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Our bodies rely on different energy-producing pathways, muscle fibers and fuel sources for performing strength and

endurance exercises. No one exercise is perfect for increasing both endurance and strength. Many forms of training have beneficial crossover effects for both Taking a targeted, progressive approach to exercise can lead to quick increases in strength and endurance. Muscular strength Muscular strength is the ability to exert maximum, short duration force against resistance. Strength training utilizes the anaerobic metabolic pathways, typically recruiting the Type II, or fast-twitch, muscle fibers. Type II fibers are further categorized into II-A and II-B variations. Type II-A fibers have moderate resistance to fatigue, high mitochondria and medium capillary density. They utilize high creatine and glycogen fuel, with medium triglyceride (fat) stores. Type II-B fibers specialize in short, high force, power activities with low mitochondria, high creatine and glycogen, and low triglycerides. Muscular strength is measured by the 1RM or one-rep-max. Sponsored Links. Exercises for Muscular Strength Dumbbells, barbells, strength bands, weight machines and cables can all be used as resistance to increase strength. Compound, multi-joint movements with free weights are most effective for increasing strength. Muscle fiber recruitment typically works from smallest to largest, the largest being those responsible for power. The Big Three: the squat, deadlift and bench press, are commonly used to improve strength. Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman of Iron Man Magazine recommend using the "Ultimate Exercise" for each muscle group. Performing these strengthcomponent exercises in a repetition range from 3 to 6 reps per set is very effective for increasing muscular strength. Muscular Endurance Defined as the ability to exert sub-maximal effort repeatedly over time, muscular endurance is very different from muscular strength. Endurance exercises use the aerobic capacity of muscles to produce energy via the Krebs Cycle. Long bouts of exercise utilize Type I slow-twitch muscle fibers. Contrary to fast-twitch fibers, they have high resistance to fatigue and possess high mitochondria and capillary density. The low creatine and glycogen content means more triglycerides for efficient energy production. Endurance fibers allow muscles to sustain contraction for long periods of time. Muscular endurance is often measured with a sit-up test or by using 80 percent of 1RM until muscular failure on any given exercise. Exercises for Muscular Endurance Endurance exercises can increase the cellular mitochondria and capillary density of muscle fibers. Typical endurance exercises include aerobic activities like running, jogging, swimming, cycling, triathlons and decathlons. Body weight exercises are useful because they use both strength and endurance. The U.S. military has long used such exercises as running, pull ups, situps and body squats to increase strength and endurance quickly. Circuit training involves repeated circuits of several different exercises, with very little rest, and is another way of training for endurance. Benefits of Increasing Strength and Endurance There are many benefits to incorporating both strength and endurance training into your regimen. Both forms of exercise decrease the risk of injury by helping to build stronger ligaments and tendons. Bone density also improves with both endurance and strength training, helping to prevent osteoporosis. Regular exercise has been shown to lower blood pressure, raise good cholesterol levels and increase resting metabolic rate. In fact, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn every single day. The more calories you burn, the more food you can enjoy. Not to mention the benefits to your mind from the increase in feel-good endorphins, which are produced during strength and endurance exercise

Badan kita bergantung kepada laluan tenaga untuk melaksanakan latihan kekuatan dan ketahanan. Tiada senaman satu adalah sempurna untuk meningkatkan kedua-dua ketahanan dan kekuatan. Pelbagai bentuk latihan mempunyai kesan crossover bermanfaat untuk kedua-dua ,pendekatan progresif untuk bersenam boleh membawa kepada peningkatan yang cepat dalam kekuatan dan ketahanan. Kekuatan otot Kekuatan otot adalah mampu untuk mengenakan tahap maksimum, tempoh kuasa pendek terhadap rintangan. Latihan kekuatan menggunakan laluan metabolik anaerobik, biasanya merekrut Jenis II, atau cepat-menggerenyet, gentian otot. Jenis II serat lagi dikategorikan ke II-A dan II B variasi. Jenis II-A serat mempunyai rintangan sederhana kepada keletihan, kepadatan tinggi kapilari mitokondria dan sederhana. Mereka menggunakan creatine tinggi dan bahan bakar glikogen, dengan kedai trigliserida (lemak) sederhana. Jenis II-B gentian pakar dalam pasukan pendek, tinggi, aktiviti kuasa dengan creatine mitokondria rendah, tinggi dan glikogen, dan trigliserida yang rendah. Kekuatan otot diukur oleh 1RM atau satu wakil-max. Link Sponsor. Latihan untuk Kekuatan otot Dumbbells, barbells, band kekuatan, mesin berat dan kabel semua boleh digunakan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan. Majmuk, pelbagai sendi pergerakan dengan berat percuma yang paling berkesan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan. Otot pengambilan serat biasanya bekerja dari kecik hingga besar, yang terbesar yang mereka yang bertanggungjawab untuk kuasa. Deadlift dan bangku, biasanya digunakan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan. Jonathan Lawson dan Steve Holman Majalah Iron Man mengesyorkan menggunakan "Senaman Terbaik" untuk setiap kumpulan otot. Persembahan senaman ini kekuatan-komponen dalam pelbagai pengulangan 3-6 wakil setiap set adalah sangat berkesan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot. Endurance otot Ditakrifkan sebagai keupayaan untuk mengenakan sub-maksima usaha berulang kali sepanjang masa, ketahanan otot adalah sangat berbeza daripada kekuatan otot. Latihan Endurance menggunakan kapasiti aerobik otot untuk menghasilkan tenaga melalui Kitaran Krebs. Serangan Long senaman menggunakan Taipkan gentian otot saya perlahanmenggerenyet. , mereka mempunyai rintangan yang tinggi kepada keletihan dan mempunyai kepadatan tinggi mitokondria dan kapilari. Creatine rendah dan kandungan glikogen bermakna lebih untuk pengeluaran tenaga yang cekap. Endurance gentian membolehkan otot untuk mengekalkan penguncupan untuk jangka masa yang lama. Ketahanan otot sering diukur dengan ujian duduk-up .Endurance latihan boleh meningkatkan kepadatan selular mitokondria dan kapilari gentian otot. Tipikal latihan ketahanan termasuk aktiviti aerobik seperti berjalan, berjoging, berenang, berbasikal, triatlon dan decathlons. Latihan berat badan adalah berguna kerana mereka menggunakan kedua-dua kekuatan dan ketahanan. Tentera AS telah lama digunakan senaman seperti berlari, tarik up, situps dan squats badan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan ketahanan dengan cepat. Latihan litar melibatkan berulang litar latihan beberapa cara yang berbeza, dengan rehat yang sangat sedikit, dan adalah satu lagi cara latihan untuk ketahanan.Terdapat banyak manfaat untuk menggabungkan kedua-dua kekuatan dan latihan ketahanan ke dalam regimen anda. Kedua-dua bentuk senaman mengurangkan risiko kecederaan dengan membantu untuk membina kuat ligamen dan tendon. Kepadatan tulang juga memperbaiki dengan daya ketahanan dan kekuatan latihan, membantu untuk mencegah osteoporosis. Senaman telah ditunjukkan kepada tekanan darah rendah, meningkatkan tahap kolesterol baik dan meningkatkan kadar metabolik berehat. Malah, otot lebih anda mempunyai, kalori yang lebih anda akan membakar setiap hari tunggal. Kalori yang lebih anda bakar, makanan yang lebih anda boleh menikmati.Peningkatan dalam endorfin rasa-baik, yang dihasilkan semasa kekuatan dan senaman ketahanan.

Our body depends on energy to perform password strength and endurance training. No one is perfect exercise to improve both endurance and strength. Various forms of training have beneficial crossover effects for both, progressive approach to exercise can lead to a rapid increase in strength and durability. Muscle strength Muscle strength is able to exert its maximum, short-term power of resistance. Strength training using anaerobic metabolic pathway, typically recruit type II, or fast-twitch, muscle fibers. Type II fibers further categorized into II-A and II B variants. Type II-A fibers have moderate resistance to fatigue, high density and medium capillary mitochondria. They use high creatine and glycogen fuel, with stores of triglycerides (fats) medium. Type II-B team specializes in short-fiber, high mitochondrial creatine activity with low power, high and glycogen, and lower triglycerides. Muscle strength measured by 1RM or one rep-max. Sponsored Links. Training for Muscular Strength Dumbbells, barbells, bands strength, weight and cable machines can all be used to increase the strength. Compound, multi-joint movements with free weights the most effective way to increase strength. Muscle fiber intake usually work from smallest to largest, the largest being those responsible for power. Deadlift and bench, normally used to increase the strength. Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman Iron Man Magazine recommends using "Best Exercises" for each muscle group. Performing these exercises in a variety of strength-component repetition 3-6 reps per set is very effective for increasing muscle strength. Muscle Endurance Defined as the ability to impose a sub-maximum effort all the time repeatedly, muscular endurance is very different from muscle strength. Endurance training using aerobic capacity of muscles to generate energy through the Krebs cycle. Long attack exercise using Type I muscle fiber slow-twitch. , They have a high resistance to fatigue and has a high density of mitochondria and capillaries. Low creatine and glycogen content means more to efficient energy production. Endurance fibers allow muscles to maintain contraction for a long time. Muscular endurance is often measured by sit-up test. Endurance training can increase cellular mitochondrial and capillary density of the muscle fibers. Typical endurance training includes aerobic activity such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, triathlon and decathlons. Weight training is helpful because they use both strength and durability. The U.S. military has long been used exercises such as running, pull ups, situps and squats body to increase strength and endurance quickly. Circuit training Circuit training involves repeated several different ways, with very little rest, and is another way of training for ketahanan.Terdapat many benefits to combining both strength and endurance training into your regimen. Both forms of exercise reduce the risk of injury by helping to build strong ligaments and tendons. Bone density also improves with endurance and strength training, helping to prevent osteoporosis. Exercise has been shown to lower blood pressure, increase good cholesterol levels and increase the resting metabolic rate. In fact, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn every single day. The more calories you burn, the more food you can menikmati.Peningkatan in feel-good endorphins, which are produced during strength and endurance exercises.

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