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April 3, 2013
Farmers State Bank employees Pictured left to right: Back row: Jim Holloway, Morris
Gustafson, Shara Haines, Scott Gray, Jami Delbridge. Middle row: Micki Haines, Ivern Holloway, Sherry
Palmer, Lexy Hostetter, Drinda Simons, Sunshine Gerbracht. Front row: Katrina Collins, Chelsie Brown,
Kelli Swan, Susie Keffeler. Courtesy photo
Farm families that have en-
joyed 100 or 125 years of life on
the farm or ranch have the oppor-
tunity to be honored during the
South Dakota State Fair on Aug.
Farms and ranches have long
been the foundation of South
Dakota history. Many of these
farms and ranches have been the
same families for many years.
The South Dakota Farm Bureau
along with the South Dakota De-
partment of Agriculture would
like to recognize and honor these
South Dakota Century Farms
If your family has retained
ownership of a farm or ranch for
100 years or more in South
Dakota, and if the farm consists
of a minimum of 80 acres of the
original farmland, you may be
qualified in having your farm or
ranch honored as a Century
If your family has owned at
least 80 acres of the same farm or
ranch for at least 125 years, you
are eligible to apply for Quasqui-
centennial Farm recognition.
The recognition ceremony is
scheduled to start at 10 a.m. on
Thursday, August 29th, at the
state fairgrounds in Huron.
Application forms are available
online for both the Century Farm
and the Quasquicentennial Farm
recognition at or
tury-Farms, or by calling 605-
All forms must be completed
and notarized before being re-
turned by Aug. 12 to the South
Dakota Farm Bureau, P.O. Box
1426, Huron, SD, 57350.
Century Farms have been rec-
ognized at the State Fair since
1984 by the South Dakota De-
partment of Agriculture and
South Dakota Farm Bureau and
since the program was started
over 2400 farms and ranches
have been honored. Last year, in
honor of the 125th anniversary of
the State Fair, the two organiza-
tions began honoring Quasqui-
centennial farms as well. That
tradition will continue this year.
Recognition of the Quasquicen-
tennial Farms will immediately
follow the Century Farms pro-
Century/Quasquicentennial Farms to be honored
Faith voters have decisions to
make on Tuesday, April 9th
By Loretta Passolt
Faith voters will be going to
the polls next Tuesday to vote for
mayor and two ward seats. Mayor
Haines is facing opposition from
Peggy Riley for that two-year
Voters in Ward 3 have three to
choose from; Barb Berndt, Jenni
Fisher and Gerald Trainor are
running for the one open seat.
Dan Nolan who currently serves
in that capacity is not running.
Incumbent Jerry Spencer is being
opposed by Amy Huber in Ward
1. Voters in Ward 2 will not be
voting for a council member;
Karen Inghram is unopposed in
that ward.
B a r b
Berndt has
lived in
Faith for
t w e n t y -
eight years.
She was
the ag mo-
bile unit
teacher for
years. She
served on
the city council for two years and
would like to be back on the coun-
Barb says she works well with
others, is open-minded, has no
personal vendetta or agendas and
is willing to spend the time to lis-
ten and be informed so she can
make sound decisions with the
other council members on what is
best for the city of Faith.
Barb said, I thoroughly en-
joyed by last term on the council.
Faith has some of the best assets
(people, employees, amenities) in
South Dakota and I want to do
my part to see it thrive.
She would like to see Faith
continue to provide the progres-
sive quality of life the people have
come to expect (electrical, water,
phone, high speed internet, good
streets, snow removal, cleanli-
ness), and work toward promot-
ing more business and enter-
tainment in our area.
J e n n i
Fisher grew
up in Faith
and is a
graduate of
Faith High
S c h o o l .
Jenni has
two daugh-
ters Nikki
and Kianna.
Jenni is cur-
rently em-
ployed as a
secretary in the Dupree School
system. Born and raised here,
Jenni feels that she would be a
good candidate. She is willing to
listen to concerns which would be
kept confidential for discussion at
Jenni is used to dealing with
the public and has a knowledge of
financial budgets.
I would like to be on the Faith
City Council because I believe
Faith is a great community and
we need to keep it moving in the
right direction, Jenni said.
Jenni would like to see the city
continue to support the ambu-
lance service and keep the swim
Continued on Page 2
A Notice of Grant Award through the Hazard Mit-
igation Grant Program was received by the City of
Faith from the Office of Emergency Management in
the amount of $603,407 for a Community Safe Room.
There will be more information to come at a later
Grant awarded to City
of Faith for Safe Room
Page 2 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent
Faith Community Health Center
Verna Schad, CNP . . . . . . . .Call for schedule
Peggy OConnor, CNP . . . .Call for schedule
Office Hours 8:00 AM-5:00
PM MondayFriday
For appointments call:
605-967-2644 or
Published in the Heart of the West River Empire
Publication No. 184760
Published Weekly on Wednesday
Faith, SD 57626-0038
POSTMASTER, Send Address Changes to:
P.O. Box 38, Faith, SD 57626-0038
PHONE: (605) 967-2161 FAX: (605) 967-2160
Faith, South Dakota 57626
SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Faith & Dupree $34.00
+ local tax; In-state $39.00 + local tax;
Out-of-state $39.00; Foreign $45.00.
ADVERTISING RATES: Local Display: $4.70 per
column inch.
WANT ADS & CARDS OF THANKS: $5.00 for first
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PUBLIC NOTICE DEADLINE: Friday, 10:00 a.m.
DEADLINE: Last possible moment to turn news
items in at the office to be published.
County, City of Faith, Faith School District 46-2
Publisher.............................................................Don Ravellette
Office Manager.......................................................Diane Isaacs
Reporter, Proofreader, Composition.................Loretta Passolt
COPYRIGHT: 1988 Faith Independent. All rights re-
served. Nothing may bereprinted, photocopied, or in
any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or
part, without the written consent of the publishers.
ming pool open for the youth of
our community. She would also
like to see the continued growth
and development of the city.
Jerry Spencer is being opposed
by Amy Huber for the seat in
Ward 1. Jerry has served on the
council for 2 years. and would like
to continue in that seat. There are
several projects that he would
like to see through to the end. I
didnt get to visit with him per-
A m y
Huber is fa-
miliar to
many of you,
she is em-
ployed at
the local
L y n n s
D a k o t a -
mart. She is
fairly new to
our community, moving here from
a small town in Minnesota about
four years ago.
Amy said she had thought
about running for city council be-
fore and decided this was the
time. She doesnt want to be one
of those people who complain
about how things are but wont
step up to help make changes.
Faith is a community of older
people, and we need to make sure
that we keep our ambulance and
fire services in town, and not have
to rely on other nearby towns. If
we have to wait for one of those
communities it could be too late,
Amy said. She added,I want to
make a difference. We need to be
a community where the younger
people want to come back or stay
She would like to see the town
have more for the kids to do. She
doesnt know just what that
would be, maybe improve some of
the things we do have for them.
She feels that some of those on
the council forget whats impor-
tant to our small community and
she thinks its time for a change.
Though she is only one voice,
sometimes that one voice can
make a difference.
Gerald Trainor is another life-
long Faith area resident. Gerald
is a graduate of Faith High
School. He has one son, Derek.
Gerald feels there are a few
places where the city could cut ex-
penses. There are other places
where people need to be kept on
the payroll. As in small towns,
there are rumors that the ambul-
cance will be cut down and he
said we cant afford to lose our
ambulance service, whether the
rumor is right or wrong.
Gerald thought there are too
many things being done behind
closed doors that could be done in
the open. It should be public
knowledge and aired so the com-
munity knows what is happening.
Voters, cast your vote on Tues-
day, April 9th and let your voice
be heard.
City election Continued from Front Page
The flawed hero within us
In a world of selfishness, dis-
honesty, and discrimination, how
do our children find their way?
Conventional wisdom says that
we only learn by example, and
just look at what examples
abound: selfishness with crimi-
nals like Bernie Madoff and other
Wallstreet scoundrels; dishonesty
with blatant false marketing by
actors on TV; and discrimination
by politicians against people of
other religions, other sexual ori-
entation, other cultures, other
anything. Indeed, if our children
only learned by these kinds of ex-
amples, we would be in big trou-
ble. But here is where mental
health and choice comes in.
During our lives, especially
when young, every one of us must
be on a quest for meaning, and ex-
perts say that mostly we find our
way by choosing examples for liv-
ing. I learned first from my par-
ents' and then there was the
farmer who taught work ethic,
the football couch who taught
toughness, the debate couch who
taught intellectual curiosity, the
college classmate who taught
kindness, and the med school pro-
fessor who taught the importance
of honest science. It is true that
we grow most, not from books,
conferences, lectures, or rules, but
rather by example from the he-
roes around us.
The religious expert Joseph
Cambell taught us that the
heros quest is a story that come
from every culture as a metaphor
to help us in our search for mean-
ing. The classic hero story of
Greek mythology begins with an
innocent baby, born from one
mortal parent crossed with a god,
who somehow escapes an evil
menace, and as a young adult em-
barks on some quest to find
meaning. This adventure com-
monly finds the hero selflessly
slaying an evil dragon to save an
innocent damsel while bringing
back truth and justice to the
nearby village.
The modern hero story is one of
a flawed ordinary person, some-
one with whom each of us can re-
late, who comes up out of the
morass of our modern troubled so-
ciety to stand for something that
gives direction and meaning to
our lives.
The modern hero is someone
each of us could be. We can try,
even in a flawed way, to live a life
that is not selfish, but helpful to
others; not dishonest, but truthful
while considerate; not with cruel
discrimination, but respectful of
the rights of others who may be
There could be a hero within
every one of us.
Dr. Rick Holm wrote this
Prairie Doc Perspective for On
Call, a weekly program where
medical professionals discuss
health concerns for the general
public. On Call is produced by
the Healing Words Foundation in
association with the South Dakota
State University Journalism De-
partment. On Call airs Thurs-
days on South Dakota Public
Broadcasting-Television at 7 p.m.
Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Visit us
The Prairie Doc Perspective
Dr. Richard Holms, MD
Sr. Citizens Menu Sr. Citizens Menu
All meals served with milk and
bread. Menu subject to change
without notice.
Wed., Apr. 3: Pork Roast,
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Har-
vest Beets, Cooked Apples
Thur., Apr. 4: Cabbage Beef
Soup, Cold Turkey Sandwich,
Peach Crisp w/Topping
Fri., Apr. 5: Chicken Caccia-
tore, Baked Potato, Green Bean
Almondine, Applesauce
Mon., Apr. 8: Grd. Beef./Gr.
Bean Casserole, Potato Rounds,
Seasonal Fruit
Tue., Apr. 9: No Meals
Wed., Feb. 10: Birthday Din-
ner - Chicken Alfredo, Italian
Vegetables, Grape Juice, Cake
Thur., Feb. 11: Heartland
Shepherds Pie, Baked Sweet Po-
tatoes. Pears, Tomato Juice
Fri., Mar. 12: Ham & Potato
Omelet, Green Beans, Plums,
Cinnamon Roll
News Briefs
The public is encouraged to attend the 3rd
Annual Faith High School Rodeo Club Pancake
Supper & Slave Auction on April 11th at 6:00
pm at the Faith Community Legion Hall. Pan-
cakes, sausage & eggs will be served with the
auction to follow. Free will offering.
Rodeo Club Supper & Auction
Rainbow trout will be stocked
in two areas near Pierre starting
the first week of April.
Game, Fish and Parks Depart-
ment fisheries biologist Robert
Hanten of Fort Pierre said the de-
partment will stock catchable-
sized rainbow trout at Oahe
Marina and Downs Marina.
Weather permitting, trout
will be released in Oahe Marina
below Oahe Dam and in Downs
Marina on April 5 with additional
stockings planned throughout the
month, Hanten said.
Trout released in Downs Ma-
rina migrate out of the marina
and spend several weeks in and
around the LaFramboise Island
causeway fishing piers.
We are hoping that having
trout available to shore anglers at
LaFramboise causeway, in addi-
tion to Oahe Marina, will make
trout fishing in the Pierre area
more accessible to anglers.
Hanten said, Trout range in size
from 9 to 11 inches and can pro-
vide many hours of fishing enjoy-
ment, so get out and enjoy it with
your family or friends.
Interested anglers can locate
LaFramboise causeway by follow-
ing Poplar Avenue south toward
the Missouri River. Oahe Marina
is located just below Oahe Dam,
off Highway 1806 north of Fort
Trout will be
near Pierre
has available
The Profit
The Bison
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 3
The Faith
In Town & Dupree
$34.00 + local tax
In County
$34.00 + local tax
Out of County
$39.00 + local tax
Out of State $39.00
PO Box 38 Faith, SD 57626
Ph: 605-967-2161
FAX 605-967-2160
The Farmers State Bank in Faith would like to
THANK our many customers over the years for
their business, support, loyalty and trust. We
have appreciated having YOU as our customer.
We want to welcome the First National Bank in
Philip to our community and
wish them many years of success.
Board of Directors, Management, Staff
Bring in your prescriptions and have them filled locally
3 Easy Ways
1. Have your physician fax in your prescription to our pharmacy
2. Bring us your empty refill bottle
3. Call Vilas wi th your physician and prescription information
Its That easy. Fai ths full-service pharmacy is here
to serve you PH: 605-967-2123
Please bring in your new insurance cards when you fill or
transfer your prescription!
Vilas Pharmacy &
Healthcare Store
PH: 967-2123, Fai th, SD
April 1 A Time for Cost Savings
As most of you remember, the
State of South Dakota was bur-
dened two years ago by a struc-
tural deficit. That year, we made
the tough, prudent decision to cut
spending in all areas of state gov-
ernment. I cut my own salary by
15 percent and cut my offices
budget by more than 10 percent.
It is a process that we do not
wish to undertake again, which is
why our state must remain vigi-
lant against spending too much or
overestimating our revenue.
I, personally, have spent count-
less hours researching additional
cost savings at the office and at
the Governors mansion to see if
we can do even more with less in
our personal and professional
A few weeks ago, I sat down in
my easy chair at home and com-
piled the most effective, largest
additional cost-saving measures I
could accomplish.
First, I cut 80 percent of our
budget for plant food and fertil-
izer in the house by using a boun-
tiful and cost-free substitute. If
you have been near Capitol Lake
in the winter, you will know that
it attracts thousands of fertilizer-
producing geese. So, each Satur-
day morning in the winter, I
sweep the driveway and collect
fertilizer for our indoor plants,
freeze drying the excess for use
during the summer months.
Next, I cut 32 percent from our
office budget for staples and
paper clips by ordering my staff to
fold and tear internal, multi-sheet
documents. By folding over a 3-
inch section corner of regular, 8
x 11-inch sheets of paper, then
making two tears one-half inch
apart in the middle of the fold,
multiple sheets of paper can be
held together without the wasted
expense of staples or paper clips.
Third, I cut 18 percent of our
budget for tissue paper and coffee
filters. Since the commodity price
for each of those goods fluctuates
slightly during the year, we could
purchase large amounts of tissue
paper in July when it is less ex-
pensive and large amounts of cof-
fee filters in October, when they
are cheaper. When, in the final
months before our next purchase,
we run out of coffee filters, we use
tissue paper in their place. Like-
wise, when we run out of tissue
paper we use coffee filters.
Finally, I cut 45 percent of our
electrical budget in the mansion
by using only one light and a se-
ries of mirrors that distribute the
light throughout the house. It has
presented challenges to my
guests, however, as they are faced
with the choice of closing the
bathroom door or having enough
light to read a magazine.
I know that these improve-
ments are just the beginning.
With each cost-saving measure,
we get a leaner, better state gov-
ernment for the people of South
Then, just as I envision my fru-
gal legacy in the years to come,
Linda wakes me up in my easy
chair with a poke: Dennis, we are
out of Miracle Grow and the light
in the bathroom is burned out
again. Also, Chief of Staff Dusty
Johnson brought over a few sta-
pled copies of your monthly report
which are on the counter.
Alas, this April Fools Day I
will only be able to dream of such
ambitious, effective cost savings.
Gov. Daugaards
State Historical Society makes
more historic digital photos avail-
A grant received for the scan-
ning of glass plates has made al-
most 600 images from a photo
collection of the South Dakota
State Historical Society-Archives
at the Cultural Heritage Center
in Pierre available to the public
The grant allowed for the scan-
ning of 589 glass plates from the
Lester Black Collection. The im-
ages date from the late 1890s to
1910s. The State Historical Soci-
ety received the glass plates in
To access the Lester Black dig-
ital collections, visit the State
Archives website at www.his- and find the
link to Lester Black.
The digitization and cataloging
of glass plate negatives has been
funded in part by a grant from
the City of Deadwood and the
Deadwood Historic Preservation
Commission. In addition to the
Lester Black Collection, other
glass plate negative collections
that have been digitized include
the Myra Morton Miller, Eliza
Dibble, and Wandell Mooney col-
The photo digitization project
is allowing us to reformat the
photos and place them in an eas-
ily accessible platform, the South
Dakota Digital Archives, said
Chelle Somsen, state archivist.
These images of our state are a
wonderful representation of early
Specific locations found within
the Lester Black Collection in-
clude the Redfield College, Mount
Rushmore, Devils Tower, Corn
Palace, Sylvan Lake and the
South Dakota State Fair.
Town images include Redfield,
Gettysburg, Mitchell, Elk Point,
Huron, Waubay, Hot Springs,
and Pierre.
Other topics include sod
homes, Native American encamp-
ments, floods, railroad scenes,
stone artifacts, farm scenes, auto-
mobiles, a balloon flight, baseball
games, and family portraits.
The South Dakota Digital
Archives, an online resource, was
launched in January 2012 by the
State Archives to provide re-
searchers digital access to unique
historical records. There are cur-
This photo shows a child running from an approaching snowplow,
pushed by a train, near Redfield, taken in 1897. This image, from a
glass plate, is from the Lester Black Collection held at the South
Dakota State Archives at the Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre and
recently made accessible via the South Dakota Digital Archives.
rently more than 33,000 images
available for viewing.
The photograph digitization
project is funded by private dona-
tions and grants. If you are inter-
ested in sponsoring a photograph
collection, please contact the
South Dakota Historical Society
Foundation, the fund-raising
partner of the State Historical So-
ciety, at (605) 773-6001.
The State Archives is a pro-
gram of the South Dakota State
Historical Society. State Archives
staff are available to help assist
with research and can be reached
at (605) 773-3804 or For more in-
formation, visit
3rd Annual Faith High School Rodeo Club
Pancake Supper & Slave Auction
April 11th, 6:00 pm
at the Faith Community Legion Hall
Pancakes, sausage & eggs will be served
with the auction to follow
Freewill offering.
email us at
Page 4 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent
Opal Area News
By Kay Ingalls
Marcus News
By Vicky Waterland
Vote Glen Haines for Mayor
Experienced in local government
Long time business owner
Will attend meetings pertinent to betterment
of Faith at county and state level
Your vote on april 9th
would be appreciated
Paid for by the candidate
Time for a new, fresh voice to
be heard, please vote for me,
Jenni Fisher,
for City Council Ward 3.
Thank you
Paid for by the candidate
Was a good week for calving
and that is what most everyone is
busy with. Still waiting for mois-
ture to come to help this grass
that is trying to green up get to
Dwayne Vig helped with the
calving chores at JT and Kelsey's
on Tuesday while they made a
trip to town to get some furnish-
ings for their home addition.OJ
Heidler came down to help
Dwayne with a very difficult
Tuesday and Wednesday,
Marlin and Ethel Ingalls went to
the Paul and Debbie Delbridge
ranch to lend a hand helping Deb-
bie with some projects. Easter
Sunday, they went back down to
join the rest of the family for din-
ner and visiting after church.
Marla and Kaylee Griffith had
come to the Ingalls place on Fri-
day for the weekend. Steve, Sh-
eryl and Cody came from
Newcastle and Nathan and Jodi
and kids and Christy and Sabrina
completed the family gather-
ing. Marla and Kaylee left her
parents home on Monday for a
day of shopping in Rapid City be-
fore returning to Gillette.
John Heidler was away from
the ranch on Wednesday so left
Carmen in charge of calving, then
Thursday was Carmen's turn to
be gone as she went over to Chip
Heidlers to be entertained or en-
tertained Harlie and Braylie. She
reported a wonderful afternoon
and said you'd be surprised
things you can learn from two lit-
tle girls.
Zona Vig was in Rapid City on
Thursday. Travis and Chandelle
Brink and family left that morn-
ing for Leadership Training for
Christ Convention in Kansas City
so Zona brought the old
nearly blind and deaf dog Roo
home with her.
Faye Fees went to Faith on
Thursday for her therapy treat-
ment, then on Friday went to
Sturgis to join many other family
members at Our House assistant
living to help Margery Ingalls cel-
ebrate her 101 birthday. Marlin
and Ethel, Howard and I, and
Rod, Tracy and Justin Ingalls
also went in from the country.
Many of the grandkids and great
grandkids and great great grand-
kids were able to attend.She had
a good day and enjoyed all that
came. Probably do it over again
next March 29th.
Catherine and Linda Tifft
called on Howard and Rod Ingalls
and family on Saturday after-
noonto pick up a baby calf. When
the Tiffts had the dairy years ago
we used to go there for baby
calves.Was great to have a rea-
son to get together for a visit, and
my does the afternoon go fast
when visiting is taking place. Sad
to have to have a reason to get
those visits in.
Saturday was sheep shearing
day at the Spud and Ricky Lem-
mel ranch. Bernice said there was
27 sets of hands to help (or play)
that day. Older well-trained
grandkids that helped out were
Shea and Lexy Lemmel and
Shea's girlfriend, Brad, Briana
and Britnni, Kalen and Logan
and other grandkids came along
too to join the group. JT and
Merle Vig brought Kelsey Vig's
sheep down to be sheared in the
afternoon.Good job to have done
and call a working holiday.
Easter dinner guests of
Dwayne and Zona Vig were Hope,
JT, Kelsey and Brixie Vig. Zona
said they spent the afternoon
looking at older pictures and
sharing memories.
John, Carmen, OJ and Leah
Heidler joined Dorothy Heidler at
her home in Faith for Easter din-
ner that Jeanie Lesmeister and
daughter Kari had prepared.
Cody Lesmeister also attended.
Howard and I went to Sturgis
in time for church services on
Easter Sunday, then joined the
rest of the Simons siblings for our
gathering at the home of Guy and
Gladys Edwards.Walt and Bar-
bara missed having dinner with
us, but joined in for some visiting
later in the afternoon. Nieces
Linda Grenz, Ila Kool, Nancy
Carpenter and Guyla Ness plus
their husbands, Linda's son Bart
Grenz and family from Cody, WY
and Ila's sons Scott and Stuart
and Katy Ness were there for din-
ner also, then great niece Krystal
Schmidt and baby Jolene from
Gillette stopped by in the after-
noon.Was the first peek at baby
Jolene for most of us and she is
Clara Beth's great granddaugh-
ter.Sure enough, a darling little
Sam and Cheryl Cowles family
visited Easter Sunday afternoon
at the home of Lynn and Nancy
Miller. Nancy's mom and dad,
Allen and Ellen Talley were
there, as well as Nancy's sister
Reena Veit and husband David
from Buffalo, WY.
Would like to include other
neighbors in the Opal News, just
give me a call. Those away from
here would like to hear from you.
The day after Easter and I feel
like I have what might be called
an Easter Hangover so much
company, good food, family, visit-
ing and grandkids all revved up
for the egg hunt and Easter bas-
kets. Then to top it all off, its
April Fools Day and I fell for Val
Hlavkas snow at her house pic-
tures from 1996! We had 20
people come and go around here
yesterday so it seems awfully
quiet now. Jill Schilling and 4
kids from Spearfish, Chet and
Kristen Kilmer and Cadence,
from Spearfish, George and Kim
Langendorfer of New Underwood,
Lacey and Robert Wondercheck
and 2 boys of Howes, Bub,
DAnne, Amanda and Troy
Thompson of Howes and the two
of us were all here for dinner and
supper Sunday. We had planned
to bring my dad, Irvin, here but
decided against it due to all the
illness floating around the coun-
try. Harold and I were down Sat-
urday to see him but I wished I
had not gone. He has started hav-
ing days when he gets mean and
that was one of them. What is it
that happens to elderly folks
making them act like that? I
question his diet and the vitamins
hes not getting. Of course, the
doctor blows me off saying hes
just getting that way. What of
drug interactions, not drinking
enough fluids, besides coffee,
bladder infections and so on?
Have you ever noticed how any-
one considered old is not impor-
tant enough to really check out?
Oh, theyre just getting
older. Scary, isnt it!
Friday, Vonnie O'Dea was in
Rapid to watch grandkids, Jamie
Schweitzer, Gillette, and Michael
Deichert, Spearfish in the Little
Britches Rodeo. Jamie won the sr.
poles and Michael was 7th in calf
roping. Paige Phillips came home
with Gramma Vonnie to help get
ready for Easter. At the Saturday
rodeo, Jamie placed 4th in poles
and Michael placed second in calf
roping and team roping.
Holly and Doug Phillips, Pied-
mont, and Sheryl and Jamie
Schweitzer, Gillette, came on Sat-
urday evening and spent the
night. Joining them for Easter
were Lowell and Garrett
Schweitzer and Otto Qualm,
Platte, SD. Everyone ate too
much and enjoyed the day to-
gether. All were gone by 7 PM so
the house is quite again.
Bev Hudson was a Hills shop-
per on Friday and went to Rapid
City to watch the Brown grand-
kids in the Little Britches Rodeo.
The kids had a good day and took
home some money.
Easter guests at Tucker Hud-
sons were Carl and Ramona
Williams, Gavin and Crystal
Williams Family, and Jerome
Hueot from Rapid City. Tina
Hudson and the Bill Brown fam-
ily joined them in the late after-
noon after spending the day with
Larry Browns near Faith.
There was a really nicecrowd
at the Marcus Church Easter
morning. Harley and Connie
Weyer, Bob and Colleen
Bertolottocameout for church be-
fore spending the day with Cody
Lacey, Robert, Quirt and Rio
Wondercheck were in Rapid City
Wednesday for Rios check up.
Pruning Roots, that is
Root pruning? How do you
prune roots?You get the same re-
sults pruning roots as you do
pruning stems or branches.
When you prune a tree or shrub
you cut off the tip or terminal
bud, the plant then thinks, this
is bad I better grow more buds,
so it does and you have a bushier
denser plant. Usually the more
you wisely prune the better
shaped and healthy your plant
will become. Sometime take no-
tice of the spindly trees in a thick
overgrown forest.
The roots of plants are no dif-
ferent.They continually grow in
an outward direction from the
plant farther and farther.This of
course does not bother the plant
until you decide to move that
plant by transplanting some-
where else or sharing it with
someone.When you go to dig up
that plant you are going to sever
a good amount of the roots be-
cause they lay beyond the area
you plan to dig up. This makes
the plant difficult for you to dig
up and may risk survival of the
plant.So what is the solution?
If you plan ahead you can eas-
ily accomplish the transplanting
of larger well established plants.
One year before the move you can
root prune the plant by taking a
regular digging spade and forcing
it into the soil around the plant
about the distance from it where
you would actually dig it up. Do
this during the plants dormant
stage, here probably late fall after
hard freeze but before the ground
freezes. Then what?
This forces the plant to replace
its cut roots, this will cause the
new roots to be closer to the plant
The Garden Gate
By Karen Englehart, Master Gardener, SDSU Extension - Perkins Co.
stem and be in the root ball you
dig up a year later. The plant will
have a better root system in its
new home and will not have to
use all of its energy to replace
those severed roots. The new
roots generated by pruning are
small and more fibrous allowing a
greater ability to absorb water
and nutrients.
If you have a plant in your
landscape that isnt doing well,
possibly it is not able to absorb
enough nutrients and water, you
might try root pruning it to in-
crease its vigor. When pruning
roots it should be noted not to cut
the roots completely around the
plant but leave a few uncut
spaces to insure you do not kill
your plant.
Note: If you want rhubarb
plants this Spring, please give me
a call at 244-5402, you will go on
my list!
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 5
Faith News
By Loretta Passolt
Central Meade County News
By Sandy Rhoden
Central Meade County has
been blessed to know Mae Kef-
feler for 100 years. Mae Louise
McPherson was born April 15,
1913 to Gene and Ida McPherson
'at home' with Mrs. Hoyt as a
midwife in Alkali Creek, where
Don and Ross McPherson now
live. Mae was the fourth of eight
children. The family started with
Edna, Earl, Arnold, Mae, seven
years later Joe, Glen, Donald, and
Dale. Mae graduated from Stur-
gis High School in 1930. She mar-
ried Bud Keffeler on June 1, 1930.
She raised four children: Darleen,
Duane, nine years later Kay, and
Roger. In honor of her wishes
there will be 'no' birthday party.
However you can honor her on
this very special occasion by send-
ing a card to: Mae Keffeler, 1033
Boulevard St., Sturgis, SD 57785.
Please write "boldly" as she does
not see as well as she did her first
95 years!
Sunrise came calmly on Easter
morning while several worshipers
on the hill enjoyed the serenity of
a quiet, sunrise service. Those at-
tending gathered atop of a hill
with a cross in the pasture of
John and Sylvia Rhoden's as the
sun rose.
Easter Sunday was not as
warm as the days previously, but
the sun was shining and the day
allowed for hiding eggs and bas-
kets as a jacket was sufficient.
Caden Smiley took part in
leading some special music at the
Community Baptist Church that
day along with Shilo Hewitt,
Amanda Labrier, Amber Cam-
mack, and Ben Meyer. Caden and
David Ruth presented a special as
Caden sang and David accompa-
nied him on the piano. It is al-
ways great when our talented
young people share in our church
The Larry, John, and Levi
Rhodens attended Easter Sunday
services in Newell to attend the
baptism of Jase Rhoden. They
joined Lorie and Gary Hausmann
at Dan and Kathy Rhodens for
Easter dinner.
The Union Center track team
was scheduled for their first meet
this year in Belle Fourche on
Tuesday. Last week's early bird
meet at Douglas was cancelled
due to cold weather. They are
scheduled next on Saturday,
April 13 at Rapid City Christian.
The Faith track team is sched-
uled for their first meet this
Thursday at Mobridge. Those
from Central Meade County par-
ticipating in track this year are
Paige Brink, Brooke, Bailly, and
Brandi Enright, Chaney Keffeler,
Reggie and Tristen Rhoden, and
Caden Smiley. This is also a big
weekend in Faith with their prom
taking place on Saturday night.
Students and teachers enjoyed
a four day weekend for Easter va-
cation, making two short weeks
with Good Friday and Easter
Monday off.
Next Sunday, April 7 at 5:00
pm there will be a special prayer
gathering at the Central Meade
County Community Center. The
main focus is praying for rain and
includes several area pastors. It is
open to everyone wishing to at-
We had beautiful early spring
weather last week with tempera-
tures in the 50s and even 70 on
Thursday. Easter Sunday we
were only in the 30s and had a lit-
tle snow in the afternoon. It got
the ground wet but that was
about it.
Danny Miles went to Spearfish
to spend Easter Sunday with his
mother, Esther. He came home
Monday afternoon.
Dave and Eldora Fischbach
were home several days last week
but went to Rapid City on Easter
Sunday to spend a few days. They
enjoyed Easter dinner out over
there. Eldora had a couple gath-
erings she was going to attend
Monday and Tuesday.
Our daughter Melissa came
home from North Dakota Friday
for a couple days. She caught up
on some visiting with and Uncle
Dave and Aunt Eldora and
friends Takayla Lightfield and
Marlayna McGinnis. The girls got
together for some card games Sat-
urday night. Melissa left for home
Sunday morning, so it was just
Paul and I for Easter dinner.
Who will be mayor? Next Tues-
day is the city election. Mayor
Glen Haines is being opposed by
Peggy Riley. Voters in Ward 3
will have to choose from three
nominees for that seat: Barb
Berndt, Jenni Fisher and Gerald
Trainor. Ward 1 Councilman
Jerry Spencer has opposition
from Amy Huber. Get out and
vote on Tuesday, and remember
to take your photo ID. There is no
school election as Brian Simonson
and Scott Vance were unopposed.
Congratulations to Karli Kilby
for being elected to serve as Stu-
dent Council's Upper Missouri
Region Parliamentarian for the
2013-2014 school year!
Congratulations to the follow-
ing spelling contest winners: 1st
Grade - Bridgett Lemmel &
Caden Selby; 2nd Grade -
Matthew Gray & Cord Capp; 3rd
Grade - Kaycee Groves & Alexia
Donovan; 4th Grade - Everett
Paul & Allison Haines; 5th Grade
- Harland Groves & Iver Paul; 6th
Grade - Jayden Shoemaker &
Lenae Haines; 7th Grade - Mark
Smith & Brock Vance; 8th Grade
- Shali Sheridan & Trey Grubl.
These students will be competing
at the NWAS Spelling Contest on
April 17th.
The track team travels to Mo-
bridge this Thursday for their
first meet of the season. They
have another meet next Tuesday
at Kadoka. We wish them a good
Faiths prom is this weekend.
The junior/senior banquet is Fri-
day night and prom is Saturday
night. The Grand March is at
8:00. Parents, grandparents and
friends always look forward to
seeing the kids dressed in their
best. The post prom party at the
community center follows the
The FHS Rodeo Club is hold-
ing their 3rd Annual Pancake
Supper and Slave Auction on
Thursday, April 11th. The event
will be at the Faith Community
Legion Hall beginning with the
supper at 6:00. Join them for a
night of good food, visiting and
some auction bidding fun! Its a
good time to get some help with
painting, branding, or whatever
Spring chores you need done.
I know there were more of you
with Easter news but nobody
email us at
Page 6 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent
Sen. John Thunes
Weekly Column
Saturday, April 13th at 1 pm
In an effort to raise money to purchase new vehicles, LIVE, Inc. Is cleaning house!
Total liquidation of all John Greenleaf Furniture~ dozens of kits, assembled
& finished furniture items; Misc. used items from LIVE, Inc. offices & group homes
Consignment & Donated items~ new & used
Bake Sale starting at 10 am
Some items listed:
1993 Ford E-350 12 passenger bus with non-operational lift Used King size sleigh bed
New Lg. outdoor yard light 7 New 15 chrome wheel rims (15x7 J, 5 bolt)
3 P215/70 R14 used tires Residential Solar Panel Used writing desk
Used oak dining room table Used vacuum cleaners Used wooden book
cases (4 ft. & 6 ft.) Many, many more items to be sold
something for everyone! Concessions available on premises
1. Honesty
2. Managed million dollar contracts, completed
projects on time and under budget.
3. Managed/supervised 30-50 people depending
on project specifications.
4. Continue with annual clean-up. Improve areas
within the City Park and Durkee Lake
5. The projects to be accomplished are for the
city of Faith and NOT for personal gain.
(Paid for by the candidate)
ObamaCare continues to drive up
More than three years ago,
Congress was embroiled in a de-
bate over how to best address the
growing cost of health insurance
in our country. ObamaCare,
which was signed into law in
March of 2010, was pitched to the
American people as a way to
lower the cost of health care.
Throughout the 2008 election
cycle, candidate Obama repeat-
edly claimed that his health care
bill would cut premiums by an av-
erage of $2,500 per family. Unfor-
tunately, while the president got
his health care bill, the American
people did not get lower premi-
ums, and instead the Affordable
Care Act is projected to increase
medical claims costs in South
Dakota by 29 percent in the indi-
vidual market according to a new
study by the Society of Actuaries.
While the nonpartisan Society
of Actuaries report is the latest
study examining the rising cost of
premiums due to ObamaCare, it
is not the first. The American
Academy of Actuaries also pub-
lished a report with similar find-
ings in the fall of 2012. Even the
Obama Administration has re-
cently acknowledged that some
people could see their premiums
rise under the health care reform
law. Health and Human Services
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told
reporters that, Some people pur-
chasing new insurance policies
for themselves this fall could see
premiums rise because of require-
ments in the health care law. For
some young and healthy Ameri-
cans who choose to purchase low-
cost coverage, ObamaCare could
nearly triple premium costs ac-
cording to a survey of insurers
conducted by the American Ac-
tion Forum.
As President Obama cam-
paigned around the country in
support of his health care law in
2009 he famously said, If you
like your plan you can keep it.
Yet the higher cost of premiums
is already preventing people who
liked their plan from keeping the
coverage they previously had. Ac-
cording to the nonpartisan Con-
gressional Budget Office, due to
the increasing cost of employer
sponsored coverage, seven million
Americans will lose the coverage
they enjoy today.
ObamaCare has been built on
a series of broken promises to the
American people. Health insur-
ance premiums are going up, not
down; millions of Americans are
set to lose the health insurance
the president promised they could
keep; and the bills promised $900
billion price tag is estimated to in-
crease to $2.6 trillion. Its time to
repeal this broken legislation and
replace it with real health care re-
forms that will give Americans
access to the health care they
need, from the doctor they choose,
at a lower cost.
Grand River Roundup
By Betty Olson
It was a busy week around
here. I spent last Monday in
Pierre for Veto Day and the Exec-
utive Board elections. Sen. Ryan
Maher was elected chairman,
Rep. Lance Carson is vice-chair,
and our next meeting was set for
April 23 in Pierre. Two members
of the House of Representatives
announced that they wouldnt be
coming back next year, so the gov-
ernor will be appointing someone
to fill the seats of Rep. Jon
Hansen from District 25 and Rep.
Patty Miller from District 16.
Both legislators were in the mid-
dle of their second term. Rep.
Hansen resigned after being ac-
cepted into law school this fall
and Rep. Miller quit because of
health issues.
Its nice to be done with this
legislative session, but it will be
interesting to see the results of
some of the bills we passed. Ive
had a lot of questions about my
bill to put wolves on the predator
list, and no, you cant legally
shoot a wolf in western South
Dakota when the law takes effect
in July unless the feds have taken
them off the Endangered Species
list by then, which they have
promised to do. It will be legal to
shoot wolves east of the Missouri
River where they are not endan-
gered, so you might want to drag
it across the river or just practice
the good old western policy of
Shoot, Shovel and Shut up if
you have to shoot one. And Im re-
ally serious about the Shut Up
Speaking of predators, we are
now down to ONE chicken. The
rooster took several days to heal
up enough to get around on his
own after he was attacked by a
coon. The weather has been nice
and warm, so as soon as he was
able to walk I let him and the hen
out of the coop during the day.
The third day when I went to lock
them up for the night the hen was
the only one in the coop and we
havent seen the rooster since. Im
pretty sure Hennys days are
Tuesday I joined officials from
North and South Dakota at the
Lemmon City Hall for a meeting
about the Railroad Street recon-
struction project. Railroad Street
lies on the border between the
two states in north Lemmon. Rep-
resentatives from the Lemmon
City Council, county commission-
ers from Perkins County, SD, and
Adams County, ND, and other in-
terested parties met with Craig
Mizera of HDR Engineering. The
expense for reconstructing the
badly damaged road will be split
between Perkins County, Adams
County, and Lemmon. Garrett
Schweitzer gave me a map of the
project and suggested I drive the
route on the way home. Some-
thing definitely needs to be done.
Harding County hosted the
District FFA competition in Buf-
falo Wednesday. FFA members
from ten area schools participated
and I got to help with the horse
judging at Tim and Laurie
Olsons indoor arena. Over 200
FFA members competed in nine
different events and it was an en-
joyable day!
I got to town early enough to
stop at the courthouse to get my
new drivers license. I took a boat-
load of documents with me and
thankfully I had enough of the
right stuff to qualify. You cant
believe the documents required
by the state to prove who you are,
even if youve lived in the county
all your life. But dont yell at the
folks at the courthouse; they dont
like it either. The toll free number
for the Driver Licensing Program
in Pierre is 800-952-3696 if you
want information or need to
scream at someone.
Ryne Baier came Thursday af-
ternoon, Taz came home from col-
lege in Chadron, and Lanie came
home from Dickinson that night
to help us shear sheep on Good
Friday. Since the bucks got out
early, over 50 ewes had already
lambed, which slowed shearing
down a bit, but everything went
well and the shearers were gone
before dark.
Taz tore his hamstring in the
same leg he had surgery on last
year, so he took Josh Hunt and
Trig to bulldogging practice and
Ryne stayed here to help shear.
Saturday Ryne and Taz both took
the younger fellows to practice in
Buffalo and Ryne tore up his knee
while jumping a steer. He and
Taz limp about the same now!
I hope you all had a blessed
and happy Easter. Since were
lambing, calving, and nursing
bad colds, not many of our kids
came home. Thad, Till, and Brin
joined Caseys family and us for a
late dinner that afternoon.
Monday was April Fools Day
and Im always reminded of my
Dads sister Claire (White) John
and Reubs cousin Cliff Olson on
that day. Aunt Claire and Cliff
had April Fools Day birthdays
and it was a good thing that they
both had a great sense of humor,
because the combination of a
birthday celebration and the
greatest prank day of the year
were too much for most of family
and friends to ignore!
Ill leave you a famous April
Fools joke:
The April 1995 issue of Dis-
cover Magazine reported that the
highly respected wildlife biologist
Dr. Aprile Pazzo had found a new
species in Antarctica: the hot-
headed naked ice borer. These
fascinating creatures had bony
plates on their heads that, fed by
numerous blood vessels, could be-
come burning hot, allowing the
animals to bore through ice at
high speeds. They used this abil-
ity to hunt penguins, melting the
ice beneath the penguins and
causing them to sink downwards
into the resulting slush where the
hotheads consumed them. After
much research, Dr. Pazzo theo-
rized that the hotheads might
have been responsible for the
mysterious disappearance of
noted Antarctic explorer Philippe
Poisson in 1837. "To the ice bor-
ers, he would have looked like a
penguin," the article quoted her
as saying. Discover received more
mail in response to this article
than they had received for any
other article in their history!
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 7
The first buffalo calf of the
spring, a bull calf, in Custer State
Park was spotted on Tuesday,
March 27, 2013. It was found by
park staff near the Wildlife Sta-
tion Visitor Center off the Wildlife
Loop Road, on the east side of the
The park has about 850 head
of bison going into the spring and
is expecting around 400 calves.
The herd size should be around
1,250 at the Annual Buffalo
Roundup in September.
Spring is a great time to view
wildlife in the park, said Chad
Kremer, buffalo herd manager.
Deer, antelope, turkey and buf-
falo can be seen throughout the
park right now, and sharp-tailed
grouse are strutting on their
Visitors are advised to leave
buffalo calves alone. It can be
dangerous to approach baby ani-
mals, particularly buffalo calves.
If a mother buffalo feels she or
her calf is threatened, she may
Occasionally, people will
First buffalo calf of the season spotted at Custer State Park
SDSU Extension hosts a
ServSafe Foodservice Manager
Sanitation Certification Course
and Recertification Course April
29, 2013 in Mobridge at the
Wrangler Inn, 820 W. Grand
Crossing. Registration starts at 8
a.m. The course starts at 8:30
a.m. CST. Those receiving
ServSafe Certification will test at
5 p.m.
"South Dakota food service es-
tablishments are required to have
at least one person on staff that
has passed an approved 8-hour
food service manager sanitation
training and certification pro-
gram. ServSafe is an approved
course," said Joan Hegerfeld-
Baker, Extension Food Safety
Specialist, Certified ServSafe In-
She adds that every five years
this certification needs to be re-
newed. By attending the course
only, and not taking the exam, at-
tendees will meet the South
Dakota Department of Health
Hegerfeld-Baker encourages
anyone connected with food and
the public to attend, including; all
Food Service Managers Catering
Directors, School Food Service,
Dietary Managers, Kitchen Man-
agers, Food and Beverage Direc-
tors, Temporary Food Stand
Managers, Commodity Groups,
Food Safety Educators, Food
Service Employees and Volunteer
? Research indicates that the
ability of colostrum to provide
passive immunity to the calf is
often limited by low concentration
of colostral immunoglobulins, in-
sufficient methods of feeding
colostrum, and limited absorption
of immunoglobulins in the calf,
says Janna Kincheloe, SDSU Ex-
tension Research Associate.
"Good quality colostrum
should contain more than 50
grams per liter of IgG, which is
the primary immunoglobulin in
colostrum," Kincheloe said.
"Quality may be inadequate if
dams are young, nutritionally
stressed, have a poor immune sta-
tus, or produce large volumes of
lower quality milk."
Colostrum-deprived calves are
50 to 75 times more likely to die
within the first three weeks of
life, most of them in the first
week. Kincheloe says producers
can confirm the level of IgG found
in colostrum by testing it for an-
tibody content. She adds that it is
important to know the quality of
colostrum being produced by the
cow to be able to determine which
type of product - supplement or
replacer - is recommended for a
given situation.
Although commercially avail-
able colostrum supplements or re-
placers can play an important
role in calf health, Kincheloe says
for best results, producers need to
understand the differences in
these products based on their for-
mulations and how to use them
for optimum results.
"Failure of passive transfer
(FPT) can be determined by a test
evaluating plasma IgG concentra-
tion within 24 to 48 hours after
birth," Kincheloe said.
She explains that the critical
level used to indicate FPT in
calves is less than 10 grams per
liter. Products are classified by
their ability to raise plasma IgG
concentrations. Colostrum sup-
plements do not raise the plasma
concentration above the species
standard of 10 grams per liter,
while replacement products do.
The USDA Center for Veteri-
nary Biologics regulates
colostrum products containing
IgG. In general, products that
contain less than 100 grams
IgG/dose are categorized as
colostrum supplements, and are
designed to be used when feeding
low or medium quality colostrum.
Kincheloe says replacer prod-
ucts can be used to completely re-
place colostrum, as they contain
greater than 100 grams IgG/dose
and also supply additional nutri-
ents required by the calf (carbo-
hydrates, protein, fat, vitamins
and minerals). Research results
indicate that calves fed replacer
products perform similarly to
those fed maternal colostrum in
terms of IgG levels, health, and
growth rates.
"However, the quantity of IgG
provided by each product does not
accurately predict how much is
actually available to the calf,"
Kincheloe said.
Kincheloe explains that the
amount of IgG that can be meas-
ured in the plasma 24 hours after
birth is known as the apparent ef-
ficiency of absorption (AEA).
Research data suggests that
absorption efficiencies typically
range from 20 to 35 percent in
maternal colostrum and many
supplements. Most veterinarians
recommend that calves receive
100 grams of IgG within the first
24 hours of birth; however, effi-
ciency of absorption must be con-
sidered when determining type
and amount of supplement to be
provided.Considering average
AEA's of most products, the ac-
tual amount of IgG consumed
should be between 103 and 180
grams in order to reach the criti-
cal plasma level of 10 grams per
"Factors that can affect AEA
may include source of IgG,
method of processing, amount
and type of protein, and presence
of fat and lactose. Some research
has shown that the addition of
some colostrum supplements may
actually reduce IgG absorption
from natural colostrum," Kinche-
loe said.
In general, Kincheloe says the
three sources of IgG in colostrum
products are derived by lacteal se-
cretions, like milk, whey, or
colostrum; bovine serum extracts
or chicken eggs.
Kincheloe points to the results
from one study comparing the ef-
ficiency of IgG absorption in a
bovine serum product (BSP), cow
colostrum (MC; control), and two
commercial milk-derived supple-
ments; the results indicate that
the initial concentration of IgG is
an important consideration when
choosing a powdered supplement.
"Feeding a greater amount of a
product containing low concentra-
tions of IgG can actually result in
decreases in absorption efficiency,
so it is best just to feed a higher
quality product initially," Kinch-
eloe said.
"Be sure to carefully read and fol-
low the manufacturer's instruc-
tions since products may vary in
how they are mixed and the num-
ber of recommended feedings.
Plasma IgG tests may be recom-
mended in situations of high mor-
bidity/mortality to determine
prevalence of FTP and the effi-
cacy of colostrum management in
the herd," Kincheloe said.
To learn more, visit
and to read an iGrow article dis-
cussing the critical role of
colostrum in providing passive
immunity to the calf visit,
Colostrum supplements and
replacers - What is the difference
Those who desire to maintain
a ServSafe Certification must
successfully complete the exam.
The training session cost is
$60. Class size is limited and reg-
istration for the event is required.
Attendees are required to bring a
photo ID, and encouraged to bring
note taking materials.
The training book for this
course is ServSafe Essentials, 6th
Edition. It can be purchased
through the South Dakota State
University Bookstore for $82. To
order online visit www.sdstate-, click on "General
Books" or by phone, 800-985-
To learn more and receive reg-
istration information, contact
Debbie Bortnem: debbie.bort- or 605-688-
ServSafe Certification Course and
recertification in Mobridge on April 29th
think a buffalo calf has been or-
phaned and try to rescue it, said
Kremer. This is rarely true; buf-
falo may roam up to one mile
from their calves and come back
later for them.
Most buffalo calves are born in
May, but a few arrive near the
end of March, like this little fel-
low, into early April at Custer
State Park.
For additional information on
Custer State Park, please contact
the park at 605-255-4515 or visit
Page 8 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent
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Best of Luck 2012 - 2013 SENIORS
Wyatt Martin
Wyatt Martin is the 18 year old son of Hayes and Anne Martin, Faith. Maternal
grandparents are Rod and Joyce Smith, Chester, SD.
Wyatts work experience includes working for Lonnys Steak House.
Most Memorable Moment: Getting pulled over with Dustyn Eaton.
His favorites are: Color: Red; Group or Singer: Avenged Sevenfold; Songs: I
Wont Back Down; Movies: Spirited Away; Car: El Camino; Hobbies: Writing; Sub-
ject: History; Teacher: Mrs. King
Best thing about Faith High School: We finally have a real school.
Future plans include: Wyatt plans on enlisting in the Marines and going to col-
Kalyb Miller
Kalyb Miller is the son of Deana Jeans and David Miller. Maternal grandparents
are Alan and Shannon McGinnis. Paternal grandparents are Lana and Alen Willey.
Some of Kalybs activities include: Hunting, fishing, shooting and building things.
His favorites are: Colors: Orange; Group or Singer: Desturbed; Movie: Ex-
pendables 1 and 2; Car: 1976 Pontiac Grand LeMans; Hobby: Drawing; Subject:
Art; Teachers: Mrs. King.
Best thing about Faith High School: Small town and you know everyone.
Future plans include: Kalyb plans on learning blacksmithing and engraving .
Tearnee Nelson
Tearnee Nelson is the 17 year old daughter of Wade and Tawn Nelson, Faith. Ma-
trnal grandparents are Fio and Lory Tibbs. Paternal grandparents are Glen and Sandy
Tearnee has been a waitress at Lindas Drive In and Branding Iron Inn.
Some of Tearnees activities include: Volleyball, basketball, rodeo, track and field.
Most Memorable Moment: Rooming with Paige, Shanna and Katy at State Vol-
leyball and calling random numbers within the hotel. Bus ride to State Volleyball, win-
ning districts and regionals in volleyball. Also winning districts and regions in baskeball.
Her favorites are: Color: Purple; Songs: Catch My Breath Center of It; Group
or Singers: Kelly Clarkson; Movie: A Walk to Remember; Subject: Cross peering
for Mrs. Lewig; Teacher: Mrs. Fischbach.
Best thing about Faith High School: Knowing everyone in the school. Every-
body is pretty close and its easy to make friends.
Her accomplishments include: Making it to state in all four sports her junior
Future plans include: Tearnee plans on attending Black Hills State University
and getting a degree in elementary education.
Kalyb Miller
Tearnee Nelson
Wyatt Martin
605-859-2525 605-967-2191
New Hours:
Monday: 9:00 AM5:00 PM
Tues.Fri.: 9:00 AM3:30 PM
The Associated General Con-
tractors of South Dakota High-
way-Heavy-Utilities Chapter is
again offering scholarships to stu-
dents interested in a construction
career. The AGC represents hun-
dreds of firms which employ sev-
eral thousand workers in the
construction industry across
South Dakota. The AGC takes
pride in our efforts to enhance
workforce development and pro-
vide scholarships to help aid our
members in finding the next gen-
eration of workers.
2013 Scholarships include:
$5,000 - Neil V. Reede Memo-
rial Scholarship Awarded to a
student athlete majoring in engi-
neering, construction manage-
ment, and or business - or a
technical school student focusing
on diesel mechanics.
$2,500 - AGC Associate Divi-
sion Scholarship Awarded to a
student enrolled at a college/uni-
$4,600 - Sioux Falls Contrac-
tors Association Scholarship
Split and awarded to various stu-
dents enrolled at a college/univer-
sity or a technical institute.
$1,000 - AGC Scholarship
Awarded to a student enrolled at
a college/university or a technical
institute student.
$1,000 - Floyd Knight Memo-
rial Awarded to a student en-
rolled at a technical institute.
Applications are available from
high school and college guidance
counselors, or by logging on to the
AGC website:
The application deadline is May
3, 2013. If you have any questions
call the AGC office at 605-224-
The AGC of South Dakota,
Highway-Heavy-Utilities Chap-
ter, is a voluntary trade associa-
tion of almost 250 contractors,
suppliers and service firms who
build the roads, bridges and
water/wastewater infrastructure
in South Dakota.
AGC to award scholarships -
Application deadline nearing!
Over $21,000 in 2012
Ag Secretary Vilsacks Column
Partnering with communities to
alleviate poverty
At the U.S. Department of
Agriculture were working hard to
strengthen the economy across
rural America and in recent
years, we have seen positive signs
of growth.
At the same time, we know
that areas of high poverty still
exist, and many of these are in
our small towns and rural com-
munities. In fact, nine out of ten
persistent poverty counties in our
nation are in rural America.
Thats why USDA launched the
StrikeForce for Rural Growth and
Opportunity initiative.
Through StrikeForce, we pro-
vide intensive care for communi-
ties that suffer from high poverty.
USDA identifies areas with over
20 percent poverty for the Strike-
Force effort. We join together with
communities in these areas that
are working to build opportunity
for their citizens. Our staff part-
ner with local organizations and
civic leaders, providing them with
technical support and assistance
to help them successfully apply
for USDA programs.
Since 2010, weve piloted the
StrikeForce initiative in six states
Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi,
Colorado, New Mexico and Ne-
vada. In these states, USDA has
already partnered with more than
400 community based organiza-
tions. Now, we are adding ten
more. These include the Dakotas,
the Carolinas, Alabama, Alaska,
Arizona, Texas, Utah and Vir-
We have seen positive results
from our early efforts. For exam-
ple, in Strike Force areas, appli-
cations for Farm Service Agency
direct farm loans were up last
year, even as the number of appli-
cations nationwide was down
USDA investment in rural
community facilities projects dou-
bled. These investments provide
a wide range of assistance for
small towns everything from
helping improve a rural medical
center to providing better access
to clean drinking water for rural
Our partnerships in Strike-
Force areas also helped to in-
crease the number of children
receiving healthy meals under
USDAs Summer Food Service
Program by more than 800,000.
At USDA, were dedicated to
helping all communities address
the challenge of persistent
poverty. Theres much yet to be
done, but the StrikeForce for
Rural Growth and Opportunity is
an important step forward.
We have created a web page
with further information on this
effort at
Force. I would encourage folks to
visit, learn more about USDAs
work, and find out how were in-
creasing partnership to alleviate
poverty across rural America.
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 9
SDSCA State Convention... from Faith High School: Mrs. Deanna Fischbach (advisor), Paige Brink,
Bailly Enright, Karli Kilby, Michaelah Martin, Tori Simonson, Ashley Drum & Sierra Price. Courtesy photo
Faith High School Student
Council members attended the
26th Annual State Convention of
the South Dakota Student Coun-
cil Association (SDSCA) which
was held in Pierre, SD on March
24-26, 2013. The SDSCA Con-
vention included 745 students
and advisors from 60 high schools
across the state. It is so exciting
to see this event grow bigger and
bigger every year, said Gary
Linn, SDSCA Executive Director.
To know that student leaders
are excited about becoming
stronger leaders in their schools,
communities and in their adult
lives. This is a very rewarding
feeling for us that work with
these students on a daily basis. It
is a great way for students, advi-
sors and councils to network with
each other and learn what other
schools are doing.
The South Dakota Student
Council Association, which is co-
sponsored by the South Dakota
High School Activities Associa-
tion and the South Dakota Sec-
ondary School Principals
Association, offers an opportunity
for student council members to
exercise and enhance their lead-
ership skills. Focusing on the
theme Tune into Leadership,
the SDSCA Convention utilized a
combination of breakout sessions
and large group instructional pre-
sentations by two guest speakers,
which focused on different as-
pects of leadership. The opening
keynote presentation on Sunday
evening was presented by
Rashaan Davis from Colorado
who teaches student leaders how
to build a program based on trust,
accountability and follow-
through. He also talked with ad-
FHS students attended State Student Council Convention
visors about program strategies
they can implement immediately,
and he provided a CD with 100
Ways to Make Your Student
Council Better. The second
speaker was Kyle Scheele from
Springfield, Missouri. Kyle is an
inspiring speaker, writer and
youth expert who has challenged
thousands of teens across Amer-
ica to write their own live-better
stories. He claims he got his start
in speaking by being the Chair of
the Assemblies Committee for his
high school student council. Even
though Kyle is funny, he presents
his speeches in a way that
reaches out and connects with
The convention also featured a
state-wide community service
project. This project made 86
fleece blankets that will be dis-
persed among communities
throughout the state. The goal is
these blankets will be given to
women/children shelters, hospi-
tals, and nursing homes to aid
those who need some help.
The Convention activities in-
cluded the annual business meet-
ing of the SDSCA and the election
of the Associations 2013-2014
state officers, as well as the elec-
tion of the officers for each of the
Associations seven regions.
Elected to 2013-2014 SDSCA of-
fice from Faith High School is
Karli Kilby as Upper Missouri
Regions Parliamentarian.
Perhaps the most inspirational
moment during the State Conven-
tion occurred as part of the Clos-
ing General Session when the
student councils presented their
checks for money raised as part of
the SDSCA Statewide Spring
"Childrens Miracle Network"
project. By tradition the SDSCA
spring fundraising project is fo-
cused on the theme of "Kids Help-
ing Other Kids". Student Councils
giving money to a project such as
Childrens Miracle Network, epit-
omizes the "Kids Helping Other
Kids" philosophy.
The Faith Student Council pre-
sented a check for $200 for the
Childrens Miracle Network. This
money was raised with our Hat
Day fundraisers.
A fund has been established at the
1st Interstate Bank
PO Box 9, Sturgis, SD 57785
for Darwin Brink
as he has suffered numerous medical conditions
For more info: Call Vicki Garrigan
Page 10 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent
Place a Classified Ad...
The Faith Independent
Special Replacement Heifer, Grass
& Feeder Cattle Sale
Sale time: 11:00 AM
Expecting 1000-1200 Calves & 300-400 Sheep
Welter 140 Hereford calves HR 550-600#
Carmichael 40 Hereford calves HR 600#
Henderson 70 red & Char x steers HR 700#
Davis 130 Hereford calves HR 500-600#
Pending 150 Red Angus calves HR (green) 450-525#
Flintrock 80 Charolais x heifers 750-800#
Pending 75 blk & bldy steers (green) 500#
Pending 120 1st x & Hereford calves HR 600-700#
Consignment 50 Red Angus heifers BV HR 650#
Consignment 65 Angus cows 5-6s bred Angus calve April 5
Evitt 85 blk & bldy calves HR 650#
More feeder & grass cattle expected by sale time.
Upcoming Sales:
Monday, April 15: Special Replacement Heifer &
Grass Cattle Sale
Lone Tree Ranch Bull Sale at 1:00 pm
Fri., April 19, 1:00 pm: Pine Creek Angus Bull Sale
Monday, April 22: Stomprud Angus Bull Sale
Monday, April 29: Sunrise Angus Ranch Bull Sale
Monday, May 6: Wilken Ranch Angus Bull Sale
Faith Livestock Commission Co.
(605) 967-2200
We appreciate your business. Give us a call at 605-967-2200
or if you have livestock to sell.
We would be glad to visit with you.
Gary Vance (605) 967-2162 OR Scott Vance (605) 739-5501
OR CELL: 484-7127 ORMax Loughlin (605) 244-5990 OR
1-605-645-2583 (cell) OR Glen King 1-605-390-3264 (cell)
Nutrition labels can be confus-
ing for anyone, even the most
health conscious individual, ex-
plains Megan Sexton, SDSU Ex-
tension Nutrition Field Specialist.
"The nutrition label that is
found on all food items is regu-
lated by the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration to ensure all
information about a food product
is disclosed," Sexton said. "Even
though these labels are rich with
information it does take some ed-
ucation before you are comfort-
able enough to navigate them."
When reviewing a nutrition
label, these are the items Sexton
says an individual needs to pay
attention to.
Serving Size - Often products
have multiple servings in one
package, for example a large
sports drink (32 oz.) contains
four, 8 ounce servings.
"This means that drinking the
entire bottle would quadruple the
numbers on the nutrition label. It
is important to notice the serving
sizes and how much you are con-
suming at one time. We often con-
sume excess calories because our
portion sizes are too large," she
Calories - All foods contribute
calories that we use for energy
and our bodies need a certain
level of calories to function. Sex-
ton says by tracking how many
total calories are consumed in a
day people can better control
their weight loss, maintenance or
Main Nutrients - The first is
total fat and the subcategories of
saturated fat and trans fat - there
can also be subcategories for mo-
nounsaturated fat and polyunsat-
urated fat.
"It is most important to con-
sume foods that contain lower
saturated fat and little to no
trans-fat. Research shows that
monounsaturated and polyunsat-
urated fats have health protect-
ing qualities, while excess
saturated and trans fats can be
harmful to the cardiovascular
system," Sexton said.
Cholesterol - Sexton encour-
ages individuals to consume less
that 300mg of cholesterol a day.
Cholesterol is found in animal
Sodium- Processed foods con-
tain more sodium than fresh
foods, and remember to account
for any salt that you add in cook-
ing or at the table. Sexton says we
should consume 1,500 mg or less
per day.
Total Carbohydrates - This
section of the "Main Nutrients"
food label is broken down into two
subcategories, one of which is di-
etary fiber, which Sexton says we
should slowly increase our intake
to 25 - 38 grams every day.
"We should limit the number of
sugars we consume because ex-
cess sugar is linked with diabetes,
weight gain and heart disease,"
Sexton said.
The last section under "Main
Nutrients" is Protein.
"Protein is important for feel-
ing full and is important to most
body regulations," she said. "The
amount of protein to consume
varies from person-to-person, but
looks to consume some protein at
each meal or snack."
Percent of Daily Value -
This percentage is provided for all
of the sections discussed about to
help the consumer gage how this
food fits into their daily goals.
This percentage is based on a
2,000 calorie diet.
Vitamins and Minerals - This
section includes all vitamins and
minerals found in the food item
and are expressed in the percent
of the average person's daily
The Recommended Daily
Values - This is based on 2,000
and 2,500 calories. The last part
of the nutrition label is a break-
down of what the average person
should be consuming in a day.
The first row is for a 2,000 calorie
diet and the second row is a 2,500
calorie diet.
Sexton reminds readers that
these are just generic estimates,
for a more thorough and effective
measurement of your needs speak
with a dietitian or doctor. For
more information, visit
How to read a nutrition label
Due to discontinued funding
from Meade County
Arrow Transit will be unable to
provide service for Faith
Effective April 30th, 2013
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 11
Keep up with your city,
school, and county...
Read the Legals
Machinery & Hay Auction
WED. ApriI 10, 2013 * 11 am MT
From Faith, SD, go 3 W on Hwy 212, then 30 N on Hwy 73, then 20 E on Hwy 20 to Glad Valley
~~~ From Lemmon, SD, go 35 S on Hwy 73, then 20 E on Hwy 20 to Glad Valley, SD ~~~ From
IsabeI, SD, go 17 W on Hwy 20 to Glad Valley ~~~ at GIad VaIIey go 3 N & 2 W.
HAY 1350 BaIes: Alfalfa & Prairie Hay, Mixed
Grass, Oats, Sudan, Straw BRAND: L con-
nected Lazy J Bar, RR Cattl TRACTORS: IHC
4386 dsl 4x4 w/ duals, Cab, AC ~ IHC 806 gas
w/Du-al Ldr ~ JD 60 gas w-frnt, good tires ~ JD
G gas, w-frnt, w/F10 Ldr ~ Minn-Moline M-5 Dsl
~ Snow V-Plow ~ Hi-Co 3 pt 7` Blade MACHIN-
ERY: Case IH 8830 Windrower w/ 14` Auger Hd,
cab ~ JD 7700 desl Combine, good, stored in-
side ~ JD 220 Grain Platform, new style ~ 21`
Reel Hd ~ Sund Grain P-up ~ JD All Crop 4-row
Hd ~ JD 14` Hd ~ JD 16` Grain Platform ~ JD
454 Corn Hd, w-row ~ NH 518 Manure Spreadr
~ NH 851 Baler ~ NH 277 sq Baler ~ New Idea
731 self-prop Unipicker, cab, 4-row, 38" ~ New
Idea 2-row Picker ~ New Idea Corn Picker w/
UniSyst 737 ~ IH 4-row Corn Planter ~ Schweiss
3 pt Snowblower ~ Lehman Stack Mover ~ (3)
7` Nobel Hoe Drills ~ Intern 100 Disc Drill w/dry
fert ~ Vibra Shank 45 w/Nobl Mulchr ~ Schaeffer
14` Offset & Oliver 21` Tndm Discs ~ Oliver 4-
row Cultivator ~ Rowse 30` hyd Dump Rake ~
FH & NH live bottm Wagons ~ TRUCKS,
TRAILER, PICKUP, CAR: '83 Ford F-150 4x4
P-up ~ '83 Rawhide 6x16 Bump Hitch ~ '93 Ford
F150 XLT Gas Supercab P-up ~ '78 Chev Sil-
verado 10 Suburban, 4WD, runs good ~ 1981
LN Ford-600 tndm twin screw Truck w/steel
grain box ~ 1963 Ford sngl axl Truck w/Wood
Box ~ '36 Dodge Truck that Larry came to SD in
~ Lynx 440 Snowmobile ~ '45 Chev Truck ~
Auger w/18hp Honda, elec start ~ 40` pto Ear
Corn Conveyor ~ Blumhardt 200 gal. Saddle
Tank setup ~ Creep Feedrs ~ Bale Fork ~ Calf
Chute ~ Feed Bunks ~ Cattle Dusters ~
Hog/Calf Huts ~ Hog Feedrs ~ Lots of EARLY
More info & photos at or
Owners: Micky Barnica Estate & Larry Barnica: 605-466-2215
l|rsa|t| 1at||sa trr|tt 1ratssa 1at||sa trr|tt
Dan Piroutek 605-544-3316 Lonnie Arneson 605-798-2525
The Dewey, Meade & Ziebach
County FSA offices would like to
keep you informed of the follow-
ing items important to USDA pro-
grams. If you have any questions
please contact the Dewey County
office at 865-3522 ext 2, Meade
County at 347-4952 ext 2, or
Ziebach County at 365-5179 ext 2.
MAY 20, 2013 CRP SIGN-UP
JUNE 14, 2013 CRP SIGN-
Direct and Guaranteed
The Farm Service Agency is
committed to providing family
farmers with loans to meet their
farm credit needs. If you are hav-
ing trouble getting the credit you
need for your farm, FSA direct
and guaranteed loans are cur-
rently available to purchase live-
stock, machinery, or finance your
crop input needs..
Rural Youth Loans
The Farm Service Agency makes
loans to rural youths to establish
and operate income-producing
projects in connection with 4-H
clubs, FFA and other agricultural
groups. Projects must be planned
and operated with the help of the
organizations advisor, produce
sufficient income to repay the
loan and provide the youth with
practical business and educa-
tional experience. The maximum
loan amount is $5,000.
Youth Loan Eligibility Re-
Be between 10 years to 20
years of age;
Comply with FSAs general
eligibility requirements;
Conduct a modest income-
producing project in a supervised
Demonstrate capability of
planning, managing and operat-
ing the project under guidance
and assistance from a project ad-
visor. The project supervisor must
recommend the project and the
loan, along with providing ade-
quate supervision.
For more information about
FSA loan programs, please visit
with your county office loan staff.
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider, employer and lender.
To file a complaint of discrimina-
tion, write to USDA, Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, Office
of Adjudication, 1400 Independ-
ence Avenue, S.W., Washington,
DC 20250-9410, or call (866) 632-
9992 or (toll-free Customer Serv-
ice), (800) 877-8339 (local or
Federal relay), (866) 377-8642
(/relay voice users).
USDA/Farm Service Agency News
Gov. Dennis Daugaard an-
nounced today that the state
Board of Water and Natural Re-
sources has approved nearly $39
million in grants and loans for
drinking water, wastewater,
storm water, and recycling proj-
ects. The board met Wednesday
and Thursday in Pierre.
The $38,617,000 total includes
$9.95 million in grants and grant
amendments and $28.7 million in
low-interest loans, with nearly
$4.4 million of the loan total in
principal forgiveness.
Making the grant and loan
funds available for these projects
will result in better drinking
water, improved wastewater
treatment, and enhanced protec-
tion of the environment, the Gov-
ernor said.
The grants and loans awarded
by the board are administered
through the South Dakota De-
partment of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR).
Area grants were awarded to:
Bear Butte Valley Water
System, $500,000 grant amend-
ment for regional water system
Area loans were awarded to:
Ellsworth Development
Authority, $8.281 million total
includes a $1.469 million loan for
a water main and a $6.812 mil-
lion loan for a wastewater inter-
ceptor line
Area loans with principal for-
giveness were awarded to the fol-
Eagle Butte, $490,000 loan
for water distribution system re-
habilitation, with $392,000 in
principal forgiveness
Grant and loan packages were
awarded to:
Belle Fourche Irrigation
District, $1.5 million for an up-
grade project that includes a
$750,000 grant and a $750,000
The grants, loans, and princi-
pal forgiveness were awarded
from DENRs Consolidated Water
Facilities Construction Program,
Drinking Water State Revolving
Fund Program, Clean Water
State Revolving Fund Program,
Solid Waste Management Pro-
gram, and State Water Resources
Management System.
The Consolidated Water Facil-
ities Construction Program pro-
vides grants and loans for water,
wastewater, and watershed proj-
ects statewide. The Drinking
Water State Revolving Fund Pro-
gram provides low-interest loans
for public drinking water system
projects. The Clean Water State
Revolving Fund Program pro-
vides low-interest loans for waste-
water and storm water projects.
The Solid Waste Management
Program provides grants and
loans for solid waste disposal, re-
cycling, and waste tire projects.
The State Water Resources Man-
agement System provides grants
and loans for large water projects
that have been authorized by the
The Legislature annually ap-
propriates dedicated water and
waste funding to individual State
Water Resources Management
System projects and for the Con-
solidated and Solid Waste pro-
grams through the Governors
Omnibus Water Funding Bill.
Gov. Daugaard announces nearly
$39 million for environmental projects
Page 12 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS
for a gift
How about a
The Faith
In Town & Dupree
+ local tax
In County
+ local tax
Out of County
+ local tax
Out of State $39.00
The City of Faith, South Dakota will
be accepting sealed Bids for the digging
of a pit at the City of Faith Landfill as per
specifications on file in the Finance Of-
fice at the Faith Community Center,
Faith, South Dakota.
Sealed bids will be received up until
4:00 P.M. MDT on April 16, 2013. Bids
will publicly be opened and read in the
regular meeting room of the Common
Council in the Faith Community Center
at Faith, South Dakota at 7:15 P.M.,
M.S.T. on April 16, 2013. Each sealed
bid must be clearly marked digging of a
pit at the City of Faith Landfill.
The City of Faith reserves the right to
reject any and all bids and any and all
portions thereof, and to waive any irreg-
By: Debbie Brown
City Finance Officer
City of Faith
Faith, South Dakota
Published April 3 & 10, 2013 for an ap-
proximate cost of $19.49
A Municipal Election will be held on
the 9th day of April, 2013 in Faith, South
Dakota. If the polls cannot be opened
because of bad weather, the election
may be postponed one week.
The election polls will be open from
seven oclock a.m. to seven o clock p.m.
mountain daylight time on the day of the
At the election, the following will be
voted upon and offices will be filled:
Alderman, Ward One 2-year term
(Candidates: Jerry Spencer and Amy
Alderman Ward Three 2-year term
(Candidates: Barbara Berndt, Gerald
Trainor, Jenni Fisher)
Mayor 2-year term
(Candidates: Glen Haines and Peggy
Further, the following are unopposed
Ward Two Karen Inghram
The polling place in each precinct of
this municipality is as follows:
Community Room of the Community
Center, Faith, South Dakota
Voters with disabilities may contact
the City Finance Officer for information
and special assistance in absentee vot-
ing or polling place accessibility.
Debbie Brown
Finance Officer
Published March 27 & April 3, 2013 for a
total approximate cost of $25.32
Published April 3, 2013 for an approximate cost of $183.30
LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 13
Published April 3, 2013 for an approximate cost of $183.30
When the first of April comes,
you may be on guard to protect
yourself from an April Fools Day
prank. But every day of the year,
you should be wary of identity
Identity theft is no joking mat-
ter. Identity thieves victimize mil-
lions of people each year.
Identity thieves have some sly
tricks to obtain your personal in-
formation. They do it by:
Stealing wallets, purses, and
your mail;
Posing by phone or email as
someone who legitimately needs
information about you, such as
employers or landlords;
Stealing personal information
you provide to an unsecured site
on the Internet, from business or
personnel records at work, and
personal information in your
home; or
Rummaging through your
trash, the trash of businesses,
and public trash dumps for per-
sonal data.
Dont be fooled by identity
thieves; take the proper precau-
tions. Be sure to safeguard your
personal information, such as
your Social Security number and
mothers maiden name. If an
identity thief scores this informa-
tion, it could result in more than
monetary loss for you as a vic-
timit also can hurt your credit
score and record.
You can help protect yourself
by not carrying your Social Secu-
rity card with you and not provid-
ing your personal information to
unknown sources over the Inter-
net or by phone. Be sure to shred
any documents, bills, or paper-
work before you throw them
away. Most important, never
reply to an email claiming to be
from Social Security that asks
you for your Social Security num-
ber or other personal information.
If you are contacted by someone
claiming to be from Social Secu-
rity and you have doubts about
the validity of the caller, you can
call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-
If you think youve been the
victim of identity theft, you
should contact the Federal Trade
Commission at 1-877-IDTHEFT
(1-877-438-4338); TTY 1-866-653-
4261. Or go to
and click on the link for Report
Identity Theft.
Learn more about identity
theft at
64.html. Please dont let an iden-
tity thief make an April fool out of
Theft Its
No Joke
Page 14 April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS
Published April 3, 2013 for an approximate cost of $183.30
An aerial survey of the elk pop-
ulation in the South Dakota
Black Hills has been completed
by the Department of Game, Fish
and Parks.
GFP biologists conducted the
survey with the assistance of a
helicopter company under con-
tract with the Department, and
elk population estimates were
generated from the survey data
using a computer model that
takes into account the likelihood
of seeing elk from the helicopter.
We divided each elk manage-
ment unit into several smaller
subunits and began surveying in
the northern part of the Hills due
to ideal snow conditions, said
Lauren Dahl, GFP biologist.
From there we worked our way
south until we surveyed the en-
tire Black Hills. This effort uti-
lized 20 staff observers and 173
hours of flight time.
Biologists saw 4,624 elk in the
course of surveying the area
within the seven Black Hills elk
hunting units and the model esti-
mated the population in this area
to be just over 5,000 elk.
The population model esti-
mates detection probabilities for
individual groups of elk seen dur-
ing the survey based on the cir-
cumstances of each observation
(i.e., group size, tree canopy cover
and percent snow cover) and then
corrects for the number of elk not
sighted during the survey, said
Kevin Robling, GFP big game bi-
We saw over 3,500 elk in Unit
2 alone and the model estimated
there were 3,800 elk in this unit,
Robling said. The model esti-
mated that there were around
700 elk wintering in Unit 3.
Robling points out that previ-
ous research conducted by the De-
partment has documented that
elk often migrate and congregate
together during winter. Winter
estimates do not represent fall
hunting unit estimates. We know
elk cross hunting unit boundaries
and even the Wyoming state line
while traveling between winter
and summer ranges.
A summary report of the elk
survey can be found at
GFP surveys
Black Hills elk
The FaiTh
Keep up with your city,
school, and county...
Read the Legals
email us at
April 3, 2013 The Faith Independent Page 15
Dr. Jason M. Haf ner
Dr. David J. Prosser
Faith Clinic
Ph: 967-2644
910 harmon St
Cell: (605) 441-7465
Fax: (605) 859-2766
Bus. (605) 859-2585 or 1-800-859-5557
101 W. Oak St., PO Box 816
Philip, SD 57567-0816
Chrysler Dodge Ram Ford-Lincoln
Faith Community
Health Service
hOURS Mon.Fri.:
8 a.m.12; 1 -5 p.m.
after hours
Verna Schad: 964-6114 or
605-365-6593 (cell)
Dustys Tire Service
PH: 605-490-8007 Faith, SD
Have truck will travel
For all your on-farm tractor, truck &
machinery tire repairs call Dusty.
Leave a message if no answer
Call anytime 7 days a week!!
I have tubes & most common
tires on hand & can order in any
tire of your choice.
Serving the town of
Faith, SD
Bison, SD
H&H RepairJade Hlavka
3 mi. W & 3 mi. N of Howes, SD
Equip. Repair/Maintenance -
Hydraulics - A/C - Tires
Car & Light Truck Tires
Shop: 605-985-5007
Cell: 605-441-1168
Certified Diesel Tech
Dr. Brandace Dietterle
DC Chiropractor
Located in
Imagine and More
Prairie Oasis Mall,
Faith, SD
PH: 415-5935
Ravellette Publ. inc.
We offer a complete commercial
printing service ...
Business Cards Letterheads
envelopes Brochures
Office Forms and More!
The Faith independent
Ph: (605) 967-2161 OR
FaX: 967-2160
Ravellette Publ. inc.
We offer a complete commercial
printing service ...
Business Cards Letterheads
envelopes Brochures
Office Forms and More!
The Faith independent
Ph: (605) 967-2161 OR
FaX: 967-2160
Faith Veterinary
(605) 967-2212
MondayFriday: 8 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 am-Noon
For the best in critter care!
For all your Real Estate Needs
call Kevin Jensen
Black Hills land, homes and businesses.
With values and honesty born and bred in Faith,
trust Kevin Jensen to help you
solve your real estate questions.
Kevin Jensen your friend
in real estate
Exit Realty, Rapid City
Bogue & Bogue
Law offices
Eric Bogue
Cheryl Laurenz Bogue
416 S Main St., Fai th, SD
967-2529 or 365-5171
Available for all
Anniversary - Weddings
Call Diane Fees
605-748-2210 or 2244
Hol l oway Storage
Fai th, SD
Unit sizes: 5x10, 8x20,
10x10, 10x15 & 10x20
Steel storage facility
Cal l 967-2030 or
Cel l 605-200-1451
Badlands Enterprises
Samuel C. ORourke, Sr.
PO Box 1618, Eagle Butte, SD
Septic Tank Pumping
Portable Restrooms
General Contracting
Breakfast: Burritos
Lunch: Hot Hamburger $4.29
Sandwich: BBQ Chicken
Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwiches
Lunch: Tacos $4.29
Sandwich: Rueben
Breakfast: Biscuits & Gravy
Lunch: Asian $4.29
Sandwich: Hamburger
Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwiches
Lunch: Cassserole $4.29
Sandwich: Philly Steak & Cheese
Breakfast: Burritos
Lunch: 2 Piece Chicken Dinner $4.29
Sandwich: Hamburger
The Better Choice
Prairie Oasis Mall 605-967-2622
Faith, SD
Legal Advertising
Friday noon before
Wed. publication
The Faith independent
email us at
The landfill will
be open
84 PM
April 6th
CLASSIFIEDS CALL 967-2161 Email: The Faith Independent April 3, 2013 Page 16
CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for first 20 words; 10 each word after.
CARDS OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for first 20
words; 10 each word after. Each name and initial must be counted as one
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
Classified Display Rate.....................................................$4.70 per column inch
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is sub-
ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise
any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or national ori-
gin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimina-
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which
is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised
in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Legal Advertising
Friday noon before
Wed. publication
The Faith independent
FOR SALE: Several nice used
metal file cabinets. Save 50% or
more off new! Dels, I-90 Exit 63,
Box Elder. 390-9810. F29-1tp
TRICT is accepting applications
for part-time Computers/Health.
Applications can be accessed on
the school website, at the school
office or by calling 967-2152.
Completed applications can be
sent to: Elsie Baye, Superintend-
ent; PO Box 619, Faith, SD
576262. Closing date April 4,
2013. F28-3tc
TRICT is accepting applications
for full-time Food Service Direc-
tor. Applications can be accessed
on the school website, at the
school office or by calling 967-
2152. Completed applications
can be sent to: Elsie Baye, Super-
intendent; PO Box 619, Faith,
SD 57626. Position is open until
filled. F28-3tc
15, 8 AM5:00 PM, Community
Legion Hall. F30-2tc
Countryside Apartments in
Faith. 1 bedroom, carpeted
throughout. Laundry facilities
available. Handicap accessible.
Rent based on income. For infor-
mation contact: MetroPlains
management, LLC 1-800-244-
2826 or 1-605-347-3077 Equal
Opportunity Housing F5-tfc
with trencher and backhoe, Live-
stock Water Systems. 10 1/2 miles
south of Maurine, 605-748-2473
Merle Vig. F2-tfc
be closed Saturday, April 6th.
We want to say a big thank you to
our daugher Nina, who planned
our special day for Norms 86th
birthday and our 66th wedding
We thank all our family and
friends who found the time to at-
tend, work, and gifts at our open
Thanks to all who sent cards,
called or came and visited.
We are so grateul for all who
took the time to make our days
special. It was great!
May God bless you all!
Norman & McGee Vansickel
Thank you 212 Guys & Gals 4-
H club for the basket of vegeta-
Guy & Duane Peters
Special thanks to pianist,
Cheryl Cowles, narrator Bart
Carmichael, singers and ladies of
Bethel Lutheran Church who pre-
pared the abundant lunch after
the concert. What a joy it is to
work with people in the Faith
Teddi Carlson, Choral Director
of the Easter Cantata
We would like to thank the
Opal Fire Department, the
Stoneville and Sulphur Creek
Fire Department, the Meade
County tender #5, and our neigh-
bors for responding so quickly to
our stackyard fire. We really ap-
preciate it.
Barry, Cheryl, and Ryan Vig
CIAL BUILDING sells at Absolute
Public Auction, April 18, 2013.
High traffic Black Hills location,
seller financing offered. Info at or 605-
AVON Only $10 to start. Call for
information without any obligation.
TRICT is seeking a Superintendent,
a High School Business Teacher,
and an Elementary/Title 1
Teacher. Send a letter of applica-
tion and resume with references:
Alexander Public School, Lynn
Sims, PO Box 66, Alexander, ND
58831, or
l ynn. si ms@sendi t . nodak. edu
du>. EOE
TRICT has these openings for
2013-14 school year: 3 Elem
Teachers and 1 JH/HS English
Teacher w/wo Asst GBB and All
School Play Director. Find applica-
tion Send
application & resume: Kevin Coles,
Supt, PO Box 190, Britton, SD
57430, 605-448-2234, Deadline:
4/8/2013. EOE
cow/calf and feedlot operation lo-
cated near Rochester, MN. Insur-
ance and IRA available. Call
507-536-4030 evenings.
CONTRACTING is seeking full-time
side dump/belly dump train driv-
ers. Must have class A/Doubles
CDL. Home every night no week-
ends/holidays, must have good
work history, loader experience
helpful. Work 40 to 65 hours per
week for the industry leader.
*Earning potential based on expe-
rience, qualifications, work habits,
available hours and hours worked.
Also looking for an equipment op-
erator (loader, scraper, excavator)
with CDL. Apply to: Knodel Farms
Contractors, 43725 284th St.,
Freeman, SD 57029 (605) 925-
4595 or (605) 310-1844.
GREGORY has an opening for a full
time police officer. Applicants
must be certified or be certified
within one year of employment.
Contact City Hall at 605-835-8270
for an application. Applications are
due April 15. Send to City of Gre-
gory, PO Box 436, Gregory, SD
SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking a
Family and Consumer Sciences
teacher. If interested please send a
letter of application and resume to
Brian Shanks, Superintendent
Box 578 Elk Point, SD 57025 we
will also accept electronic materials
CARE is accepting applications for
Director of Nursing. Must be li-
censed as a Registered Nurse in
South Dakota. Previous supervi-
sory/management experience in
long term care preferred. Excellent
benefits; salary based on experi-
ence. Please contact Veronica
Schmidt (605) 673-2229 ext. 109 or
Joey Carlson at (605) 673-2229
ext. 110 for more information. Ap-
plications may be submitted on-
line at
Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 18441
Capri Place, Harrold, SD, Troy:
605-222-1258, Cell: 605-973-
Sale 1:00PM, Selling 300 Bulls:
Charolais, Angus, Sim-Angus, Red
DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders rep-
resenting Golden Eagle Log Homes,
building in eastern, central, north-
western South & North Dakota.
Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig
Connell, 605-264-5650,
SALE! Early bird spring discounts!
Save up to 40% off on machinery
storage and shops. Limited Offer!
Call Jim, 1-888-782-7040.
Craft/Flea market vendors, Sat.
June 22, Presho, SD city park. Lo-
cated on 2nd annual Scavenger's
Journey route. E-mail:
phone. com or 605-895-9445 for
information.words for $150. Each
additional word $5.) Call this news-
paper or 800-658-3697 for details.

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