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Direct Torque Control with ANN Speed Controller

based on Kalman filter for PMSM

F.Hamidia, MS.Boucherit A.Larabi M.Bouhedda

Ecole Nationale Suprieure Polytechnique

Universit de Science et de Technologie

Universit Yahia feres de Mda
d'Alger, 10, avenue Pasteur, Hassan Badi, Houari Boumediene, B.P: 32, Bab-Ezzouar, Avenue de lALN, Ain Dheb,
BP 182, El Harrach, Alger, Algrie. 16111, Alger, Algrie. Mda, Algrie

Abstract this paper presents the application of Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) based on Kalman filter to replace PI speed
controller for PMSM using direct torque control (DTC).
Simulation results show that the proposed controller can provide
better speed control performance than those obtained by the
application of a conventional PI controller.
Keywords-Artificial Neural Network, PMSM, DTC, Kalman
The Proportional Integral (PI) controllers are intensively
used in control application due to its versatility, discharges
benefits and facility of implementation.
However, PI controller is slow in adapting to speed
changes, load disturbances and parameters variations without
continuous tuning of its gains [1]
In the past, AC drives were only used in small demanding
applications, regardless of the advantages of AC motors as
opposite to DC motors, since the high switching frequency
inverters cost was rather competitive. With the developments
in the power electronics area, the vector control methods,
which use fast microprocessors and digital signal processing
(DSP), made possible the use of induction motors in typically
DC motors dominated areas, since the current components
producing torque and flux are decoupled, achieving the system
separately excited DC motor similar features.
The Direct Torque Control (DTC) method, developed by
German and Japanese researchers, allows direct and
independent electromagnetic torque and flux control, selecting
an optimal switching vector, making possible fast torque
response, low inverter switching frequency and low harmonic
losses [2].
Even though the DTC technique was originally proposed
for the induction machine drive in the late 1980s, its concept
has been extended to the other types of ac machine drives
recently [3], as such Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.
A conventional PI speed controller has been used in motion
control applications for a long time [4]. Fuzzy logic and neural
networks has been a subject of growing interest in recent years
Numerous works reported in recent past have shown that a
fuzzy logic controller has a potential to replace the
conventional PI controller. Fuzzy logic (FL) control
apparently offers a possibility of obtaining an improvement in
the quality of the speed response, compared to PI control [4],
but in order to increase the response time period of the system,
this paper proposes artificial neural network speed controller
and to improve the performance of direct torque control of
PMSM in closed loop, under transient and steady state
uncertainties caused by the variation in load torque, this neural
network speed controller is based on Kalman filter.
The transformation of PARK brings back to the equation
stator in reference frame related to the rotor.

Where R
is the stator resistance, I
is the d-axis current,
is the total flux in the d-direction, M
is the total flux in the
q-direction, and I
is the q-axis current. Flux-linkage can also
be expressed in dq coordinates as follows:


Where L
is the d-axis inductance, M
is the flux-linkage
due to the permanent magnets, and L
is the q-axis
inductance. As d-axis is aligned with magnets axis, there is
no contribution of the magnets to q-axis magnetic flux-
linkage M
The motor torque expression with dq magnitudes is [6]:


The basic idea of the DTC concept, whose block diagram is
shown in Fig. 1, is to choose the best vector of the voltage,
which makes the flux rotate and produce the desired torque.
During this rotation, the amplitude of the flux rests in a pre-
defined band. [7][8].

2012 - 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices
978-1-4673-1591-3/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE

Fig1. Schematic diagram of DTC-PMSM control with Speed Controller

The three-phase two level voltage source inverter creates
six non-zero voltage vectors, shown in Fig. 2, and two zero
voltage vectors, which can be applied to the machine terminals

The stator flux vector can be estimated using the measured
current and voltage vectors [7]:


= (

) (2)

Then, the torque can be calculated using the components
of the estimated flux and measured currents:



Where p is the pole pair and and represent the
Concordia transformation components of the current and flux.
Circular trajectory of the stator flux is divided into six
symmetrical sectors referred to as the inverter voltage vectors,
shown in Fig. 2. For each section, based on the torque and flux
errors, a proper vector set is proposed. Four switching
solutions can be employed to control the torque according to
whether the stator flux has to be reduced are presented in
reference [9][10] cited by [11][12]. Switching method D is
used in this study.

Fig2. Spatial voltage vectors as function of the state inverter

The typical DTC includes two hysteresis controllers, one
for torque error correction and one for flux linkage error
correction. The hysteresis flux controller makes the stator flux
rotate in a circular fashion along the reference trajectory for
sine wave ac machines as shown in Fig. 3. The hysteresis
torque controller tries to keep the motor torque within a pre-
defined hysteresis band [3].

Fig3. Vectors Selection corresponding to stator flux amplitude control

At every sampling time the voltage vector selection block
decides on one of the six possible inverter switching states (S
, S
) to be applied to the motor terminals.

The possible outputs of the hysteresis controller and the
possible number of switching states in the inverter are finite,
so a look-up table can be constructed to choose the 4
appropriate switching state of the inverter. This selection is a
result of both the outputs of the hysteresis controllers and the
sector of the stator flux vector in the circular trajectory [3].

In Table I is presented the DTC selection algorithm.


Flux Torque N=1 N=2 N=3 N=4 N=5 N=6 Controller

ccpl=1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1 Two

ccpl=0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0
ccpl=-1 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Three levels
cflx=0 ccpl=1 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1 V2 Two

ccpl=0 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7
ccpl=-1 V5 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4 Three levels
To get better performance, a neural network controller has
been introduced in this paper to replace the traditional speed
controller PI.

Fig4. Schematic diagram of ANNs
This neural speed controller has one input; the error which
represents the difference between the speed command and the

output of the process, one neuron as output (which
represent torque command).
By using Matlab/Simulink toolbox, we use feedforward
algorithm, we select fourteen neurons at the hidden layer, with
the activation functions are 'tansig' for all neuron layers. The
sum squared error falls under 0.05 after 500 iterations.
The Kalman filter is proposed to training off-line our ANNs
speed controller.
The simulation results consider the variations in the load
and speed requirements. The system is first tested under a step
change with nominal in the speed reference (1200 rpm) and
constant load torque (2N.m) applied between (0.4sec and
0.6sec) as shown fig5.

We note that the estimated values of fluxes, torque and
rotor speed converge very well to their simulated values.
The simulation results of speed and torque responses of the
motor showing in fig5 operate with PI and ANN speed
controller. It appears that, stator flux vector describes a
trajectory almost circular and the decoupling between flux and
torque is maintained

Fig.5 Performance of DTC using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controller and Conventional controller (PI)

To study the drive performance with a change in the
command speed, the system is tested under a speed reference
step change from 70 rad/sec to 125.66 rad/sec at t=0.5sec as
shown in fig6 and fig7b and an another test is performed by
applying a speed reversal command -125.66 rad/sec at t=2sec
is shown in fig9.
As shown in Fig. 6, 7 (represent Responses of torque and
rotor speed with zoom). ANNC still shows faster dynamics
and reaches the command speed in 0.045s with negligible
steady state error compared with 0.055s and steady state error
for PI scheme.
The motor reaches the reference speed rapidly and without
overshoot, load disturbances are rapidly rejected and the
efficiency, performance and reliability of PM synchronous
motor drive increases by the use of ANNC rather than that of
using PI Controller.

Fig.6. Electromagnetic torque response (comparison between PI and ANN controller)

Fig.7. Rotor speed response (comparison between PI and ANN controller)

Fig. 8 Performance of Direct torque control with artificial neural network (ANN) speed controller (with change in speed command)

DTC of the PMSM can be as attractive as DTC of an
induction motor. In this paper, a comparison study between PI
and ANN Speed Controller based on Kalman filter using DTC
of PMSM in closed loop are presented.
The simulation results show that the PMSM drive system
has faster response, smaller overshoot and better robustness
with application of artificial neural network speed controller
ANNSC compared to the classical controller PI.
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