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1. GENERAL INFORMATION. Name: Career: Subject: Title of the activity: Year: Leylani Vanessa Lpez Marroquin.

English Major Vark inventory learning style Vark inventory learning style 2013

2. Introduction: write the purpose of the report, definition of VARK, and the importance of knowing your personal learning style. The introduction should have two or three small paragraphs. The principal purpose of the WARK inventory is that the student o the teacher Know the profile of learning that have, because this questionnaire is personal and unique, in other words each person have different score in the WARK and obtain the a unique combination and the report is based on your specialized profile. Definition of VARK: is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information, The importance of knowing your personal learning style is, that when you know what is you learning style you can adopt new strategies, or put more attention in a little details than help you to improve your learning and with this activities you can invest more time in other areas of your education.

3. The test result and the description of your learning style: using your own ideas, examples, explanations, and description. It is important to try to personalize this description to your own interpretation of your learning style. The VARK Questionnaire Results Your scores were: Visual: 4 Aural: 10 Read/Write: 5 Kinesthetic: 5 According to these results I have a multimodal (WARK) learning preference; The multimodal style of learning means that I have a mixed combination of potentialities of the learning styles , although in my case the most influential is the AURAL This means that my learning style is learning in group, in other words, I could say that for my better learning I have to use strategies which includes my group of classmates, and improve my knowledge so effectively. In the other three areas of my knowledge I feel that I am balanced, because I have the same score in read/write, Kinesthetic and a small decrease in the visual area. With this result I understand that I need to apply more strategies of visual learning in other to have integrated knowledge.

4. Select the Study Strategies that apply to your learning preferences from the list provided by the author of the VARK test. The VARK Questionnaire Results : Visual: 4; Aural: 10; Read/Write: 5; Kinaesthetic: 5
INTAKE Visual=4 SWOT - Study without tears OUTPUT


- attend classes - discuss topics - explain new ideas to other people - use a tape recorder - remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes... - leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling'

- Convert your "notes" into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1) - Put your summarized notes onto tapes and listen to them. - Read your summarized notes aloud.

- Imagine talking with the examiner. - Practice writing answers to old exam questions.

5. Conclusion: Write your opinion about the test, the result, the learning and communicating activities. Do you agree with the result? How could this information about your learning style be used? Are you planning to use the learning and communicating strategies during the semester? Write two or three paragraphs answering the questions and providing more information. In my opinion this is a very important tool because with this questionnaire you can determine the type of learning do you have and this is very useful to identify the type of strategies you can use in order to improve our knowledge acquisition and be more effective. I agree in some parts with the result of the questionnaire, because I think that is much easier learning group, because when you have the support of our classmates are less difficult to learn. But I also believe that if you want to learn alone you can be learned individually, slower but you can. I think than these results are used in order to increase youre learning in the correct areas And. - yes I believe that is important to use this type of strategies to obtain better results in education.
Criteria 1. General Information 2. Introduction 3. The test result and the description of your learning style 4. Select the Study Strategies that apply to your learning preferences and style 5. Conclusion Total % 10 10 40 20 20 10 0 Grad e

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