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Another Solution of Apollonius Tenth Problem

Marina Gavrilova Jon G. Rokne March 8, 2000

Problem. The problem is to construct a circle tangent to three given circles in the plane. An equivalence between analytical and geometric approaches to the solution is explored. A new analytical solution for the problem is presented and a step by step geometrical interpretation of this solution is provided. We show that this interpretation can be constructed using only ruler and compass. We prove that the result of this geometrical construction is a circle tangent to given three circles, thus providing new geometrical solution to the Apollonius Tenth Problem.
tional geometry.

Abstract We provide a new solution for the famous Apollonius Tenth

Apollonius Tenth Problem, circle, ruler and compass, computa-

1 Introduction
Apollonius of Pergia lived from 262 B.C. until 190 B.C. As far as we know, he spent most of his life in Alexandria where he rst learned mathematics from Euclid's successors. He was known as the Great Geometer 4], and his main work was on conic sections. Apollonius also wrote further mathematical works, including On Contacts. This book contained the famous Apollonius problem: given any three points, lines or circles in the plane or any combination of these, construct a circle which passes through the points and which is tangent to the given lines and circles 7].
Authors addresses: Department of Computer Science, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4.

The particular problem of nding a circle tangent to three given circles in the plane is known as Apollonius Tenth Problem. Solutions to this problem have been given by such famous scientists as Viete 14], Newton 11], Euler 5], Gauss 6] and others. A reconstruction of the solution suggested by Apollonius is found in Heath 7]. The approaches to the solution vary, ranging from strictly geometrical solutions 1, 2, 9] to methods applying analytic 3, 5, 12] or synthetic 6] geometry and bilinear transformations in the complex plane 10]. The problem is often encountered in geometrical computations as evidenced by the quote in 3]: Can someone tell me how to compute a circle, which is tangential to 3 circles or lines? The problem has to be solved in any CADsystem, but in the literature I can only nd the solution for 2 tangents and a given radius. The aim of this paper is therefore to establish a correspondence between an analytical and a geometrical solution for the case of Apollonius Tenth Problem when the required circle is inscribed between the three given circles and there exists a solution (see Figure 1, case c). As a rst step we obtain an algebraic formulation for the center coordinates and the radius of the inscribed circle based on the law of cosines. This formula is then analyzed in order to establish a connection between the algebraic expressions and geometric objects (circles, triangles and their edges). Finally, the inscribed circle is constructed using methods of geometry involving only ruler and compass, thus obtaining a geometrical solution for the problem. Although the solution we provide might not be the preferred one for a CAD system as mentioned above, it provides some insight into the interplay between analytical and geometrical approaches.

2 The Algebraic Solution

Three mutually non-intersecting circles (A; R1 ), (B; R2 ) and (C; R3) with centers A, B , C and corresponding radii R1 , R2 and R3 are given. The problem is to construct a circle or circles that are tangent exterior to the three circles. In Figure 1 it is shown without proof that the problem can have either zero, one or two solutions. There are more solutions if interior 2

a)No solutions


b)One solution


c)Two solutions

Figure 1: Original problem can have zero (case a), one (case b) or two solutions (case c) tangents are admitted as, for example, in Figure 2. See 9] for the discussion of the total number of possible solutions. Let us assume that the circles do not intersect and that we always can construct at least one solution. We then have the following theorem.

Theorem 1 Let (A; R1), (B; R2) and (C; R3) be three given circles and as-

sume that R1 R2 R3 . Then the center X of a circle (X; R) tangent to the three given circles can be found as a point X = (r; ) in a polar coordinate ~ where system with origin C and polar axis CA

= 2 arctan

f sin

f 2 + k2 d2 ? 2kdf cos ? (r2 ? kr1 )2 (f cos ? kd) ? (r2 ? kr1)



Figure 2: There are more solutions if interior tangents are admitted



Figure 3: Circle (X; R) is tangent to three given circles with centers at A, B and C

r = 2(d cos + r ) : 1 The radius R of the circle (X; R) is found as R = r ? R3 R of a circle (X; R) tangent to three given circles (A; R1 ), (B; R2) and (C; R3) (see Figure 3). Let us rst note, that if R1 = R2, R2 = R3 or R1 = R3 then


Proof. Our task is to nd algebraic formulas for the center X and radius

the problem transforms to a trivial problem of constructing the circumcircle of three points. Thus, we can assume that R1 > R2 R3 . 4

2 d2 ? r1

r r


Figure 4: Three new circles with the same centers A, B , C and reduced radii ri = Ri ? R3 Accepting that a point is a degenerate circle, let us consider three new circles with the same centers A, B , C , but with radii ri = Ri ? R3 (see gure 4). The problem is now reduced to nding a circle (X; r) with center X and radius r = R + R3 . This circle is tangent to circles (A; r1), (B; r2 ) and the point C . The solution (X; R) to the original problem is then given by the coordinates X of the center of the circle and the radius R = r ? R3. Let us now consider triangles ABC , AXC and BXC and let us denote angles ACB = , ACX = and XCB = = j ? j and distances jAC j = d and jBC j = f . We do not assume that the point X must lie inside triangle ABC , so the case of < is possible. We also note that cos j j = cos , hence we can substitute cos( ? ) for cos(j ? j). Applying the law of cosines to the triangles AXC and BXC we obtain the following equations
6 6 6

d2 + r2 ? 2dr cos = (r1 + r)2; f 2 + r2 ? 2fr cos(j ? j) = (r2 + r)2:

By expanding the right-hand sides of these two equations, canceling the factors r2 in both cases and solving each of the equations for r we get the following double equation:
2 2 2 f 2 ? r2 ? r1 = r = 2(d d cos + r ) 2(f cos( ? ) + r ) : 1 2


By substituting

in (1) we get the following equation for : which can be expanded as

2 2 ? r2 k=f d2 ? r2 1


k(d cos + r1 ) = f cos( ? ) + r2 kd cos + kr1 = f cos cos + f sin sin + r2

which can further be written as

R cos + S sin + T = 0
with R = kd ? f cos , S = ?f sin , T = (kr1 ? r2 ). This can be written as R cos + T + S sin = R cos + T + S tan( =2) = 0: (3) 1 + cos 1 + cos 1 + cos Noting that 2(R cos + T )(1 + cos ) = (R + T )(1 + 2 cos + cos2 ) + (T ? R) sin2 we get from which (T ? R)(tan2( =2))=2 + S tan( =2) + (R + T )=2 = 0

= 2 arctan = 2 arctan

f sin

S 2 ? (T 2 ? R2) T q?2R 2 2 f + k d ? 2kdf cos ? (r2 ? kr1 )2 : (f cos ? kd) ? (r2 ? kr1 )


The radius r can now be found by substituting into (1). The solution (r; ) are the polar coordinates of the center X of the inscribed circle in the ~ . The radius of the polar coordinate system with origin C and polar axis CA circle is found as R = r ? R3 . Thus, we obtained the analytical solution for Apollonius Tenth Problem. 6

Lemma 1 If the denominator in the solution (4) of the quadratic equation (T ? R)(tan2( =2))=2 + S tan( =2) + (R + T )=2 = 0
is equal to 0, then the single solution for can be obtained as

= 2 arctan(?T=S ):

Proof. If T ? R = 0 in (4), then the equation (T ? R)(tan2( =2))=2 + S tan( =2) + (R + T )=2 = 0
becomes a linear equation

S tan( =2) + (R + T )=2 = 0:

This equation can be written as S tan( =2) + 2T=2 = 0 from which the single solution for can be obtained as = 2 arctan(?T=S ): (5) Let us note, that if S is equal to 0 then it means geometrically that the problem has no solution (circles are in degenerate positions). If we can construct the quantities from the equation (1) and equation (4) using ruler and compass, we will provide a new geometrical solution for the Apollonius Tenth Problem. Let us demonstrate that none of denominators of the algebraic solution can be equal to 0 (with exception of the case covered by Lemma 1).

Lemma 2 During the algebraic construction described in Theorem 1 the denominators of equations (1),(2),(3) can not be equal to zero, since it would contradict the assumption that the circles do not intersect. Step 1. We will show that denominator of (1) can not be equal to 0. Given the equation: 2 2 ? r1 r = 2(d d cos + r1 )



Figure 5: Illustration for proof of Lemma 2, Step 1 let us consider the point C and circle (A; r1 ) (see Figure 5). Let us construct the tangent from point C to circle (A; r1) and connect point C with the center of the inscribed circle (X; r). We will set an arbitrary point M to the left of ~ . We will prove the result by contradiction. Let the point C on the ray AC us assume that (d cos + r1) = 0. Then cos = ?r1 =d which means that

Let us denote the angle MCX = and the angle CAZ = . We get = ? and cos = ? cos = r1=d = cos . Therefore, we conclude ~ is parallel to vector AZ ~. that MCX = CAZ and that the vector CX Consequently, XCZ = =2. Let us denote the point of intersection between XA and CZ as N , and the point of intersection between XA and circle (A; r1) as Y . Since the inscribed circle (X; r) must be tangent to the circle (A; r1), jXN j must be equal to jXC j. However, in our construction jXY j jXN j jXC j (see Figure 5). This means that jXN j must be equal to jXC j, i.e. points C , N , and Y must coincide. From this follows that must be equal to . In Step 3 of this
6 6 6 6


2 is always larger than 0. First we show that (d2 ? r1 ) > 0 because of the assumption that the original circles do not intersect. Let us assume that 2 (d2 ? r1 ) is less or equal to 0. Then

lemma we will prove that this is not possible, arriving at a contradiction to our original assumption that (d cos + r1 ) = 0. Step 2. Let us show that the denominator of equation (2) does not equal to 0. We can also prove that 2 2 ? r2 k=f d2 ? r2

d < r 1 = R1 ? R3 R 1 + R3
which means that the distance between centers of two circles (A; r1) and (C; r3) is less than the sum of their radii. But this contradicts the assumption 2 that the circles do not intersect. Similarly, we can show that f 2 ? r2 > 0. Consequently, k > 0. Step 3. We will prove that the denominator of the formula (3): R cos + T + S sin = 0 1 + cos 1 + cos does not equal to 0, i.e. that 1+cos does not equal to 0. We will prove this fact by contradiction. Let us assume that 1 + cos = 0 or cos = ?1, i.e. = . From this follows that points X , C and A must lie on the straight line, with the point C located between X and A. We know that jXC j = r, jXA = r + r1 and jCAj = d. Then r + d = r + r1 and d = r1. But according 2 to the fact proven in Step 2: (d2 ? r1 ) > 0, we have that d > r1 . We have a contradiction which means that the assumption that 1 + cos = 0 can not be valid.

3 Geometrical construction
In this section, we provide a geometrical construction of the solution (r; ) from Theorem 1 using only ruler and compass. First we note that the quantities kd, kr1 and r2 ? kr1 are used in expression (4), which suggests that 9

f kr1 r1

kd d

Figure 6: Circle (Y; kr1) is proportional to circle (A; r1 ) they have to be constructed. We will demonstrate that those quantities are represented by the distance from C to a point Y on the line segment CA (to be constructed) and the radii rY = kr1 and rY = jr2 ? kr1 j of two circles with the origin Y .
3.1 Outline of construction

The construction of the inscribed circle is now sketched to provide a highlevel overview. We are concerned with three circles with centers A, B and C as before, but with their radii reduced to r1 ; r2 and 0 (degenerate circle) respectively. The construction proceeds by developing the various elements of formula (4) in a step-by-step manner. First, we will construct a circle (Y; kr1) lying on the line segment CA with radius kr1 such that jCY j = kd. This means that the tangents to the circle with center A and radius r1 from the point C are also tangents to the circle with center Y and radius kr1 and that the ratio of their radii is k. Let us consider the triangle BCY with sides CB where jCB j = f and CY where jCY j = kd and with the angle BCY = (see Figure 6). We note that the expression f 2 + k2 d2 ? 2kdf cos which occurs in the numerator of the formula (4) represents the law of cosines for the side BY of a triangle BCY . Next, we will construct the circle (Y; rY ) with the same center Y and radius rY = jr2 ? kr1 j = jr2 ? rY j. Then we will measure o two angles


~ . Two solutions for can be obtained as 2 and 2 . and from the ray CB Finally, we will measure o the radius
2 2 ? r2 r = 2(d d cos + r ) 1

along each of the rays obtained. The radius of the inscribed circle is then R = r ? R3 .
3.2 Detailed description of the construction

We now proceed with a more detailed description of the construction.

Goal. The rst major step is to construct the circle (Y; kr1 ) with the center Y lying on the line segment CA so that jCY j = kd. Geometrical construction. To accomplish this we construct two points Y1 and Y2 on the line segment CA such that jCY1j = k(d ? r1 ) and jCY2j = k(d + r1 ). Once these points have been found, the center Y of the circle (Y; kr1) is found as the midpoint between Y1 and Y2. The radius of the circle is equal to jY Y1j. For the construction of the points Y1 and Y2 we refer to Figure 7. Let ~ at points A1 and A2, so us note that the circle (A; r1) intersects the ray CA that jCA1 j = d ? r1 and jCA2j = d + r1 . Similarly, the intersections of the ~ with the circle (B; r2) are the points B1 and B2 and jCB1j = f ? r2 ray CB and jCB2j = f + r2. ~ so that jCA1j = Let us now construct points A1 and A2 on the ray CB jCA1j and jCA2j = jCA2 j. Similarly points B1 and B2 are constructed on ~ so that jCB1j = jCB1j and jCB2j = jCB2j. the ray CA
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.2.1 First step

Lemma 3 The intersection of the line parallel to A2 B2 constructed from the

0 0

point B1 with the line segment CA de nes the point Y1.

Proof. Let us construct a line from the point B1 parallel to A2B2 . We now
0 0

prove that the intersection of this line with the line segment CA de nes the point Y1. 11

A 2 A 1

B2 B1 B


Y Y2 B 1

B 2



Figure 7: Construction of the circle (Y; kr1) From the two similar triangles CB1 Y1 and CA2B2 we have the proportions jCY1j = jCB1 j or jCY1j = f + r2 : jCB2 j jCA2 j f ? r2 d + r1 From this it follows that
0 0 0 0

using formula (2) for k.

2 2 ? r2 jCY1j = fd + r = k(d ? r1) 1

Lemma 4 The intersection of the line parallel to A1 B1 constructed from the

0 0

point B2 with the line segment CA de nes the point Y2.

Proof. Let us construct a line from point B2 parallel to A1 B1 and get point
0 0

in the same manner as for the proof of Lemma 3. 12

Y2 as the intersection of this line with the line segment CA. We can show that 2 2 ? r2 jCY2j = fd ? r1 = k(d + r1)

2 D C 2
r Y*


Figure 8: Two solutions for can be obtained as 2 and 2

Correspondence between geometrical and analytical solutions. From lemmas 2 and 3 we get the following correspondence between geometrical construction and the algebraic solution. The two constructed points Y1 and Y2 de ne the circle with the center Y and the radius rY = kr1 . By applying the law of cosines to the triangle CBY we get a part of the formula (4) for the angle :

jBY j2 = jCB j2 + jCY j2 ? 2jCB jjCY j cos = f 2 + k2d2 ? 2kdf cos :

3.2.2 Second step

~ . Goal. Our task is to measure o the angle from the ray CB Geometrical construction. First we construct a new circle (Y; rY ) with the same center Y as of the circle (Y; kr1) but with radius rY = jr2 ? kr1 j = jr2 ? rY j. It is assumed that rY < r2 (the construction is similar if rY r2 .)

~ . Let the The new circle has two points of intersection with the ray CA point of intersection farthest from C be denoted by F (see Figure 8). We can construct a tangent to the new circle (Y; rY ) from the point B and denote the point of tangency by D. We can note that there are two such tangents, either of which can be used for the construction. Correspondence between geometrical and analytical solutions. From now on we will perform geometric computations and show that geometric quantities we construct correspond to parts of the formula (4) for the angle . We have constructed a point D so that:

jBDj = jBY j2 ? jDY j2 = f 2 + d2 k2 ? 2dkf cos ? (r2 ? kr1)2 ;

which is exactly the radical from the numerator in the expression (4). ~ meets CA ~ at a point The perpendicular from the point B to the ray CA E and we note that jBE j = f sin . Now, we mark o two points on this perpendicular at distance jBDj from the point B obtaining two points D and D . The lengths jED j and jED j represent the two values of the numerator in the expression (4) (correspondingly). We also note that jCE j = f cos and that
0 00 0 00

jEF j = jCE j ? (jCY j + jY F j) = f cos ? kd ? (r2 ? kr1 ):

The above formula represents the denominator in the expression (4) from the previously calculated quantities. Note: if jEF j = 0, then we have a single solution ( see Lemma 1). The geometrical construction of this solution is omitted in this paper. Let us now denote the angles EFD = and EFD = . We obtain

f sin ? f 2 + k2d2 ? 2kdf cos ? (r2 ? kr1)2 j ED j tan = jEF j = ; ( f cos ? kd ) ? ( r 2 ? kr1 ) q f sin + f 2 + k2 d2 ? 2kdf cos ? (r2 ? kr1 )2 j ED j tan = jEF j = (f cos ? kd) ? (r2 ? kr1 )
0 00


since all the required quantities were calculated above. It is clear that the two solutions for can be obtained as 2 and 2 . ~ . These two angles must be measured from the ray CB 14

A1 C




Figure 9: Construction of radius of the circle (X; r)

3.2.3 Third step

Goal. The nal step of the construction of the inscribed circle consists of measuring o the radius
2 2 ? r1 r = 2(dD cos + r ) 1

along each of the rays obtained. Geometrical construction. The construction is demonstrated in Figure 9 for one of the rays. We consider the initial circle with the center A. We also know that ~ that makes an the center X of the inscribed circle must lie on the ray CX ~ . When we construct a perpendicular AD from the angle with the ray CA ~ point A to the ray CX then jCDj = d cos . jCE j = jCDj is measured o ~ (if the angle is obtuse, then CE must be measured to along the ray CA the left of C ), and jEGj = r1 is measured o to the right from the point E . Then jCGj = d cos + r1 . If E is to the left of C then the solution 15

is unacceptable (the radius is negative). Now we measure o the length ~ and construct a line A1 H parallel jCF j = jCA2j = d + r1 along the ray CD to GF . Correspondence between geometrical and analytical solutions. Let us consider similar triangles CA1H and CGF . Using the algebraic formulas for the geometric elements, obtained above, we have
2 2 j CF j d + r d ? r 1 1 jCH j = jCGj jCA1j = d cos + r (d ? r1) = d cos + r : 1 1

Then the center X of the inscribed circle is found as the midpoint of the line segment CH . Finally, we can construct circle (X; R) with radius R = r ? R3, which will represent the solution for the original problem.

4 Conclusion
We presented an analytical solution for the Apollonius Tenth Problem and provided new geometrical solution using only ruler and compass. Most importantly, we established a step by step correspondence between analytical and geometrical solutions. The question whether there is a correspondence between other classes of solutions of Apollonius problem remains open.

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6] Gauss, C.F.: Werke. Vol. 4, p. 399 (1810). 7] Heath, T.: A History of Greek Mathematics. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 181-185 (1921). 8] Kline, M.: Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times. Oxford University Press, New York, p. 99 (1972). 9] Moise, E.E.: Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint. (3rd. ed.). Addison-Wesley Publ. C., Reading, Mass. (1990). 10] Rokne, J.: Apollonius's 10th problem. Graphics Gems II, ed. James Arvo, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 19-24 (1991). 11] Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 72-73 (1947). 12] Sevici, C. A.: Solving the problem of Apollonius and other related problems. Graphics Gems III, ed. David Kirk, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 203-209 (1992). 13] Van der Waerden, B.L.: Science Awakening. John Wiley and Sons, p. 262 (1963). 14] Viete, F.: Apollonius Gallus. Opera Mathematica, Leiden, pp. 325-338 (1646).


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