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Managing Emplo yees > Diversit y T raining

Cultural Diversity Training & Education in the Workplace

by Sherrie Sco t t , Demand Media

Diversity training helps improve employee relations.

Many co mpanies are beginning t o embrace t he need f o r diversit y in t he wo rkplace. Federal law pro hibit s emplo yee discriminat io n and exclusio n f ro m wo rkplace act ivit ies and benef it s. Suppo rt ing a diverse wo rkf o rce helps emplo yers remain in co mpliance wit h emplo yment laws. Emplo yers t hat invest in cult ural diversit y t raining can benef it f ro m impro ved emplo yee relat io ns as well as an enhanced abilit y t o int eract and manage emplo yees f ro m several perspect ives.
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Et hics

Business et hics is a mat t er o f mo ral values and has a direct ef f ect o n ho w dif f erent cult ures t reat o ne ano t her in t he wo rkplace. Diversit y t raining can help emplo yers and emplo yees ident if y t he values t hat are impo rt ant in suppo rt ing cult ural dif f erences. In addit io n, educat io n init iat ives t hat f o cus o n ho w dif f erent cult ures demo nst rat e t heir principles and belief s will help wo rkers underst and each o t her& amp;rsquo ;s po int s o f view bet t er.

Cust omer Service

Cult ural diversit y t raining and educat io n is impo rt ant t o suppo rt t he cust o mer service ef f o rt s o f an o rganizat io n. Pro viding qualit y cust o mer service acro ss many cult ures requires a so lid underst anding o f what dif f erent cult ures co nsider appro priat e behavio r. Diversit y t raining will help businesses underst and what barriers are af f ect ing key cust o mer relat io nships as well as impro ve co mmunicat io n bet ween emplo yees and t heir client s.

Supervisor T raining
Superviso rs are in a po sit io n where t hey have t o manage t he diverse perspect ives o f wo rkers and cust o mers. Managers are o bligat ed t o t reat t heir peo ple equally, but so met imes f all sho rt o f co mmunicat ing ef f ect ively wit h individuals f ro m diverse backgro unds o r experiences. T raining t hat f o cuses o n managing a diverse wo rkf o rce will help superviso rs co nnect wit h all t eam members and include every wo rker in t he act ivit ies t hat suppo rt t he co mpany& amp;rsquo ;s bo t t o m line.

Employee T raining
Cult ural diversit y t raining can help emplo yees impro ve t heir perf o rmance by creat ing a wo rkplace f ree o f judgment s and st ereo t ypes. Alt ho ugh emplo yees may have cert ain o pinio ns abo ut t heir co -wo rkers, diversit y t raining will help emplo yees reco gnize t he behavio rs t hat co uld po ssibly creat e a ho st ile o r unco mf o rt able wo rk enviro nment . Educat io nal act ivit ies abo ut cult ural variat io ns also pro vide emplo yees wit h a level o f underst anding abo ut o t her cult ures t hey may no t have had bef o re.

Mult i-Cult ural Workforce

Finding co mmo n gro und in an enviro nment rich wit h varying o pinio ns and perspect ives can be challenging t o so me emplo yees. Educat io n init iat ives t hat t each emplo yees ho w t o succeed and perf o rm o pt imally acro ss a mult i-cult ural wo rkf o rce can direct ly suppo rt diversit y ef f o rt s in t he wo rkplace. Diversit y educat io n enco urages t ho ught f ulness and co nsiderat io n bet ween co -wo rkers o f dif f erent nat io nalit ies and backgro unds.
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References (3) A bout t he A ut hor

Sherrie Sco t t is a f reelance writ er in Las Vegas wit h art icles appearing o n vario us websit es. She st udied po lit ical science at Arizo na St at e Universit y and her educat io n has inspired her t o writ e wit h int egrit y and seek precisio n in all t hat she do es.

Phot o Credit s
Asian wo man image by huaxiadrago n f ro m Fo t o m

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