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PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

PSII Classroom Management Plan

Curriculum Planning Theme of Showtunes Obtain Repertoire . Warmup exercises . Recordings of repertoire Learning Students Names, Other Information Obtain a class list beforehand Obtain or create a Seating Plan . Have a get to know icebreaker the first day . Send home an All about Me survey . send home a letter to the parents . Ask TA about learning/behavioural needs and who has behaviour plan. Classroom Rules and Procedures Obtain classroom expectations from TA Create five classroom norms. Reinforce often during the first five classes and continue if needed. Have class review the expectations with you . Find out how the students are to come in and out of the class . Decide if cellphones are allowed in the classroom . Find out where the students store their music. School Facilities and Equipment Music Library Choir Room (instruments, storage.) . Drama room (costumes, props, lightning etc) . Smart Boards . Gym School Policies and Procedures Lockdown Procedure Fire Procedures . Discipline policy teachers deal with the students on their own for the most part. Extreme cases are sent to the office to be dealt with by admin. . Late policy students who come in after the 8:15am bell must report to the main office otherwise they are marked absent with a phone call home. They must remain after school to make up missed time. . Absent policy all absences must be reported to the office by telephone, note from parent etc. Organizing Classroom, Materials and Supplies
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

Ask TA about the layout of the classroom What resources are available to you? . Location of photocopy room and code for copier . Where are basic office supplies located?


Strategies for Building Positive Relationships 1. Learn students names right away! 2. Introduce yourself to the students with an all about me game so they know you as an individual 3. Meet students at the door 4. Get to know the students interests Strategies for Building Classroom Community 1. The classroom norms will be posted in the classroom. 2. Make a hangout place the classroom if possible where students can eat lunch etc. 3. Talk to the students when I see them in the hallways so they know I am aware of them. 4. Have an open door policy so students know they can come talk to you anytime.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Listen to the Teacher Respect Yourself and Others Be prepared for class Respect the room and instruments Eat food elsewhere Leave your gum in the garbage Have fun making great music together!

Explanation of Classroom Rules (and how they will be introduced): The class will discuss together what kind of rules would be appropriate for the class and come up with five classroom norms. I will help guide this discussion and the norms that are created. Once we have come up with a list it will be posted on the wall.

Classroom Procedures
1. Attention-Getting Procedure Have a countdown 5-4-3-2-1 Use silence Raise your hand Verbal cues 2. Start-of-Class Procedure Introduce yourself Practice getting their attention Explain what you expect them to bring to class (music, pencil etc)
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

Go over the norms as a class

3. End-of-Class Procedure Go over clean up expectations Where their music should go at the end of class Practice proper clean up Allow for any questions 4. Question-Answering Procedure Students must raise their hands Other students should be listening respectfully Wait to speak until you are called upon. No blurting out 5. Safety Procedures Talk about where to exit in the event of a fire Go over lockdown procedures Talk about getting safely on and off the risers Go over the use and proper care of instruments. Talk about proper care of music folders and where to put them 6. Other Procedures: homework, lateness, absence, personal electronic devices (iPods, cell phones-secondary level) materials and equipment, clean-up, transition, announcements, etc.

Do announcements and attendance at the beginning. Homework can be given. The parents must excuse absences. Students are late if they are not in class by the 8:15 bell, must report to main office. No cellphones or ipods. All instruments and music must be put away and in their proper location before the student leaves.

Explanation of Class Procedures (and how they will be taught and reinforced): The procedures will be discussed at the beginning of the first class and we will practice things like coming into the classroom, putting away music folders etc. This way students will know exactly what is expected of them. If the students do not follow these procedures later classes they will be asked to do them properly. o For example going out of the room and coming in again properly, or putting the folders back and getting them out properly.

Strategies for Responding to Misbehaviour: 1. Moving closer to the offending students (mild) 2. Give the Look (mild) 3. Say their name once (mild)
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

4. Give them options. 3. Calmly ask the student(s) to remain after class. 4. If need be, arrange for a meeting with parents as soon as possible or a phone call 5. admin will be involved in extreme cases. 6. When meeting with the student, BEGIN by listening carefully to what the student has to say and try to understand what is motivating this behavior. THEN present your side of the story. Continue the discussion until you arrive at a mutually agreeable solution. Justification/Explanation of Strategies: It is important to put out the little fires before they escalate so the mild strategies like moving closer or giving the look help extinguish those. Students should not be made an example of in front of the class so that is why I choose to talk to them after class in a private setting because you never know what might be setting off the behaviour Giving students options for what they can do when dealing with misbehaviour can help avoid escalation of the issue It is important for parents to be involved with what is going with their child at the school and need to know what their child is doing. Relation of Strategies to School Policies and Procedures: Teachers are to deal with the misbehaviour of students unless it is an extreme case where admin should be involved The strategies above help avoid escalation so students do not have to be removed from the classroom or have parents and admin involved. However, the following expectations will be reinforced through these strategies as well: Part of the school wide expectations at Gilbert Paterson is for students to: To show consideration, courtesy and respect to others and their property To walk in an orderly, quiet and safe manner while in the school and during all school related activities. To avoid the use of profane language, inappropriate gestures and smoking while participating in school activities on or off campus or in the immediate vicinity of the schools property. To use school equipment appropriately and not get involved in activities that will harm or potentially endanger others. To arrive at school no earlier than 8:09 a.m. and to leave the school property within 15 minutes after the dismissal unless involved in a staff supervised activity. To treat all school property (walls, desks, lockers, floors, etc.) with care and respect.

Version 3.0

Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

To behave in law abiding ways. To dress in accordance with the dress code in this school because good social judgment includes knowing what is appropriate to wear.

In the classroom: 1. Students are to be polite to other students and the staff. 2. Students are to go to class prepared to work. 3. Students are to hand in assignments on time except under exceptional circumstances. 4. Students are to respect the schools property and the property of their classmates. 5. Students are to follow all other school rules as adopted by the staff or individual teachers/teams.


Grade/Subject: Grade 7 Choral Duration: 57

Lesson Plan #1
Unit: Show Tunes Lesson


General Learning Outcomes: SINGING - To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities relative to singing, and to establish and reinforce correct vocal techniques and skills. VALUING - To become aware of the history of music and the implications of music in our society with respect to music careers, its vocational and leisure uses, and to grow in the appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of music as a source of personal fulfillment Specific Learning Outcomes:

Practical 6 Identify dynamic markings and tempo indications Vocal 2 Develop proper breath control. Vocal 3 Demonstrate properly formed vowels and consonants. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Students will be able to:

- Demonstrate (B) proper breath control (P) while singing warmups . (C) (Psychomotor) - Identify tempo and dynamic markings (B) in Rhythm of Life (P) by highlighting them in their score. (C) (Cognition/Psychomotor) - Demonstrate proper execution of vowels and diphthongs in the given repertoire and warmups. (Psychomotor) ASSESSMENTS
Observations: - Posture - Breathing - Vowels and dipthongs - Pitch

Key Questions: Who can tell me what kind of genre of music was playing as you were walking in? How would you describe Broadway? What are your classroom norms? How should we be breathing when we are singing?

Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

What was wrong about the breath I just took? what is the time signature telling us? What do mf and mp mean? what does a breath mark tell us? What should we do when we see a fermata? What is the meaning of a decrescendo

Written/Performance Assessments: A completed list of classroom expectations Completed index cards Checklist for Posture and vowel formation


Resource #1: Alberta Choral 10-20-30 Program of Studies Resource #2: Score Double Double Resource #3:


Chart paper Index cards x16 Score Double Double Checklist for vowels and dipthongs Warmup sheet Pencils

PROCEDURE Introduction (_10_min.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: - I will be playing various kinds of Broadway music as they walk in. Q: Who can tell me what kind of genre of music was playing as you were walking in? Q: How would you describe Broadway? Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Q: What are some of the norms or expectations of your choir room? Q: What are you expected to do when you walk into the choir room and when you leave? - I will take note of the norms to keep as a list for myself. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The following Classroom norms will be reinforced. o Listen to the Teacher o Respect Yourself and Others o Be Prepared with materials o Respect the room and instruments o Eat food elsewhere o Leave your gum in the garbage o Have Fun making great music together! Students will raise their hands and wait to be called upon before they answer question or make a comment. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The Name Game Warmups Rehearsal

Transition to Body: Hand out index cards and say, When I am done giving instructions everyone take your pencils out, grab an index card that does not have your name on it, find a space in the room and sit down.
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

When you are all sitting quietly in your spots with all the materials I will explain what we are going to be doing.

Body (_40_min.):

Learning Activity #1: Getting to Know you On your index card you will notice the name of one of your classmates. It is you mission to find three interesting facts about this person but there are some catches: 1. You cannot find out facts from the person whose name is on your card. 2. If you know the person really well you cannot just write down facts yourself. Someone else mu write them on the card for you so by the end you should have five different peoples writing o your card. 3. Keep the facts positive and appropriate Once you have obtained five facts about your person take a seat on the risers. When everyone is back on the risers the students will introduce the person on their card to the class saying their name and the three facts.
Assessments/Differentiation: If we are short on time the students will only find out three facts about their classmates ADHD students may feel overwhelmed by all the movement. If this is the case I will pair them with people and place them on the outskirts of the group so they are not in the high traffic area.

Transition: Hand your index cards down the row to your right and each person come to the front and hand them into me. When I am finished talking you are all going to make a circle in the front of the risers. Learning Activity #2: Warmups Pick out students who are standing with good posture and thank them for standing correctly Q: How should we be breathing when we are singing? 1. Demonstrate a poor breath Q: What was wrong about the breath I just took? o Have students place hands on stomach to feel expansion in the lower abdominals 2. Me, May, Mah, Moh, Moo all on one note, move up one whole step at a time up the octave. o Review about vowel formation as needed. 3. Mommy mad me mash my M&Ms up to a Bflat
Assessments/Differentiation: Use vowel checklist Allow for movement by resetting posture in between warmups if ADHD students are getting fidgety Transition: Everyone needs to make sure they have their music and be back to their spot on the risers with castle on a cloud out ready to sing from when I being counting down from 20.

Learning Activity #3: Score introduction and note learning Double Double - Mini Score Scavenger Hunt Raise your hand when you find: - The time signature Q: what is the time signature telling us? - The key signature - Two dynamic markings Q: What do mf and mp mean? - A breath mark Q: what does a breath mark tell us? - Where the music splits into parts - A fermata
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

Q: What should we do when we see a fermata? A decrescendo Q: What is the meaning of a decrescendo we will start at the beginning to learn to unison part. I will sing the part four measure at a time and they will sing after me. We will do this until measure 55. We will go through it adding more measures together to make longer phrases. -

Assessments/Differentiation: If students are struggling with their part they will be placed beside a stronger singer. Have small groups of students sing together. Maybe try a canon? Always be watching for posture, vowels They will circle and write in their score all of the items on the scavenger. I will be able to check that they have done so. Sponge Activity: Begin working on Lifes A Happy Song

Closure ( _5_min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Q: What should we do to have good posture when we are singing? Call on students to demonstrate proper posture Review proper breath. Q: What is the meaning of mf? mp? Feedback From Students What is one thing you learned about Miss Appleton today? Do you think you learned more about how to take a proper breath before singing today?

Feedback To Students: Talk about what some strengths and weaknesses were in the warmups today. Let them know how excited I am to begin working with them and was glad I got a chance to learn mo about them today.

Transition To Next Lesson: Next week we are going to be officially starting our unit on Broadway and startin few more new pieces. I want everyone to come to next class with the name of their favourite musical or one that they have heard of. Reflection:

Lesson Plan #2
Grade/Subject: Grade 7 Choral Duration: 55 Unit: Show Tunes Lesson


Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template

General Learning Outcomes: SINGING - To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities relative to singing, and to establish and reinforce correct vocal techniques and skills.

READING- To interpret rhythm, melody, harmony, form and expression as they appear in musical notation through both.
VALUING - To become aware of the history of music and the implications of music in our society with respect to music careers, its vocational and leisure uses, and to grow in the appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of music as a source of personal fulfillment

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Vocal 3 Demonstrate properly formed vowels and consonants Practical 6 Identify dynamic markings and tempo indications Practical 2 Students will recognize and interpret simple metre 2/4 LEARNING OBJECTIVES

Students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate (B) proper execution of vowels and diphthongs (P) in the given repertoire and warmups (C) (Cognition/Psychomotor)

2. Identify tempo and dynamic markings (B) in Rhythm of Life (P) by highlighting them in their score. (C) (Cognition/Psychomotor) 3. Describe (B) what the components of the 2/4 time signature tell them (P) as muscians in the Rhythm of life Score. (C) (Cognition) ASSESSMENTS
Observations: - Posture - Breathing - Vowels and dipthongs Key Questions: - What do you know about Broadway? - What would you like to learn about Broadway? - What are dynamics? Define p, mp, mf, f - What is tempo? Can you name some tempo markings?

Written/Performance Assessments: Completed KW of KWL Chart Highlighted tempo and dynamic markings in score Vowel and diphthong checklist


Resource #1: Alberta Choral 10-20-30 Program of Studies Resource #2: Double Double Score Resource #3: Broadway Medley -


Chart paper Sticky notes x 30 Scores Rhythm of Life Checklist for vowels and dipthongs Warmup sheet Pencils

Hook/Attention Grabber: - As students walk into the room they will grab a sticky note - Have a Broadway music playing as the students are walking into the room o Ask them if they noticed the music playing o Have the students identify what kind of music it was
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template


Assessment of Prior Knowledge: KWL chart each student will receive a sticky not as they walk in and then they will fill it out and put it on the chart at the front of the room Q: What do you know about Broadway? Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will put their sticky on the chart and then return to the risers without disrupting the other learners The following Classroom norms will be reinforced. o Listen to the Teacher o Respect Yourself and Others o Be Prepared with materials o Respect the room and instruments o Eat food elsewhere o Leave your gum in the garbage o Have Fun making great music together! Students will raise their hands and wait to be called upon before they answer question or make a comment Advance Organizer/Agenda: Welcome to Broadway! Drumroll Please . . . . Rehearsing Begins Transition to Body: ask the students to check that their neighbour has put their sticky note on the board and stand up once both of them have done so.

Body (_45_min.):
Learning Activity #1: Welcome to Broadway! - show video - we will go over some of the sticky notes that we got in the know section I will give a brief description of where it came from and when it started. Assessments/Differentiation Passport they will fill out the first page of the passport ADHD students will be given more time to finish the passport questions if needed. Transition: Everyone needs to bring their passports up to the front and then make sure that you have your music at your spot ready for warmups in 15, 14, 13 .. . . . Learning Activity #2: Warmups. Now we will begin warmups . . . - Begin with some stretching to release tension in the body. Warmups will focus on vowels today - Me, may, ma, moh, moo on one note, moving up the octave using leaps. - Pick one of the vowels that majority of students were not forming properly and model the correct vowel formation - Have students imitate the vowel formation - Try again focusing on that proper vowel formation.
Assessments/Differentiation: Checklist for each student that indicates where he or she has demonstrated proper vowel
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template


formation. For students that struggle I will make their checklists shorter and focus in on only the very key objectives

Learning Activity #3: Score Scavenger Hunt

We will begin by going on a scavenger hunt through Rhythm of Life. Students will find: Where their part is (SA) The time signature The key signature Dynamic markings Tempo markings Any interesting rhythms An interesting word Any repeat signs Turn to your right and this is your partner if you are on the ends pair up with the person above or below you that does not have a partner. We will discuss as a class what we found on the scavenger hunt and then begin working on the rep Q: What are dynamics? Q: What is tempo? Can you name some tempo markings? Assessments/Differentiation: students will work with an elbow partner so if they do not what specific item is their partner can help them and vice versa I will draw popsicle sticks and ask them about specific items on the scavenger hunt Students stand up when I ask which part they belong to and have them point to where it is on their score. Partner check to make sure everyone is on the right part. Sponge Activity: We will review Double Double.

Closure ( _5_min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: The students will fill out the what section of the KWL chart before they leave class. Feedback From Students - Students will receive one more sticky note and write their response to the key question and put it on the chart Key question: What do you want to know about Broadway? Feedback To Students: Talk about how the rep was sounding and give them one thing to think about until next class Transition To Next Lesson: Next week I will open the lesson with a little mini spotlight on one of the Broadway plays. Reflection:

Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

PSII Classroom Management Plan Template



(*completed at the end of the practicum)

Successes/Strengths Problem Areas/Areas for Growth Alternative Strategies/Things to Try

Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

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