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Jalan Raya Cirendang-Cigugur Kuningan



Subject : KIMIA Kelas/Semester : XI / 3 Pertemuan Ke : 1 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit Standar Kompetensi : Understading the concept of electrolite solution and non-electrolite Kompetensi Dasar : Differentiate electrolite and non-electroilite solution Identification and classification of the variety ofsolutions Indikator : Defiantion of solution and differences of electroilite solution and non-electroilite solution according to electrical conductor with its characteristics. Ability of electric current over it according to its formation of ions. I. Learning Objective : After learning this competency, student are able to: a. Define the concept of electrolite solution and non-electrolite solutions b. Differentiate the characteristic of electroilite solution and non-electrolite solution II. Topics : The mixture is a homogeneous solution which have even composision or even in term of its overall volume. For example: sugar solution, salt solution etc. Solution consist of 2 types, that are electrolite solution and non-electroilite solution: a. Electroilite solution is a solution that can conduct electricity for example NaCl solution, vinegar. b. Non-electrolite solution is the vice versa of electrolite solution that are cannot conducts electricity such as sugar solution, alcohol, oil etc.Why? According to Archenius, when electrolite solution was flow by electic current, positive ion and negative ions will be form. This ions is moves freely makes its able to conduct electric current. III. Teaching Method : a. Lecture b. Discussion

c. Demontration/ Observation IV. Learning Process: First Meeting Description A. Induction: a. Greeting and Pray b. Attendance c. Briefing about Solution, electrolite solution and non-electrolite B. Development : a. Define the defination of Solution/Homogeneous mixture and Electrolite solution according to Archenius b. Explain about the ability of conducting electricity in electrolite and non-electroilite solution c. Archenius Theory (To be continue on 2nd meeting) C. Clossing : a. Concussion, conclude the topic that have been thougt b. Exercises. c. Pray V. Teaching Aids : A. Tools. a. Makerpen b. Infocus c. Whitebord d. Agenda B. Sources a. Buku paket KIMIA kelas XI Farhan Fuadi Muslim , 2006 b. Buku paket KIMIA penerbit Armico kelas XI Yuliadi , 2004 VI. Evalution: 1. Evaluation process from the development of understanding and students exercises. 2. Effective/attitudes/ non-stuctural evalution 3. Formative test in form of subjective or/and objective/multiple choices No. 1. Question What is solution and give relevan examples. apa yang dimaksud dengan larutan elektrolit dan larutan non elektrolit ? Answer Solution is a homogeneous mixture which consist of solubLarutan ialah campuran homogen yang terdiri dari komponen pelarut dan zat terlarut. Contoh : larutan gula, air sirup, air garam. larutan elektrolit adalah larutan yang mampu menghantarkan arus listrik, sedangkan Durasion (minutes) 10



larutan non-elektrolit adalah larutan yang tidak mampu menghantarkan arus listrik Mengetahui : Kepala SMK Negeri 3 Kuningan Kuningan, .. Juli 2009. Guru Pengajar

Drs. Asep Muh. Nuh Rosid, M.Pd NIP. 19580116 198603 1 009 015

Cicih sukaesih S.Pd NIP. 19740422 200604 2

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