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SUBJECT CLASS : English Language : 4 Bestari DATE : 24.03.2003 DAY : Monday TIME : 10 a.m. 11 a.m. ATTENDANCE : ____/____

TOPIC: Places of Interest

SKILLS: 3.8.4. Read and understand simple factual texts by answering questions in relation to main ideas, details. (L2) 4.8.1 Write a message for a purpose. FOCUSED SKILL: Reading EXPLICIT OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; 1. read and match correctly 5 words with their correct meanings. 2. read and identify correctly at least four out of five true or false statements pertaining to the text.. 3. answer at least 4 MCQ comprehension questions pertaining to the text. 4. write a postcard message to a friend - Group A: will write the message in about 30 to 40 words - Group B: will write the message in about 30 words - Group C: will write the message in 2 3 sentences 1. Pupils have learned to read simple texts and answer comprehension questions in their previous lessons. 2. Pupils have learned to write a few sentences about a place. 1. Problem-solving 2. Meta cognition discovery of the learning process Appreciation of Natural Surroundings 1. Visual-Spatial 2. Naturalist 3. Musical/ rhythmic Preserving the Natural Surroundings Scrap Book Picture of a seaside, Lyric of jingle on Manila card, Cassette recording of jingle, Reading text, Work sheets, Vocabulary Chart, New Postcards





TEACHING/ LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Teacher puts up a picture of a beach / seaside scene. 2. Teacher uses a familiar jingle to arouse students interest. 3. Teacher asks questions pertaining to the picture. 4. Pupils answer. 5. Teacher asks other questions about their holidays. 6. Pupils answer. 7. Teacher relates this activity to the topic of the lesson


Set Activate previous knowledge: Induction (6 min)

Picture of a beach/ seaside scene

Multiple Intelligence: - visual - musical / rhythmic Teaching aids: -Picture of a busy beach -cassette recording of jingle -Lyric of jingle

Lyric of Jingle: Title: Lets go to the beach (Appendix 1) Examples of teachers question: 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Can you name the place? 3. Have you been to this type place for your holiday? 4. Where have you been for your holidays? Prereading (8 min.) Introduce Vocabulary: Match words from the reading text with their meanings. Eg. Words destination Meanings - A place for airplanes - A place for ships

harbour souvenirs lighthouse wildlife (Appendix 2)

1. Teacher puts up a list five words from the passage on the board and another list of meanings of the words on the board. 2. Teacher invites pupils to choose and match the correct meanings of the words on the board. 3. Teacher guides pupils wherever necessary. 4. Teacher may use illustrations (drawings, pictures) to make meanings clearer. 5. Teacher asks pupils to read the words and checks and practices pronunciation.

Teaching aids: Vocabulary chart Words and Meanings. Pictures and drawings Eg. lighthouse, harbour, etc

(25 min)

Activity One: Introduce Reading text: Title: Port Dickson (Appendix 3) Silent Reading and identifying True/False Statements Worksheet 1 Eg. 1. Port Dickson is a famous island.


2. In Port Dickson, you can see many oil companies. ______ (Appendix 4) Activity Two: Reading Aloud Read loudly and clearly. Pronounce correctly especially the words introduced in the PreReading activity Comprehension Questions for oral responses: 1. What did you read about in the passage? 2. How far is Port Dickson from Seremban? 3. What can you do at the beach in Port Dickson? 4. Where can you buy souvenirs? 5. Do you think Tanjung Tuan is interesting? Why?

Activity One: 1. Teacher gives each pupil a reading passage and a worksheet containing a matching activity for five true false statements 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read silently and complete the task. 3. Pupils read and complete the task individually. Note: Remedial work for group C: teacher helps the weaker pupils with the reading of the text. No task is given to this group. 4. When pupils complete the task, they exchange worksheets. 5. Teacher discusses answers with the pupils and they mark their friends work. Activity Two: 1. Teacher asks pupils to read aloud individually, in groups and as a class. 2. Teacher discusses the reading passage with the pupils by asking a few comprehension questions orally. 3. Pupils provide oral responses. 4. Teacher guides pupils to look for answers in the passage wherever necessary. 5. Teacher gives out worksheet 2 (Comprehension questions Multiple choice questions) 6. Pupils answer the questions. Teacher helps and guides the weaker pupils to answer the questions.

T/L material: - Reading passage - Worksheet 1

Remedial work: Reading with Group C

Note: Model reading if necessary. Inculcate Moral Value: Appreciate Gods gift of Nature and Natural surroundings. Worksheet 2 (Appendix 5)

CCTS/ Future Studies Question: Activity Three: 1. Teacher divides the class into 1. What must we do to keep groups of 4. our seaside and beaches 2. Teacher gives a CCTS cum clean? Future Studies Question to 2. Why do you think it is each group. important for us to keep our 3. Pupils brainstorm and write seaside and beaches clean? their answers in the paper provided. (Appendix 6a & 6b) 4. Some of the groups work is presented in class and the rest displayed in the class for the pupils to read Post-Reading (15 min) 1. Teacher asks students to take out their new postcards. Task: 2. Teacher provides them with Write a message to your friend some outline for their writing. telling him/ her about an 3. Using the outline provided by interesting holiday destination teacher, pupils write a short that you know. message to a friend. 4. Pupils are encouraged to use Outline for the message: some of the words from the - Name of place. reading passage. - Where is it situated? 5. Group A and B pupils write the - How can you go there? message independently. - What are the interesting places 6. Teacher guides and helps you can see in this place? Group C pupils to write 2 or 3 sentences about a place they know. Extended Activity: Group work: Preparing a scrapbook about a particular place of interest for the Class English Corner as well as for The English Day scrapbook competition. Information may be obtained from the following sources: Newspapers Magazines Brochures Internet C D Rom., etc Extended Activity: 1. Students are put into groups. 2. Teacher asks the groups to look for information on places of interest from various sources. 3. Each group has to produce a scrapbook for the Class English Corner as well as for The English Day scrapbook competition. 4. The class is encouraged to use the word processor to present their work 5. Teacher gives the class 2 weeks to compete the task Writing a postcard message:

CCTS / Future Studies Cooperative learning strategy

T/L material - A postcard for each pupil (commercial/ homemade)

Note: Students are encouraged to send the postcard to their friends and wait for a reply.

ICT skill is used to complete this task.

Closure (6 min)

Meta-Cognitive Closure 1. Teacher encourages pupils to remember what they did by asking the following questions: a) What did we learn first / then/ next/ lastly etc. in this lesson? b) Were you able to use what you had learned in your writing activity?

Activity One: 1. Teacher asks pupils some questions to think about the learning process. 2. Pupils answer. 3. Teacher ends the lesson by once again reminding pupils about the due date for the scrapbook.

Metacognitive closure

vpn.pv/upi/prac/3/2003 SELF-REFLECTION:

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