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5 No contents Poqe No
1. lottoJoctloo nlstoty 2
2. koll1op compooeots 3
3. 5ttoctote ot ueslqo of koll1op
4. 5tyle ueslqo of koll1op
5 wbot kolltop coo Jo? 7
. wbot kolltop coot Jo? 7
7 wbot ls Olu? 8
8 Olu vs lcu ulsploy Mooltot 9
9 lotote of Olu 1ecbooloqy 11
10 8eoeflts of kolltop 13
11 utowbocks of kolltop 14
12. cooclosloo 1
13. kefeteoces 1


LapLops are conLlnuously changlng lrom Lhe compelllng componenLs varlous appllcaLlons and
Lhlnner deslgns Lo Lhe memory sLorage Wlll capablllLles and Lelevlslon vlewlng Lhe come a
long way from Lhe flrsL bulky home compuLers and evolved lnLo a fashlonable
LrendAdvancemenLs ln Lechnology have led Lo more preclse Louch screens longer range of
wlreless connecLlons more compacL devlces capable of sLreamlng vldeo audlo whlle
provldlng drlvlng dlrecLlons Lo any locaLlon wlLhln slmulLaneously

Cerman deslgner LvgenyCrkln Lhlnks he has found Lhe answer wlLh hls 8oll Lop concepL 1he
maln goal was Lo comblne Lhe lapLop monlLor and graphlc LableL lnLo one gadgeL and avold
addlLlonal accessorles he explalns Pe conLlnued Lo say LhaL consumers have Lhe opLlon Lo buy
a compuLer and a graphlc LableL wlLh a Louch screen separaLely buL Lhey are noL able Lo use
Lhem as one lapLop

8oll Lop ls a porLable compuLer developmenL concepL for deslgner archlLecL and everyone who
would llke Lo have a gadgeL whlch from an aesLheLlc sLandpolnL alone cerLalnly hlLs Lhe mark
8y vlrLue of Lhe CLLuulsplay Lechnology and a mulLl Louch screen Lhe uLlllLy of a lapLop
compuLer wlLh lLs welghL of a mlnlnoLebook and screen slze of 13 lnch easlly Lransforms lnLo
Lhe graphlcs LableL whlch wlLh lLs 17lnch flaL screen can be also used as a prlmary monlLor due
Lo Lhe supporL aLLached Lo Lhe back of Lhe screen8oll Lop 20 ls a furLher developmenL of 8oll
Lop wlLh some vlslble and mosLly lnvlslble lmprovemenLs (eg lnLernal deslgn placemenL of
cerLaln componenLs eLc)
Cerman deslgner Lvgeny Crkln Lhlnks he has found Lhe answer wlLh hls 8oll Lop concepL 1he
maln goal was Lo comblne Lhe lapLop monlLor and graphlc LableL lnLo one gadgeL and avold
addlLlonal accessorles he explalns Pe conLlnued Lo say LhaL consumers have Lhe opLlon Lo buy
a compuLer and a graphlc LableL wlLh a Louch screen separaLely buL Lhey are noL able Lo use
Lhem as one lapLop

C8kln says
1he maln problem ls LhaL Lhe lapLop has Lwo levels Lhe level you can wrlLe on and Lhe
level you look aL WlLh Lwo separaLe planes Lhe enLlre screen cannoL be uLlllzed because Lhe
fold wlll hlnder you Crkln says
AnoLher problem wlLh modern day lapLops ls Lhe many accessorles and gadgeLs LhaL
accompany Lhem Lven wlLh Lhe smaller deslgns blg bags are requlred Lo carry everyLhlng
around whlch can cause lnconvenlence and dlscomforL


ko||1op Components
MosL of Lhe componenLs for Lhe 8ollLop already exlsL wlLhln Lhe modern day deslgns such as
Lhe maln board processor memory (flash) worklng memory eLc
1he 8ollLop does noL have a Cu/uvu reader or lloppy dlsc because Lhey're obsoleLe CLher
componenLs such as Lhe loudspeaker lnLerneL web cam uS8 porLs and power supply are
based ln Lhe cyllnder ln whlch Lhe screen would roll around" says Crkln Such a deslgn would be
perfecL for sLudenLs walklng around campus grounds buslness professlonal LhaL Lravel regularly
and home consumers who [usL llke Lo keep Lhemselves enLerLalned when walLlng Lo meeL
frlends or relaxlng ln a coffee shop or aL home

1he devlce ls composed of Lwo parLs 1he flexlble CLLu dlsplay and a Lower on whlch Lhe
dlsplay ls wrapped around 1he Lower conLalns Lhe power adapLer speaker webcam and Lhe
uS8 lnLerface

8r|ng|ng ko||top 1o Market
1he 8ollLop's success hlnges on Lhe uLlllzaLlon of CLLu 1echnology or organlc llghL emlLLlng
dlode 1hls Lechnology would be Lhe maln componenL of Lhe lapLop's monlLor lL ls Lough
flexlble and energy savlng All Lhese quallLles are very lmporLanL Lo me explalns Crkln
llexlble Lo roll lL Lough Lo draw on lL and energy savlng Lo have a smaller baLLery Lhan whaL ls
already belng lmplemenLed" lor Crkln Lo develop and produce hls 8ollLop deslgn he needs Lhe
capaclLy of a blg company such as anasonlc Samsung and uell Pe has had a loL of lnqulrles
and belleves lL can be a huge success once lL sLarLs rolllng


1he fuLure compuLer should come ln Lhe form of Lhe proposed Crkln ueslgn's rollLop a
concepLual compuLer LhaL would have a screen roll able lnLo blgger slze or [usL llke LradlLlonal
newspaper whlch you could roll lL up when noL ln use1he concepL of Lhe 8ollLop may seem a
blL fuLurlsLlc Lo some buL as Crkln explalns Lhe Lechnology ls avallable and belng produced so
a concepL llke Lhls ls nelLher lmposslble nor lmprobable
1he rollLop would come wlLh a flexlble CLLu Louch screen dlsplay Cnce lL's fully rolled ouL lL'd
serve as a 13lnch lapLop/LableL or a 17lnch dedlcaLed compuLer dlsplay 1he devlce would
also come wlLh a deLachable hub wlLh power adapLer a sLylus and a couple of uS8 porLs 1hls
concepLual devlce shouldn'L be Loo far from reallsLlc as CLLu Lechnology ls geLLlng maLured
maklng one of Lhese flexlble screens would noL be Loo dlfflculL ln Lhe near fuLureAL Lhls year's
CLA1LC !AAn 2009 Lhe name derlved from Comblned LxhlblLlon of Advanced 1echnologles
held ln !apan CcLober 6 2009 uenmarkbased Crkln ueslgn and !apan's Sony llLerally rolledouL
lLs mulLlLouch lapLop 1hese lapLops keep geLLlng Lhlnner and llghLer buL as !eremy Psu
commenLed on hls posLlng Lo popsclcom some concepL lapLops Lake porLable Lo a new level

Crkln ueslgns 8ollLop conslsLs of an CLLu dlsplay LhaL can sLarL as a rolledup maL and deploy
as a mulLlLouch 17lnch lapLop My beasLly P lapLop [usL shed a Lear of envy' 1he Crkln lapLop
can also Lransform lnLo a LableL C operable wlLh a sLylus or become a sLandup flaL screen
dlsplay A power adapLer and oLher feaLures flL wlLh Lhe carrylng canlsLer LhaL comes wlLh a
convenlenL holdlng sLrap Whlle Lhere really lsn'L anyLhlng unlque from a Lechnology
perspecLlve (lL does however feaLure fabulous packaglng) l was remlnded and would Lhlnk LhaL
lL ls only made posslble and consLrucLed wlLh Lhe broad range of rare meLals rare earLh
magneLs ln Lhe volce colls lndlumLlnoxlde ln Lhe CLLu screens LanLalum ln Lhe capaclLors
llLhlum ln Lhe baLLerles berylllum ln Lhe connecLors and wlres (especlally ln Lhls model) eLc


1he evoluLlon of mosL gadgeLs ls lnsplred by Lhe words convenlenL and handy 1he compuLer
sLarLed ouL belng as blg as room wlLh large pneumaLlc reels or punchcards for daLa 1hen came
Lhe bulky personal compuLers whlch were booLable wlLh floppy dlsk sofLware WhaL came nexL
was Lhe CS LhaL made booLlng obsoleLe and from Lhe 1 floppy came Lhe 3 verslons whlch
sLlll came wlLh bulky Cu's and screens 8oLh Lhe Cu's and screens goL sleeker and more
funcLlonal wlLh Lhe dawn of Lhe lnLerneL where daLa can be sLored ln Lhe blgger memory and
hlgher hard drlve 1hen came Lhe lap Lops whlch wenL Lhrough changes ln wldLh slze memory
capaclLy and feaLures lor Lhe pasL 2 years we have Lhe new generaLlon noLebook whlch ls Lhe
slze of a medlumslzed noLebook makes lL Lhe mosL porLable one ln Lhe markeL

!usL Loday Lhough whlle looklng for anoLher web flnd and Lrend Lo wrlLe abouL l see Lhe CLLu
Lechnology belng used as a speclflcaLlon for Lhe 8oll 1op foldable lapLop Ch sure Lhe lapLop"
ls blgger Lhan a noLebook 8uL when we Lalk 'porLable' Lhe 8oll 1op (ln proLoLype) wlll be Lhe
only roll able and luggable lapLop
lmaglne a lapLop so porLable you could roll lL up llke a yoga maL and carry lL Lucked under your
arm wlLh an aLLached sLrap now you don'L have Lo lmaglne Lhls ls Lhe concepL behlnd Lhe 8oll
Lop lapLop from Crkln ueslgn

1he 8ollLop lapLop lncorporaLes energyefflclenL flexlble CLLu Lechnology and a mulLlLouch
screen As you unroll lL you geL a lapLop wlLh a 13lnch screen llaLLened ouL lL becomes a
graphlcs LableL for use wlLh Lhe enclosed sLylus pen Cn Lhe back Lhe 8ollLop lapLop ls a sLand
LhaL can be pulled ouL lnLo a 17lnch dlsplay for vlewlng vldeos A webcam loudspeaker and
power/daLa supply are lncluded ln Lhe core cyllnder

lmaglne lf you could roll up your lapLop llke a newspaper and open lL when requlred and whaL
lf you could Lurn your lapLop lnLo a prlmary monlLor lf you wanLed Lo play some awesome vldeo
games We'll all Lhese are posslble wlLh Lhe cool new concepLual 8CLL 1C LapLop concepL
whlch ls belng LouLed as a luLure ueslgner LapLop Crkln ueslgn has unvelled Lhls cool new
concepL wlLh Lhe supporL of Schlagheckueslgn and Lhe devlce comes wlLh a flexlble dlsplay
whlch can be rolled and carrled wherever you wanL 1hls goes beyond Lhe LradlLlonal book llke
lapLops whlch are cumbersome Lo say Lhe leasL
1hanks Lo lLs CLLuulsplay Lechnology and a mulLl Louch screen lL can be used a lapLop whlle lL
welghs as much as mlnl noLebook lL comes wlLh a 13 lnch screen whlle belng used a lapLop and
when belng used as a monlLor you could geL a cool 17 lnches screen ower supply mulLlmedla
lnLegraLed pen and even a holdlng belL are lnLegraLed ln Lhe 8CLL1C and lL cerLalnly ls an all
lnone gadgeL



WlLh a focus on sLyle llghLness and moblllLy Lhe proLoLype abuses of new Lechnologles ln Lhe
fleld of flexlble dlsplays Accordlng Lo Lhe company developlng Lhe pro[ecL 8ollLop wlll have a
mulLl Louch screen CLLu flexlble 17lnch lf Lhe user uses lL as a LableL or 13 lnches lf you use a
noLebook as common"

ln Lhls plcLure you can see LhaL Lhe screen ls sLuck ln a bar and lL ls responslble for sLorlng all Lhe
hardware LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon requlres 8ecause only one screen apparenLly Lhe Pu baLLery
plaLes and connecLlons were LransporLed Lo Lhe bar so Lhe screen can sLay Lhln and llghL
unllke Lhe proLoLype from lu[lLsu Lhe compuLer of Llssue whlch would allow Lhe user only
perform baslc Lasks no uvus hard dlsk and webcamLhe 8ollLop lncludes Lools LhaL leL more
compleLe Cn Lhe hardware Lhe user can counL on a webcam speakers Lhree uS8 porLs and
energy suppller

1he base ls Lhe plug able power source whlch has Lhe loud speakers webcam uS8 porLs and
power buLLon 1he 17r screen ls an CLLu and ls rolled off Lhe base and hldden ln lLs back panels
ls Lhe sLylus pen prop sLrlp and Lhe seal LhaL locks Lhe screen lnLo place

WhaL l do llke abouL Lhls producL would be Lhe screen lLself whlch has an CLLu (organlc llghL
emlLLlng dlode) dlsplay LhaL lncludes Lhe keyboard 1here are no pleces or even lC's Lo proLecL
and Lhe screen ls a shlny glassy surface whlch ls perfecL for lLs Louch screen Lechnology 1hls
producL ls noL only convenlenL and handy lL ls also versaLlle 1he screen lLself can be converLed
lnLo a 13r LableL for sLylus alded edlLlng and navlgaLlon


What ko||top can't do?
MosL of Lhe componenLs for Lhe 8ollLop already exlsL wlLhln Lhe modern day deslgns
such as Lhe maln board processor memory (flash) worklng memory eLc
1he 8ollLop does noL have a Cu/uvu reader or lloppy dlsc because Lhey're
obsoleLe CLher componenLs such as Lhe loudspeaker lnLerneL web cam uS8 porLs and
power supply are based ln Lhe cyllnder ln whlch Lhe screen would roll around" says Crkln Such a
deslgn would be perfecL for sLudenLs walklng around campus grounds buslness professlonal
LhaL Lravel regularly and home consumers who [usL llke Lo keep Lhemselves enLerLalned when
walLlng Lo meeL frlends or relaxlng ln a coffee shop or aL home

What ko||top can do?
1he devlce ls composed of Lwo parLs 1he flexlble CLLu dlsplay and a Lower on whlch Lhe
dlsplay ls wrapped around 1he Lower conLalns Lhe power adapLer speaker webcam and Lhe
uS8 lnLerface
1he fuLure compuLer should come ln Lhe form of Lhe proposed Crkln ueslgn's roll
Lop a concepLual compuLer LhaL would have a screen roll able lnLo blgger slze or [usL llke
LradlLlonal newspaper whlch you could roll lL up when noL ln use
1he concepL of Lhe 8ollLop may seem a blL fuLurlsLlc Lo some buL as Crkln explalns
Lhe Lechnology ls avallable and belng produced so a concepL llke Lhls ls nelLher lmposslble nor

1he rollLop would come wlLh a flexlble CLLu Louch screen dlsplay Cnce lL's
fully rolled ouL lL'd serve as a 13lnch lapLop/LableL or a 17lnch dedlcaLed compuLer dlsplay
1he devlce would also come wlLh a deLachable hub wlLh power adapLer a sLylus and a couple
of uS8 porLs 1hls concepLual devlce shouldn'L be Loo far from reallsLlc as CLLu Lechnology ls
geLLlng maLured maklng one of Lhese flexlble screens would noL be Loo dlfflculL ln Lhe near

What |s CLLD?
CLLu sLands for Crganlc LlghL LmlLLlng ulode 1he organlc ln CLLu refers Lo
organlc maLerlal Carbon ls Lhe basls of all organlc maLLer Lxamples of carbonbased
subsLances lnclude sugar wood and Lhe ma[orlLy of plasLlcs 1he LLu sLands for LlghL
LmlLLlng ulode and descrlbes Lhe process of converLlng elecLrlc energy lnLo llghL 1here are
Lwo Lypes of CLLus small molecule CLLu and polymer CLLu Sony uses Lhe small molecule Lype
because lL has a longer llfespan

Whats so great about CLLD?
8lazlng fasL response Llmes wlde vlewlng angles excepLlonal color reproducLlon ouLsLandlng
ConLrasL levels and hlgh 8rlghLness 1he naLure of lLs Lechnology lends lLself Lo exLremely Lhln
and llghLwelghL deslgns along wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo use lL ln a varleLy of dlfferenL appllcaLlons
CLLu ls Lhe holy grall of 1v ulsplay Lechnologles!
now does CLLD work?
A Layer of organlc maLerlal ls sandwlched beLween Lwo conducLors (an anode and a caLhode)
whlch ln Lurn are sandwlched beLween a glass Lop plaLe (seal) and a glass boLLom plaLe
(subsLraLe) When elecLrlc CurrenL ls applled Lo Lhe Lwo conducLors a brlghL elecLro
lumlnescenL llghL ls produced dlrecLly from Lhe organlc maLerlal
now |s co|or created?
CLLu has more conLrol over color expresslon because lL only expresses pure colors when an
elecLrlc CurrenL sLlmulaLes Lhe relevanL lxels 1he CLLu prlmary color maLrlx ls arranged ln red
green and blue lxels whlch are mounLed dlrecLly Lo a prlnLed clrculL board Lach lndlvldual
CLLu elemenL ls housed ln a speclal mlcrocavlLy sLrucLure deslgned Lo greaLly reduce
amblenL llghL lnLerference LhaL also works Lo lmprove overall color ConLrasL

CLLD v]s LCD D|sp|ay Mon|tor
1hey are very dlfferenL Lechnologles 1he Lechnologlcal dlfferences beLween CLLu and LCu 1vs
belng more Lhan Lhose beLween CLLu and plasma 1vs llrsL of all CLLu dlsplays produce llghL
whlle LCu 1vs block llghL 1hls fundamenLal dlfference deLermlnes many of Lhe characLerlsLlcs
and performances of Lhe Lwo Lypes of dlsplays LCu doesn'L offer Lhe besL plcLure quallLy belng
ouLrun by a mlle by plasma 1v lL does offer however more flexlblllLy ln how you can use lL and
lL ls avallable ln small slzes Loo CLLu ls already offerlng superb plcLure quallLy much beLLer
Lhan Lhe one seen ln an LCu and aL Lhe same Llme lL offers Lhe flexlblllLy of an LCu ln a way lL
seems Lo Lake Lhe advanLages from boLh plasma and LCu whlle Lrylng Lo ellmlnaLe Lhelr

LCu's as well as plasma 1vs have a llfespan of around 60000 hours AL Lhls polnL CLLu 1vs are
way behlnd offerlng a much shorLer llfe of only a few Lhousand hours 1he organlc compounds
used ln CLLu dlsplays are Lo blame for Lhls shorL llfe Conslderlng LhaL aL Lhe beglnnlng Lhelr
llfespan was [usL a few seconds and LhaL sclenLlsLs are conLlnuously worklng Lo lmprove lL we
can expecL LhaL ln Lhe fuLure Lhe CLLu 1v llfespan wlll be [usL as long
kefresh kate
LCu 1vs have always suffered from a poor refresh raLe 8ecause of Lhls fasL movlng lmages llke
Lhe ones ln sporLs or acLlon movles looked blurry on Lhe edges some people even polnLlng ouL
LhaL Lhe phenomenon generaLes headaches afLer long perlods of Llme CLLu on Lhe oLher hand
has excepLlonal refresh raLes such problems as Lhe ones presenL ln LCus noL maklng Lhey seen
on CLLu 1haL means no maLLer whaL conLenL you waLch Lhe plcLure wlll be crlsp and clear
V|ew|ng Ang|e
AnoLher aspecL LhaL affecLs Lhe plcLure quallLy of LCu 1vs ls Lhe narrow vlewlng angle lf you
waLch an LCu dlrecLly from lLs fronL slde lL wlll look good buL once you move and waLch from
an angle you wlll noLlce Lhe colors changlng and Lhe overall plcLure quallLy belng affecLed 1hls
ls noL a problem wlLh CLLu whlch has very wlde vlewlng angles lLs plcLure noL belng alLered
when waLchlng from a slde

8|ack Leve|s
LCu 1vs have always suffered from poor black levels ln conLrasL Lo plasma 1vs LhaL always lead
ln Lhls area CLLu 1vs are Lechnologlcally very slmllar Lo plasma 1vs 1he black levels of CLLu
dlsplays are excepLlonal 1hls makes Lhe plcLure really pop enhanclng Lhe colors and Lhe overall
plcLure quallLy LCu 1vs produce Lhe plcLure by blocklng or allowlng llghL Lo pass from Lhe llghL
source behlnd Lhe LCu dlsplay no maLLer whaL manufacLurers have done some of LhaL llghL
sLlll manages Lo pass Lhrough even when Lhe plxels should be black CLLu on Lhe oLher hand
works by generaLlng llghL (ln a way slmllar Lo plasma) 1haL means lf a plxel has Lo be black lL
can be black or aL leasL close enough Lo black Lo seem absoluLely black
|cture Un|form|ty
CLLu 1vs have superb unlformlLy colors shades and gradlenLs remalnlng unlform across Lhe
whole screen no maLLer whaL you are waLchlng or from whaL angle LCu flaLpanels sufferlng
from narrower vlewlng angles and noL only because of LhaL someLlmes have less accuraLe
unlformlLy Lhelr plcLure presenLlng sllghL varlaLlons across Lhe screen Many hlghend LCu
models from Lop manufacLurers manage Lo go around Lhls problem and presenL very good
ower Consumpt|on
Cne of Lhe slgnlflcanL advanLages of CLLu vs LCu and oLher Lypes of Lelevlslons ls Lhelr low
power consumpLlon Moderns LCu 1vs can consume over 00W of elecLrlcal power CLLu on
Lhe oLher hand ls a greener Lechnology wlLh much lmproved power consumpLlon
8urnln was a problem wlLh older plasma 1vs Whlle laLesL plasma 1v models are burnln
reslsLanL Lhey sLlll geL burnln lf abused LCu 1vs have absoluLely no burnln problem 1he LCu
screen does noL generaLe llghL and lL lsn'L uslng phosphors 8ecause of LhaL Lhere ls no way LhaL
an LCu could develop burnln 1hls reslsLance Lo burnln makes LCu dlsplays sulLable for
compuLer monlLors as opposed Lo plasma 1vs CLLu ls ln a way comparable Lo plasma lL
acLlvely generaLes llghL Lhrough lLs llghL emlLLlng organlc compounds 1haL means LheoreLlcally
CLLu could develop burnln AL Lhls polnL due Lo Lhe facL Lhere are very few CLLu dlsplays Lo
LesL we have no perLlnenL lnformaLlon Lo conflrm or lnflrm Lhe posslblllLy of burnln on CLLu
S|zes and I|ex|b|||ty
AnoLher area where CLLu dlsplays really shlne We expecL Lhem Lo be aL leasL as flexlble as LCu
dlsplays LCu dlsplays offer greaL flexlblllLy belng avallable ln slzes from a few lnches Lo as much
as 60 lnch for consumer models and up Lo 100 lnches for proLoLypes AL Lhls polnL small CLLu
dlsplays are common sclenLlsLs worklng on lmprovlng Lhe Lechnologlcal process ln order Lo be
able Lo manufacLure large screens wlLhouL rlsklng poor quallLy We are sure Lhey wlll succeed Lo
come up wlLh large CLLu screens ln a couple of years


Iuture of CLLD 1echno|ogy
Crgan|c ||ghtem|tt|ng d|odes wh|ch have on|y recent|y found the|r way from the |ab to the
Consumer L|ectron|cs Show f|oor are po|sed to become a mu|t|b||||ondo||ar market
1he CLLu markeL ls predlcLed Lo hlL $109 bllllon by 2012 and grow Lo $1 bllllon Lwo years
laLer accordlng Lo a reporL released 1hursday from research flrm nano MarkeLs 1he markeL ls
expecLed Lo reach $1 bllllon Lhls year
CLLus can be fashloned lnLo Lhln sheeLs of polymer LhaL emlL brlghL llghL when an elecLrlcal
currenL ls applled 1hey are already used on Lhe ouLer screen of many clamshell cell phones a
few M3 players an elecLrlc razor and a kodak camera
kodak was one of Lhe flrsL Lo develop a speclflc klnd of CLLu Lechnology now companles llke
Sony are LouLlng CLLus as Lhe nexL blg Lhlng ln flaLscreen Lelevlslons and Ceneral LlecLrlc ls
uslng Lhem Lo develop more energyefflclenL llghLlng flxLures and wlndows 1helr Lhlnness and
promlse of low power consumpLlon also make CLLus ldeal for slgns as well as compuLer and
lapLop monlLors
1he aLLracLlon for CLLus ln all of Lhese areascell phones slgns or compuLer and Lelevlslon
dlsplaysls LhaL flrsL of all CLLus are very brlghL and aLLracLlve Lo look aL sald Lawrence
Casman a senlor analysL aL nano MarkeLs

CLLu dlsplays requlre no backllghLlng as LCus (llquld crysLal dlsplays) do ln facL CLLus whlch
promlse Lo be more energyefflclenL could be used Lo replace Lhe powereaLlng fluorescenL
backllghLlng currenLly used for LCus accordlng Lo Casman
Also CLLus may prove cheaper Lo manufacLure CurrenLly CLLu dlsplays are noL as
compllcaLed Lo produce as LCu dlsplays Lhough Lhe processes are slmllar sald Casman

ueveloplng Lechnology however wlll enable CLLu dlsplays Lo be prlnLed on convenLlonal or
lnk[eL prlnLers 1he new rollLoroll process slmllar ln look Lo newspaper prlnLlng wlll be much
cheaper Lhan Lhe LCu manufacLurlng process sald Casman
AlLhough Sony has sald LhaL 200 could see some CLLu Lelevlslons avallable Lo consumers
donL expecL Lo see CLLu Lelevlslons become Lhe norm overnlghL Companles have lnvesLed
heavlly ln LCu manufacLurlng planLs accordlng Lo Casman and are unllkely Lo Lhrow Lhem ouL
[usL Lo swlLch Lo CLLus
lL Lakes a long Llme for any new Lechnology however good Lo Lake over ln Lelevlslons 1o sLaLe
Lhe obvlous people donL buy a new one afLer 1 monLhs as Lhey do wlLh cell phones 1he
producL llfe for Lelevlslons ls longer sald Casman
uo expecL Lo see CLLus as Lhe maln screens on moblle phones CLLus have fasL swlLchlng raLes
whlch mean Lhey are good for vldeo 1haL ls a blg moLlvaLor for maln dlsplays on cell phones
especlally wlLh moblle vldeo becomlng more popular
ln Lheory Lhey also have very low power consumpLlon overall 1hey donL draln Lhe baLLerles
as fasL as LCus do and LhaL ls Lled Lo Lhe swlLchlng lssue ?ou donL need as much power Lo
change plcLures and Lhlngs sald Casman
And power ls probably Lhe maln consLralnLaparL from slze lssueson whaL you can do on
moblle phone or handheld gamlng devlces he sald

Laptop versus ko||top
1he ma[or dlfference beLween a lapLop and a rollLop ls Lhe physlcal sLrucLure unllke a lapLops
Lwofold bookllke appearance one needs Lo unfurl Lhe rollLop As a dlrecL consequence a
lapLop when closed appears flaL whlle a rollLop when closed appears rounded as lLs name
obvlously suggesLs
Llke modern lapLops rollLops have Lhe baslc elemenLs LhaL people would llke Lo see ln a
compuLer Crkln ueslgn assures LhaL rollLops reLaln compuLer feaLures lncludlng clear conLrol
buLLons porLs and volume conLrol whlle lnLroduclng laLesL addlLlons Lo sulL Lhe rollLop
LaLesL addlLlons lnclude a flx buLLon a pen depoL and a caLch Lo snap ln base and flaL
board for easy roll up ln addlLlon a slLe called Coo| 8us|ness Ideas has already consldered roll
Lop lapLops as flexlble CLLu dlsplay lapLops capable of mulLl Louch (ubllshed CcLober 2009
accessed CcLober 2010)
1he lncepLlon of rollLop deslgn ls expecLed Lo sLlmulaLe more ldeas and concepLs concernlng
compuLer advancemenL CompuLer companles wlll surely begln Lhlnklng of wlse bargalnlng
sLraLegles Lo geL Lhe leglLlmaLe rlghL Lo Lransform Lhls deslgn lnLo a Langlble compuLer
Lechnology wlLh a compeLlLlve markeL value



1 Cne Lhe 8ollLop comblnes Lhe lapLop monlLor and graphlc Lables wlLhouL any problem
(such as small dlsplay ln monlLor modus or fold on screen ln graphlc LableL modus)

2 Secondly Lhe 8ollLop ls an alllnone gadgeL LhaL lnLegraLes Lhe power supply loud
speaker lapLop bag and mouse lnLo one ?ou don'L have Lo carry exLra accessorles

3 LasLly due Lo Lhe new avallable Lechnology Lhe deslgn ls very compacL and possesses a
compleLely new ouLlook

WlLh Lhe one deslgn model Crkln hopes Lo caLch Lhe aLLenLlon of ma[or producers
and dlsLrlbuLors Pe ls very confldenL LhaL hls concepL would be very aLLracLlve Lo consumers
and sell blg once lL hlLs Lhe markeL shelves
1he devlce of Lhe flexlble dlsplay allows a new concepL ln noLebook deslgn growlng
ouL of Lhe LradlLlonal book formed" lapLop lnLo unfurllng and convolvlng porLable compuLer
8oll Lop lncorporaLes boLh laLesL hlghLech devlces and a new brand deslgn Lechnlques lnLo a
compuLer LhaL wlll lncrease Lhe quallLy and producLlvlLy of Lhe deslgners work Cn Lop of
everyLhlng else no lapLop bag needed all compuLer uLlllLles from an lnLeracLlve pen Lhrough
power supply Lo Lhe holdlng belL are lnLegraLed ln 8oll Lop 1hls ls really an alllnone gadgeL


Drawbacks of ko||1op

1he only drawback l could see would be lf Lhe 8oll1op could make lL Lhrough as an allweaLher
carryon LxLreme LemperaLures are known Lo have an effecL on elecLronlc parLs 1he carryon
feaLure would also be useless for Lravel Lo far flung places LhaL have nelLher servlce provlders
nor power ?eL Lhe deslgn would flL for urban use can'L plcLure 8oll1op bravlng Lhe elemenLs
on a hlklng Lrlp or a Lrlp Lo Lhe Plmalayas l'd llke Lo Lhlnk LhaL Lhe 8oll1op would also geL rld of
owners havlng Lo buy prlcey waLerproof cases Lhough



lf Lhls producL ls ever manufacLured you could carry your lapLop llke a newspaper by rolllng lL
up and maklng sure LhaL you are noL burdened by heavy lapLop bags Whlle Lhls ls sLlll a
concepL we had wrlLLen abouL Lhe cool MlcrosofL Courler 1ableL whlch comes wlLh dual
screens ?ou could also read abouL ClnLlq whlch allows you Lo wrlLe and draw beLLer Lhan wlLh
Lhe help of pen and paper

8esldes leadlng Lo an exLreme Lhe concepL of porLable compuLer Lhe 8ollLop succeeded ln
reunlLlng Lwo of Lhe largesL consumer dreams of geeks on call neL books ob[ecLs of deslre
of any user who wanL Lo sLay connecLed and up Lo daLe wlLh new Lechnology and LableLs even
more famous afLer rumors of Lhe launch of Apple 1ableL 1hus Lhe foldlng noLebook leLs moblle
fans dellghL ln a noLebook wlLh LouchsenslLlve keys or a LableL for phoLo edlLlng or performlng
more complex Lasks 1o use one of Lwo devlces slmply unroll Lhe screen compleLely ln Lhe case
of Lhe LableL or bend lL 90 degrees Lo enLer LexL or surf Lhe web wlLh a 100 1ouch screen

1o close Lhe package dreams of consumpLlon lL also leLs you vlew vldeos or phoLos llke a
porLable Lelevlslon 1he screen has a supporL on Lhe back WlLh Lhls you can leave lL up and
waLch a movle whlle walLlng for an emall from your boss



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