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April 8, 2013

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Global health gains under threat

NGOs outline risk in briefing book for Congress WASHINGTON (April 8, 2013) If the United States does not follow through on global health commitments, there could be a reversal or stagnation of recent gains in reducing maternal deaths and incidences of tuberculosis, malaria, HIV and other diseases in developing countries, warns a report published today, entitled Global Health: Investing in Our Future. In a tightening budget environment, it is important that the progress made in improving global health over the last few decades is not reversed by a lack of funding, said Samuel A. Worthington, president and CEO of InterAction. InterAction, in partnership with 15 other organizations, developed the global health briefing book as a resource for members of Congress and their staff on global health issues. The policy briefs intended for Congress show how U.S. global health programs have treated about 5.1 million people living with HIV over the last three decades, have come close to eradicating polio, and have saved more than 2.5 million young lives each year through vaccines. However, Global Health: Investing in Our Future also looks at what still needs to be done, such as bringing an end to preventable child deaths and providing proper sanitation facilities to over 2 billion people worldwide. The briefing book supported by 37 leading NGOs provides specific recommendations to Congress and the administration on how to achieve these goals and includes briefs on the following topics: HIV/AIDS Malaria Maternal and Child Health Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Neglected Tropical Diseases Family Planning and Reproductive Health Health in Humanitarian Response Health Research and Development Health Systems Strengthening Non-Communicable Diseases Nutrition Tuberculosis Vaccination Water, Sanitation and Hygiene For more details, see the full report. Click here for InterAction funding recommendations for FY2014.

InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based nongovernmental international organizations, with more than 190 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit
InterAction | 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 210, Washington D.C. 20036 | 202.667.8227 |

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