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Code No: V0523/R07

Set No. 1

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the Transaction management in a database. (b) Discuss the Query Processor of Database system structure. 2. (a) Distinguish between procedural and non-procedural DMLs. (b) Dene relational algebra, Tuple & Domain relational calculus. (c) What are the dierences between the two types of relational calculus? [6+6+4] 3. (a) Explain the basic structure of SQL? (b) Write SQL expressions for the following relational databases. employee (empno, empname, gender, dob, doj, empadd, emptelno, empsalary, empdept, bonus, dor) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Find Find Find Find Find b/n. empname from emp schema table who joins at the same date? empadd, empname who are working in the same department? the salary from emp schema who are earing more than 6000? how many records are in table emp schema? empno, empname, empdept from emp schema where empsalary is [8+8] [8+8]

4. (a) Dene BCNF. How does BCNF dier from 3NF? Explain with an example. (b) Explain 3nf? Give one example? [8+8]

5. (a) Explain how concurrency execution of transactions improves overall system performance. [8] (b) What are the transaction isolation Levels in SQL. 6. (a) Contrast ARIES with other WAL based recovery schemes. [8] [6]

(b) How is the recovery manager is responsible for transaction atomicity & durability. [5] (c) What are the dierence between update log record & compensation log record. [5] 7. Dene the term dangling pointer. Describe how the unique-id scheme helps in detecting dangling pointers in an object-oriented database. [16]

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Code No: V0523/R07

Set No. 1

8. Suppose that we are using extendable hashing on a le that contains records with the following search-key values: 2,3,5,7,11,17,19,23,29,31 Show the extendable hash structure for this le if the hash function is h(x) = x mod 8 and buckets can hold three records. [16]

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Code No: V0523/R07

Set No. 2

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Why would choose a database system instead of simply storing data in operating system les ? When would it make sense not to use a database system? (b) What is logical data independence and why is it important? [8+8]

2. (a) What is a relation? Dierentiate between relation schema and relation instance. Dene the terms unity and degree of relation. What are domain constraints? (b) Explain new insertion, delation and updating of database is performed in the relational algebra. [8+8] 3. Explain the following (a) Types of Join Operations. (b) Set Operations 4. (a) Explain about 4 Nf? Give one example? (b) Explain about 5 Nf? Give one example? [8+8] [16]

5. (a) Explain how concurrency execution of transactions improves overall system performance. [8] (b) What are the transaction isolation Levels in SQL. [8]

6. (a) What are the merits & demerits of using fuzzy dumps for media recovery. [6] (b) Explain the phases of ARIES Algorithm. (c) Explain 3 main properties of ARIES Algorithm [4] [6]

7. Explain why the allocation of records to blocks aects database-system performance signicantly. [16]
+ tree indices. Explain in 8. What are the dierences between B-tree indices and B detail. [16]

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Code No: V0523/R07

Set No. 3

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. What are the major disadvantages of le processing system?


2. (a) What is a relation? Dierentiate between relation schema and relation instance. Dene the terms unity and degree of relation. What are domain constraints? (b) What SQL construct enables the denition of a relation? What constructs allow modication of relation instances? [8+8] 3. (a) Explain in detail about the Outer join Operation. (b) For the following relational database, give the expressions in SQL. [8+8] Sailor schema (sailor id, sailorname, rating, Age) Reserves (sailor id, Boat)id, day) Boat Schema(Boat id, boatname, color) i. ii. iii. iv. nd the name and age of the oldest sailors? Count the No.of sailors? Count the No.of dierent sailors names? Find the names who are older than the oldest sailors with rating of 10? [16]

4. Explain the FD and MVD with examples?

5. (a) Dene the concept of schedule for a set of concurrent transaction. Give a suitable example. [8] (b) Explain read-only, write-only & read-before-write protocols in serialazability. [8] 6. (a) What are the two tables used in crash recovery along with log record. Explain with suitable example. [8] (b) What are the dierent elds of log record. Explain each in brief. [8]

7. Dene the term dangling pointer. Describe how the unique-id scheme helps in detecting dangling pointers in an object-oriented database. [16]
+ + 8. Explain about the B tree and the structure of B tree in detail with an example. [16]

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Code No: V0523/R07

Set No. 4

II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April 2010 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the Transaction management in a database. (b) Discuss the Query Processor of Database system structure. 2. (a) Distinguish between procedural and non-procedural DMLs. (b) Dene relational algebra, Tuple & Domain relational calculus. (c) What are the dierences between the two types of relational calculus? [6+6+4] 3. (a) Dene selection and also explain complex selection. (b) for the following relational database write the expressions in SQL. ight (ight no, from, to, distance, departs arrives, price) Aircraft (Aid, Aircraftname, cruising range) Certied (Emp cd, Aid) Employee (Emp id, Empname, salary) [6+10] [8+8]

i. Find the names of pilot whose salary are individually less than price of the cheapest route from ?Los Angles? to Honolulu ? ii. Print the enames of pilots who can operate planes with cursing range greater than 5000 miles, but r not certied on any boxing aircraft? iii. Find the names of pilots certied for some Boeing aircraft? iv. Find the aids of all aircraft that can be used on routes Los Angles to Chicago? v. Compute the dierence b/n the average salary of a pilot and the average salary of all employees? 4. (a) Explain about 4 Nf? Give one example? (b) Explain about 5 Nf? Give one example? [8+8]

5. (a) Explain how concurrency execution of transactions improves overall system performance. [8] (b) What are the transaction isolation Levels in SQL. [8]

6. (a) What is 2PL Locking protocol? Explain with suitable example? How does it guarantee serialazability? [12] (b) Dierence between Strict 2PL & Rigorous 2PL [4]

7. List the physical storage media available on the computers youu use routinely. Give the speed with which data can be accessed on each mediaum. [16] 1 to of remove 2 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on this watermark.

Code No: V0523/R07 8. (a) Explain about Hash indices with an example.

Set No. 4

(b) Explain the dierences between Static Hashing and Dynamic Hashing. [8+8]

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