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English Study Sheet- 3/16

The pronouns thou and you are closely related. They are used to replace the same noun although
there is a difference. Thou is an informal pronoun such as when Brutus is speaking to a servant
and you is a formal pronoun such as when a servant speaks to their master.
Here is a simple chart explaining things:
You You Your
Thou Thee Thy
If you don’t understand the form of thou beneath the form of you is its mirror like thy = your.

8 Parts of Speech
English Latin Latin Meaning Use
Noun Nomen Name Names person, place
or thing
Pronoun Pro + Nomen For a name Stands for a noun
Adjective Ad + Jectio Adding to Describe a noun
Verb Verbum Word Expresses action or
Adverb Ad + Verbum To a word Describes verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs
Preposition Pre + Postio Putting before Noun or pronoun to
the rest of the
Conjunction Con + Junctio Joining with Joins words or groups
of words
Interjection Inter + Jectio Adding between Expresses feeling with
no grammatical
connection to

Classical vs. Renaissance

Architecture: The Pantheon was part of Classical Roman society and was used because it was
aesthetically pleasing, used little materials and had more room within the structure.
Fillip Brunelleschi created an octagonal dome which had a few advantages. The main
advantage to this new structure was that it didn’t require an arch to support it which even small
domes back then required (another structure using this being the Pantheon). There were also a
few more layers of materials in the structure making it more immune to weathering. Just as a
small point the octagonal dome was stable because a round dome was within the structure.
Poetry: Grave poems are apathetic (have no feeling) down to earth, and direct. Love poems are
ambivalent (unable or uncertain of what course to follow), satirical, simple, and honest. In the
renaissance there were similar tones but Shakespeare added structure to poems. He added in the
form of a sonnet or rhyme scheme, syllable count, number of lines, and basic contradiction at the
end. This was different because classical poetry basically said the same thing throughout the
Plutarch vs. Shakespeare: Plutarch wrote about historical events from a plainly historical
viewpoint. He wrote to tell people about important figures and events. William added in
characters that were not historical figures and included the parts of a story (conflict, exposition,
rising action etc.) because he wanted to entertain people in order to make money. He thought
history was boring in comparison to a story.

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