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March 27, 2013

The Honorable Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos

Los Angeles Central District
Stanley Mosk Courthouse
Department 28
111 North Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
REFERENCE: Katherine Jackson, Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr.,
Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince Michael
Jackson II v. AEG
Dear Honorable Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos:
We represent a group of millions of concerned citizens writing to you regarding your
deliberation to determine whether to permit television coverage of the forthcoming
Jackson v. AEG Trial. Before reaching your decision, we respectfully request you please
consider the following.
As you know, Michael Jackson was an extremely popular, globally watched public
figure. As such, we can presume there will be a huge public interest in this Trial. Such
interest is likely to be worldwide.
Any news emanating from this Trial will be heavily reported by the global media, but
only a fraction of press outlets can be trusted to provide an accurate account of the
proceedings. The vast majority will fail to do so. There is a huge financial incentive for
the more salacious publications to interpret the court proceedings and evidence according
to their own self-serving agenda. In addition, this misinformation is subsequently
reiterated in perpetuity by use of the internet. Once online, any honest and accurate
accounts become lost in a sea of rumor and speculation.
The only way to avoid such misinformation and media interpretation is to allow the
public to witness this Trial firsthand. We believe that the interests of Truth and Justice
can only be served by full transparency in this case.
We are respectfully requesting you approve the request to televise the Jackson v. AEG
Trial. In doing so, this will ensure news media report only factual, accurate, honest, and
truthful information from the Jackson v. AEG Trial.

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We look reverentially to you, as an Honorable Judge, to represent, in good faith, the best
interest of the people of the Great State of California, the United States, and the World.
Thank you very much in advance for your prompt attention to this extremely important
request. We look forward to your immediate positive action towards full transparency of
reporting the truth and approving to televise the Jacksons v. AEG Trial, scheduled to
begin on April 2, 2013.
Thousands of Fans have also taken to the social networking sites hoping for the same.
Michael Jackson has in excess of 40 Million fans on his Facebook. With further Millions
not present on the net. We also noticed fans contacting medias in Los Angles requesting
broadcasting via blogs, websites, twitter and Facebook at direction of Fan clubs.
Very respectfully submitted,
Concerned Citizens Worldwide

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