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Semester (Week)

Time Allocation

Theme/Topic/ Learning Area /Common Learning Outcomes Greetings and social expression - greetings

Objectives/Specific Learning Outcomes

Terms/Concept/ Scientific Skill/Activities

Moral Values/Scientific Attitude

Teaching Aid/ Remarks Flash Cards pictures. Words Cards Flip charts

30 minutes

Greet a person at different times during the day

Respect others Listening and imitating words of greetings. Recognizing social situations and giving suitable responses Identifying and naming parts of the body. Identifying and labeling parts of the head Recognizing and naming family members Questioning and answering about family hierarchy Concern about oneself. Self awareness

2-5 30 minutes Parts of the body

Identify parts of the body Identify parts of the head

Pictures. Word cards Charts

Family members members of the family Family members family hierarchy


30 minutes

Name and differentiate members of the family Understand and state family hierarchy

Caring and loving

Photographs Flash cards Charts flash cards

30 minutes

Calendar days of the week

Name of the days if the week

Naming days of the week in sequence

Appreciate of time

Charts Flash cards


30 minutes

Numbers- numerals

Name and differentiate numerals Identify things in the classroom Identify parts of the classroom name it

Counting numbers by rote Recognizing words and matching pictures Identifying parts of the classroom and recognizing the words

Knowing numbers Appreciate others Awareness about spatial

Beads blocks

10 - 11

30 minutes

Things in the classroom non living things in the classroom Things in the classroom parts of the classroom

Real objects pictures


30 minutes

Places in the school directions Colours different colours Colours associate colours of objects

I dentify directions Identifying and differentiate colours Primary and secondary colours Identify and name different types of occupations Identify different places of work

Listening to directions and perform actions Recognizing and read words

Be careful Appreciate colours of the rainbow Colours awareness Hygiene awareness

Role play Charts Words cards Flash cards Worksheets

13 15

30 minutes

Differentiating and naming primary and secondary colours Recognizing and read words Matching pictures with words

15 - 16

30 minutes

Occupations different kinds of occupations Occupations Places of work

Flash cards worksheets

17 - 19 30 minutes

Clothing different kinds of clothing Clothing Preferences of clothes Food Types of food Food Kinds of food one

Identify and name different types of clothes State preference of clothes Identify different types of food What one likes to eat/drink likes/dislikes

Recognizing and read words

Hygiene awareness

Flash cards worksheets

Matching pictures with words Identifying and naming different types of fruits Visiting the school canteen Choosing and differentiating what one likes/dislikes Identifying and naming different types of fruits Recognizing and read words Matching pictures with words Aware of food cleanliness Knowledge of vitamin Self awareness Food in the canteen Pictures of food

20 - 22 30 minutes

Fruits different types of fruits

23 - 24

30 minutes

Identify different types of fruits Recognize and read

Aware of food cleanliness Knowledge of vitamin

Real fruits Pictures of food

25 - 26

30 minutes

Identify different types of vegetables Vegetables different types of vegetables

Recognizing and naming vegetables Recognizing and read words matching pictures with words

Good vegetables Aware of food cleanliness Knowledge of vitamin

Pictures of vegetables

Plants flowers


30 minutes

Identify different kinds of flowers Recognize and read

Taking a walk in the garden Recognizing and naming vegetables Recognizing and read words Matching pictures with words

Appreciate the environment



30 minutes

Plants Trees Transportation modes of transportation Transportation public transportation

Identify different kinds of trees Identify the different modes of transportation Types of public transportation

Identifying and naming different trees Grouping different types of transportation (air,land,water) Recognize and read Matching pictures with words

Appreciate the environment Be careful Safety on the road


Pictures models


30 minutes

30 31

30 minutes 30 minutes

Numbers monetary value Calendar months of the year

Money denominations Name 12 months of the year

Recognizing and denoting monetary amount Identifying and naming months of the year

Cooperate with others Knowing special occasions

Models of money Charts Word cards

32 - 33

30 minutes

Time Clock

Numbers on the clock Tell time

Identifying and naming time on the clock Showing time on the clock (hour, minutes) Identifying and associating shapes with objects Tracing and drawing shapes Identifying and naming domestic animals Describing pet one has Associating wild animals to their habitat

Appreciate time


34 - 35 30 minutes

Shapes Different shape of objects Shape manipulate objects Animals domestic animals Animals pets Animals wild animal

Identify shapes Identify different shapes of objects

Appreciate of tidiness Cooperate with others

Shape blocks Shape cards Worksheets

36 - 38

30 minutes

Identify different kinds of domestic animals Identifying suitable animals for pets Identify wild animals and their habitat

Appreciate animals Care for animal Beware of wild animals

Pictures animal models Word cards pictures Animals model

39- 40

30 minutes

Insects common insects

Identify and name insects

Identifying and naming insects

Beware of harmful insects

Picture books

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