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STUDENT SENATE MINUTES March 26, 2013 The Senate President called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm and

announced that the meeting may be filmed or audio taped and may be available to the public. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Roll was called and quorum was established with 84 senators present. Not there for roll call: Avila Kellerman Bruno Kreitzer Carryl Rosen Comiter Schiff Cotton Swink Flayman Vidal Hood Weimer Kaplan

AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: - A motion was made to add Senate Bill 2013-1022: Resolution supporting the name change of Green Pond to Liberty Pond to the floor. The motion passed. - A motion was made to add Senate Bill 2013-1023: 200 and 500 Code Revisions to the floor. An objection was made. o Move to a vote: motion passes. - A motion was made to add Senate Bill 2013-1021: Resolution Thanking President Obama for Visiting Israel and For His Continued Commitment to the U.S. Israel Relationship to the floor. No objection was made. - A motion was made to approve Senate Bill 2013-1021: Resolution Thanking President Obama for Visiting Israel and For His Continued Commitment to the U.S. Israel Relationship by unanimous consent. No objection was made. - A motion was made to approve Garret Bruno for I&C committee. No objection was made. - A motion was made to approve Abraham Carryl for Judiciary committee by unanimous consent. No objection was made. - A motion was made to approve Senate Bill 2013-1018: Fiscal Year 2012-2013 800 Code Revisions by unanimous consent. No objection was made. AMENDMENTS TO THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no amendments to the previous minutes for March 19. PUBLIC DEBATE: - Senator Vollrath: Gainesville crime is down. Cops writing tickets for jaywalkers.

Senator Huynh: Administration approved Asian studies minor, which will be available in the Fall. Thanked everyone for the support of the resolution. Senator Bonti: Informed everyone of a good book and encouraged all to read it.

OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Jocelyn Rivas, Diversity Division Chair Have used most of the budget so far and will be rapping up division events within the next week or two. April 4- Lunch with Leaders PRESIDENTS REPORT: - Thank you Jamie for putting on icecream social - Office hours: Monday and Friday 11-4 - Legislative agenda coming out soon COMMITTEE REPORTS: REPLACEMENT & AGENDA: - Met on Sunday, thank you for approving recommendations - Encourage constituents to apply for open District A seat - Will meet on Sunday to interview for District A seat BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS: - Gave presentation of organizational budget hearings from this past weekend. ALLOCATIONS: - Will not be meeting - Starting tabling next week as a committee JUDICIARY: - Did not meet this weekend due to scheduling issues. RULES & ETHICS: - Met on Sunday and dealt with constituency and absences - Fortune Cookie Reading - Motion to approve all absences. No objection was made. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION: - Parliamentarian Procedure Ice Cream Social was a success - Replacement Senators for summer. Find one if you wont be here or you will be removed. - Did not meet this weekend. Will meet this weekend - Senate Kickball team during Summer A - Shout outs: Senator Forbes, Rachel-Parliamentarian, and Chairman Michaels - Library i-Pad rentals launched today. 25 i-Pads available. ELECTION CODE REFORM AD-HOC: - Met on Sunday

Will be making sure that all grammar and punctuation is correct as well as the overall language. Email with suggestions of how to improve the codes Will be meeting this Thursday

SECOND READING: None FIRST READINGS: - 5 minute presentation of Senate Bill 2013-1022: Resolution supporting the name change of Green Pond to Liberty Pond. o Questions: 6 o Round 1: Con-0 Pro-1 Motion to end debate. Move to a vote to pass Resolution. Motion passes. - 5 minute presentation of Senate Bill 2013-1023: 200 and 500 Code Revisions. o Questions: 3 Round 1: Con- 2 Pro- 3 Motion to table Bill for a week- fails Round 2: Con- 1 Pro- 2 Round 3: Con- 0 Pro Motion to end debate. No objection. o Move to a vote on Bill 2013-1023. Motion passes. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Senate President wished Katie Backstrand happy birthday and sang. - A Senator announced a website that is a craigslist for UF. - Chairman Lowstetter asked everyone to write in a name for a mentor or mentee - Cabinet Liaison announced LGBTQ events next week - A Senator announced the Festival of Color this Saturday. Encouraged everyone to come out - A representative from the Freshman Leadership Outreach program announced an event for a non-profit organization this weekend - A Senator announced the Gator basketball game March 29 - A Senator spoke about a proposal for i-Pads in other libraries - Chairman Michaels thanked his committee for all of their hard work ROLL CALL: A motion to use voting records for final roll call passed. No Vote Record received Avila Kellerman Carryl Rosen Cotton Schiff Flayman Swink Hood Vidal Kaplan Weimer

MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.

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