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Cell survival Lipid synthesis occours in the smooth endosplasmic reticulum.

Hepatocyte, for example,have numerous organelles involved in the synthesis of lipids. The lipid will be sent to the adipocyte to be stored or utilized when a person has been starving for quite a long time. In starvation, after the glycogen storage is utilized to produce energy, lipids will be the next substance to be catabolized. Many factors are involved in lipid synthesis in the form of energy or enzymes.

Pb-containing gasoline In 1970s Yogyakarta was still famous as bycycle city with fresh air and minimal pollution. But as time goes by, the number of motorcyclists becoming higher, thus the pollution level has increased,particularly carbonmonoxide pollution. Furthermore,nowadays to meet the community demand of gasoline, pertamina still produces Pbcontaining gasoline. Pb is a dangerous pupolutan for human health because it inhibits the amino levulinicacid (ala) dehydratase and ferochelatase enzyme activities wihich may distrup heme synthesis. Invisible enemay An employe of radioactive innsallaation utility Has been working in batan badan tenaga atom or v isited a dokor national atomic institute) for 2 years. This morning he asked his friend to replace him because he wanted to go to hospital. He was loosing weight, felt weak, and looked pale. The man told doctor that he always obeyed work safety regulations. Bone marrow examination showed depression of blood cells formation. He cant be popeye A seven-year old boy occompanied by his mother visited a doctor due to feeling weak and being pale. After physical and laboratory examination, the doctor informed his mother that his haemoglobin level was 7g% and his erythrocyte count was less than 3.000.000/mmC with microcytic anemia. The doctor advised his parent to serve their son a complete an balance diet and to vary the food every day. Our body guard Anton, a 20 year old medical student, has suffered from fever for three days. He found in the text book that his fever might because of an infection. He thought his fever was body reaction against micro-organism enganging in the phagocytosizing process. He knew that there were certain cells to do this job, e.g macrophages an polymorphonuclear which were equipped with lysosomes. Then he visited a doctor and the doctor gave him an antibiotic. Life perputation Meiosis is a special type of cell division in multicellular that reproduce sexually. This means that during their lifetime they produce sexual cells or gametes (ovum and sperm), which fuse together to form a zygote. This zygote in t which areurn undergoes development becoming a new organism, throught a series of two step divisions of chromo somes which are reduced by half; a process that gives rise to four haploid cell(four spermatozoa in males, and one ovum and three polar bodies in females).

Sel hidup Sintesis lipid occours dalam retikulum endosplasmic halus. Hepatosit, misalnya, memiliki banyak organel yang terlibat dalam sintesis lipid. Lipid ini akan dikirim ke adipocyte untuk disimpan atau digunakan ketika seseorang sudah kelaparan untuk waktu yang cukup lama. Dalam kelaparan, setelah penyimpanan glikogen digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi, lipid akan menjadi substansi berikutnya yang akan catabolized. Banyak faktor yang terlibat dalam sintesis lipid dalam bentuk energi atau enzim.

Pb-berisi bensin Pada 1970-an Yogyakarta masih terkenal sebagai kota sepeda dengan udara segar dan polusi minimal. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, jumlah sepeda motor menjadi lebih tinggi, sehingga tingkat pencemaran telah meningkat, terutama polusi karbonmonoksida. Selanjutnya, saat ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat bensin, Pertamina masih menghasilkan Pb-berisi bensin. Pb adalah pupolutan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia karena menghambat levulinicacid amino (ala) aktivitas enzim dehydratase dan ferochelatase yang dapat mengganggu sintesis heme.

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