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Statement of the problem

Ethiopia possesses one of the largest populations of livestock in africa and 10th in the world. how ever the resourse are not fully utilized . Therefore, the leather industry still has room to be developed further optimizing the abundance of the resource. Ethiopia also have a comparative advantage of raw materials and cheap human resource.
According to World Bank group (2006), the domestic market for footwear at present suffers from fierce price competition from synthetic footwear imported from China at much cheaper prices. Though low in durability, these low quality Chinese shoes are considered somewhat stylish and fashionable in design and heel heights and are available for men, women and children in all local shops. China and this has inflicted heavy impacts on the sector, and threatened its competitiveness in the domestic market. Altenburg (2010) indicated, leather and leather products industry is stuck in a low-quality trap in which problems at all levels of the value chain are mutually reinforcing. That is inappropriate techniques at the stages of livestock management, tanning, and transport undermine competitiveness in high-value leather product markets, and low quality of final products translates into low prices and under-investment at all stages of the value chain. Sutton and Kellow (2010) also pointed out that the leather footwear of Ethiopia face strong competition from shoes and other leather products imported from china and elsewhere.

Therefore according to the above studies domestic shoes markets are filled with varios shoes importsand domestic shoes consumers are provided with multiples choice of shoes around the world. As a result, domestic shoes are facing stiff competition from abroad in their home market. However, the consumers preference of shoes is still remained as open that need to be assessed. For this reason, this study conducted to assess the consumers preference either imported or domestic leather shoes. Since understanding of what consumers choices and why they prefer is important for shoes manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, it will lead to more accurate merchandise mix and marketing programs. But, failure to do so may result in disaster for a companys products. In this regard, Kotler et al. (2005) noted that firms which delay taking steps and stay at home to play it safe may not only lose their chances to enter other markets, but also risk of losing their sales to companies from neighboring countries who have invaded their home markets. Thus, it is worthy to study customers choices among shoes of different countries in comparison to domestic ones, identify the factors that affected consumers shoes preference and forward possible recommendations to leather shoes companies.

Generally from the above one can conclude that

The research is designed to Identify the consumers preference on foreign and domestic product. To assess attributes that domestic consumers may use evaluating and differentiating between domestic and foreign products. Identify the factors affected consumer shoe preference and forward possible recommendations to leather shoe.

1.3. Objectives of the study

The main purpose of this study was to identify Factors affecting consumers shoe preference imported versus domestic leather shoes. Specifically, the study had the following objectives. To indicate whether imported or domestic leather shoes had better style on Addis Ketema sub-city shoe market. To evaluate whether imported or domestic leather shoes are perceived as better quality of shoe on Addis Ketema shoe market. To examine imported or domestic leather shoe charged higher price on Addis Ketema sub-city shoe consumers. To measure to what extent the above product attributes influenced local consumers shoes preference. To look if there was a difference among the age groups in their preference.

Strength and weakness of the thesis

When the Table of Contents is contradict with actual page numbers in the manuscript, and section headings not consistently used, This problem is known as a technical problem. Analytical issues consider the boundary of the research. A research should have its own boundary because when we make a research we should consider our time, cost and other factors. A research should not also try to cover many topics which are not connected clearly in terms of theory or analysis. A thesis should contain proper punctuation, spacing, capitalization, and good grammar. Misspellings or mistakes also seriously seen or should be in consideration before official submission of the thesis. According to the above, I don't see exaggerated mistakes. However, for

of data and Data collection tools> in page 27,line 15 said

example from the title called that, <<broth> > to indicate that where he got the source of secondary data from Internet
<<browse> >.

This type of problems considered as language problems. Therefore every words

take in to account or consideration when we write a thesis. Aresearcher used purposive sampling and quota sampling technique was used in order to assign the specified proportion in each age category. Purposive sampling is selected based on the knowledge of a population and the purpose of the study. For example if we want to study about a genius students, we should purposely select genius students. Because they meet a certain characteristic. I don't disagree the sampling technique that the researcher chooses, But I think it is better to use stratified sampling also. The higher the sample size the higher the validity but in this concept 180 sample size is enough because society that give information is taken in same culture and the issue also not knew and complex since everybody buy and wear shoes. To be sufficient and arrive a valid approach mixed type of research is important. To conduct this the researcher used semi-structured questionnaire as primary data, however he can also used interview since we can get relatively reliable and acceptable information with in some amount of data and interviews not restricted in qualitative data it also quantitative data which help mixed d type of
research more.

Generally most of the idea which I raise is from my class learning and as my teacher said questionnaire is not come at the end of the research paper, so I take this as a weakness since he attaches at the end of the paper but before reference and I don't see any limitations of the paper.


Benjamin J. Vail (2009, May 22). Opponents Review of Arrey Grace Enows Masters Thesis. Retrieved December 18,2012, from Google search website.

the researcher used mixed type of research which is used to get relatively more valid and sufficient data. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods sounds like a good idea. Using multiple approaches can capitalise on the strengths of each approach and offset their different weaknesses. It could also provide more comprehensive answers to research questions, going beyond the limitations of a single approach.according to the selected title the researcher is appropriate in the researh design because In a mixed method study you might conduct a series ofsemi-questionnaire and intrview. Both primary and secondary data is collected through semi-structured questionnaires, which

contained a mixture of closed ended and open-ended questions and internet browse and books respectively. How ever if he used semi-structured interviews the data he got relatively better since semistructured interviews with a small number of respondents and also carry out a large-scale survey.

purposive sampling used and a quota sampling technique was used in order to assign the specified proportion in each age category; teen, young and adult of shoes consumers. The goal of purposive sampling is not randomly select units from population rather to focus aparticular characterstics of population that are of interest. The sample being studied is not representative of the population,but for researcher pursuing qualitative and mixed methods research designs, this is not considered to be aweakness,rather it is achoice. reaearcher bias has been created based on the judgement of the researcher and difficult to convince the reader that the judgement used to select units to select appropriate. it can also difficult to convince the reader that are using purposive sampling achieved theoretical,analytical,logical generalizations. the selected research may not fully appropriate for the title, Even if i didnot strongly disagree he also used is stratified sampling because to equal participte of the respondents.
The study population for this research was leather shoe consumers in Addis Ketema sub-city shoe market. Among these available consumers at the shoe market the researcher purposefully selected 180 leather shoe consumer respondents. Since these consumers consists of diverse set of age groups (different stages in their live), the respondents were divided into three age groups as, 10-19 adolescence, 20-29 young and 30 and above as adult. In doing so, sixty respondents were chosen from each age group as a sample size. The sample size selected is appropriate because the researcher used purposive sampling usually the sample being investigated is quite small.

Data analysis To accomplish the task of data analysis for qualitative, the researcher was organized and prepared the data for analysis, assign codes based on topic or themes, used the coding process to generate the description of the theme for the analysis. Whereas, quantitative date organized, processed and interpreted by using tables, the total, mean, frequency and percentage, pie chart and column charts were used to better understand and interpret the data gathered through the questionnaires. In doing so, statistical package for social science software (SPSS) and micro soft excel software were used to generate the data output. The quality of the data should be checked as early as possible. Data quality can be assessed in several ways, using different types of analyses: frequency counts, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, median), normality (skewness, kurtosis, frequency histograms, normal probability plots), associations (correlations, scatter plots).

Interrelation of findings with research Questions, conclusions with findings,recommendations with conclusion

The collected data results discussed and analyzed and the questionnaires initiated with demographic data and introduction to the consumption of the leather shoes. Hence, the rest of questions were designed as follows. Questions 7 and 8 encompass consumers preference and different factors affecting consumers preference. Questions 9-13 cover respondents answers on the style. Specifically, they more focused on fashionability, range of variety of both imported and domestic shoes and the influence of style on respondents shoes choice. Questions 14-18 associated with quality of shoes. Particularly, they evaluated durability, comfortability of both imported and domestic shoe and the influence of quality on respondents shoe choice. Questions 19-21 encompass price of shoes both domestic and imported shoes and the influence of price on shoe choice. When i see the data analisys according to research problem, The research problem is about the factors affect the consumer preference,the style,quality and price of the product on which and how affect consumer preference and the data is put in the form of table,graph and chart.

The conclusion is drawn from the findings which talk about. Based on the analysis conducted in this study the following important conclusions are drawn below. This study found that the majority of respondents favored imported shoe. As a result, imported leather shoe dominated the consumers choice in Addis Ketema sub-city. In addition, it was found that majority of consumers purchased shoes once per year. The study findings indicated that among other factors quality, style and price, were a reasons for the majority of respondents shoe choice. Thus, product quality, style and price were considerably important basis for the consumers choice of leathe r shoes in Addis Ketema subcity shoe market .
For any business operation to be successful, the products acceptance by consumers is a key issue that must not be neglected as in competitive and dynamic environment. These days, in seeking, to choice among different products to satisfy their need and want, consumers see each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities of delivering the benefits to satisfy this need and want. Even though, the attributes of significance to buyers vary by product, style, quality and price are attributes sought in a shoe. In addition, consumers varied by demographic factor; age as to which product attributes they see as most relevant and the importance they attach to each attribute. Generally the findings according to the research problem where as conclusions are drawn from the findings and recommendations given based on conclusion.

lessons i have learned

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