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A.Background Language is very necessaryfor human being and language is learned for the pupose of communication. English as an international language wich is spoken all over the world. The goverment assumes that throught this skill Indonesians are able to learn more from printed material. English is freign language in Indonesia thaught to the student in the public institution beginning from grade III student of elementary school until university level. In addition the purpose of english subject at senior high school is to develop competence in communicating oral and written languange to active the level of international literation, prepare the student to master the knowledge and skill base of english language will support achievement the program competence skill, and to develop students understanding about the relationship between language and culture. The students are hoped to able English languange with good method active, because in teaching learning process the teachers or the students must use English language to extend language in all material. According to the curriculum of English in senior high school, there are four skills should be taught during this level such as, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is one of the four language skill used to share information in order to express idea, and feeling in written from. Writing skill should be improved and should always be studied every time in order to be able to interact or communicat with other.

One of the important things in English in writing skill, especially writing

analytical exposition. Expository text is the straight forword explanation of something eg, a process, an object, an idea, or an event. The students ability in English is still low or poor. It can prove from DKN of SMA Negeri I Batang Angkola in 2011/2012 Academic year there were students got go mark point 1 While, KKM of SMA Negeri I Batang Angkola in 2011/2012 Academic year was 70 mark point2 The students got 70 mark point was catagorized enough. Enough is limitation of minimal that must be completed . So, the student hoped to ability write analytical exposition text. Infact, they are lack of in understanding analytical exposition text. It happens in SMA Negeri I Batang Angkola. From mark point above, the student were hope to get 75 mark point on 70 to up mark point. So, the consequence of it is the student hoped develoved their knowledge about analytical exposition text in second class at review the subject or material in third class until to able to get maximal score. There are many factorsthat cause the ability analytical exposition text of of the student are still low, one of them is the mastery of abstrct noun, modals, and pasif sentence. In conditional sentences mastery the student hoped to able arrange or make the structure of sentence or constructingsentence in type I, II and II, have been unchanged. It is very important to mastered because related with analitycal exposition text.

SMA negeri 1 Batang Angkola, daftar kumpulan nilai ( DKN), ( tapanuli selatan) : SMA Negeri 1 Batang Angkola, 2011. 2. SMA negeri 1 Batang Angkola, Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal ( KKM), ( Tapanuli Selatan) : SMA Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. 2010

Based on quotation above, the writer interested to counduct A research about The Influence of Conditional Sentences Mastery toward Understanding Analytical Exposition Text Ability (A.Research At The X grade students of SMA. Negeri I Batang Angkola).

B.Identifications of the problem Based on the explanation above, the writer has mentioned that the students ability in reading languange skills especially writing analytical exposition text can be caused by many problem. The problem can be caused by some factor. They are internal factor and external factor. Internal factor is the factor which accurs from the students understanding in analytical exposition text such as vocabulary, structure, eto. External factor is the factor which comes from out side of the students. Such as students background, the teachers and facilities of school. C.Limitation of the Problem From the identification of the problem above, it can be seen that several factors influence analytical exposition text ability. Because there are two large scope of the factors and considering the time available the writer limits the problem only about conditional sentences mastery as the independent variable and writing analytical exposition text ability as the dependent one.

D.The Formulation of The Problem Formulation of the problem is one of the important aspect in research in order to concentrate on the result of the study. The problems of this study are formulated as follows : 1. To make extent is the conditional sentences mastery of the X grade students of SMA. Negeri I Batang Angkola ? 2. To what extent is the ability of the student in understanding analytical expositions text at the X grade students SMA Negeri I Batang Angkola 3. Is there significant influence of of conditional sentence mastery on understanding analytical exposition text of the X grade students of SMA Negeri I Batang Angkola. E.The Aims and The Usefulness If The Research 1. The Aims of the Research Bsed on the formulation of the problem above, the writer express objectives of this research as the following statements : a. To know the extent of the conditional sentences mastery of the X grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. b. To know the extent of the ability of the student in understanding analitical exposition text at the x grade students SMA Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. c. To know if there is significant influence of conditional sentences mastery on understanding anytical exposition.

Text of the x grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Batang Angkola. 2. The usefulness of the research. a. For writer to know the influence of conditinal sentences mastery toword writing analytical exposition text. b. As a tip to develop the students mastery about conditional sentences. c. for STKIP Tapanuli Selatan padangsidimpuan as one of the references in the library that loill loill be important for undergraduated students. d. Further, for the teacher are of school as the place of the research as the information how well the students understanding english, especially condotional xentences mastery and understanding analytically conditional sentences mastery and understanding analytical exposition text. e. for the writer to learn englisj more, especially in conditional sentences and writing analytical exposition text abality, as well a requirement in partial fulfilment for the degree of sanajana pendidikan ( S.Pd)

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