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PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

Varianta 001
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Fashions fade, style remains.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 002
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Online courses have
increasingly widespread. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 003
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Text messaging on mobile phones
is creating a new language as users ignore traditional spelling and grammar. How
can the rise of the SMS culture affect literacy levels in children nowadays?
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 004
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: In every country, there are many
breathtaking sights waiting to be explored. Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 005
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Parental responsibility should be
applied to Web-surfing just as it must be to every other kind of encounter.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 006
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Whether people are learning on line
or in classrooms, one thing is for sure, the internet revolution has made learning
IT skills more essential than ever. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 007
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: We learn both through studying
and through the experiences life gives us. Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 008
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Every picture tells a story. Support
your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 009
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: It is important for children and
young people to live in a district with high quality, diverse, inclusive and
sustainable play facilities. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 010
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Advertisements don’t just sell
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

products but an image of the world in which buying becomes the main purpose in
life. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 011
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Cash, cheques and credit cards will
give way to e-currencies. What do you think the money as we know it today is
going to be like? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 012
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: You have no friends in a
world of computers. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 013
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The world of sport is
dominated by yobs1. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 014
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Love cures people - both the
ones who give it and the ones who receive it. Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 015
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: It matters not how a man
dies, but how he lives. (Samuel Johnson) Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 016
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Things do not change, we do.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 017
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Everyone is ignorant, only on
different subjects. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 018
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: A good detective story is
worth a thousand poems. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 019
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: You can replace money but you
can’t replace lives. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 020
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: By practising a sport you build your
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

body and your character. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 021
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: The defeated can rise up stronger
than the victorious ones. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 022
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Life in a big city is impossible
without at least a chain of fast-food restaurants. Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 023
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Computers tend to control our life.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 024
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Television – a media means that
keeps us informed. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 025
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Magazines – VIPs’ nightmares.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 026
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Music – a means of escaping
everyday life. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 027
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: To lie means to get rid of troubles.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 028
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Internet – an endless spring of
information. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 029
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Clubs – a means of socializing
nowadays. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 030
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Films are less educative than
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

books. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 031
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Piercing – a means of
embellishment. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 032
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Violent computer games make
children become aggressive. Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 033
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Having pets makes children and
teens more responsible. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 034
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Students should spend the whole
day on studying and not on sports. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 035
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Experiencing a live concert is not
the same as watching it on television. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 036
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Reading books in today’s
world has become obsolete. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 037
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The moving picture is by far
the most popular art of our times. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 038
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Do the media treat famous people
fairly? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 039
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Technology is making
communication easier in today's world, but at the expense of personal contact as
many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. Support your
ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 040
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Forests are the lungs of the earth.
Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the world we currently
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

know. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 041
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Progress makes us lazy.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 042
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Does modern technology make life
more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler? Support your
ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 043
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Sports classes should be sacrificed
in High School so that students can concentrate on Academic subjects. Support
your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 044
Write a narrative essay on the following topic: The strangest experience of my
life. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 045
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: We are becoming
increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, in hospitals,
crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in
future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more
suspicious of their benefits? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 046
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Human beings do not need
to eat meat in order to maintain good health because they can get all their food
needs from meatless products and meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as
healthy as a diet containing meat. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 047
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Advertising is so powerful that it
manipulates and persuades people to buy products they do not actually need.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 048
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Forests are the lungs of the
earth. Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the world we
currently know. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

experience, reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 049
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Fast food is an industry.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 050
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Children should never be
educated at home by their parents. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 051
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Many people believe that
women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater
role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good
as women at parenting. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 052
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The pen is mightier than the
sword. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)
Varianta 053
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Are famous people treated
unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their
fame an invasion into their private lives? Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 054
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Do children need to learn more
languages in the future? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 055
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Art is much less important than life,
but what a poor life without it! Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 056
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: There is more hunger for love and
appreciation in this world than for bread. (Mother Theresa) Support your ideas
with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.

Varianta 057
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: You can stay young as long as you
learn. (Emily Dickenson) Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 058
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Happiness is good health
and a bad memory. (Ingrid Bergman) Support your ideas with relevant examples
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 059
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Anyone who has never made a
mistake has never tried anything new. (Albert Einstein) Support your ideas with
relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.

Varianta 060
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Wishing to be friends is quick work,
but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. (Aristotle) Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 061
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: It is best to rise from life as from a
banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken. (Aristotle) Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 062
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Not everything that can be
counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. (Albert Einstein)
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)
Varianta 063
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: No man is good enough to
govern another man without that other’s consent. (Abraham Lincoln) Support
your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 064
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: I am not young enough to know
everything. (Oscar Wilde) Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 065
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Music produces a kind of pleasure
which human nature cannot do without. (Confucius) Support your ideas with
relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.

Varianta 066
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Maybe this world is another
planet’s Hell. (Aldoux Huxley) Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300 words / 30 lines)

Varianta 067
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Every man’s memory is his
private literature. (Aldoux Huxley) Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l) SUBIECTUL III
( 30 depuncte)

Varianta 068
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Childhood is that period in
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

your life when you can do whatever you want. Support your ideas with relevant
examples from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)
SUBIECTUL III ( 30 depuncte)

Varianta 069
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Clothes do not make the
man. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 070
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Advertising is so powerful
that it manipulates and persuades people to buy products they do not actually
need. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 071
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Education is important. Support
your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 072
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: There is a gap between
generations. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 073
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Machines are good servants but
bad masters. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 074
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Teamwork – a means of success.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 075
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Models have an easy way of
making money. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 076
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: There is an increasing
number of singers and groups that have little to do with really good music.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 077
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: It is certain that five decades
of television have not produced wiser, kinder, more humane or more concerned
societies than we had before. Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 078
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Respect is something earned, not
asked for. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 079
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Unhappiness is best defined as the
difference between our talents and our expectations. Support your ideas with
relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.

Varianta 080
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Children begin by loving their
parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.
(Oscar Wilde) Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 081
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The smaller the world
becomes, the more we have in common and the less we have which is unique.
Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 082
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: We are better off without money
and material possessions. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 083
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Life in a big city. Support
your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or
observation. (300 words/30 lines)

Varianta 084
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: The place where you live has
changed a lot in the recent years. Do you consider these changes to be for the
better? Why/ Why not? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)
Varianta 085
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: It is important that people work
together on environmental issues. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 086
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The future of mankind looks
bright. Those who argue otherwise are being pessimistic. Support your ideas with
relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.

Varianta 087
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: A true friend is the most precious of
all possessions. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

Varianta 088
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Today’s society is far too
demanding. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 089
Write an opinion essay in answer to the following question: Are there any positive
aspects in reading? Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l) Proba scrisг la Limba

Varianta 090
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Children should never be
educated at home. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 091
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: The internet should be
censored. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 092
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Parents are too permissive
with their children nowadays. Support your ideas with relevant examples from
your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 093
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Famous people are treated
unfairly by the media. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 094
Write a for-and-against essay on the following topic: Imagination is more
important than knowledge. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 095
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Education is the single most
important factor in the development of a country. Support your ideas with
relevant examples from your personal experience, reading or observation.
Varianta 096
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: White lies can sometimes improve
our social life. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 097
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Learning about the past has no
value for those living in the present. Support your ideas with relevant examples
from your personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 098
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Personal experience is the best way
PROBA E/F Limba Engleza L1 Intensiv – S3

of learning about life. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your
personal experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 099
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Violence against nature is a crime
against humanity. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

Varianta 100
Write an opinion essay on the following topic: Luck has nothing to do with
success. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal
experience, reading or observation. (300w/30l)

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