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The volleyball, volleyball, volleyball, volleyball or just volleyball (English: volleyball), is a sport where two teams face on a smooth

pitch separated by a central network, trying to pass the ball over the net to the ground of the opponents. The ball can be touched or driven with clean shots, but can not be stopped, held, retained or accompanied. Each team has a limited number of touches to return the ball to the opposite field. Usually the ball is hit with hands and arms, but also with any other body part. One of the most unique characteristics is that volleyball players have to be rotating their positions as they earn points. There are several modalities. With the name of "volleyball" identifies the mode that is played in indoor track, but also very popular beach volleyball is played on sand. The sitting volleyball is a variation with growing popularity among sports for disabled and Cachibol practice is widespread in older communities. The Ecuadorian community divided by the world practice the local variant, the ecuavley. The Chinese community in North America has a volleyball league nine (nine man volleyball). With more informal Further models are practiced so popular in summer, beaches and tourist areas, like foot volleyball, water volleyball or the bossaball. Volleyball is one sport where greater parity between male and female competitions, both by the level of competition for popularity, media presence and following public computers. The playing field The playing field where volleyball is a rectangle 18 m long and 9 meters wide, divided into its centerline by a network that separates the two teams. Actually the game is also on the outside, in the free zone, provided that the ball does not touch ground or any other element. The free zone must be at least 3 m minimum in international competitions is increased to 5 m on the sidelines and 8 m to the bottom lines. The free space on the track must have a minimum height of 7 m in international competitions up to 12.5 m. A 3 m of the network, a line delimiting each field in the frontcourt, restricted zone where the actions of the players who are currently in defensive roles (defenders and libero). These lines extend outside the field with broken lines, and limiting projects representing equally all along the line, even beyond the lines drawn. All lines are 5 cm wide. The players contact with the ground is continuous, usually using joint protection. The surface may be roughened or not sliding. 1 The volleyball court

Dimensions Zones 1. Free Zone 2. Center line 3. Baseline 4. Sideline 5. Line Attack 6. Service zone 7. Defensive zone 8. Frontcourt 9. First referee 10. Second referee 11. Annotator 12. Dock

2 The network At the core of the field lies a network of 1 m wide and 9.5 to 10 m long, with two bands at the top and bottom edges and two vertical rods protruding on the sideline of the field. The upper edge of the network, the rods and the roof of the pavilion itself define the space by which to pass the ball to the attacking. The height of the net may vary in different categories, being in the adult categories of 2.43 m for men and 2.24 meters for women. The ball The ball is spherical and flexible circumference 65-67 cm, weight 260-280 g and internal pressure between 0.300 and 0.325 kg / cm . It is smaller and lighter than basketball or soccer balls. May be made from various materials but the most convenient and the leather is used. There are also occasionally plastic balloons can be used in practice. Clothing

As in tennis, volleyball players wear during the game shirt, shorts, socks, sneakers and knee pads. When continuous contact with the ground is usual protections also wear knee and elbow. At first glance immediately distinguishes Liberos players because they have a different color dress the rest of his teammates. The parties Time A match consists of three, four or five sets ("partial" in Spanish). The volleyball games are played best of five rounds or receiving blocks, as in tennis, the Anglo-Saxon name sets. At the moment one of the two teams won three sets won, win the match and terminating the confrontation. A team wins a set when it reaches or exceeds 25 points with a two (ie: with 25-23 win, but would have to wait 25 to 24 to 26 to 24 and so on, while none of the two teams do not get the two points ahead). If necessary the fifth time, set tiebreaker, the goal is low 15 points but also two ahead. This set thus has a shorter duration, but anyway, the duration of the meetings of volleyball is highly variable and can range from about an hour to even more than two hours. The fields are drawn before the game and the kickoff. Each set is a change of field and alternates first serve. If necessary the fifth. PAGE 3 set, final set, we proceed to a new draw and further ahead one field to the point reached by the first eight teams. Time-outs or downtimes Each team may request up to two rest periods of 30 seconds in each set. The time-outs can only ask the coach, and if not, may be requested by the team captain or game captain. In addition establishing official championships, ex officio, two 60-second technical time when you reach the first of the teams points 8 and 16 respectively of each set, except in the fifth set final. During time-outs, the players attend the game free zone next to the respective benches, where they can receive instructions from the coach. The other players may warm without balls in the free zone behind the service line. Arbitration The match officials in a volleyball game consists of: First referee: referee, sitting or standing on a platform next to one of the poles, opposite the bench, with elevated view over the net (50 cm). It is the referee who runs the game, as it indicates the start of each play, notes and decide which team wins a point and foul is committed, if the ball enters or goes out. It is also the only one with the ability to display cards or technical players and also indicates the end of the play. Second referee: assistant referee, located standing by the pole opposite the first referee, between two stools and in front of the scorer's table. Is located at ground level. Controls the incidents that occur in the outer parts of the field (scorers, benches, penalty areas, heating zones), interruptions or rest periods and soil condition and footballs. During the game checks the position of the players as rotations, players control changes and identifies network touches, penetrations below the network, or blocks per libero defenders and the positional faults of the receiving equipment and faults Rotation of the serving team. Scorer: in the table, located on the opposite side, facing the first referee, second referee behind, amid the two benches and outside the free zone. It is the referee in charge of scoring points, substitutions and rotations of the two teams, he being in charge of the second referee to indicate if a team makes a mistake in the service order or improper changes or interruptions. Assistant Scorer: on the table, next to the scorer, facing the first referee, second referee behind, amid the two benches and outside the free zone. It is the referee in charge of recording the libero player changes and record the minutes electronically competition of CEV (European Volleyball Confederation). 2 or 4 line judges: in the corners, if only two diagonally right of every referee. Its function is to indicate to the referee if the ball lands on or off the field, if the ball goes out it is touched by a player, Page 4 at the appropriate place and assists the first referee in the friction of the players with the ball. Although each referee performs a particular function, the referee is the one with all the power of decision on any play. Hardware Each team plays six players can be replaced with conditions. Three of the players are the front line in attack tasks and the other three are placed behind and act defenders or defenders. The entire team it can form a maximum of 14 players (12 plus 2 sweepers), a coach, an assistant coach, a masseur and a doctor. Each player is identified by a different number, from 1 to 20, number on both the front and the back of the shirt. One player will captain the team and is identified by a visible band under your number. The sweepers can not be captain and are the only ones who can and have to wear a different dress, usually of different colors to the team.

Rotations in volleyball PAGE 5

Rotations When a team scores a point, will be in charge of putting the ball in play. When the kick snatches the contrary, the six players have to rotate their position on the field in the direction of clockwise. This makes all the players go in alternating positions front and backs. For the setup is correct, it is not necessary a given geometry, but simply that when you start each point, in the hit, each having at least one front foot ahead of the corresponding full-back, and within the same line the sides at least a

foot outside the player at the center position. From that time each player may move freely following the game. With these rules, the original provisions can be very colorful and the resulting strategies open enough. Before beginning each September delivery coach referees the list of players who will play the set. By analogy, the numbers 1 to 6 are used to designate the corresponding parts of the country (ie: zone two, zone four, ...). Libero In a match can be aligned to two special players called sweepers. A libero is a defensive player who can enter and leave the field continuously replacing any of the other players when they are in rotation on the defensive. The object of the introduction of the post is sweeper of attacking players, usually very high, thus providing poor performance in reception. The sweepers are easily recognizable because they wear a uniform of a different color to the rest of the team. The Libero: Can not be team captain or game captain. You can not remove. You can not block or attempt to block. You can not complete an attack hit when the ball is completely above the net. You can make an overhand pass in the front or front zone, if the attacker hit the ball below the uppe r edge of the network. Page 6 On the latter, there is a fault if a forearm pass or if the ball is returned to the hand with a low pass. He considers himself libero makes an attack at fault when the ball above the top edge of the network from anywhere in your field and sends it to the opposite field. The libero in play at all times will be the acting Libero and libero may be a second booking. The coach can switch to libero libero acting for second after each play of the game at any time. The change can be made with the libero on track, in which case the player initially replaced by the first of which will track undoing substitution with the second. In the women's NCAA college football in the U.S. and in other lower categories the libero can take the throw itself but only in a rotation, that is, in the place of one of the players by being input. Changes Players of the initial formation of each set can be replaced only once in the set and then undoing the change return by the player who replaced him. Thus, the maximum number of substitutions is six, one for each player. Not counted here the inputs and outputs of the sweepers. In turn, the substitute player can not replace more than one player per set. Changes are made, except for the libero, the area enclosed between the three-meter line and the network. Quick replacement For individual replacement substitute player must approach, with the game stopped, to the substitution zone showing a tablet with the number of the player you are replacing. The scorer will trigger the horn or whistle to authorize replacement and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Collective substitutions will be made in the same way that individual, partner to partner, allowing the scorer write substitutions in the minutes. Liberos tickets Movements in and out of the field by the sweepers are made with pieces going through the area enclosed between the three-meter line and the bottom line and do not require prior notice or consent. Between each output sweeper and a new entry must mediate at least one play. PAGE 7 Basic rules Point is achieved when the opposing team commits any of the following offenses or offenses: If the ball touches the ground inside the field, whether the latter one corresponds to a player touches itself as one of the opposing team. If the ball just outside the rink, is a misguided attack on the opponent or a mistake in trying to defend. Lack corresponds to the player and the team that last touched the ball once, and instead point is scored. It is considered to be the contact with the roof, public or any element of the pavilion, or the same colleges. Contact with the net, poles or rods on the outside to the sidebands is also out. Exceeding the number of three hits allowed without having gone to the opposite field, or if a player touches it twice consecutively the ball. As an exception, if block touch, that first touch is not accounted for the lack of equipment and four hits for double single. If the kick when players are positioned incorrectly, that is, that is not fit ted to the corresponding rotation. If the ball touch is incorrect and there retention or accompaniment (double in this case). If a back row player attacks beyond the attack line. The Libero can not participate in any way in the lock and has restricted the attack, as has been seen. If a player enters the opponent's court under the net by interfering with the play of the opponent, or if one foot completely crossed the center line. If on the contrary impedes network touching or touching the top or uppe r rods when playing the ball. Contact is permitted as long as the network does not interfere with the game. It makes a reception with missing fingers (double contact). Page8




Auction PAGE 9

Blockade Technical Basics Main article: Volleyball Technique. Various techniques are used to propel the ball in various game situations. In all of them the ball must be beaten, not caught or thrown. Retention, drag or accompaniment of the ball is missing. The arbitral discretion in the application of this standard is common source of controversy for the fans who attend the games. Service or remove Each point begins with a serve the ball from behind the baseline. He throws the ball into the air and hit to the opposite field looking for the weak points of the opponent's defense. It can be done standing or jumping. Orientation is important to remove because the rival who is forced to get the shot, is limited to participate in the subsequent attack. Blockade Is action to intercept any attack the opposing team at the net jumping with arms raised looking directly return the ball to the opposite field, or failing that, shake the front court to induce him to take the ball off the field game. The lock can be up to three players (three forwards) to increase the chances of interception. Also important here will aid the second line to retrieve the ball in case of a lock failure. One of the options available to the attacker jump is just not help but throw the ball with force directly against the blockade forcing the ruling and the corresponding lack. Reception Intercept and control a ball, aiming for another partner in good condition to play. The low balls received with forearms united front to the waist and fingers high above his head. In other cases it takes more spectacular moves. Page10 abdomen stretching the arm to bounce the ball on the hand rather than on the ground and avoid the point. Techniques are used forearm, broadcast, pitch or hit with any part of the body as a last resort. Apply different techniques to serve reception, to defend against various attacks to retrieve balls or poorly controlled in a block or previous touch. Placement Normally the second touch is intended to provide a ball in optimal conditions for the third hit an auctioneer finally put him to the opposite field. Placement is done raising his hands with an overhand pass, the most accurate pass in volleyball. The setter is in his hand (and his head) distributing the responsibility to go over the game ball to different auctioneers and different areas. Attack-shot The player, jumping, finally sends the ball hard to the opposite field looking poorly defended places, or against one's opponents in terms of speed or direction such that they can not control and the ball goes out. The player can also choose fake cheating or leaving the end a soft ball that is not expected on the contrary. Although there are three team touches, you can make an attack (or fake) in the first touches to find misplaced or opposing team off guard. Different types are named with the number of attacks in the area: Attack defender: Is performing those found in defensive positions without exceeding the 3 -meter line. 4 Attack: The attack the attacker performing located in zone 4. Attack 2: the attack is performed by the attacker is in zone 2. Attack: The attack that the attacker performs zone 3. See also Volleyball Technique Sitting Volleyball Bossaball Volleyball in Spain Volleyball in Peru PAGE 11 International volleyball competitions Olympic Games Pan American Games World Volleyball Championship Volleyball World League Volleyball Grand Prix Volleyball World Cup

European Volleyball Championship Men's Volleyball Championship Sudamericano South American Championship volveibol American Men's Volleyball Cup Women's Pan American Cup Final Four Women's Volleyball References 1. Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts: volleyball 2. Official Volleyball Rules 2010 (English) External Links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Volleyball. Wikinews has related news Volleyball. Official Volleyball Rules 2009-2012 (PDF document) Manual Volleyball Coach Level 2 - Practical (Ch. 1) (PDF document) Vallecaucana League Volleyball: Volleyball History and Fundamentals tactical Dictionary voleibolero Volleyball World Wide (English) National Federations Argentine Volleyball Federation Colombian Federation of Volleyball Volleyball Federation Chile Dominican Volleyball Federation Ecuadorian Federation of Volleyball Royal Spanish Volleyball Federation Puerto Rican Volleyball Federation Venezuelan Federation of Volleyball Peruvian Volleyball Federation PAGE 12
Deshacer cambios

The sport of volleyball originated in the United States, and is now just beginning to achieve the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.

In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball. He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette).

Per Morgan, the game was fit for the gymnasium or exercise hall but, could also be played outdoor. The play consisted of any number of players keeping a ball in motion from one side to the other over a net raised 6 feet 6 inches above the floor. Play is started by a player on one side serving the ball over the net into the opponents' field or court. The opponents then, without letting the ball strike the floor, return it, and it is in this way kept going back and forth until one side fails to return the ball or the ball hits the floor. The side serving the ball earns points when the opposite side either fails to return the ball or allows the ball to hit the floor. PAGE 13 During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps "volleyball" would be a more descriptive name for the sport.

Rules of the game, established by Morgan: 1. 2. The game. The game shall consist of nine innings Inning. An inning shall consist of: when one person is playing on each side, one service each side; when two are playing on each side, two services each side; when three are playing each side, three services each side. The man serving continues to do so until out by failure of his side to return the ball. Each man shall serve in turn. Court. The court or floor space shall be 25 feet wide and 50 feet long, divided into two square courts, 25 feet by 25 feet, by the net. Four feet from the net on either side and parallel with it shall be a line across the court, the dribbling line. The boundary lines must be plainly marked so as to be visible from all parts of the court. Note: The exact size of the court may be changed to suit the convenience of the place. Net. The net shall be at least two feet wide and 27 feet long and shall be suspended from uprights placed at least one foot outside the side lines. The top of the net must be six feet six inches from the floor. Ball. The ball shall be a rubber bladder covered with leather or canvas. It shall




measure not less than 25 inches, nor more than 27 inches in circumference, and shall weigh not less than nine ounces nor more than twelve ounces. 6. Server and Service. The server shall stand with one foot on the back line. The ball must be batted with the hand. Two services or trials are allowed him to place the ball in the opponent's court. The server may serve into the opponent's court at nay place. In a service, the ball must be batted at least 10 feet, no dribbling allowed. A service which would strike the net, but which is struck by another of the same side before striking the net, if it goes over into the opponent's court, is good, but if it should go outside, the server has no second trial. Scoring. Each good service unreturned or ball in play unreturned by the side receiving counts one score for the side serving. A side only scores when serving, as a failure to return, counting for the opposite side. The ball hitting the net on the first service shall be called dead, and counts as a trial. Net Ball. A play, which hits the net, aside from the first service, is called a net ball, PAGE 14 The ball hitting the net on first service shall be called dead, and counts as a trial. Line Ball. A line ball is a ball that strikes the boundary line. It is equivalent to one out of court, and counts as such. Play and Players. Any number of players may participate that is convenient to the place. A player should be able to cover about 10 by 10 feet. Should any player during play touch the net, it puts the ball out of play and counts against his side. Should any player catch or hold for an instant the ball, it is out of play and counts for the opposite side. Should the ball strike any object other than the floor and bound back into play, it is still in play.



9. 10.

After reaching Japan and Asia through the YMCA network by 1896, a specially designed ball came to be by 1900, and over the next 20 years, rules were set into place. The Philippines created the "set" and "spike" in 1916 and six-a-side play was the standard two years later. By 1920, the rules mandating three hits per side and back-row attacks were instituted.

Japan, Russia and the United States each started national volleyball associations during the 1920s. And when U.S. soldiers brought the game overseas during World War II, the sport spread through the rest of Europe like wildfire. Shortly after, France recognized the sport nationally as well. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) made the game a non-Olympic sport in 1949 and the first World

Championships for men were held in that same year. The women's first world-level competition came three years later.

The Russians would dominate the sport until the mid-1980s with some challenge from Japan during the stint. The United States finally made their mark as the men's team won back-to-back gold medals in Los Angeles (1984) and Seoul (1988).

With beach volleyball stealing some of the spotlight away from indoor, certain traditions were dropped for the Sydney Games. Replacing the previous system where only the serving team could earn one, a point will be at stake for every rally. In addition, another agile defender called a "libero," who is free to substitute in back-row defense at almost every turn was added. PAGE 15 Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball. Worldwide, there are over 800 million people who play volleyball at least once a week.

Volleyball is a team sport played by two teams on a playing court divided by a net. The sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 24 million Americans who play volleyball. There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week. The object of the game is for each team to send the ball regularly over the net to ground it on the opponent's court, and to prevent the ball from being grounded on its own court. The ball is put into play by the right back-row player who serves the ball by hitting it over the net to the opponent's court. A team is allowed to hit the ball three times (in addition to the block contact) to return it to the opponent's court. A player is not allowed to hit the ball twice consecutively, except when attempting a block. The rally continues until the ball touches the

ground/floor, goes "out" or a team fails to return it to the opponent's court or commits a fault. VOLLEYBALL SCORING SYSTEMS o RALLY POINT SCORING The team winning a rally scores a point (Rally Point System). When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains a point and the right to serve, and its players rotate one position clockwise. The best of three or best of five games will win matches. Each non-deciding game will be won by the team that first scores 25 points with a minimum two-point advantage (no scoring cap). If there is a deciding game, it will be won by the team that first scores 15 points with a minimum two-point advantage (no scoring cap). o SIDEOUT SCORING Only the serving team may score a point, except in the deciding game when rallypoint scoring is used. When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to serve (also scoring a point in the deciding game), and its players rotate one position clockwise. Rotatation ensures that players play at both the net and the back zone of the court. A team wins a game by scoring 15 points with a two-point advantage and wins the match by winning the best of three or five games. In the event of a 16-16 tie, the team scoring the 17th point wins a non-deciding game with only a one-point advantage. In a deciding game there is no point cap



Volleyball rules are hard to keep up with because they often change, but here is a brief overview of the sport. To put it in simple terms, volleyball is a team sport in which goal is to keep the ball alive while it is on your side of the net, but to kill the rally by putting the ball down on your opponents side of the net You can score points in the game of volleyball in one of two ways: 1. 2. Putting the ball on the floor in-bounds on your opponent's side of the net. An error (forced or unforced) by your opponent which renders them unable to return the ball over the net and in-bounds on your side in their allotted three contacts.

The sport of volleyball is one of the most malleable sports around because it is played in many variations and on many different surfaces. Add to that the frequent rule changes, and it is increasingly difficult to keep track of it all. But here is a brief overview.


You can play volleyball in teams with anywhere between two and six players. Indoor volleyball is usually played with six players on each team. Beach volleyball is often played with two players. Four-person volleyball is often seen in grass tournaments and on the beach.


You can play on hardwood, grass, sand or asphalt. You can use rally or side-out scoring. You can play one game or the best of three or best of five sets. You can play to 15, 25, 30 or whatever number of points you so desire.


Play begins with one team serving the ball to the other. Each time the ball crosses over the net, a team gets three contacts before they must send the ball back to the opponent's side. Ideally, the three contacts will be a pass, set and hit, but it can be three passes or any other combination of contacts as long as they are legal contacts.

The rally (or volley) continues until the ball hits the ground or one of the rules is broken.

A Few Volleyball No-No's

You cannot:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Touch the net while making a play on the ball Step on the back line while serving (foot fault) Contact the ball more than three times on a side (A block doesn't count as a contact) Lift or push the ball Play the ball over the net outside of the antennas Contact the ball twice in a row (unless the first contact was a block.)

Winning the Match

The first team to score the agreed upon number of points wins the game. You must win by at least two points. The teams switch sides, the next game starts with a score of 0-0 and play starts again. In a best-of-five match, the team who wins three sets wins the match


Gameplay . Page 1-12 13-15 16 Rules. Page17

Index 18 Gamefieldpage 19-22 References page 23 Famous playerspage 24-25


Game field

students asking where do we go (sit)? looking for direction; who is more likely to just sit and comfortably have a sense of place without direction? - bleachers colored with where the rows/steps are; why do we need that symbol? Is there anarchy without us being shown where to step? What are some other ways we are shown where to be, drive, sit, etc? - why did some players have a different jersey? - the presentation of championship status: hanging banners - the status of being part of a validated/accredited club: NCAA symbol on wall, conference banner - acknowledging other members of organizations of scale: conference teams page 19 - player look of disgust after a missed shot; was she mad at self for missed opportunity or rather upset for the team that the situation/shot was out of reach? - the fans (aw shucks) dismay, is that an automatic or planned reaction? - what reason do they play song during breaks? to prevent awkwardness? why did they bleep the swearing in Whoomp There It Is? (why hip hop?) - when some males (not in class) walked in, did they have a strut? - team shoe: does that indicate more solidarity than a poor school that doesnt have them? - were there any black or minority players? overweight? short? - no personalized names on jerseys? - were they running planned plays? any strategy? how did you know? (formations, yelling numbers) - did anybody in class have a recognition of the two girls involved with team who are from our class? - did you see any real leaders out there? - while you were studying the crowd, did you get up and walk around to get a different view? should you have? - as a researcher, how did you yourself feel? bored? lost or confused? - how was the crowd dressed?

- sounds weird, but how did you know this was an athletic event? sweat and red faces? scoreboard? - where was the concession stand? was it a focal point? is it more so at other sports/levels/arenas? - did the Chilis marketing seem appropriate? Cost 2/$20, pitch gather with your friends - why the Canadian flag? - when are we more likely to use players first name instead of last name when yelling? - how is the environment different here than MSU? Low ceiling, ball could hit it! - male coaches? male refs? Page 20

- what are the boundaries between fan and player? sound? maybe physical? sort of How did fans react when a ball came into the stands? - who (anybody from class?) did the halftime activity serving peppers? Why them? Why did others choose not to? - were the Chilis servers doing over or underhand? Why? - did you hear cheers for those doing the halftime activity? Are those cheers different than cheers for players? - why didnt any of the player try the halftime activity? eligibility? fairness? awkwardness? - was anybody there drunk? did you hear OR see any vulgarity? (I saw use of chewing tobacco) - give me your thoughts on the gender and sexuality going on here (also: think function of ponytails and uniforms) - where was the band? - why isnt anybody protesting their sweatshop-made uniforms? - did you notice any intimidation? was there any subtle intimidation? - do we cheer violent sports differently? - why do we need an announcer? Are we that dumb? Is it a courtesy or an expectation? - why do we eat popcorn and not oatmeal?

- did any of you take pictures, record, or grab a program? (thats great data) - why did the teams switch sides? what way did you see a defense of territory? - how is this phenomenon different than 1950s, 80s, etc? Smoking? Dress? - any deception? (Fake spikes) - how was the sound different when a player dove/hurt? (Ooooooh) - it took me four games to realize I was sitting next to the AD, I think. How did I realize it? - did/does a controversial play amp up emotion on subsequent plays? - no cheerleaders? Page21

Page 22



Famous volleyball players (personal opinion)

Logan Tom Tom was MVP of the NCAA Final Four in 2001. In the Sydney 2000 Olympics, at 19, Logan Tom was the youngest player on the National Team, yet she started for the team and placed fourth.

Steve Timmons Considered a pioneer of back row hitting, Steve Timmons combined with his outstanding front row attacking skills made him an unstoppable force. In 1984, Steve Timmons was named MVP of the Olympics by the FIVB after leading USA to a Gold medal.

24 Paula Weishoff Paula Weishoff is one of only 4 USA women's volleyball players to compete in 3 different Olympics. Throughout her career, Paula Weishoff was a dominating blocker and server. Paula is the only American volleyball player to have played in Olympic Games 12 years apart (silver in 84, bronze in 92)

Flo Hyman One of the greatest and most famous volleyball players of her generation. She was named All World and selected as the Most Valuable Player in countless international tournaments, as well as being named to numerous All-Star Teams. In 1985 she was named one of the All-Time Great Volleyball Players.


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