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Pilrig Park Improvement Plan Aim 1: to ensure Pilrig Park is welcoming and accessible to all possible users Objectives

Action Lead Timetable 1.1 To ensure Keep all notice boards up to date with Park On-going consistent, up-todate signage throughout Identify signage requirements (e.g directional signs, interpretation, site 1.2 To ensure high quality welcoming entrance points 1.3 To enhance and promote cycle path network Install cycle racks at play area CC&L parks team 2014 maps) and put costed plan together Develop project to create designed gateways to mark key entrance nodes. 2012 2015 2013 relevant information Rangers Status on-going

Aim 2 : to ensure the safety of all staff and users of the park Objectives Action Lead 2.1 Reduce antiWork with community safety and police CPO social behaviour to tackle problems. Work with Environmental Wardens to reduce dog fouling (campaigns, green dog walkers, etc) Tackle graffiti problem work with community safety and environmental wardens 2.2 Well maintained play area Carry out weekly checks of play area to ensure Landscape Quality Standards are met (e.g. surface regulation, litter, 2.3 Reduce vehicles in park glass) Work with football clubs to stop unauthorised vehicles in park. CC&L parks team Park Ranger CC&L parks team CC&L parks team CPO

Timetable On-going On-going

Status Started Started



2013 On-going Started



Aim 3: to improve the range of facilities in Pilrig Park 3.1 Enhance Upgrade of children play areas. current facilities of park

P&G Play team

2014 (dependi ng on capital funding) 2017

Use developer contributions (and 3.3 Create picnic area 3.4 Install further seating explore other funding streams) Install picnic tables and consider BBQ slabs Find locations where seats have been removed and seek funding to install new seats CC&L parks team CC&L parks team



Aim 4: to maintain the highest standards cleanliness, grounds and building maintenance Objectives Action Lead Timetable Status 4.1 To ensure a Replace damaged and old style bins. CC&L 2013 Feb high standard of waste management Sports clubs to remove litter after matches Increase frequency of bin servicing at peak times Identify benches/bins for programme of painting/cleaning 4.2 To improve standard of infrastructure (railings, pathways etc) Survey all paths and develop a costed plan for upgrading network. Apply for capital funding to upgrade paths Carry out consultation for future planting e.g herbaceous perennials (bee friendly) CC&L parks team CC&L parks team CPO & Greener Leith 2013 2013 2013 Review of assets parks team Sports clubs TF CC&L parks team Park Ranger 2012 Started 2013 2013 2013 Started -

Remove tree stumps to improve ease of grass cutting Re-instate grass where stumps have been removed

Forestry Service CC&L parks team

2013 2013 -

Aim 5: To promote biodiversity and sustainability through appropriate management Objectives Action Lead Timetable 5.1 Promote Create a bee caf (link with Action 4.4) Greener 2013 management for biodiversity Identify appropriate actions from the Biodiversity options for parks and greenspaces a guide for park 5.2 To maintain and increase tree stock managers Assess condition and manage current tree stock Carryout annual survey for Dutch Elm Disease Create a programme for replacement and new structural planting of forest and amenity species Aim 6: To maintain and promote the historic landscape Objectives Action Forestry Service Forestry Service Forestry Service. Annual Annual 2013 CPO 2014 Leith

Status -

Ongoing Ongoing Started




Aim 7: To encourage and promote community involvement and engagement Objectives Action Lead Timetable 7.1 To engage with Promote Parks and Greenspace Survey CC&L On-going local community Identify range of potential community led projects (e.g Community garden, bee caf etc) 7.2 Improve promotion of park 7.3 Ensure robust Review and update web content Undertake annual review of events that

Status -

parks team CC&L parks team

KR 2013 Annual 2013 -

event management

have happened.

Aim 8: To provide a responsive, flexible and high quality management service Objectives Action Lead Timetable 8.1 Ensure coSet up a steering group (key CPO 2013 ordinated approach to management 8.2 stakeholders) to develop a Park Improvement Plan Apply for Green Flag status CC&L parks team


The following documents and information have been used to develop a draft Park Improvement Plan for Pilrig Park: Park Quality Assessments (annual) Parks and Greenspace on-line survey responses (2011) Park Audit (2001)

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