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RE: DOGS ON THE BEACH ______________________________________________________________________________________

From: Linda James [] 2/14/13 Subject: Georgia Beach

Paul, I did a little picking up myself -linda

From: Linda James [] 2/14/13

Paul, I took these photos at Georgica Beach today. The beach has been in the news lately not because of the staggering coastal erosion this last year but because of loud complaints from an EH resident about the dog litter on this beach, whether or not it is bagged. I saw no such evidence on a gorgeous walk today with my dog. However, I think if you move the litter collector from its current location to the beach access entry next to the baggy dispenser you would solve the problem you see in photo #2. During future Village discussions about this issue of bags left on the beach, I know from experience I will bag poop, leave it on the beach to be picked up on my return walk. Any beach litter, whether dirty diapers, plastic bottles, food, balloons, mislaid beach items or unfortunately the dog walker who gives us all a bad reputation, is an affront to everyone who appreciates the beauty of our beaches and the growing fragility of our natural resources. linda

From: Marilyn Young [] 2/15/13 I find it extremely difficult to believe that the voice of one person, Matt Norklin, who continues To hammer away at dogs on the beach has so much sway power! I am a dog owner and I do believe I speak for many others when I say that we not only obey The beach rules but enforce them when observing otherwise. As far as Main Beach is concerned, I do believe the humans have done more to deface the beach than dogs. Banana peels, Styrofoam cups, etc., etc. are all over especially on weekends when the day trippers come in. I will do everything in my power to keep our beaches open to dogs during the hours presently In effect for the summer season. Sincerely, Marilyn Young, East Hampton From: Paul Vogel [] 2/14/13 Keeping the beaches clean is an important responsibility for anyone who uses them, especially dog walkers. I walk my dogs on Georgica Beach every morning, clean up after them and also pick up any debris I find. Many other walkers do the same. Regulations are vital but shouldn't be so restrictive that their purpose is to effectively ban an enjoyable stroll with your pooch along the shore. Yours sincerely, Paul Vogel From: maidstonepgm [] 2/12/13 I understand that the East Hampton Village Trustees are once again considering imposing additional restrictions against dogs on the Village beaches. I would urge the Trustees to reconsider. Taking my dogs to the beach in the summer is one of the few respites that I get during the summer. I own a local business and it is a major stress reducer during our very hectic summer season. Rather than punishing the majority who follow the rules and control their dogs, I would suggest that heavier fines be implemented. Sincerely, Pamela G. McDonald, Bermuda Bikes, 36 Gingerbread Lane From: NORBERT WEISSBERG [] 2/10/13 Mr. Lester: I have been walking my dog on Maidstone and Wyborg beaches for many years. I assure you, testimony to the contrary notwithstanding, that the community of dog owners there are ever vigilant in keeping the beaches clean for use by others. We are proud of our privilege to have our dogs on the beach. It is a fundamental reason why we live here in East Hampton rather than elsewhere. And, we are mindful of the responsibilities that go along with that privilege. Any time a dog poops and the owner doesn't realize it, others on the beach point the fact out and get the owner to react. There is rarely, if ever, any difficulty with this self-policing. In light of this I am at a loss to explain the testimony about filthy beaches. It is at considerable odds with my experience, and I am there several times a week. We dog owners are open to any further reasonable self-policing ideas the complainants may suggest, including fines for failure to abide by clean-up rules. No-one in the dog community wants dirty beaches. However, making the beaches unavailable to dog owners would the wrong thing to do and would injure scores of people who enjoy East Hampton's uniqueness with their animals. Perhaps you might be influential in getting the two parties together in a small arena to drum out rules that both can accept. I'd be happy to assist. Sincerely, Norbert Weissberg, 335 Further Lane, East Hampton, NY, 631 324 3280

From: Eileen Lordahl [] Subject: The beach is why I live here with my two dogs


I walk my two dogs on the beach twice every day. I go to Main Beach, Wiborg and Indian Wells. It is such an important part of their day, and mine. I very seldom see "poop" remains and if I do, I clean up after other dogs. Most other owners do the same. I know two poop-eating dogs (Belle and Shep)who have little to munch on the beach, and their owners are glad. From: Whweil [] 2/9/13 My wife, Rita, and I are residents of East Hampton Village. We own a beloved chocolate labrador retriever, Bosco. His favorite times are spent at Georgica and Wyborg beachs where he can meet other dogs and sniff the unusual smells the beach provides. For eight years, he did "therapy" work at the Hamptons Center for Rehab and Nursing. While he is not a noble animal (after all he did that work for the treats), the consequences of his behavior have been noble indeed. We have been participants in the beachdogs11937 cleanup details and are diligent in picking up after Bosco. It is our observation that almost all dog owners clean up after their pets. We would hope that dog access to the beaches would not become more restrictive because of a few bad apples. We understand that mandatory leashing of dogs on the beach is being considered. In our opinion, that would defeat the purpose of taking Bosco to beaches. His freedom of movement without the leash is a good part of his enjoyment there. Perhaps resurrection of the beachdogs11937 activities, which seemed to be appreciated by local authorities, or some variant of that endeavor would stem this tide against dogs on the beach. Sincerely, Walter Weil p.s. I would also suggest, that in the interest of fairness, this discussion be postponed until the next season, when dog owners who rent homes in East Hampton Village can participate.

From: Charmaine Caldwell [] 2-14-13 Subject: I WILL MOVE FROM EAST HAMPTON I am writing because I object to any changes which would prohibit dog privileges on the beaches. I feel that the current time restrictions are fair and reasonable. I see very few people on the beaches before 9 am without a dog , and even less after 6 pm. I have been a resident of East Hampton for 67 years and walking with my dogs on the beach is what we look forward to the most each day. I feel that it is unreasonable to take one man's biased objection and make many ,many ,many other residents unhappy. My great-grandfather settled here ,my 92 year old father grew up here, as my children and I have ....and I will move from East Hampton if dogs are not allowed on the beaches at reasonable & daylight hours. Thank you for your time and consideration, Charmaine Miner Caldwell, 16 Covey Court, 203-858-6874

From: Carol Saxe []

2/18/13 Subject: Letter to EH Village Board

There are ever increasing efforts to suburbanize East Hampton. The recent assault on East Hampton Villages policy pertaining to dogs on the beach is one such effort. Many people are bothered by the behaviors of others; such as trucks and SUVs careening down the beach, the charred remains of fires streaked thru the otherwise clean sand, loud music, rowdy children, balloons harmful to wildlife left on the beach and, of course, the ubiquitous non-biodegradable garbage left by humans, the plastic bottle. In many suburban communities where people live in congested over-developed areas, restrictions have been piled upon restrictions to prevent people from bothering each other and to ensure the sanctity of everyones chemically balanced lawns. However, many city dwellers and suburbanites come here to vacation to commune with nature in a way they no longer can in their home communities. I believe the East Hampton Villages dog ordinance is enlightened, not outdated. The East Hampton community has valiantly fought to preserve its history, historic character and environment. For centuries, mans best friend had important jobs helping humans hunt, farm, herd and the like. Todays dog is more likely a wellloved family member and companion. The vast majority of East Hampton dogs are well behaved good citizens whose attentive owners scrupulously pick up after them. I walk the beaches or woods every day with my dogs and on the rare occasion when I see someone not pick up, I politely instruct them to do so. Almost always the abhorred violators are visiting tourists or guests. I suspect a majority of residents have a dog as a family member and for many of us that walk on the beach with our best friend is the best, if not only, exercise we get. There is a joyous community of people and dogs that meets on the beaches in the early morning. I have met many of my closest friends here at the beach in this manner. Many of our dogs enjoy the ocean as much or more than their human partners and their joy has been the subject matter of many of my most popular paintings. The answer to the issue of dog waste should be information and enforcement. As the Village has done with beach fires, efforts should be strengthened to inform all people visiting the beaches of the appropriate conduct and the absolute necessity of controlling and cleaning up after their dogs. Perhaps on a trial basis, people could be asked to keep their dogs away from the sand area between the lifeguard stands at Main Beach. Borrowing from the late Mayor Ed Koch, perhaps in addition to the lovely polite signs that currently exist, we could have some new signage saying, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT NOT PICKING UP AFTER YOUR DOG. We need to preserve our East Hampton traditions, to live and let live, with respect and consideration for each other, despite our differences. Carol Saxe Buda , 6 Montgomery Ave., E H, NY 11937,,, 631 329-8764

From: CONSTANCE KENNEY <> 2/18/13 To: "" <>; "" <> Subject: Dogs on East Hampton Beaches Dear David Rattray, How unfortunate that East Hampton Village is attempting to remove dog access to our beaches! This is an assault on those of us who respect the rights of all to enjoy peaceful and clean access. Perhaps greater emphasis could be placed on monitoring our beaches and assessing steep fines to those who show no regard for others. As a pet owner, I am sure that those of us who enjoy early morning walks with our dogs would gladly assist in helping keep our town a beautiful respite for all! Yours truly, Constance Kenney From: [] 2/18/13 Subject: Beach Dogs

Hello Mr. Mayor, I have met you on one occasion and had a wonderful conversation with you. I found you to be a very nice gentleman. In order to help you avoid the uncomfortability of creating restrictions for dog lovers, I do have help and a few suggestions for you. I am offering my services three days a week for one hour each day during the summer. I hope to have two other dog lovers help me in policing a beach of dog poop. If I'm able to accomplish this, we will have one beach protected from dog poop. It would be really helpful if I had someone with a nose for dog poop to help me. Do you think Mr. Norklum would volunteer to work with me??? Lol Also as we do our volunteer work, we will be "the eyes and ears of the Police Department" as they used to say in the old days. We will be able to watch to see if there are people that regularly violate the dog rules and coordinate with authorities. I discussed this with Jenny Berkeley and she found a lot of merit to my ideas. If we can find four more teams, we can cover all village beaches. I discussed with Jenny that we could easily get dog lovers to sign a petition to raise the fine for violating the dog laws on the beach. I would have no problem with those fines raised dramatically and double for second offenders. Would this help the cause? Personally I feel the punishment should fit the crime and I think that this crime is minimal. But on the other hand in order to guarantee the freedom of dogs on the beach I would be willing to go along with increasing the fines. I do have a solution to enforcing the dog laws on the beach. The only problem is is that how do we get the police department to think that they came up with the idea. Excuse my cynicism. All you need to do is to have a police officer in plainclothes drive to the beach between seven and nine in the morning. He should be able to write enough violations to justify his job assignment. If you feel any of these ideas could be helpful in diffusing the situation, please let me know and I will discuss them ofurther with Jenny and see what we can do to bring some of these plans to fruition. Kevin, 631-324-2201

From: []

2/18/13 Subject: Beach Dogs

To the Board of Trustees In order to help you avoid the uncomfortability of creating restrictions for dog lovers, I do have help and a few suggestions for you. I am offering my services three days a week for one hour each day during the summer. I hope to have two other dog lovers help me in policing a beach of dog poop. If I'm able to accomplish this, we will have one beach protected from dog poop. It would be really helpful if I had someone with a nose for dog poop to help me. Do you think Mr. Norklum would volunteer to work with me??? Lol Also as we do our volunteer work, we will be "the eyes and ears of the Police Department" as they used to say in the old days. We will be able to watch to see if there are people that regularly violate the dog rules and coordinate with authorities. I discussed this with Jenny Berkeley and she found a lot of merit to my ideas. If we can find four more teams, we can cover all village beaches. I discussed with Jenny that we could easily get dog lovers to sign a petition to raise the fine for violating the dog laws on the beach. I would have no problem with those fines raised dramatically and double for second offenders. Would this help the cause? Personally I feel the punishment should fit the crime and I think that this crime is minimal. But on the other hand in order to guarantee the freedom of dogs on the beach I would be willing to go along with increasing the fines. I do have a solution to enforcing the dog laws on the beach. The only problem is is that how do we get the police department to think that they came up with the idea. Excuse my cynicism. All you need to do is to have a police officer in plainclothes drive to the beach between seven and nine in the morning. He should be able to write enough violations to justify his job assignment. If you feel any of these ideas could be helpful in diffusing the situation, please let me know and I will discuss them further with Jenny and see what we can do to bring some of these plans to fruition. Thank you for your time, Kevin Reynolds, 631-324-2201,, From: Rick Nersesian [] 2/19/13 Subject: Dog Access to Beaches I read in the newspaper that hearings are continuing concerning measures to outright ban or further limit the hours which dogs are permitted on the beach off leash. I would like to know the dates and times of such hearings so that I may attend. I am strongly opposed to further restricting the present dog access rules. If this e mail is not addressed to the appropriate party, I would very much appreciate if you can let me know who to contact. You can reply by e mail or call me at 917-886-9500. Thank you. From: Zoe Pennebaker [] 2/19/13 Subject: Dog restrictions

I have grown up here in East Hampton since I was 7. I have two boys and love to bring my dogs to the beach and my kids. Therefore I do see both sides of this issue. What if there was a fee for walking your dog on the beaches "in season" and with that money the village, town sprayed the beaches with salt water at 9 am after the dogs have gone?

From: Patricia Habr []

2/22/13 Cc: letters Subject: Dogs on the beach

I was so relieved to read the letters addressed to the Star with regard to dogs on the beach. I was heartened to read that I was not alone in my quest to retain my right to take my dog to the beach. I have been an East Hampton Resident for over 30 years. During that period, I have walked and swam on, and in, our bay and ocean waters with my Alex, my Lili and my Ms. Lucie to the delight of many onlookers. I have always taken them only where permitted and have always picked up after them. I have tried to educate those who do not follow my example but in many cases, to no avail. I feared that it would eventually come to this. I have now realized that I cannot regulate bad behaviour. It has to be instilled in us at a very young age at home and in school. Until we do, no matter how many laws or restrictions we draft on the books, those people will not change. Those persons will always find a way to circumvent them. Whether it is dog feces, garbage, a fire on the beach, or a car, there will always be that someone who will make it difficult for the law abiding citizens such as myself. However, why should I have to have my rights curtailed because of the malfaisance of others. Why should I loose my right to walk on the beach with my pet? More inforcement of the existing laws of course. However, my suggestion is the following - I think a good one albeit an expensive one and I challenge the Town to do it: Every dog owner should submit a piece of their dog's feces for DNA registration. The next time someone fails to pick up what their pet leaves behind, on the beach, on the road or anywhere, I am sure that many of us, (if the town constables do not wish to do it) will be happy to pick it up, take it to the nearest lab for identification. Once the offender is identified (and I do not mean the dog!) a heaftty fine should be levied. That heafty fine will pay for the expense of setting up the service. I venture to say that there will be less dog gifts left on our beaches then. Patricia Anholt Habr, 10 Woodpink Drive, East Hampton, cell: 516-857-0245

From: Kathryn Staley [] 2/23/13 Subject: Dogs on the beach I wasnt surprised to see Matt Norkluns annual complaints about dogs on the Village agenda, but I was concerned to hear the level of agreement from the Trusteesat least as reported in the press. As one of the founders of Beachdogs11937, my impression (albeit based solely on my experience) was that our efforts at publicity and education had reduced the amount of canine deposit on the beach all year round. Most of the beach walkers are dog owners this time of year, and they seem to either respond to nudges or to routinely pick up their garbage as well as other beach trash. In the summer, problems of trash (non-canine), coals from fires, caterers and large parties seem to overwhelm the occasional poop problem. If you are really getting complaints about dogs menacing picnics and children, perhaps the Village should implement a leash rule in front of the parking lot, a policy most of us voluntarily enact during the busy months. I walk early and late and rarely run into families except on weekends in August in the early evening. The letters in the Star have highlighted the concerns of all resident dog-owners. I, too, would hate to lose the privilege of a walk on the beach with my dog. The hysteric machinations of one man obsessed with dogs should not outweigh the voices of villagers, or the record of actual complaints. Please let me know if Beachdogs11937 (via Jenny Berkeley, Maureen Bluedorn or myself) can do anything to ease the problem. Many thanks for your continued assistance. Regards, Kathryn Staley, 11 Briar Patch Road, East Hampton, NY From: Laura Hoguet [] 2/24/13 Cc:;; Robert L. Hoguet Subject: Dogs On The Beach Walking dogs on the beach is a big part of our familys happiness in East Hampton. And, there are a lot of us devoted dog walkers---just think of the crowd that joins the ARF Walk to the Beach in October, and the pleasure of watching the dogs in and out of the water on that crisp fall morning. It does not seem to us that there is a need to impose more restrictions on beach dogs than currently exist. To us the beach seems pretty clean most of the time (there is more deer scat off season than dog waste, I think). We do acknowledge, however, that dog walkers are responsible for control of dog waste and behavior, and we would be happy to contribute time and/or money to support maintaining the beach as a joy for all. Laura Hoguet From: Peter Selwyn [] 2/25/13 Subject: please keep beaches accessible to dogs and their owners Dear Sir: I have followed with special interest the recent reporting about dogs on the beaches of East Hampton. My family has owned a house in East Hampton since the early 1970s, and we have spent many wonderful summers and other times there over more than 40 years. Several generations of dogs have been with us there during these times, and walking our dogs on the beach in the early morning is one of my most treasured pastimes. I agree completely that dog owners must be responsible for cleaning up after their dogs, for not letting them roam on the beach unsupervised, and that dogs should not be allowed on the beach during daytime usage hours during the summer. But to exclude them entirely, or to require that they be leashed at all times, seems to me to be overly restrictive. (Also, trying to keep my waterloving Labrador Retriever on a leash walking her along the waters edge would be like cruel and unusual punishment!) Dog owners who do not clean up after their dogs should be appropriately sanctioned, as should those who litter, are publicly intoxicated, or in other ways despoil the natural beauty and tranquility of our beautiful beaches. But please dont exclude dogs and their walkers from the beaches completely, this would be a very sad outcome for many of us. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Peter A. Selwyn, M.D., 45 Northway , EH, NY 11937, Email or

From: jennifer berkeley [mailto:jenny] 2/18/13 To: The East Hampton Star, Cc: June Lester; Sara Davison, Subject: Letter to the Editor Please confirm by email that you have received this letter to be published in this week's Star. Thank you and regards, Jenny Berkeley 324-6663 To the Editor, The February 14th front-page article in the Star Dogs May be Reined in at Beaches did a good job highlighting the recent Village Trustee work session and helped raise public awareness, again, about the fragility of this meaningful privilege of taking mans best friends to our beautiful and cherished village beaches. Hopefully, year-round residents, summer residents and many of our weekend visitors for the Presidents Day Weekend will have also taken serious note. Unfortunately, all too often, this issue is raised during the winter months when a larger audience, and perhaps most of the offenders are not here in East Hampton. Our beaches are indeed cleaner, according to Village Trustees and our beach manager and many local citizens and efforts over the last sixteen years have resulted in improved signage, the availability of dog waste bags and the printing of Dogs on the Beach-year-round Code of Conduct, which is distributed though a massive beach parking permit mailing and are available throughout the village. Much of this has been accomplished by a cooperative relationship with the Major and Village Trustees who recognize the sensitivity of this issue but also realize that the majority of residents do not want this privilege curtailed or taken away. It seems that but a very few residents and trustees wish to curtail this privilege and do not seem to focus with such fervor on other possible abuses of recreational uses of the beaches, such as vehicle driving on the beaches, beach fires, non-dog litter, environmental protection. And, by the way, who is going to pick up after the deer? These recent efforts to protect dog privileges have been made through the group, beachdogs11937, a three-year old community- based volunteer group, dedicated to educating owners of beach-going dogs in the Village of East Hampton on the rules for safe, polite behavior and to instill an ethic to pick up after your dog AND dispose in proper receptacles. The goals of beachdogs11937 continue to be to preserve dog privileges on our beaches, under the existing regulations, and to improve compliance with the regulations. The group was, not mentioned in the Star article and perhaps not highlighted enough by me during the recent session. It is unclear what precipitated this recent discussion on restricting dogs on our beaches and quite frankly, a more permanent solution is necessary as this unsettling announcement to either consider once again a ban on dogs on our beaches, or have a leash law on beaches or restrict hours for dog owners and their beloved pets seems to come up with increasing regularity at very inopportune times of the year about every three years. A leash law on the beaches is way too restrictive and unfair, reducing hours for dogs allowed on the beaches for the summer of 2013, especially if permitted vehicles times and beach fires are not changed to same hours as well, would be also unfair. I also believe that it is too late in the year to change these rules as all the brochures are ready to be mailed and also all the signage would need to be changed at great expense to the village. Addressing the issue before Labor Day weekend might be a good idea. It is clear also that picking up after ones dog is not easy to enforce, especially during the winter months, here or in any other municipality, but I would encourage officers to issue fines ($250) rather than just summonses. What needs to be done therefore is to write the Village Trustees and express your concerns and disagreement about the possibility of more regulations for dogs on the beaches AND insure that dog owners spread the word to other dog owners about the importance of keeping your dogs under control and to pick up and dispose at all times, all year- round. Ask your local veterinarians to join the effort, tell real estate brokers to emphasize these regulations to renters and new residents and continue picking up other waste on the beaches: this will all help. Finally, I would strongly suggest also that those in favor of further restrictions for dogs on our beaches provide reasonable suggestions and be at the same time respectful of innocent dogs on the beaches and not be unkind to them or harass or threaten the animals or owners in any way. The beaches are there for all of us to enjoy not private domains. Our East Hampton Village Beaches are among the most beautiful in the world and it is our responsibility to help keep them that way by abiding by all the regulations and respecting each persons own recreational use of the beaches. Jenny Berkeley Letters to the Village Trustees to voice your concerns and support for no further restrictions on dogs on the village beaches may be sent to: or hand- written to Village Trustees, 86 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937. To join and become a volunteer for beachdogs11937, please email Your participation in monitoring beaches throughout the summer, participating in cleanup days and donations to help pay for ads in local papers to educate our community is an important contribution and we need your help. There is no web site yet, simply a mailing address to join. From: [] 03/01/13 Subject: dogs on the beach As a 30 year resident of the town of East Hampton and a life long dog owner I cherish my ability to walk my dogs on the village beaches. I live in North West and Wiborg beach is the closest beach to my house. The price of gas makes proximity of location important these days. Driving all the way over to Indian Wells is too far for a dog walk. Living on the East End is very hard for me these days because of the difficulty of earning a living here. I am trying to hold on until my daughter graduates from High School next year at least. Walking on the beach with my dogs is a beautiful treat that costs nothing and reminds me of why I have made a huge sacrifice to live here. Don't allow this priveledge to be taken away because of a lack of enforcement of dog poop scooping laws that are in place and need greater enforcement. Lori Marsden

From: Susie Burley [] 003/01/13 Subject: new dog restrictions on beaches To the village board, I was saddened to learn you may impose further dog restrictions on our beaches. The Beachdogs Group has done so much and worked so hard to keep allowing our dogs to enjoy playing in the sand. We have all dutifully followed the existing rules and reprimand other dogs owners if we see that they are not abiding by the rules ! I see absolutely no valid reason to change anything and am angered that dog haters rear their ugly heads whenever they see an opportunity. Sincerely, Susie Burley Schmertz, 56 Davids Lane, East Hampton
From: Frank Millspaugh [] 03/01/13 Subject: Beach Restrictions on Dogs

To: East Hampton Village Trustees This is to urge you to reject proposals for additional restrictions on access to the village beaches for dog walking. I concede that some owners are not taking full responsibility for their dogs waste, but many of us are. The solution is not in punishing responsible dog owners equally to irresponsible ones, but to subject the latter to fines and adverse public attention. The problem is not a lack of laws but a lack of enforcement. It is as if we were to decide that because some drivers park illegally we should ban all parking all the time. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Frank Millspaugh, East Hampton Village Resident and Dog Owner and Voter
From: valerie smith [] 03/01/13 Subject: further dog restrictions

To the Village Trustees: When I was a child in East Hampton there were dogs on our beaches. When my mother and father were children in East Hampton there were dogs on our beaches.When my mother's parents were children there were dogs on our beaches. All of these generations of my family and so many more have managed to coexist on our Village beaches with strollers, sunbathers, fishermen, children, is one of the special pleasures of a summer morning or evening to exercise oneself and the hound and be reminded how blest we are to live in this beautiful place. Dog owners treasure the joys of beach going....they are self policing and incredibly vigilant about waste removal. As many have pointed out those who visit the beach without dogs are not always to be commended for their clean up of food balloons diapers, plastic, etc. I can only beg that you reflect carefully on this drastic change in our age old summer ritual. Taking the beach visits away will break alot of hearts and I'll bet you anything the beaches will not be cleaner once or if you do. Respectfully, Valerie Smith, 11 Buell Lane, the monogram shop, 7 newtown lane, east hampton, ny 11937 631 324 8962 (home), 631 329 3379 (shop), 631 377 2727 (cell)
From: South Fork Animal Hospital [] 03/01/13 Cc: Subject: Proposed ldog ban on beaches Dear Trustees, I would like to urged the Trustees to continue the current policy of allowing dogs on the beach continuing the existing regulations. Changing to a complete ban would significantly and irreversibly impact the enjoyment of our outdoor resources by a significant percentage of the population. The dog is a big part of many families lives and indeed usually considered a member of the family. Playing with one's pets and children in the outdoors and the beach, particularly, is an important part of a enjoyable quality lifestyle. Most responsible pet owners do control their pets and do clean the feces. Despite the common argument put forth by opponents of dogs on the beach, incidences of pet transmitted disease is extremely rare. Especially, within our healthy pampered pet population.. I would challenge opponents to prove that there has been any illness caused by pets in our area!!! As to control, existing regulations already require control, whether it be on the beach or in the village. Some non-pet owners do not appreciate the emotional bond that exists between a human and the pet. They do not appreciate the terrible grief the human feels when their pet dies...often the response is "just get another pet." A pet is a family member and pet owners want to be with their pets and wish to share their enjoyment of the beach with their fourlegged family members. Some people are even bothered by the presence of children. Shall we pass regulation limiting children's access, adult only beaches? Thank you for your consideration. Please continue the long-held traditional custom of allowing dogs on the beach. Yours truly,Mark S. Davis, D.V.M., Director, South Fork Animal Hospital, Wainscott From: [] 03/01/13 Subject: Further Beach Restrictions on Dogs

To: East Hampton Village Trustees This is to urge you to reject proposals for additional restrictions on access to the village beaches for dog walking. I concede that some owners are not taking full responsibility for their dogs waste, but many of us are. The solution is not in punishing responsible dog owners equally to irresponsible ones, but to subject the latter to fines and adverse public attention. The problem is not a lack of laws but a lack of enforcement. It is as if we were to decide that because some drivers park illegally we should ban all parking all the time. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Leslie Butler, East Hampton Village Resident and Dog Owner and Voter

From: []

03/01/13 Subject: Further Beach Restrictions on Dogs

To: East Hampton Village Trustees This is to urge you to reject proposals for additional restrictions on access to the village beaches for dog walking. I concede that some owners are not taking full responsibility for their dogs waste, but many of us are. The solution is not in punishing responsible dog owners equally to irresponsible ones, but to subject the latter to fines and adverse public attention. The problem is not a lack of laws but a lack of enforcement. It is as if we were to decide that because some drivers park illegally we should ban all parking all the time. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Ruth V. Vega, East Hampton Village Resident and Dog Owner and Voter

From: Hines, Suzanne [] Subject: please let us keep our dogs 03-0-13

To run on the beach?? Suzanne Hines, Sotheby's Intl Realty, 6 Main St.,907-8447
From: Susan Bell [] 03-01-13 I have two dogs that just love running on the beach, even more than at the dog park. I always bring something with me in order to pick up their droppings and look upon it as an obligation. Whats the big deal? That is part of taking them to a place they enjoy. Please dont ban dogs from the beach. Perhaps some stricter rules or laws are needed, but not at the dogs expense. SusanBell From: Bruce Stevens [] Subject: Dogs on the beach

Hi, I am writing in support of keeping the status quo regarding dogs on our beaches. There is NO reason to add further restrictions for dogs which would punish the vast majority of responsible dogs and their owners. Stricter enforcement and peer pressure should be brought to bear with more substantial fines levied on offenders. Let's not let a very small minority of anti-dog folks shutter our beaches for the vast majority of responsible dog owners. Let us maintain one of the true East Hampton traditons as so many have gone by the boards..... Thank you, Bruce N.Stevens, 127 Bull Path, East Hampton, NY 11937
From: kbdeedee [] 03-02-13 Subject: Dog restrictions on East Hampton Beaches

Dear Sir, My name is Kathleen Burns Buddenhagen, I live at 1 Amy's Court in East Hampton. POBox 1489, East Hampton, N.Y 11937. I have been in East Hampton all my life and still am. I am absolutely against a to tal banning of dogs on our beaches. Sincerely, Kathleen Burns Buddenhagen
From: Lynn Surry [] Subject: save the dogs 03-02-13

As homeowner in East Hampton for almost 14 years we have seen the Village become a Shopping Mall,do not have enough time allowed in parking lots to go to a movie, nor to grab lunch and shop, traffic is now worse than ever and the feel of a family, outdoor oriented resort town to even think that pets (yes many of us consider them family members) may lose their opportunity to frolic on our beaches during specified times is really asking too much. For this we get to see our tax dollars increase and our enjoyment in our town decrease. We want our dog rights to continue. thank you in advance, Lynn Surry From: Carmen Adriana [] 03-02-13 Subject: Beach Dogs To whom it may concern: Please consider not making any more restrictions for dogs on the beach. We take our dog daily where he (and we) gets enough exercise running around to prevent obesity. Also, he is so tired afterward that we have seen a significant reduction in behavior problems. There are few joys as great as seeing our dog gleefully romp on the soft sand, which must feel so nice after the hard concrete of the sidewalks and wood floors popular now. It also provides us and our dog a chance to socialize in a non-threatening environment, something everyone could use. So please consider that I am only one of many that would like to keep taking my dog to the beach. Very truly yours, Carmen Mantione, 39 Cooper Lane East Hampton, NY 11937 Carmen Adriana, "Changing the World One Look At a Time", 646-483-3354,, @carmenadrianany, @hamptonsfloozy From: Anthony DeVivio [] 03-02-13 Subject: Dogs On The Beach Please consider not making any more restrictions for dogs to the beach. Anthony DeVivio, 39 Cooper Lane, East Hampton Village, NY, 11937

From: [] 03-02-13 Subject: Ban on Dogs on Beaches Dear sir, I live at 17 Horseshoe Drive. I am writing to let you know that I strongly oppose any further restrictions on allowing dogs on the village beaches. The current system works fine. The whole village should not be forced to alter our enjoyment of our common natural treasures to suit the requests of a couple of residents. Please allow the village residents to continue to enjoy our beaches the way we have for years. Thank you. David Roth From: Michaela King Roth [] 03-02-13 Subject: Dogs on Beach I am writing to express my opinion on the proposed ban of dogs on the beach. I am against it! Let the beaches be enjoyed by all as a public treasure. The rules as they stand now are fair and should not be changed. It gives families great pleasure to walk the beach with their beloved dog in the early evening. Those who feel differently are curmudgeons! I reside at 17 Horseshoe Drive and pay my share of taxes to maintain the beaches. Sincerely, Michaela Roth
From: David Zazula [] Subject: Allowing Dogs on the Beach 03-03-13

Dear Village Trustees, Please, please, please do not ban our dogs from our beaches. In a world full of do's and don'ts, all sorts of rules and regulations, not to mention undue of stress, the simple act of walking Man's Best Friend at the end of a summer's day, with the sun setting, and cool breeze coming off the ocean, is one of the great joys of living in this amazing area. Let's not look to other areas to be our example, but rather strive to keep our uniqueness that makes us so special, and a world class destination. Our beaches belong to everyone, and everyone, dog owners or not, should be allowed to use them. Please do not over regulate our hamlet, and thereby lowering the bar towards mediocrity. We're better than that. David Zazula, 145 Cedar St., East Hampton From: Jean Vanderbilt [] 03-03-13 Subject: Dogs on beach It is one of the pleasures of living here.I understand the before nine after six strictures but never ever is too much. From: Michael Dickerson [] 03-04-13 Subject: dogs?beaches JLester, Just a note to let you know that I sent a letter to the trustee website on Friday or Saturday. Hope it got there as it did not acknowledge. Will follow up before village meeting thursday... thanks Mike Dickerson 329-9450 From: Momzeh [] 03-01-13 Subject: pls let the dogs on the beach From: [] 03-02-13 Subject: restrictions on village beaches Please do not further any dog restrictions on our village beaches. Thank you!! Jamie and Jon Golub , 133 Monroe Drive, Montauk From: Drew Cooper [] 03-03-13 Subject: Dog policy I have been an East Hampton Town resident for the past 29 years. I'm dismayed and distressed at the prospect of the Village revising it's beach-dog rules to prohibit or cut back on the ability of residents to bring their dogs to the beach. Of course, people have a right to enjoy their beaches free of dog waste and unsanitary conditions. If that is a problem, enforcement of clean up requirements can be enhanced. But you don't have to address a problem a very few dog owners may create with a sledgehammer to the rights and enjoyment of all dog owners. Dogs running and frolicking on the beach with their owners at reasonable hours when very few non-dog people are there, is part of the fabric of our community, and part of what makes it the friendly and welcoming place it is to so many of us. A town or village that becomes known to be non dog friendly becomes a less hospitable and inviting place to live. Maybe even a less valuable place to own a home. Statistics are clear that comparable apartments in dog friendly buildings are more salable and valuable than in dog restricted buildings, for example. Even if they don't have a dog, most people would prefer not to live in an environment where their neighbors are intolerant of dogs. It is an uninviting atmosphere. I hope you and your colleagues will carefully consider alternatives to banning dogs on the beach. If you do, it would make East Hampton a little less wonderful for me and many others. Thanks for your consideration. Andrew Cooper, 57 South Breeze Drive, Wainscott, NY 11975, 631 324-6180, 917 699-3999 cell

From: Michael Dickerson [] 03-04-13 Subject: Re: dogs?beaches I felt this letter to be a reasonable statement offering to partner with the trustees to create an effective and equitable solution to the problem with dogs pooping on beaches. I feel it is unfortunate that after almost two decades of picking up after other peoples pets and walking my dogs in the village two or three times a week in the early morning hours picking up other peoples cigarette butts, garbage and throw away magazines and newspapers that there is no reason to have done it in the first place. To be shown so little respect or consideration for a team effort on our parts. I feel we have earned the opportunity to correct this problem which I am certain offends no one less than us. I have worked with the LVIS as a "garbage picker", donated handmade jewelry to their fundraiser and guarded the doors at their Haunted Farm as part of my service on behalf of the village. I am not trying to deflect the responsibility the offending dog owners hold for their abuses. I am surprised that with the more dangerous and even life threatening situations that are accepted as common practice every season, dog poop is the only one facing such finality. Open fires on the beach, even if (?) in a metal containers spew filthy acrid smoke and burning cinders into neighboring beachgoers every year. They are dangerous and most are out of control for many points in theri duration. NO one takes sinto account how many times we have had to pack up and move due to cinders stinging us or smoke, choking us. Beach vehicles are not problem for me except that all night long they are allowed to pass the plover fences (we see the tracks every morning) with no regard for the plovers or the laws protecting them. These vehicles access the beach and leave the beach at inappropriate and well populated area of the beach. They rev it to high gear and plow blindly up the dune only to fail or meet children head on. They then slam them in reverse and back full gun backward into people resting of drinking or playing. Combine that with the rampant drinking taking place despite ordinances to the contrary and it does seem dog poop is being chosen in the oddest of considerations. I have never tried to take anyone elses use from them despite these infringements both legal and safety related. For this issue to be decided in a closed door session with out public witness seems suspect and an abuse of trustee powers which I feel absolutely trumps the power of the village board. This seems to have happened quickly and quietly. Even the most rabid of opponents, who normally watchdog on our behalf are feeling cheated and dumbfounded. Once agaiin, my original letter did not get this involved but this last bit is disturbing. I felt the responsible owners were willing to take on some of the ugly work the village is now attempting to dictate. We are capable and willing to correct negative behaviors, nurture positive choices and even continue picking up poop and bringing this to a more appropriate conclusion. Thanks Mike Dickerson
From: LALITTE SMITH [] Subject: Dog restrictions 03-04-13

To The Village Board of East Hampton: I am very opposed to any further restrictions of dogs on our 4 Village beaches. More dog restrictions would be equal to telling me, a resident of The Village of East Hampton, that I myself cannot walk on our beaches whenever I want. It is an outrage to even consider more restrictions. What is this village coming to? Respectfully, but angrily, Lalitte Smith, 15 Windmill Lane
From: Maralyn Rittenour [] Subject: Dogs on Village beaches 03-04-13

I would like to add myself to the many supporters of the status quo. We do not need further restrictions as to when and where dogs are allowed on Village Beaches. The current regulations have been in place for a long time and I believe they are fair and work just fine. As a responsible dog owner and pet-sitter, I believe that the majority of us control our dogs, always pick up after them and would be distressed by further limitations. There are always a few bad apples to give the rest of us a bad name. Would you take automobiles away from all owners in East Hampton because a very small minority are arrested for driving under the influence?........ Maralyn Rittenour .. Sorry, I should have stated that I live in East Hampton.
From: Arthur S. Graham [] 03-04-13 Subject: Dogs on the beach I support residents and visitors being able to use the beach with their dogs within the hours proscribed by the Village board. I have seen dogs behaving badly from time to time, but never have I seen (or heard) of anything that I would consider a serious breach of decorum. Dog poop & pee, just like humans do, and while we can's get them to use the restrooms like people do, carrying a "poop bag" or two is something that responsible dog owners do. Additionally, with the bag dispensers at each beach, there is no reason for a dog owner not to have one on his or her person while attending to their dog at the beach. Perhaps the code could be amended to say that a fine of "X" (substantial) would be levied against an owner who doesn't clean up after their animal or who is not in possession of a doggy bag, even if it is partially full. Additionally, an Enforcement Officer on a quad could be assigned to the beaches on a rolling and unpredictable basis to enforce this new rule. I'm sure that the revenue raised through the tickets would support the cost of enforcement, and the word would get around very quickly that you have to have a bag (and fill it when necessary), then enforcement could be dialed back. At least that way we could ensure that dog owners are at least capable of picking up after their pets. If they don't, maybe it's those people we should ban from the beach instead of their dogs. Arthur & Katherine Graham, 44 Cooper Lane, East Hampton, NY 11937, (631) 324-0887

From: Mary Clarke []

03-04-13, Subject: dogs on the beach

Dear Members of The Village Board As a longtime resident of the village, I am writing to tell you that I am NOT in favor of dogs on the beaches, therefore I AM in favor of MORE restrictions. Sadly as the number of residents and non residents has dramatically increased, so has the dog population and along with the that comes an increase in the number of irresponsible dog owners. It would be an almost impossible task to police the behavior of dog owners therefore it seems that it is almost easier to ban all dogs from village beaches for the summer season. Sincerely ( and sadly for the dog owners..) Mary Clarke, Po box 1804, 52 Ocean Ave, East Hampton, NY 11937
From: RICHARD SMITH [] Subject: Village beach dog restrictions 03-04-13

To the VILLAGE BOARD OF EAST HAMPTON: I have just heard of the proposed restrictions on DOGS on our beaches. I remember when we went through the initial restrictions as to time of day and time of year. It seems to me that this was a good compromise between dog walkers and people walkers. (and maybe you should consider restricting motor vehicles instead). Needless to say I am very much opposed to any new restrictions on dogs on our beaches. Sincerely Richard Smith, 6 Borden lane, East Hampton (in the Village) __________________________________________________________________________________________________
From: james fennell [] Subject: Beach rights and access 03-04-13

As a lifelong resident I have rarely felt the need to contact town officials regarding local issues. However, it has come to my attention that laws regarding access to our beaches with our pets may be changed. I believe our existing laws are adequate to balance the rights of all. If anything I would encourage more rigid enforcement of what I consider an exemplary approach to beach access. As I have traveled throughout the US I have seen the numerous ways governments have addressed dog ownership rules. I believe and have always been proud to relate to others our approach which I feel balances the freedom to use the beaches with our beloved pets while maintaining their pristine beauty. The issue at the beaches which I find the most pressing is not enforcement of dog related laws but those that deal with the increasing beach litter by people and the towns attempting to cope with mass gatherings. The vast majority of dog owners are very aware of the privilege associated with beach access and strictly abide by our laws. I have witnessed many acts by dog owners and non-dog owners that go far beyond normal measures to keep our beaches clean . We, as a group care deeply about this matter and would hope that the voices of a few do not carry too much weight in this matter. I have seen this in local school politics too many times to count and ironically those voices often disappear shortly after the argument is over leaving the rest of us with the effects of their discord, wondering why things were changed. Please consider stronger enforcement as the best response to any discontent. You don't ban cars because people speed down Main Street, you increase enforcement. Sincerely, Jim and Colleen Fennell, 12 Whitby Lane, East Hampton,NY 11937
From: Maureen Bluedorn [] 03-05-13 Cc: Sara Davison; Kathryn Staley; beachdogs11937, Subject: Beaches and our dogs

I am just writing to add my voice of disappointment that the Village is again considering drastic measures which would prevent the residents from one of our main daily pleasurses of walking the beach with our pups. Beachdogs 11937 was formed three years ago with much support and significant private expense, to work with the Village in educating the summer residents who descend on us beginning Memorial Day weekend. I felt we had worked with some of success toward improving the situations, with pamphlets, posters, T-shirts, improved signs and improved self enforcement. The community of dog owners I know quite well are diligent about cleaning up after their dogs and policing where necessary. It is not easy and many of us have had our share of arguments, negative confrontations and "mind your own business comments" thrown our way. However we keep at it which is the only way to change behavior and enforce any public policy. It took years for people to learn to stop throwing their litter on the streets and highways. Our campaign is not wasted, it will continue to take our efforts to teach beach dog etiquette. However, once more the people who most suffer from these discussed proposed regulated solutions are those of us who live here and use the beaches year round. I chose to live here because of the natural beauty of this area and to live a life style where I can enjoy my companions and the magnificent beach walks. I do not live in Greenwich Conn, for a reason. I try to be active within our community and contribute to the ongoing preservation effort of maintaining the essence of East Hampton and our beach life. Surely there has to be a way we can come together with the Village officials, as we did once before and assist in solving the problems we all face. More extreme financial penalties could be imposed on violators and we have discussed the idea of a leash requirement on the beach within 500 feet of the entrances. I would ask the Village to form a working session with residents to discuss ways to improve this situation. Extremely concerned, Maureen Bluedorn

From: maryl vassel [] Subject: DOGS ON THE BEACH


What is East Hampton thinking?Part of the reason we all visit and settle in East Hampton is this feeling of openess,nature at it's best.The current dog policy in East Hampton serves our beaches,dogs and more importantly the majority of us very well.I frequent Indian Wells Beach on a regular basis and the negative comments are absurd.The current dog law serves us well. East Hampton needs to contact the powers that be in Jupiter Fl.,an extremely popular fl.destination.and one that allows dogs on the their beaches,all day,every day and it works well.Don't let the p rima donna's run the show. Think normal. Gene Vassel , 4 hollow Oak Ct, East Hampton,N.Y.11937 516 6339278
From: Nick Conlin [] Subject: Dogs on Beaches! 3-6-13

Hi, My name is Nicholas Conlin and my address is 13 North Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937 As a full time resident of East Hampton I opposed to any further restrictions on dogs on our Village beaches. Yours, Nick Nicholas Conlin, General Manager, Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, 200 Tuckahoe Rd, Southampton, NY 11968 Telephone: 631 283 1310 Email: NConlin@ShinnecockHills.US
From: Ken Koch [] Subject: Village Dogs 3-6-13

June, As an East Hampton resident and loyal dog owner I would be in favor of no further restrictions imposed on dog walking on the Village beaches. I would like to see the current laws enforced more (which I know can be difficult). Unfortunately the bad pet owners make it worse for the majority who are respectful of our precious beachesmy two cents. Ken From: [] 3-6-13 Subject: Please Allow Dogs on the Beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, As a resident of East Hampton Village, I am writing to express my heartfelt desire to continue to allow dogs on East Hampton beaches. Furthermore, I oppose any additional restrictions placed on dogs on the five village beaches. Walking our dog on the beach each morning and evening is an activity that our family cherishes. And yes, we use this SAME beach as our sunning and bathing beach. The recent comments that dog walkers don't use the beach for any purpose other than as a toilet is insulting! Thank you. Beverly Kazickas, 45 Egypt Close, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-324-5697 From: [] 3-6-13 Subject: Dogs on the Beach I am writing to encourage you to continue to allow dogs on the East Hampton beaches as you currently do. It is one of the joys of our day to see the dogs play there and meet other dogs in the morning or later evening. We respect the need for clean up and make sure all around us do as well. Please don't ruin this for so many of us. Thank you, Sandy McManus, 17 Fithian Lane, East Hampton
From: [] Subject: Please allow dogs on the beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees: I am a resident of the Village of East Hampton and a dog owner. I enjoy early morning and late evening walks on the beach with my Jack Russel Terrier. I am writing to ask that you continue current Village policy and allow me and other dog owners the right to walk our dogs on Village beaches. Thank-you for your consideration. Michael V. Kazickas 3-6-13

From: Anna Simonds [] 3-6-13 Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 9:32 PM Subject: Please do not restrict dogs on the beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, I am a resident of East Hampton Village and writing to express my sincere wishes that dogs continue to be allowed on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions being placed on dogs for the five village beaches. Best Regards, Anna Simonds C/o Faith Chase, 10 Cove Hollow Farm Rd, East Hampton From: Victoria Kazickas [] 3-6-13 Subject: Please Allow Dogs on the Beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, I am a resident of East Hampton Village and writing to express my sincere wishes that dogs continue to be allowed on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions being placed on dogs for the five village beaches. Best Regards, Victoria Kazickas From: Maggie Gray [] 3-6-13 Subject: Please No More Dog Restrictions Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Trustees, As a resident of East Hampton and owner of two dogs who love the beach, I would be very opposed to any new or more restrictions for the dogs use of the East Hampton Beaches. Sincerely,Maggie f.Gray (Mrs. Gordon Gray jr.), P.O.Box 57, East Hampton,11937 From: Barbara Edwards [] 3-6-13 Subject: Dogs on the beach!!!!!! As an East Hampton resident we are asking you to allow our dogs their walk on the beach and STOP any of the proposed restrictions! Thank you! Barbara and Jim Edwards, 35 Buell Lane extension , East Hampton, NY, 11937
From: Courtney Edwards [] Subject: Please Allow Dogs on the Beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, I am a resident of East Hampton Village and writing to express my sincere wishes that dogs continue to be allowed on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions being placed on dogs for the five village beaches. Best Regards, Courtney Edwards, 35 Buell Lane Ext. East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-324-7868 3-7-13

From: Tom Samet [] 3-7-13 Subject: Dog walking Please know that so Many of us walk our dogs on the beach and the pleasure it gives us and adds to the quality of life here in the east end .. Thank You
From: [] Subject: dogs on the beach 3-7-13

Please leave the current rules for dogs on the beach in place. Please do NOT curtail the current hours that they are free to be off the leash. From: Elizabeth Peabody [] Subject: BEACH DOGS 3-7-13

While there are some mistakes from time to time, I VERY MUCH Hope that restrictions to dogs on the beach will not be changed. There are MANY more people who do pay attention, who do care, and who do pick up. A LOT more people get joy & exercise with their dogs than those few who complain... make the pick up after your dogs rule more stringent but please leave the policy the same. Thanks and fingers crossed Elizabeth Peabody , Elizabeth Peabody,LMSW,

From: Jane Maynard [] 3-5-13 ) Subject: Restrictions on dogs on Village beaches I wish to voice my opinion regarding dogs on village beaches. I know that many tax paying residents and summer visitors count on being able to walk their dogs on the beaches in East Hampton. I have observed that the dog walker are very careful to observe the rules. If it is necessary to change the rules [I don't know], but if people are allowed to walk their pets in New York City parks [ even early in the mornings dogs are allowed off leashes in certain areas], I can't see why residents can not be allowed to do so in East Hampton. Thank you for your attention to our request. Jane and Walter Maynard, Jr. [East Hampton village residents]. From: Kiki Kazickas [] 3-6-13 Subject: Please Allow Dogs on the Beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, I am a resident of East Hampton Village and writing to express my sincere wishes that dogs continue to be allowed on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions being placed on dogs for the five village beaches. Best Regards, Katarina Kazickas, 45 Egypt Close, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-324-5697 From: Annalina Kazickas [] 3-6-13 Subject: Please Allow Dogs on the Beach Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, I am a resident of Amagansett and am writing to express my sincere wishes that dogs continue to be allowed on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions being placed on dogs for the five village beaches. Best Regards, Annalina Kazickas, 5 Hamlin Lane, Amagansett, NY 11930 From: Kazickas, Jack Vytautas [] 3-6-13 Subject: I Want Dogs on the Beach! Dear Mayor Rickenbach and Village Trustees, As a resident of East Hampton Village, I am writing to you to express my preference to continue allowing dogs on East Hampton beaches. Additionally, I oppose any further restrictions placed on dogs on the five village beaches. Regards, Jack Kazickas, 45 Egypt Close, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631-324-5697
From: Hilary Leff [] Subject: Dogs on the beach 3-7-13

Hi, One of my greatest pleasures is the hour I spend with my dogs on the beach each morning in East Hampton. I not only love to watch them run and play in the waves, I've made wonderful friends of other dog owners, creating a community of animal lovers. However, we not only share a love of animals, we share a love of the place we are in and are so conscenctious about picking up after our dogs because we treasure the natural beauty of the beaches just as much as everyone else. Please do not take away this special time for us and our pets. Take a look at the beaches after we leave in the morning, you won't see piles of poop. Stop down while we are there and you will see people calling out to each other to make sure everything is picked up, so that it is as pristine as when we came. We are a community and care deeply not only about our dogs but about the environment. Thank you, Hilary Leff, 354 Stephen Hands Path, East Hampton, N.Y. From: Nina Healy [] 3-7-13 Subject: No Further Restrictions on Dogs on Village Beaches Dear East Hampton Village Trustees, I am writing you today to voice my opposition to any further restrictions on having dogs on the five East Hampton village beaches. I appreciate and understand the need for the restrictions that are presently in place but as a resident and dog owner and beach lover, I would ask that we not let one loud voice drown out many quieter ones. We all feel that it is a special priviledge to be able to run our dogs on the most beautiful beaches in the world. My children grew up going to the (Wiborg) beach before summer camp; swimming with the dogs and then heading to camp wet and sandy and happy. They literally consider many of our 'beach' friends their summer grandparents, aunts and uncles. What many people do not understand is what a wonderful community forms in the early morning and evening hours on the beaches. Of course, there will be some accidents and tussles but for the most part, everyone does their share and some do quite a bit more. There are already so many restrictions on all of us, please allow us - and we are fellow residents and taxpayers - to enjoy a walk on the beach with our dogs. Sincerely, Nina Healy, 10 Pepperidge Lane , Amagansett, NY

From: Pilar Crespi [] 3-10-13 Subject: Our dogs on the beach Please allow our dogs access to the beach ! Pilar Crespi Robert , 18 Lee Avenue, East Hampton, 11937 , NY From: Eleanora Kennedy [] 3-10-13 Subject: dogs on the beach. please give dogs the same rights as all Gods creatures. what next ? .......ban birds? this has gone over the edge. please bring some perspective back to this body of lawmakers. sincerely, e. kennedy
From: Priscilla Rattazzi [] Subject: Dogs on the beach 3-10-13

As an East Hampton village homeowner, author, lover of nature, and owner of two dogs who love running on Georgica Beach, I am incensed that a local resident would want to ban dogs from the beaches at all times. The only thing which needs to happen is that cleaning up after one's dog should become mandatory, (and therefore a law, just like in New York City). It's not enough to have a sign by the beach access which says: "responsible dog owners pick up after their pets". Perhaps we could also have a trash receptacle at each jetty going from Georgica Beach to Georgica Pond, which is where the guy who is trying to implement the total ban likes to jog and harass responsible dog owners like me. He must not prevail. Best, Priscilla Rattazzi Whittle P.S. Attached is a photograph of my late dog Luna, from my book "Luna & Lola", shot on Georgica Beach in 2009. How could anyone want to ban golden retrievers from beaches? cell:+1-917-403-3535

From: Petrie, Ed [] 3-11-13 Subject: dogs on beach

I bring my dogs every morning..all dog owners are respectful of cleaning up !! Not allowing dogs on beach is absurd and totally unfair..especially to local community who tend to have dogs. Best, Ed Petrie.EH resident. Ed Petrie, SVP, Associate Broker, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, East Hampton, New York 11937 631.907.8442 (Direct Dial), 516.885.9365 (Cell)
From: Francine Muller [] 3-11-13 Subject: Dogs on beaches

Dogs should be allowed on the beaches. Owners should be responsible and clean up after them, I do.

Francine Muller, Marketing Coordinator, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631.324.6000 office, 631.907.8445
From: Nelson, Kelly [] 03-11-2013 Subject: Dogs!!!!

Dogs have become an immensely important part of many peoples lives, and while they give so much to us humans, the very least we can do is allow them to enjoy nature! We are all good with the restricted hours, but to DISallow them at the ocean! That is preposterious! Kelly Nelson Kelly Nelson, VP, Assoc.Broker, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937
631 907 8459 dd, 516 356 4959 cell,

From: Wadzinski, Patricia [] Subject: dogs on the beaches


I have recently learned of the movement to disallow dogs on the beaches. Both residents of the Village and residents of East Hampton Town as visitors to the Village beaches have for years regarded the present limitations with equanimity. We pay our taxes here work hard, support the economy further by servicing the summer visitors and enhancing the Village budget by introducing others to become homeowners who love to enjoy the natural wonders of East Hampton Village and the greater bounty of the township overall. Those who own dogs enjoy a morning or evening walk on the beaches, playing catch running or just frolicking in the surf. This activity provides much more to the balance of the East Hampton experience, than those who come to the beaches leave their trash, bottles, and race up and down the shore line in their beach vehicles. I implore you to allow us to enjoy the beaches as we have in the morning hours and the evening hours during the high season and a bit longer on either side. We have already given up so many hours a day to balance and respect the crowded conditions on the beach during the day with those who are beginning to know and love it East Hampton as we do. To watch the sun rise or set, to amble along with our four footed companion, breathing in and out having survived cars racing through traffic lights, grumpy people on lines in markets and stores hopefully greeting those folks who are such a hurry to slow down, breath deep and take a walk on the beach with or without a four footed companion. To greet and be greeted with warmth and regard for those of us who live here year round and make the wheels of the economy go round and round. Please keep our beaches open to everyone, people with dogs and people without dogs. Respectfully Patricia Wadzinski resident since 1973
Patricia Wadzinski,VP, Associate Broker, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937 d: 631-907-8454, m: 631-871-0047,,

From: Butti, Fred [] 3-11-13 Subject: dogs A big YEAH to no dogs on beaches! I hope it passes. Fred Frederick Butti, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, East Hampton, NY 11937, 631.907.8441 direct 516.318.8637 cell, (Ms. Rattazzi re-sent edited e-mail)

From: Priscilla Rattazzi []

3-11-13 Subject: Dogs on the beaches

As an East Hampton village homeowner, author, lover of nature, and owner of two dogs who love running on Georgica Beach, I am incensed that a local resident would want to ban dogs from the beaches at all times. The man who is behind this campaign must not prevail. He is an angry guy with a personal vendetta against dogs, because he was attacked by one some years ago, and he is now taking it out on everyone else. I think part of the problem is that it's not enough to have a sign by the beach access which says: "Considerate citizens pick up after their pets" since it almost sounds like a suggestion. It needs to be very clear that this is the law (the sign is probably too polite). Make it a tougher sign, and make it very clear that people need to pick up after their pets, even in the winter months. Perhaps we could also have a trash receptacle at each jetty going from Georgica Beach to Georgica Pond (and even one at by the pond), which is where the guy who is trying to implement the total ban likes to jog and harass people (like me). A couple of extra trash cans, even in the winter, would also help our beaches stay cleaner from other stuff like cans and plastic, which as we all know is not biodegradable (whereas dog poop is). This means that our beaches would need to be monitored in the winter as well, and someone with a beach vehicle would have to remove the trash on a regular basis. Our beaches are our greatest asset, so if the village budget allows this, I think this could be a good idea. If not stricter signs, and a degree of enforcement on the weekends. Best, Priscilla Rattazzi Whittle P.S. Attached is a photograph of my late dog Luna, from my book "Luna & Lola", shot on Georgica Beach in 2009. How could anyone want to ban dogs from our beaches?,, cell:+1-917-403-3535

From: Murray, Martha []


I am totally in favor of allowing dogs on the beach. I have been walking my dog every morning and evening for 20 years. My life and that of my dog would be drastically changed if the proposed restrictions went into effect. Martha Murray Martha Murray, VP, Lic. Salesperson, Sotheby's International Realty, 6 Main Street, EH, NY
w.631.907.8458 c.631.987.7707 f. 631.324.3558,

From: Philip Schultz [] 3-9-13 Subject: Letting dogs go free at our beaches I'm a Pulitzer Prize winning poet who's lived in East Hampton (at 88 Osborne Lane ) and raised a family here since 1991. I commute to NY City to teach because I love living here and one of the great pleasure I and my family have is walking our dog on the beach. I do it every morning at sunrise, on the ocean. But the time doesn't matter, what matter is letter Penelope be freed for these few precious moments. I for one can't imagine life here without this freedom. Please don't take it away from so many of your fellow residents and citizens. Thank you, Sincerely,Philip Schultz
From: Lee Solomon [] 3-12-13 Subject: no more restrictions for dogs on the beaches of East Hampton

I am writing to protest anymore restrictions for dogs on the beaches of East Hampton. Yours, Lee Solomon, 232 Norfolk Drive, East Hampton, NY 11937 From: Dwight Chapin [] 3-13-13 Cc: TERRY GOODSON Subject: Dogs - Beach June: We would like to be included on any list or at any meeting where the issue of "Dogs on the Beach" is to be debated. We believe dog owners are among the most responsible people utilizing the beaches. Of course, there are folks who break rules and cause issues. But, our guess is 98% of the East Hampton dog owners play by all the rules and support the Village Laws. We do not need more "Government Regulations or Restrictions" regarding dogs on the beach. We just need to enforce the rules that exist. We can call upon all dog owners to reinforce and explain the rules. We want to register our opinion and ask to be included into any on going discussions that might be held. Thank you for your service. All the best, Dwight Chapin/ Terry Goodson , 20 Hook Pond Lane / P.O. Box 5032, East Hampton, NY 11937 Bernhard G. Kiembock 32 Newtown Lane East Hampton, NY 11937 March 13, 2013 Mayor Paul F. Rickenbach, Jr 86 Main Street East Hampton, NY 11937 Dear Paul: I am writing to you in reference to the meetings that you have been having regarding dogs on the beach in the Village of East Hampton. I own properties in the Village and am a taxpayer and would like you to seriously consider not allowing any dogs at all on the village beaches between May15th and Sept. 15th. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Bernhard G. Kiembock

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