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CRITERIA INSOMNIA Insomnia is a condition where a person experiences poor sleep or has trouble sleeping.

Generally, people feel tired the next day or feeling as if he did not have enough sleep. Insomnia can affect anyone, especially men and women. About a third of the world's adult population suffer from insomnia in their lives.

SYMPTOMP OF INSOMNIA Drugs and certain substances: These include, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and drugs such as benzodiazepines, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, etc. Physical Factors: Insomnia can be caused by underlying physical conditions, including: heart disease, respiratory diseases, neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, hormonal problems, such as estrogen, muscle problems, gastrointestinal diseases, and genetic problems. Psychological factors: Having a mental health problem can also affect your sleep patterns, such as stress, depression, anxiety, etc. SIDE EFFECT OF DRUGS INSOMNIA Insomnia can affect concentration and memory and can affect a person's ability to perform everyday tasks.Stress and depression Insomnia increases the activity of hormones and pathways in the brain that causes stress, and changes in sleep patterns have been shown to significantly affect mood. Insomnia can be a sign of ongoing anxiety and depression. headache Headaches that occur at night or early morning may be associated with insomnia. heart disease A study showed that people with chronic insomnia have signs of heart and nervous system activity that may put them at risk for heart disease. accident Studies have shown that insomnia plays a major role in the car accident. Each year, more than 100,000 car accidents on the road caused by sleepiness or insomnia. If you suffer from insomnia, there are many things you can do to get to sleep. Practicing regular sleep habits, such as sleeping at the same time every night and sleep during the day, can help. Abstain from alcohol or caffeine before bed can also help you get a good sleep. Source: insomnia causes and side effects

1. Hindari kafein dalam segala bentuk setelah makan siang (kopi,the,coklat,cola dan beberapa minuman ringan lainnya yang mengandung stimulan ini, begitu pula obat-obatan yang dijual bebas atau harus ditebus dengan resep dokter, periksalah label komposisinya). Ini adalah hal terakhir yang dibutuhkan olah imsomniak sukar tidur. 2. Jangan tidur siang, betapapun ngantuknya Anda. (tidur siang mengurangi kwalitas tidur malam) 3. Mandilah yang lama dan senyaman mungkin dengan air hangat sebelum berangkat tidur. (cara ini dapat menurunkan ketegangan otot-otot tubuh, sehingga Anda dapat rilek betul sebelum tidur). 4. Bacalah buku atau lakukan sesuatu secara berulang-ulang aktivitas Anda yang membosankan, seperti menjahit. Cobalah untuk tidak menonton televisi atau mendengarkan radio. Gangguan seperti ini akan meminta perhatian Anda dan menyebabkan terus terjaga. 5. Aturlah ruang tidur senyaman mungkin. Ciptakan suasana yang tenang dan gelap. Gunakanlah bantal atau selimut yang bersih dan segar dan jaga suhu ruangan senyaman mungkin (jangan terlalu panas atau dingin). 6. Hilangkan semua kecemasan ketika tidur . jangan biarkan diri Anda memikirkan kesalahan yang telah Anda perbuat tadi siang. Sekarang Anda sedang tidak bekerja. Maksudnya adalah mengkaitkan dipan atau kasur dengan tidur. 7. Menghitung secara perlahan serupa dengan aktivitas hipnotis. Dengan membayangkan citra monoton yang terus menerus, mungkin akan membuat Anda bosan dan akhirnya dapat tidur 8. Langkah yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah dengan terapi refleksi yang dapat mengendorkan ketegangan akibat rutinitas dan telah terbukti mampu mengobati imsomnia kronis.

1.Avoid caffeine in any form after lunch (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola and some other soft drinks that contain these stimulants, as well as the drugs are sold freely or to be redeemed by prescription, check the ingredients label). This is the last thing you need if imsomniak sleeplessness. 2.Do not take a nap, no matter how you ngantuknya. (nap reduces the quality of sleep a night) 3.Bathe the old and comfortable as possible with warm water before going to bed. (This method can reduce the strain the muscles, so you can be relaxed right before bed). 4.Read a book or do something repetitively boring your activities, such as sewing. Try not to watch television or listen to the radio. Disorders such as this will require your attention and cause maintained. 5.Set the bedroom as comfortable as possible. Create a quiet and dark. Use pillows or blankets were clean and fresh and keep the room temperature comfortable as possible (not too hot or cold). 6.Eliminate all anxiety when sleeping. do not let yourself think about mistakes you have done this afternoon. Now you're not working. The point is linked with sleeping cots or mattresses. 7.Counting slowly similar to hypnotic activity. By imagining a continuous monotone image,may make you tired and can finally sleep 8. The move is no less important is the reflection therapy to loosen the tension of routines and have been proven to treat chronic imsomnia.

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