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Erick Wilfredo Perdomo Mejia Subject: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part III)

DUC - Universities (On-line & F2F Study) Undergraduate University

MARCH 15, 2013

TPI Profile Sheet

Beliefs (B)
37.6 3.2

Intentions (I) Actions

TRANS = 37

APPREN = 43 DEVEL = 39 NURTUR = 34 SOC REF = 35

B = 14 I=8 A = 15

B = 13 I = 15 A = 15

B = 11 I= 14 A = 14

B = 10 I = 12 A = 12

B = 10 I = 13 A = 12

INTRODUCTION To be a teacher teaching English language and must be highly skilled professionals and also know how to pass that knowledge so that students want to learn every day of his life everything related to the teaching of English language teacher must also take into has many things in the learning process. Teachers have a great responsibility to clearly teach any subject and students have the responsibility to learn attentive teacher. The teacher resources help of all electronic and non-electronic one is the TPI (Teaching Perspective Inventory) to help us identify our views, beliefs, intentions and actions. Summarize what has been presented, directing students to appropriate resources, setting high standards of learning, one of the major objectives of the teacher is to know all the needs of the students and teach well aware of what the student is capable of doing

Transmission According to my results I have 37 in transmission always have good command of the subject matter or content. Responsibilities to represent the content accurately and efficiently. Responsibilities students to learn that content in its authorized form the teacher has to find ways to convey students systematically through tasks leading to content mastery: whenever I have to provide clear objectives, making efficient use of class time , clarify misunderstandings, answering questions, providing timely, error correction, offering opinions, summarize what has been presented, directing students to appropriate resources, it is clear that we have that I have to reinforce some techniques to transmit knowledge effectively . Learning In learning more points 43 means I have to be highly qualified. When and where you teach, whether in the classroom or in the workplace, they are recognized for their expertise. Socialize with accessible language and an ordered set of tasks that usually come from simple to complex, namely the ability of the student. Good teachers know what their students can do on their own and they need guidance and are familiar with the needs and the great strengths of students Developmental I have 39 scoring understand that I must learn more about how my students think and reason about the content. Strengthen students develop cognitive structures increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of the content. As (1) effective questioning that challenges students to move from the relatively simple to the more complex forms of thought, and (2) "the intersection of knowledge," which provides examples that are meaningful to the student. Translate all professional skills to a level of teaching for students who can understand and develop the right way. Nurturing On this score I have 34 apprentices must motivated and productive when working on issues or problems without fear of failure. Motivating, facilitating students to draw on knowledge that can succeed in learning. The success achieved is through the efforts and their own capacity as a teacher always

learning effort will be supported by peers, maintain good self-esteem of students, and appreciate what you do for the perseverance always bears fruit. Social Reform

My score is 35 always find that what causes a student in the social reform, the aim of education is the collective rather than the individual. Teaching values and ideologies that are embedded in the texts and common practices within their disciplines. To do this, analyze and build common practices of the ways in which these practices perpetuate the conditions that are unacceptable. Class discussion focuses less on how knowledge is created, and by whom and for what purpose. The texts are interrogated by what is said and what is not said, what is included and what is excluded, which is represented and that is ignored in the dominant discourse. Students are encouraged to take positions critical to empower them to take social action to improve their own lives and the lives of others.

CONCLUSION There are many deficient in the technique to teach English Taking into a count the factors of Teaching Perspective Inventory That include important division transmit That included the knowledge of the student, to the skills of the students, good socialization into the classroom However Especially not always will be possible to use one hundred percent. I take in account the all the important part and apply all the methods This Way and techniques, because is Responsibility of teacher teach and the students is to learn Responsibility

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