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HOMEWORK: What do I have to say about it?

As a preschool educator, I believe that anything that we let the children experience should send the right message to them. However, most people thought that homework is given to complete the books. This is totally wrong .In any preschool level, most children do not really understand what homework is. They just see them as something that they wanted to show mummy and daddy what they did in school with friends and teachers. As adult (teachers and parents) are the responsible person who shape their mind on how do they see homework. Well, this definitely not applicable at higher level of learning. But it is all started from this age. I would say that homework should be given based on this certain criteria. The first criteria about a class work which is not completed. In any preschool setting, there are routines that children and teachers need to follow. Therefore, there are times when teacher need to have other activities than a normal academic activities. In this case, teacher will normally give homework for children to complete at home as half or some of them already completed in class. Secondly, children are not the same. Each of them has different level of understanding. Therefore, there are some children especially new and never attend any learning session before might need extra help at home. This is to ensure that he will be able to follow the lessons and adjust with the rest of the children in the class. However, this is only being done with the parents knowledge as personal coaching and guidance might be needed at home.

HOMEWORK: What do I have to say about it?

Beside that, building relation of child-parent, relation of home-school and building self-esteem from this issue. Most children are excited to share and show to parents and family things from school and vice versa. The time which they spend together with parents and family members during this session will create a better family bonding. However, parents need to be very patient. Sometime, they just act as if they never learnt anything at school and asking your help just to grab your full attention. This is the best point of check and balance. As human, teachers make mistakes too. Parents can always be alert and school should be open to receive any constructive comments for improvement. Most children will be happy to come to school to show their completed work and share them with teachers and friends. I would say that homework should be given for the reality of our education system. The reality of our education system is such that our children must be able to read and write in bahasa and English as entering standard one. They must master mathematic too. At least, with such exposure, they are ready to face the reality of homework as they go to the next level of education. All in all, some parents would said like this, what if my child can not complete the homework?. Most parents end up writing, coloring and completing the work for their children. Personally, I always advice that parents meet up with the teacher and explain their situation. See what do they suggest and how parents and teachers can work together. Again, our main concerns are the children. Let explore and unleash the childrens potential and grow them together, to help them be what they meant to be.

HOMEWORK: What do I have to say about it?

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