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Water Enterprise FY 2013 Core Operations Personnel Services & O&M Direct/Indirect Expenses (including PILOT) Existing Debt

Service Subtotal Project-related Costs Engineering Services Land Reservoir Construction Upper Roberts Meadow Dam Radio Read Program Replace Vehicles Waterline Replacement Meter Replacement Hydrant Replacement Water Shed Improvements Mt. St. Pump Station Generator Granular Activated Carbon Reserve Account Capital Reserves 1,983,926 699,354 2,520,510 5,203,790 FY2014 1,980,354 (less engineering services) 855,531 City Support, Employee Benefits, Other Direct Costs 2,467,140 5,303,025

150,000 200,000 100,000 0 100,000 40,000 350,000 75,000 30,000 50,000 600,000 0 30,000 60,000

50,000 200,000 0 ($366,547 encumbered funds on design services) 100,000 60,000 400,000 75,000 100,000 80,000 60,000

Subtotal Proposed Debt Schedule MWPAT Well Chlorination New Facility Design Upper Roberts Meadow Dam Subtotal



7,420 32,000 108,000 147,420

66,250 66,250

Total Revenue Required: Less Projected Interest: Less Leins/Misc. Revenue Projection: Additional Less Fund Balance Transfer: Actual Revenue Requirement: Collectable Units: Rate/100 cu. Ft. % Increase: Average Consumption/Individual/Year: FY2014 Impact of Increase on Individual: FY2014 Average Yearly Bill/Individual:

7,136,210 30,000 90,000 344,264 6,671,946 1,235,546 5.40

6,494,275 30,000 90,000

6,374,275 1,164,371 5.47 1.38% 3,400 Cubic Feet per Year $2.53 $186.13

Sewer Enterprise FY 2013 Core Operations Direct/Indirect Expenses Existing Debt Service Subtotal Project-related Costs Engineering Services Sewer-line Replacement WWTP Equipment Replacement Replace Vehicles Future Capital Projects Control Building WWTP Communication Upgrades Plant-wide Intercom and Alarm Systems 2,251,155 1,806,937 631,760 4,689,852 FY2014 2,314,136 Personnel Services and O&M (less engineering services) 1,713,905 City Support, Employee Benefits, Other Direct Costs (including PILOT) 648,651 4,676,692

150,000 400,000 35,000 15,000 380,399

300,000 1,400,000 35,000 40,000 60,000 340,000 160,000 65,000

Subtotal Proposed Debt Schedule MWPAT Comprehensive WWTP New Facility Design Industrial Park Sewer Line Replacement Subtotal



43,868 32,000 90,000 165,868

66,250 66,250

Total Revenue Required: Less Projected Interest: Less Leins/Misc. Revenue Projection: Less Fund Balance Transfer: Actual Revenue Requirement: Collectable Units: Rate/100 cu. Ft. % Increase: Average Consumption/Individual/Year: FY2014 Impact of Increase on Individual: FY2014 Average Yearly Bill/Individual:

5,836,119 43,538 218,098 5,574,483 961,463 5.80

7,142,942 43,538 200,000 1,160,000 5,739,404 961,463 5.97 2.96% 3,400 Cubic Feet per Year $5.83 $202.96

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