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The 2012 IATEFL Annual General Meeting SECC, Glasgow, UK 1335-1420 IATEFL President Eric Baber welcomed everyone

to the AGM and introduced the Trustees. He explained that only fully paid up members were entitled to vote, with Institutions having one vote. Minutes 1 Minutes of the AGM held in April 2011 at the Brighton Centre These were previously available on the website and approved for accuracy and approved by a show of hands. They were signed by Eric Baber. 2 Matters Arising None 3 & Treasurers Report & Presentation of Accounts for 2010-2011 4 The accounts were available in their full form to view but a summary of the accounts had been given to all attendees. The accounts have already been approved by the Coordinating Committee but were presented for information and comments. Amos Paran, the Treasurer explained the difference between restricted and unrestricted funds, and showed the split in our reserves that matched this. IATEFL Trading is working now, with certain streams of revenue being put through the Trading company and as such is subject to VAT. At year end any surplus is Gift Aided to the Charity. The income is larger than expenditure by 59857, and taking in to account the loss on investments we had an overall surplus of 53160, bringing the total of our funds to 1007000. A quarter of our income comes from subscriptions, and another half from conference. We now have a large reserve in unrestricted funds which will enable us to have one years operating costs available in case of a crisis, to consider new projects such as purchasing a property and also to spend more on scholarships, WMS, staff, and staff benefits. This year, for example we have given staff a higher salary rise than inflation, because we do value our staff and consider their welfare. Thanks as always to Glenda Smart, Executive Officer, for her patience, Emma Dexter our previous Finance Officer, and Kay Cox our new Finance Officer. Adrian Tennant asked if we had found any premises. At the moment we are negotiating a possible new build on the university campus, but will know more in the next few weeks. Our current lease expires in 2013. Reappointment of Larkings as auditors This was approved by a show of hands Presentation by President and Executive Committee Chairs (all reports are available in the programme) Eric explained that our Coordinating Committee (our Trustees) in most cases chair our Executive Committees. The President chairs the Conference Committee, with Roz Wright and Carol Read as members. He thanked them both for the work they had put in, along with Head Office and the Local Committee. Amos Paran, the Treasurer chaired the Finance Committee, which was currently looking at investments. Gary Motteram, Chair of Membership Committee, said that membership continues to grow and that we hope to announce the 4000 member very shortly. A membership survey had been sent out and there were over 700 responses, ideas from which were fed in to the recent Think Tank meeting. We plan to keep increasing membership in all categories. Gavin Dudeney is Chair of the Electronics Committee, with Eric Baber, Mike Harrison and Sara Hannam, who was currently working with the British Council Online team. They were hoping to bring new features for SIGs and Associates soon. Gavin thanked the British Council for their

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support in facilitating the Online conference. The App for the programme was proving very popular and we are considering an opt-out for the paper copy of the programme for next year. Les Kirkham, Associate Representative, and Amy Jost constitute the Associates Committee. We have around 100 associates currently and we have several new ones coming forward to join us soon. We are considering an online option for newsletters so that Associates can share information and articles, and this will be worked on during the coming year. Zeynep Urkun, the Secretary explained that she has a very busy role, ensuring that the other Trustees report on all their activities. This is the end of her first year and she has enjoyed every minute of it. Colin MacKenzie is the Special Interest Groups Representative, and he asked all the SIG Coordinators who were present at the AGM to stand up. He added that the SIGs were currently liaising with TESOL and their Interest Groups to arrange sharing of information, and visiting each others events etc. He thanked all the staff with particular thanks to Eleanor Broadbridge the SIG and General Administrator, for all her hard work on behalf of the SIGs. Herbert Puchta, Vice-President, chairs the Publications Committee and he thanked all those who had helped to make his final year on the Coordinating Committee a smooth one, such as JoAnn Salvisberg and Martin Eayrs on his committee, Alison Schwetlick editor of Voices and Tania Pattison editor of Conference Selections. He also thanked all the SIG newsletter editors and Vicky Sowerby and Glenda Smart in Head Office. Appointment and reappointment of Trustees Les Kirkham had volunteered to continue his role for another three year period, as Associate Representative, which had been accepted. Colin MacKenzie was stepping down as SIG Representative and his replacement had been chosen by the 14 SIGS and we welcomed George Pickering in to the new role, back on the Coordinating Committee again (GP had previously been our Treasurer). We also had to say goodbye to Herbert Puchta and Eric said that it had been a pleasure and honour working with him over the past few years. Herbert admitted that he was a little relieved to be stepping down but also a little sad it had been a great honour working for IATEFL. A recent vote for a new Vice President/President resulted in a clear favourite and Eric Baber put forth a resolution that Carol Read be accepted in this role, which was agreed. Questions from the floor Madeleine DuVivier asked for the results of the voting. There were three candidates and the votes were as follows:Kalyan Chattopadhayay 180 Mpofu Patson 43 Carol Read 556 An email had been sent to all members with this information. Margit Szesztay said that it was very nice to meet all the committee at the AGM but it would also be nice to see them at the opening of the conference. It was explained that this was the usual practice and only exceptionally hadn't been possible this year. There was also individual thanks from the floor by Rajan Dixit and Chinelo Nwokolo. Date of Next meeting 10th April 2013 Liverpool, time and place to be announced

The SECC has planted an acre of trees in the north of Scotland to offset the damage done by our conference this year. Numbers in attendance - 84

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