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Earth Day Nature Walk on Blueberry Mountain, April 21, 2013

For further information contact Howard Clifford at (613) 259-3412 or email
> THE MOUNTAIN IS CALLING ALL 80 YEAR OLDS - AND KIDS! > > This year's Annual Earth Day Nature Walk to Blueberry Mountain takes place on Sunday, April 21st, hosted by the Clifford family and the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust (MMLTC). In keeping with the theme of Nature for All Ages, all those 80 and over as well as children who climb the mountain will be specially honoured. > > The Earth Day Nature Walk has become a wonderful tradition where families and individuals of all ages come together to enjoy a celebration of nature and support MMLTC's efforts to preserve beautiful and ecologically sensitive tracts of wilderness. To celebrate the oldest and youngest, cliffLAND has established thriving clubs for those 80 years of age and older, 12 years and younger, and 5 years and younger who reached the Blueberry summit. Club membership comes with certificates and of course cake to share with family and friends. But more important, the members take home wonderful memories of the peace and wonder of standing on the mountain gazing over the rich wilderness reaching to the horizon. > > Participants of the Earth Day Walk have the choice of taking the direct route to Blueberry Mountain or a half hour longer route to the top. The longer route includes a stop at an impressive old cedar grove, home to a magnificent ancient cedar. Blueberry Mountain, acclaimed as one of the Seven Wonders of Lanark County, is a marvelous setting for a picnic so it is suggested that you bring along a bag lunch. These guided hikes start at 10 a.m. sharp with the longer hike, having slightly faster walkers, starting first. > > Following the hike there will be refreshments and a dramatization of the inspirational naturalist, John Muir. Because John Muir lived such a full and complete life, past dramatizations sometimes focused on his conservation efforts or on his adventurous experiences in the wilderness. For the first time, this year's presentation will present the mystical side of John Muir and how wilderness contributed to his spiritual development. How appropriate for a Sunday outing and for Earth Day. > > cliffLAND is located at 502 Hills of Peace Road in Flower Station. A map is attached. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. to allow for a prompt start at 10:00. A donation of $10 a person or $20 per family is requested or in lieu of a donation, please consider taking out a membership in MMLTC. Either way you are contributing to a wonderful legacy to pass on to our children. >

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