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the GELATT family

our faith journey

March 2013

life change story

Solomon said there is a time for everything under the sun. Right now is a time of rejoicing for Keith and Stacie. A year ago when we met them at a conference we spoke at, they had just separated after 22 years of marital strife. His wordsIve had enough. I cannot do this anymore. Her wordsIve had enough. Until he changes I will not stay with him. So, what did we do? We prayed!! There are only 2 tools that can change a heartprayer and the words of God found in the Bible. So, we prayed for wisdom and help! God answered by telling us to contact a pastor friend who lived near this couple. As it turns out, this pastor and his wife had a very similar start to their now lengthy marriage. After describing the situation to our pastor friend, his wordsMicah, its like they (Keith & Stacie) are a mirror of where we were 20 years ago. So, we connected our new friends, Keith and Stacie, with our pastor friend and his wife. Over the last year, they have met together for counseling and mentoring dozens of times. Keith and Stacie are now back together, they recently attended a Love & Respect marriage conference in Wichita, and he called me the other day. His words nowWe are doing great. We are indebted to you guys. God has done a tremendous miracle and He has really been healing our marriage. So you have been a major blessing by connecting us with Pastor Bob and his wife. We are rejoicing for Keith and Stacie, and that we could play even a small part in their marriage miracle. The body of Christ has been given many gifts to minister. To the hurting. The helpless. The hopeless. This is an example of asking another part of the body to minister in a way we could not. And we had the privilege of seeing fruit blossom from this marital tree that looked broken and beyond repair. But that is when God, the Master Gardener, does his best work! Thank you for supporting us so that we can impact couples like this, and dozens more. We could not do this without you, dear friends! We have more stories to share, but will share them next time!

Missionaries serving in Kansas City w/ FAMILYLIFE, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ

the fruit of the womb

After much anticipation, our new baby girl was born!

Hannah Rae Gelatt

was born February 28th at 4:05 pm weighing a whopping 4 lb, 15.5 oz and measuring 18 inches. Her name Hannah means favor from God. We certainly believe that to be true. And her middle name, Rae, is the middle name of her grandmother, a Godly example of the Proverbs 31 woman. We pray that she would follow in the Godly legacies she has been given. Praise God! always praying joyfully in every one of my prayers for all of you because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:4-5

family scrapbook

prayer items
Home School Conference 01 We will be teaching 2 marriage workshops to potentially a few hundred people on April 5-6. Please pray that we teach well, and God uses us. Abigail and Grace 02 There are days we pull our hair out with these 2little but lovable gals. Pray that we continue to parent well. Weekend to Remember 03 The WTR for Kansas City is coming up in April. Pray that many would come, and that many marriages would be healed, and hearts would receive Christ. Spiritual Fruit 04 Pray that our many outreaches would bear fruit.

Oh, if you have ever spent more than 3 minutes around Ethan, his infectious joy rubs off on you. He turned 8 this month!

Our delightful Abigail. Her name means joy of her father! So true!

Graces life started out rough and in constant pain, and she has grown into the sweetest little gal. And she has developed quite the humorous personality! Watch out world!

Our big man, Josiah Robert, is growing into a strong, Godly young man. He continues developing his hard work ethic!

contact us
17912 E. 171st St Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 Micah 785.231.9478 Johanna 785.817.3997

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