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How Can You Relieve Migraine?

You cannot change the nervous system you have inherited from your parents. But you may be able to prevent migraine attacks from being triggered. By keeping a diary, some have been able to identify certain foods or circumstances that provoke attacks. Each persons case is different. Lorraine discovered six months ago that her migraine attacks matched her monthly cycle. Around mid-cycle, she says, any excess activity or stimulushard work, heat or cold, loud noise, even spicy foodwould bring on a migraine attack. So I aim for calm and moderation during this time. Joyce, who has endured migraine attacks for more than 60 years, states, I have found that oranges, pineapples, and red wine immediately provoke a migraine attack, so I avoid them. Identifying triggers is not easy because several factors usually combine to produce an attack. For example, on one occasion you may eat chocolate with no ill effect, but at another time it gives you migraine, perhaps because of an additional contributing factor. Even if you are unable to identify or avoid things that trigger your migraine, there are other ways to reduce the possibility of an attack. Experts recommend trying to maintain a regular pattern of sleep seven days a week. If you want to sleep later on the weekend, they recommend that you get up at the usual time, do something for a few minutes, and then return to bed. A change in caffeine consumption can trigger a migraine, so try limiting yourself to two cups of coffee or two cola drinks per day. Since hunger can provoke migraine, avoid skipping meals. Stress, so often a factor in migraine, is not easy to avoid, but you may be able to find ways to relax, perhaps by adjusting your schedule, reading the Bible, or listening to soft music.

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE I. Complete the table with the sentences from the text above. AFFIRMATIVE SUBJECT You You Some Joice I Johny Kathy Omar Hristo HAVE / HAS Have (just) Have (never) Have (ever) has have Has (already) Has has has VERB (PAST PARTICIPLE) taken inherited been endured found loved broken cooked kissed COMPLEMENT the blood samples. From your parents. Able to identify. Migraine attacks. That oranges Kathy. Your heart. All day long. A girl in the corridor.

INTERROGATIVE QUESTION WORD How long HAVE / HAS have Have have Have has have have has have SUBJECT you You (ever) you you Joyce you you Kathy you VERB (PAST COMPLEMENT? PARTICIPLE) had that pain? taken The blood samples? inherited From your parents? inherited From your parents? endured Migraine attacks? found ? been Able to identify? broken Your heart? played Football

What How What What How When NEGATIVE SUBJECT The nurse Joyce You I

HAVE / HAS + NOT has not (hasnt) Has not Have not Have not

VERB (PAST PARTICIPLE) given endured inherited found

COMPLEMENT the patient a shot yet. Migraine attacks From That


Have not

been FOR / SINCE

Able to

Joyce, who has endured migraine attacks for more than 60 years

Joyce, who has endured migraine attacks since 1953...


Lorraine discovered six months ago that Lorraine has discovered that her migraine her migraine attacks matched her monthly attacks matched her monthly cycle. cycle. I was in Cuzco in 2011. Johny was with Kathy for one week. I have been in Cuzco once. Johny has been with Kathy for one week.

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