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Test Review

Tuesday, October 02, 2012 2:33 PM

Difference between Sensation and Perception o Sensation: How the sense organs respond to the stimulation and environment Receive the stimulus, is transduced into neural impulses o Perception: How your brain selects, organizes, and interprets the information To perceive a stimulus, it must reach o Absolute threshold Subliminal stimulation o Not actually aware of the stimulus o Weak stimulus o Very little effect on behavior Sensory adaptation o When you "get used to a stimulus" 2 problems with vision o Myopia Nearsightedness Focuses in front of the retina o Hyperopia Farsightedness Focuses beyond the retina Rods vs. Cones o Rods Black and white o Cones Color Trichromatic o Seeing all the colors Dichromatic o More limited vision of color Monochromatic o Black and white Dual processing theory o F Frequency o Pitch of sound Amplitude o Volume (loudness) Sound localization o Being able to pinpoint a sound o Reaches one ear before the other o Louder in one ear than the other Taste qualities o Salty, sweet, bitter, and sour Pheromones

o Chemical messages (scent messages) Tactical sensation o Somatosensory Pressure, temperature, pain Pain o Let's us know when our bodies are in trouble Inattentional blindness o So focused on one thing, that you don't recognize others Gestalt laws o Whole is greater than the individual parts o Your mind wants to organize things Continuity Proximity Simplicity Closure Perceptual set o Can lead to an error in judgment because of expectations o "see" two stimuli that are similar and lump them together Constancies o Color, shape, and size o Despite changes, you still know what is real because of perceptual constancies Depth perception o Viewing with both eyes Binocular o Viewing with one eye Monocular Processing streams o Bottom-up Get a stimulation, then have to put meaning to it o Top-down Start with something you know, and then try to make sense of something else Who started the study of Learning o Pavlov Found classical conditioning One-trial learning o Often with pain o Only takes one time to learn it Best order of classical conditioning o UCS gets UR o Then, through paired association, CS gets CR Easiest way to condition subject is o Present CS, then UCS Extinction o Do not present UCS and the subject loses the CR Difference between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus o UCS gets a natural response o CS must be learned to get a response

Stimulus generalization o When they respond to many similar stimuli o Want stimulus discrimination Little Albert o Were trying to see if a child could get a conditioned emotional response Difference between classical and operant conditioning o Classical conditioning Stimulus followed by response o Operant conditioning Behavior followed by stimulus (reinforcement) Law of effect o Behavior is controlled by its consequences Purpose of punishment o Stop/diminish the behavior Shaping o Start with a behavior and reinforce as it gets closer and closer to the desired goal In terms of operant conditioning, where you try to get away from a stimulus o Escape learning Instinctive drift o When you try to condition an animal against an innate behavior Cognitive-social learning model o What role does expectancy play What the subject believes about the consequences of behavior renders What is a way that children learn but don't get instruction o Observation learning Modeling o Showing a child how to do something, and they follow it In terms of punishment o If the punishment is done without reason, they may fight/flight or become aggressive When you have control of the environment, and the person must earn certain things o Token economy Dominant sense o Vision o You validate the other senses with vision How do your perceptions develop o You have to learn them o Learn them from the environment, observing the world around you The purpose of the perceptual constancies o So that you don't have to relearn something every time you see something Make sure you have examples of operant and classical conditioning

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