fuss f. radar Takelgarn Takelgarn Takelgarn I Anello dellalbero Portalanterne Portalanterne Filo in rame Proiettori Filo in ottone Filo in ottone Ribattini Accoppiamento Bitta Puleggia Proiettore Puleggia Bullone ad occhio Catena ancora Sfere Supporti per corrimano Elica

Manche eau Chemine Chemine Projecteur Garniture en plastic Boules Radar Radar Radar, base Fil de greement Fil de greement Fil de greement P Anel do mastro Suporte para luz lateral Suporte para luz lateral Fio de cobre Holofote Fio de lato Fio de lato Pino de amarraco Acoplamento p/motor/eixo Poste de amarraco Polias Luz do topo do mastro Polias Ferrolhos Corrente Esferas Pontalete da amurada Hlice

2 1 1 1 3 2 3 6 8 6 3 2 1 2 1 30 24 1

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

1 20 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1

F410 F451 F476-1 F476-3 F625-1 F656 F743 F904 F905 F906 F907 F908 F909 F910 F911 F912 F70 F71 F74

2x250mm 10mm

210mm 9mm 6x20mm 5x30mm 5x40mm 11x20mm 8x24mm

3 meter 1 meter 0,5 meter

Messingdraad Ankerbal Roerkoning Roerkoning Railingpalen Schroefas Oogbauten Luchtkoker Schoorsteen Schoorsteen Schijnwerper Plastikbeslag Ankerbal Radar Radar Radar, base Touw Touw Touw

Hilo de latn Balas Tronco del timn Tronco del timn Soporte de pasamanos Hlice Pernos de canamo Vvula Chimenea Chimenea Reector Herrajes de plstico Balas Radar Radar Radar, base Cuerda Cuerda Cuerda

Filo in ottone Sfere Tronco del timone Tronco del timone Supporti per corrimano Albero porta-elica Bullone ad occhio Ventola Camino Camino Proiettori Accessorio in plastica Sfere Radar Radar Radar, base Cima Cima Cima

Fio de lato Esferas Suporte do leme Suporte do leme Pontalete da amurada Eixo da hlice Ferrolhos Respiradouro Chamin Chamin Holofote Fittings de plstico Esferas Radar Radar Radar, base Corda Corda Corda

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

All Copyrights to this version of the Andrea Gail belongs to Billing Boats af 2003 Aps

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