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NAME: DATE: Chapter 9: Microorganisms and Their Effects on Living Things Paper 1 1 A 2 Which of the following microorganisms causes

dengue? Mqnakah antara mikroorganisma berikut menyebabkan penyakit Denggi? Bacteria B Protozoa C Virus D


There is a type of illness that is caused by a virus, which infects the saliva gland and causes it to swell. What is another characteristic of this illness? Penyakit jenis ini disebabkan oleh virus yang menjangkiti kelenjar air liur sehingga membengkak. Apakah ciri lain penyakit tersebut? A It can cause infertility in patients. Penyakit itu menyebabkan kemandulan kepada pesakit. B There is a vaccine to prevent this illness. Terdapat vaksin yang mencegah penyakit itu. C One can be infected through blood transfusion. Seseorang boleh dijangkiti melalui pemindahan darah. D It can be prevented by drinking boiled water. Penyakit itu boleh dicegah dengan meminum air yang telah dididihkan. Figure 1 shows a petri dish containing sterile nutrient agar and it is exposed to the air for a few days at room temperature. Rajah 1 menunjukkan piring petri yang mengandungi nutrien agar yang telah disteril dan terdedah kepada udara dalam suhu bilik selama beberapa hari.

Figure 1 At the end of the experiment, a clear spot was observed as shown above. Which of the following is found in the clear spot? Pada akhir eksperimen, satu kawasan jernih terbentuk seperti yang ditunjukkan di atas. Antara berikut yang manakah terdapat pada kawasan jernih itu. A Vaccine B Antibiotics C Serum D Antibodies 4 Table 1 shows the medium and incubation temperature for test tubes X, Y and Z. Jadual 1 menunjukkan medium dan suhu pengeraman untuk tabung uji X, Y dan Z.

Table 1 Which of the following test tubes has the most ideal condition for bacterial growth? Antara berikut tabung uji yang manakah paling sesuai untuk pertumbuhan bakteira? A X only B Y only C Z only D X and Y only 5 Table 2 shows several pathogens and their respective ways or methods of infection. Jadual 2 menunjukkan beberapa patogen dan cara penyebaran penyakit.

Table 2 Which of the following may be diseases X, Y and Z? Antara berikut yang manakah penyakit X, Y dan Z? A B C D 6 X Tuberculosis Poliomyelitis Gonorrhoea Hepatitis B Y Dysentery Syphilis Measles Tinea Z Goitre Dysentery Tuberculosis Cholera

Which of the following diseases can be contracted when an infected person sneezes? Antara penyakit berikut yang manakah boleh berjangkit apabila seseorang itu bersin? A Measles B Malaria C Common cold D Poliomyelitis Table 3 shows four Petri dishes containing bacteria cultures that are left in different conditions. Jadual 3 menunjukkan empat piring petri yang mengandungi kultur bakteria yang dibiarkan dalam empat keadaan.

Table 3 Which of these four Petri dishes will have the most number of bacterial colonies? Antara empat piring petri ini manakah yang menunjukkan bilang koloni yang paling banyak? A I B II C III D IV 8 Figure 2 shows four methods of modern medical treatment. Rajah 2 menunjukkan empat kaedah rawatan moden.

Figure 2 What is X? Apakah X? A The use of ultraviolet light Penggunaan cahaya ultraungu C The use of plant roots Penggunaan akar tumbuhan


Sterilisation Pensterilan Radiotherapy Radioterapi

Bacteria can survive in unsuitable conditions because bacteria can form Bacteria boleh membiak dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai kerana bacteria akan menjadi A buds B spores C flagella D chlorophyll

10 Hepatitis B can be spread Hepatitis B boleh merebak I through transfusion of contaminated blood Melalui pemindahan darah yang tercemar II through the sharing of contaminated syringes Melalui perkongsian jarum suntikan III by a bite from the Anopheles mosquito, which carries the infective virus Melalui gigitan nyamuk Anopheles yang membawa virus A I and II only B I and III only C II and II only D I, II and III 11 Which of the following diseases is not spread by a vector? Manakah antara berikut yang tidak disebarkan oleh vektor? A Dysentry B Malaria C Mumps 12 Diseases normally caused by fungi include A ringworm and tinea B C gonorrhoea and syphilis D mumps and measles malaria and dysentery


13 The symptoms of a tuberculosis patient include I bloody phlegm II a thin body III persistent diarrhoea Kahak berdarah badan kurus cirit-birit yang berlarutan A II only B I and II only C I and III only D I, II and III 14 Which of the following statements are true about the virus? Antara berikut kenyataan manakah yang benar tentang virus? I Virus only infect animals. Virus hanya menjangkiti binatang II Virus can only reproduce in a living cell. Virus hanya boleh membiak di dalam sel perumah III Virus cannot be killed with antibiotics. Antibiotik tidak dapat membunuh virus. A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only

I, II and III

15 Figure 3 shows the antibody concentration in the blood of a student after vaccination. Rajah 3 menunjukkan kepekatan antibody di dalam darah seorang pelajar selepas divaksinasikan.

Figure 3 Which of the following is true about this student? Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang pelajar itu? A His body has developed immunity against a certain disease. Badan pelajar membina imuniti daripada serangan penyakit tertentu B His body will keep on building up antibodies throughout his life. Badan pelajar akan terus menghasilkan antibodi seumur hidupnya. C The vaccine injection was not enough to achieve immunity. Suntikan vaksin tidak mencukupi untuk mencapai tahap imuniti. D The antibody concentration in the blood will reduce if the student receives a booster shot. Kepekatan antibodi di dalam darah semakin berkurangan jika pelajar menerima suntikan kedua.

16 Which of the following is true about algae? Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang alga? A All algae are unicellular cells. Semua alga merupakan satu sel C Algae can only live in dry conditions. Alga boleh hidup dalam keadaan kering


Algae contain chlorophyll. Alga mengandungi klorofil All algae live as saprophytes. Semua alga hidup secara saprofit

17 Figure 4 shows four test tubes with its content. Rajah 4 menunjukkan empat tabung uji dengan kandungannya.

Figure 4 Each test tube is kept at different temperatures. Among test tubes A, B, C and D, which will have the cloudiest solution at the end of experiment? Setiap tabung uji pada suhu yang berbeza. Antara tabung uji A,B,C dan D, yang manakah menunjukkan larutan yang paling keruh pada akhir eksperimen? 18 Which of the following is true about bacteria? Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang bakteria? A Bacteria has no cell wall. Bakteria tidak mempunyai dinding sel B Bacteria is a multicellular organism. Bakteria ialah organisma multisel C Bacteria reproduces through binary fission. Bakteria membiak melalui belahan dedua D Bacteria exist in a crystalline form under unfavourable conditions. Bakteria membentuk hablur dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai. 19 Figure 5 shows two examples of microorganisms. Rajah 5 menunjukkan dua contoh mikroorganisma.

Figure 5 These two microorganisms can be classified as Kedua-dua mikroorganisma ini boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai A virus B algae C bacteria


20 Which of the following are the benefits of algae to humans? Antara berikut yang manakah kebaikan alga kepada manusia? I Contains chemicals that can prevent cancer Mengandungi bahan kimia yang mencegah kanser II Produces biogas from agricultural waste Menghasilkan biogas daripada bahan buangan pertanian III Used to extract antibiotics Digunakan untuk mengekstrak antibiotik A II only B I and II only C I and III only Paper 2 1. List down 5 factors that affect the growth of microorganisms. Senaraikan 5 faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan mikroorganisma. a)

I, II and III

__________________________ b) ________________________ c) _______________________ e) __________________

d) _____________________ 2.

The table below shows a few types of diseases caused by a certain pathogen and one of its infection methods. Complete the table with correct answer. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan jenis-jenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pathogen dan cara jangkitan. Lengkapkan jadual di bawah dengan jawapan yang tepat. Disease AIDS Flu Malaria Tuberculosis (TB) Cholera Pathogen Virus Infection method Sharing injection needle Water droplets Vector



Figure 1 shows a way of immunisation through vaccination in the human body. Rajah 1 menunjukkan cara imunisasi menerusi pemvaksinan badan manusia

Figure 1 (a) Name substance X. Namakan bahan X ____________________________________________________________________ (b) Name the type of immunisation shown in the figure above. Namakan jenis imunisasi yang ditunjukkan di dalam rajah di atas ____________________________________________________________________ (b) Name two types of diseases that can be prevented through this way. Nyatakan dua jenis penyakit yang boleh dicegah menggunakan cara tersebut ____________________________________________________________________

(c) For certain diseases, more than one vaccine injection is needed. Untuk sesetengah penyakit, lebih daripada satu suntikan vaksin diperlukan. (i) Explain why. Jelaskan _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (ii) Draw an immunity graph that shows the immunity level of an individual who has been given two of the same vaccine injections at different times. Specify the immunity level in the graph. Lukiskan graf imuniti yang menunjukkan tahap imuniti seseorang yang telah diberikan dua suntikan vaksin pada masa yang berbeza. Jelaskan tahap imuniti di dalam graf.

[6 marks]

Section C Study the statement below carefully.

An antibiotic will prevent the growth of bacteria. Antibiotik boleh menghalang pertumbuhan bakteria
(a) Suggest a suitable hypothesis to investigate this statement. Cadangkan satu hipotesis yang sesuai untuk mengkaji pernyataan di atas. (b) Describe one experiment to test your hypothesis based on the following. Terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis anda berdasarkan (i) Aim of the experiment Tujuan eksperimen (ii) Identifying the variables Mengenal pasti pemboleh ubah (iii) List of apparatus and materials Senarai bahan dan radas (iv) Procedure Prosedur (v) Tabulation of data Penjadualan data (vi) Conclusion Kesimpulan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Paper 2 Section A (a) Antibody (b) Active artificial immunity (c) Tuberculosis/Hepatitis B/Poliomyelitis/Tetanus/Measles/Rubella/Diphtheria (d) (i) To get a higher immunity level (ii)

Section C (a) Hypothesis: The antibiotic produces a clear area on the surface of agar (b) (i) Aim: To study the action of an antibiotic on bacteria (ii) Variable that is kept constant: Type of bacteria is manipulated: The presence of antibiotic responds: Clear area on the surface of agar (iii) Apparatus and materials: Sterile nutrient agar, penicillin discs, cellophane tape, label, bacteria culture solution, sterile forceps (iv) Procedure: Fill Petri dishes A and B with moist nutrient agar.

Put 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution into each Petri dish. Place the penicillin disc on the surface of the nutrient agar in Petri dish B using sterile forceps. Cover the Petri dishes and seal them with cellophane tape. Keep the two Petri dishes inverted and leave them at room temperature. Record the condition of the nutrient agar on both Petri dishes after two days.

(v) Tabulation of data: The presence of antibiotic Yes No Observation

(vi) Conclusion: The antibiotic produces a clear area on the surface of agar and prevents the growth of bacteria.

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